Chapter 4 - Chapter one, Part four
Submitted August 2, 2004 Updated November 9, 2004 Status Incomplete | The story of how Hiei and Shiei (orignal character) meet and fall in love. Also the story of how Shiei orginally an enemy of the gang now fights along side them!
Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho » Hiei |
Chapter 4 - Chapter one, Part four
Chapter 4 - Chapter one, Part four
Part four
They allate and talked until it got really late and they all went to sleep…. Yusuke,Kuwabara, and Kurama all slept on the ground …..Hiei and Shiei jumped intonearby trees to sleep………. Hiei dreams about his past that night……..
You seethree men and a boy discussing something by a campfire ….. Over by a nearbytree a girl sits and waits for them to finish talking…..
The firstman says, “She can’t stay with us…..”
The secondman says, ”She is old enough to take care of herself…..”
The thirdman says, ”She is no longer wounded she can go on her own now……”
The boy wholooks like a younger Hiei without his Jagan just sits in silence glancing atthe girl every now and then…..
The first manthen says, “All in favor in letting her go on her own say I”
All threemen then say, “I”
The firstman then turns and looks at the boy and says, ”Sorry Hiei we have to let her goI know you didn’t want to but we have to and you know the rules….No goodbyescause goodbyes lead to never having closure….”
“Hn! Yea I know……” Hiei said sarcastically.
The manthen says, “You should be the one to tell her….”
Hiei thengoes over to the girl by the tree…..
“Well….?What was decided?” The girl asked.
“You can’t staywith us…you have to go on your own….” Hiei answered sadly.
“Do I atleast get to say goodbye?” The girl asked hopefully.
“No…..Theydon’t allow Goodbyes…” Hiei stated “Stupid rules!”
“Do you remember that tree off to the north?” The Girlasked.
“Yes….what about it?” Hiei answered curiously.
“Meet methere after they are all asleep…..” Girl said cheerfully, ”We can say ourgoodbyes……”
“Fine…..”Hiei answered softly.
Time passesand the three men go to sleep….
Hieinotices that they are asleep and whispers, “Now’s my chance…..”
Hiei thengoes to the tree in the north and meets the girl there….
The girlstares at Hiei and says softly, “Well I guess this is the last time we will seeeach other…”
“Yea…..”Hiei answered with a sad tone in voice.
The girlthen stated, “We will meet each other again some day right!?”
Hiei staredat the girl and stated, “Yea I hope so… but how will we recognize each other!?”
The girllooked at Hiei strangely and then smiled slightly and said, “By our necklaces!”
Hiei lookedat her confused and said, “You mean the tear gems!? “
The girlsmiled and answered, “Yes I will always wear mine on this string and you willalways wear yours…right!?”
Hiei smiledslightly and stated, “Yes of course…it is the only thing I have from my mother…..samewith yours right?”
The girlstared at Hiei and said, “Yes…. The tear gem I wear is the only thing I havefrom my mother too……”
Hiei lookedstraight into her eyes and said, ”Yes….that’s how we will recognize each otherby the tear gems……”
Hiei’s eyesstart to water……… The girl looks at him and she starts to cry …..two red teargems fall on the ground in front of the girl….
The girllooked startled and said, “Here take these…. Put one on the string next to yourmother’s tear gem and keep the other one somewhere safe where you won’t everlose it!”
The girlhands Hiei the two red tear gems…..
Young Hieitakes the red tear gems and says, “Yes I will do that and when we see eachother again all I have to do is show you these tear gems and we will recognizeeach other!”
The Girlthen starts to walk away…..
Girl looksat Hiei and says sadly, ”Goodbye…”
Hieirealizes that she is leaving and not coming back. He then starts to starts tocry…….two black tear gems fall into his hands…..
Young Hieitosses them to the girl and says gently, “Keep one somewhere safe where youwon’t lose it and the other one on the string……”
The girltries very hard not to cry again and says, “I will do that and I will neverforget you Hiei!”
Hiei staresat the girl as she walks away and then he screams, “I will never forget youeither, Shiei!”
…………….Hieiwakes up!
Hiei staresout into the night sky and says, “What was that!? I remember that daynow…….when I was younger I met a young girl named Shiei but she was not allowedto stay with us……”
Hiei pullsa red tear gem out of his pocket…..
Hiei staresat the red tear gem and says, ” I have kept this all these years hoping I wouldsee her again…but I never did….I soon forgot about that day……..could the ShieiI fought be the same Shiei!?”
Shiei thenjumps down from a tree branch above and is staring at Hiei…..
Hieibaffled says, “What do you want!?”
Shieistares at Hiei very strangely and says, ” So you do remember that day don’tyou!?”
Hieiextremely baffled says, “What!?”
Shiei thenpulls out a Black tear gem from her pocket….
Shiei looksdown at the tear gem and then up at Hiei. She then says, “I thought you werethe same Hiei but the attitude was not the one I remembered…. So I just figured you were just anotherdemon with the same name…”
Hiei veryconfused now then says, “How did you know I remembered that night!?”
Shieisnickers a little and says, “Well you did just dream about it, didn’t you!?”
“What!? Yousaw my dream!?” Hiei said surprised.
Shieismirked and said, “What just because you can’t see other’s dreams with yourJagan doesn’t mean I can’t!”
Hieiextremely baffled then says, “What you see people’s dreams with your Jagan!?”
Shieicontinues to smirk and snicker. She then says, “Yes just one of the many skillsI have that you don’t…….now about that dream…..”
Hiei andShiei talked about the memories they had of the past together and what hadhappened since the night they went their separate ways… in the morning wheneveryone woke up Hiei and Shiei had already left…..The two of them left notesto ever body…
Shiei’snote: Sorry I leftso soon but I feel I must take my leave…..Hope we don’t loose touch…bye!
Hiei’snote: Well I takemy leave early! Goodbye you fools!
Yusukestares out into space and then at the notes. He then says, “Hmm… I wonder if wewill ever see those two again……”
They allate and talked until it got really late and they all went to sleep…. Yusuke,Kuwabara, and Kurama all slept on the ground …..Hiei and Shiei jumped intonearby trees to sleep………. Hiei dreams about his past that night……..
You seethree men and a boy discussing something by a campfire ….. Over by a nearbytree a girl sits and waits for them to finish talking…..
The firstman says, “She can’t stay with us…..”
The secondman says, ”She is old enough to take care of herself…..”
The thirdman says, ”She is no longer wounded she can go on her own now……”
The boy wholooks like a younger Hiei without his Jagan just sits in silence glancing atthe girl every now and then…..
The first manthen says, “All in favor in letting her go on her own say I”
All threemen then say, “I”
The firstman then turns and looks at the boy and says, ”Sorry Hiei we have to let her goI know you didn’t want to but we have to and you know the rules….No goodbyescause goodbyes lead to never having closure….”
“Hn! Yea I know……” Hiei said sarcastically.
The manthen says, “You should be the one to tell her….”
Hiei thengoes over to the girl by the tree…..
“Well….?What was decided?” The girl asked.
“You can’t staywith us…you have to go on your own….” Hiei answered sadly.
“Do I atleast get to say goodbye?” The girl asked hopefully.
“No…..Theydon’t allow Goodbyes…” Hiei stated “Stupid rules!”
“Do you remember that tree off to the north?” The Girlasked.
“Yes….what about it?” Hiei answered curiously.
“Meet methere after they are all asleep…..” Girl said cheerfully, ”We can say ourgoodbyes……”
“Fine…..”Hiei answered softly.
Time passesand the three men go to sleep….
Hieinotices that they are asleep and whispers, “Now’s my chance…..”
Hiei thengoes to the tree in the north and meets the girl there….
The girlstares at Hiei and says softly, “Well I guess this is the last time we will seeeach other…”
“Yea…..”Hiei answered with a sad tone in voice.
The girlthen stated, “We will meet each other again some day right!?”
Hiei staredat the girl and stated, “Yea I hope so… but how will we recognize each other!?”
The girllooked at Hiei strangely and then smiled slightly and said, “By our necklaces!”
Hiei lookedat her confused and said, “You mean the tear gems!? “
The girlsmiled and answered, “Yes I will always wear mine on this string and you willalways wear yours…right!?”
Hiei smiledslightly and stated, “Yes of course…it is the only thing I have from my mother…..samewith yours right?”
The girlstared at Hiei and said, “Yes…. The tear gem I wear is the only thing I havefrom my mother too……”
Hiei lookedstraight into her eyes and said, ”Yes….that’s how we will recognize each otherby the tear gems……”
Hiei’s eyesstart to water……… The girl looks at him and she starts to cry …..two red teargems fall on the ground in front of the girl….
The girllooked startled and said, “Here take these…. Put one on the string next to yourmother’s tear gem and keep the other one somewhere safe where you won’t everlose it!”
The girlhands Hiei the two red tear gems…..
Young Hieitakes the red tear gems and says, “Yes I will do that and when we see eachother again all I have to do is show you these tear gems and we will recognizeeach other!”
The Girlthen starts to walk away…..
Girl looksat Hiei and says sadly, ”Goodbye…”
Hieirealizes that she is leaving and not coming back. He then starts to starts tocry…….two black tear gems fall into his hands…..
Young Hieitosses them to the girl and says gently, “Keep one somewhere safe where youwon’t lose it and the other one on the string……”
The girltries very hard not to cry again and says, “I will do that and I will neverforget you Hiei!”
Hiei staresat the girl as she walks away and then he screams, “I will never forget youeither, Shiei!”
…………….Hieiwakes up!
Hiei staresout into the night sky and says, “What was that!? I remember that daynow…….when I was younger I met a young girl named Shiei but she was not allowedto stay with us……”
Hiei pullsa red tear gem out of his pocket…..
Hiei staresat the red tear gem and says, ” I have kept this all these years hoping I wouldsee her again…but I never did….I soon forgot about that day……..could the ShieiI fought be the same Shiei!?”
Shiei thenjumps down from a tree branch above and is staring at Hiei…..
Hieibaffled says, “What do you want!?”
Shieistares at Hiei very strangely and says, ” So you do remember that day don’tyou!?”
Hieiextremely baffled says, “What!?”
Shiei thenpulls out a Black tear gem from her pocket….
Shiei looksdown at the tear gem and then up at Hiei. She then says, “I thought you werethe same Hiei but the attitude was not the one I remembered…. So I just figured you were just anotherdemon with the same name…”
Hiei veryconfused now then says, “How did you know I remembered that night!?”
Shieisnickers a little and says, “Well you did just dream about it, didn’t you!?”
“What!? Yousaw my dream!?” Hiei said surprised.
Shieismirked and said, “What just because you can’t see other’s dreams with yourJagan doesn’t mean I can’t!”
Hieiextremely baffled then says, “What you see people’s dreams with your Jagan!?”
Shieicontinues to smirk and snicker. She then says, “Yes just one of the many skillsI have that you don’t…….now about that dream…..”
Hiei andShiei talked about the memories they had of the past together and what hadhappened since the night they went their separate ways… in the morning wheneveryone woke up Hiei and Shiei had already left…..The two of them left notesto ever body…
Shiei’snote: Sorry I leftso soon but I feel I must take my leave…..Hope we don’t loose touch…bye!
Hiei’snote: Well I takemy leave early! Goodbye you fools!
Yusukestares out into space and then at the notes. He then says, “Hmm… I wonder if wewill ever see those two again……”
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gaaraluv on November 29, 2006, 7:53:28 AM
gaaraluv on