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Chapter 1 - My story

This story is about me ( Sasukelover1) as Zelda. It's telling what would happen if every Naruto charecter was real and if I was apart of the Huyga clan. I just added the beginning because it made it easier on me.

Chapter 1 - My story

Chapter 1 - My story
My story

Im Zelda. I would like to tell you my story. About my parents , what clan Im from, and so on.

 Zelda. Can you come here for a moment? Asked my mother.  Yes mother in a second. I just need to finish cleaning my room. I replied. My parents were very proud of me. I kept my room clean, I did as I was told, I was even a very strong girl. ( most girls are weak) I was told I got it from my mother. I finished my room and went to the kitchen.  Zelda! Called my Father. My father was the leader of the main branch from the Huyga clan. Yes father? I asked as I came from the kitchen. I didnt know that on that day when I was only four that my life would change forever.  Mother Im going to train with father! I yelled.  Ok sweetie dont go past your limit! She replied. I ran outside and caught up to my father. We went to the room where we trained. I went inside after I had gotten really mad. Then I calmed down and went back to train. When we got back my mother was on the kitchen floor dead. I ran to her and cried. Hinata came in and saw mother on the floor and came running. She sat down and cried. I gave my sister a hug. She was only one. Hanabi was still just four months old.  Zelda, Hinata neither you shall never cry again after this moment. Said my father strictly. Yet when I looked at him I saw sadness in his eyes. ( I dont blame him. He just lost the most wonderful woman in the world and we dont even know who killed her.)
10 years later when Im 14.

 *yawn* Good morning father.  Good morning Zelda. he said. Whats for breakfast?? I asked. My father gave me a look that meant  Anything you want. I ate my breakfast then left. bye father. I said as I went out the door. I was going to ninja school and boy was I not prepared for the disaster I was about to be paired up with.  I will now announce the teams. Said Iruka sensei.  In team 7 are Huyga Zelda, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke , and Uzumaki Naruto. He said. I looked at Hinata. ( Her group was not yet called.) I lipped the words  I hope your not with Neji. And  I hope that they will be good to you. Now please go to room 207. Iruka sensei added. We left.  Man Everyones senseis have already come and taken them. Wheres ours? Naruto Complained.  Urgh. Stop your winning Naruto. Or Ill kick you so hard. I said. I was starting to get irritated.  Ok. Ill stop. He said. He was in a corner all curled up like a ball.  Wow. Zelda howd you get him to stop? Asked Sakura.  I just know how to handle it. Jeeze I had to take care of my cousin when he was sick one time so Im used to it. And my cousin isnt someone you want to hang out with. I said  Sorry Im late. Said Kakashi sensei.  Thats ok sir.. I said.  Well lets go. Said Master Kakashi.  Are we going on a mission? Asked Naruto he was coming out of the corner again.  Naruto what did I say? I asked with a threatening voice. ( The way my father had raised me made my mood all mean and strict and I was irritated and annoyed. I still respected my elders.) * Gulp* Was Narutos reply.
 We are going to tell each other something about ourselves. Ill start. Said Kakashi sensei.  Im Kakashi Hatake. Im your sensei. Thats all I can say. He said. I didnt pay attention after that I was just staring into space.  Zelda. Would you like to say something? Asked Kakashi sensei. Naruto nudged my arm.  Huh? Oh. Yes sir. I said. I sort of lost focus of what was going on. Yet after what Sakura said I had started to come back to earth.( I was thinking of my mother)  My name is Huyga Zelda. My mother died when I was only four. I started. I started to cry. I wiped my eyes and continued  I am a very strong and Independent young woman. I took up my mothers job. And I take care of my younger sister Hinata. My father takes care of my other sister Hanabi. I am the heir to the main branch of the Huyga clan. I finished. I was wiping my eyes with my sleeve. * I cant cry. Father will be so displeased. And so will Hanabi.* I thought.  Wow. We sure have a very set lady here. Sasuke would you like to say something? Kakashi sensei asked Sasuke.  My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I have no need of others. My goal is to kill someone. He said.  And we have Naruto. Said Master Kakashi. &&  You can talk Naruto. I said.  Im Uzumaki Naruto. Im a prankster. My goal is to become the next Hokage. He said Believe it! He added.  Well we have a very live bunch. One person who could care less of others, One who likes someone else, One who is a prankster, And One who is very Independent and very set for what she wants. He said.  So when do we get to go on a mission? Asked Naruto.  Naruto Respect your elders. I said  Or Ill punch you so hard. I added strictly.  * Gulp* was all that came from him.  No we wont, we will be training tomorrow. Said master Kakashi. So go home and get some sleep. He added. I went home.  Father Im back.. I said.  Im going to train. I added. I went to the room where we train. I finally got tired and went to bed.
I was up at 4:00 in the morning.
I ran to the room to train. (My father always woke me up at that time now and days.) After I trained I walked off. I saw Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke.  Hey Zelda. Said Naruto.  Hi Zelda. Said Sakura. Sasuke was silent. I just looked at them then walked away.  Whats the matter with her? Asked Sakura.  Beats me. Said Naruto.  Dont you know its not polite to talk about people behinde their backs. I snapped at them. They were quiet. As we went to where Kakashi Sensei was.  Today we shall be eating lunch here. But theres a twist. You need to take one of these three bells from me. He said. *  That wont be much of a problem for me.* I thought.  Go. Said master Kakashi. I ran from the spot in two seconds I was up a tree. ( I had been taught how to climb inanimate objects and I could walk on water. Hanabi, Hinata, my father and I had occasionally gone on walks and there were ponds so we would stop and my father would teach me how to walk on water. He also taught Hanabi so that every time I went on a walk with her she could continue it with me so it became a habit.) Sasuke and Sakura Stayed in the bushes. Naruto got Caught in a trap. I saw some darts go through the air. They were Sasukes. *  Idiot. He just fell for the oldest jutsu in the book. And people say hes strong and smart.* I thought. Kakashi sensei had used the substitution jutsu. I could tell by the look on Sasukes face that he was upset. I just smiled ( And not nicely.) I waited till Kakashi sensei came again. (After Naruto was stupid enough to fall for another trap). I used my Byukagan and I knew that it was the art of substitution again. ( I didnt see the Chakura points) I made Doppelgangers of myself and they went into seperet trees and they through Darts at the substitution. Then I could see the real Kakashi sensei and I went in to attack, But I wasnt so hasty. I went slowly and Quietly so I wouldnt get Caught. Then I ran quietly. Then stopped. I created a doppelganger of myself and it went in and it touched a bell. Then I really came out and I got a bell.  Wow. You really have great control over your chakura Zelda. Said Kakashi sensei.  Thank you. I said with gratitude. Then it was Sasukes turn. I went to watch. *  Man. Hes even weaker than Hanabi and thats saying a lot.* I thought to myself after Sasuke was beaten by Kakashi Sensei. I walked over to him. With his head only sticking out.  Wow. So this is the great Uchiha Sasuke Ive heard about. I said.  Just Shut up and get me out of here. He said.  Hmmm, Let me think. No. Buh bye. I said. Just as I left I heard Sakura Scream.
 Man Im hungry. Naruto complained.  Urgh If you stop. Ill give you some of my food. And I will only do this once. I said annoyed. ( Being nice wasnt exactly one of my specialties.) He was quiet. I gave him some food. Kakashi sensei came in front of us looking mad. Then he smiled  Congratulations. You pass. Said Kakashi sensei.  Yes woohoo! Yelled Naruto and Sakura. Sasuke was happy. I was happy too. I got home and Told my father that I passed.  Good girl. Now see what happens when you train? He said. I remained Silent. I just went to train.
four years later when Im 18
 Good morning father. Im going to train my team has a mission and I need to be ready. I said.  Good girl. Said my father. I was out training. I started to smile sweetly. I didnt care besides if my father knew then I would be in trouble ( My mother smiled like that and he didnt want any traits of my mother left behinde and he didnt like it when I smiled nicely to others. He so controlive and mean.) I tried to hid it.  Zelda. Started Sakura one day.  What do you want? I demanded.  Youve started to smile nicely and sweetly. Ive never seen you smile like that before. She said  huh. Uh. Hmm. Its because Ive changed since my mother was killed. I said. I started to cry. And then I wouldnt stop. Kakashi sensei went to get my father. ( He thought that something might have been wrong with me.) My father came running Hanabi was right behinde him. I was now on the ground crying Naruto was there trying to calm me down.  Zelda Stop crying this instant. Said my father strictly. I stopped crying. He told me that he never wanted to see me cry again in fact he didnt want me to cry ever again  But father I.. I started.  No buts. Ill see you at home. And Hanabi shall be waiting for you in the training room. Said my father.  Yes. And for this youll be training triple time. Said Hanabi. They left.  Man your father is strict. And that little girl is so mean. Said Naruto.  Shut up. This doesnt concern you. And that little girl is my littlest sister Hanabi. I said meanly. I just turned around and walked home. When I got home my father told me to go to the training room. Hanabi was waiting there. And she made me run seventy laps, sixty push-ups, fifty sit-ups, forty crunches, and then she made me practice my jutsus and my Byakugan.
When we meet Tazuna
 Good morning Kakashi sensei. I said.  Zelda were you training really hard? Your hair is very black. Said Naruto  Thats because I got a shower. I was training hard this morning. I said strictly.  Aww Man! Im starting to act like my father. Now Im never gonna have friends. I thought.  Oh Wait!! Father wont allow me to have any friends because Im always so busy training. I remembered.  Hello sir. I greeted Tazuna with a bow.  Hello young lady. He said. Tazuna talked to Kakashi sensei. Then Kakashi sensei explained to us what we had to do. Then we left. I had some lunches packed so if we got hungry then we could eat something.  Master Kakashi. I would like you to know that I made and packed some lunches so If we ever got hungry then we could have something to eat. I said.  Thats very nice Zelda. You came prepared. Said Kakashi sensei. We were half way there when I heard all of our stomachs growl with hunger.  I packed lunches. I said. I pulled them out. And handed them out.  I have drinks. I added. We all ate our lunches and drank our drinks. ( I had more drinks and more food incase we got thirsty or hungry again)  That was good Zelda. They all commented.  Thank you. I learned from my mother. I said. Then I got a flash back from 14 years ago. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.  Zelda are you ok? Asked Naruto. I didnt say anything. We were walking again I held back until they were all ahead of me then I started to cry. The flash back from 14 years ago was when my mother had died. *  I have to stop father and Hanabi will be so displeased if they hear that Ive been crying again.* I thought. Then we stopped.  Hold on theres mist. Said Kakashi sensei.  So what? Said Naruto as he kept walking.  Naruto stop and listen to Kakashi sensei. I said. Zabuza! Kakashi sensei yelled.  Didnt take you long to figure it out. Came a voice from the mist. A kunai came flying out of nowhere. He closed his eyes and listened for a bit. He threw Kunai in one direction..  Urgh. I cant move. A man realized. The Kunai hit him. He fell to the ground. We heard someone drop down.  Ill take care of him. Came the voice of someone.
We continued to walk. Soon we came to Tazunas House.  Im back. He said.  Oh dad. Im glad you made it back ok. Said Tsunami.  Hello miss. I said politely.  Are you one of the ones who helped my father? She asked.  Yes. I answered  Thank you. She said. It was dinner time. After we ate.  Someone was ripped out of this picture. Inari has been looking at it the whole time. Said Sakura.  Its Inaris father. Said Tsunami.  Back when in this town there was such thing as a hero. Said Tazuna. Inari left and we heard a bang of his door.  Father! I told you time and again not to mention that in front of my son. Said Tsunami. I went to Inaris door. Knock knock  Inari. May I come in? I asked.  go away. Inari relpied.  Inari I just want to talk. Please let me in. I said. The door opened.  May I come in? I asked again. Sure. Said Inari.  Inari I know what its like to be lonely. Actually I grew up without a mother ever since I was four. My father and my youngest sister have been urging me to train hard and I have. And Ive been a very good ninja. I havent used the fact that I lost my mother or that my life has been about nothing but training long and hard as an excuse to cry. I said. R..Really? He asked  Yes. She was killed when I was only four years old. And ever since then I havent been able to cry in front of my father or my youngest sister. So actually youre the lucky one you still have a mom and you dont have a power hungry father. He expects so much from me since Im the heir to the Huyga clan and once hes gone Ill have to take care of the whole clan let alone my younger sisters . I said.  Wow. Said Inari. *Yawn* Inari added.  Time to go to bed. I said.  Good night Inari. I added. I came out of Inaris room.  Inaris asleep. I told Tsunami.  How did you get him to go to bed. He never listens to me. Said Tsunami.  I told him about my mother and what its like to not have one. And about my father and my little sisters. I said.
The next day.
I woke up and tried to get up.  OW!! I yelled. Tsunami came running.  Zelda. You should stay in bed Kakashi said that you should rest. She said. I didnt listen I got up and walked off. ( Hey. Im turning into my father. Hes as stubborn as Naruto. Well actually thats not true. My father is just stubborn.) I then turned around and ran as fast as I could. I tripped about ten times but I finally made it back to Tsunamis home. I did what I could. Then I went and caught up with the others. Naruto was with Sasuke in a mirror prison. After Haku and Zabuza were killed we went to train.
After training on the way back.
*Sigh* was what came from me. I was far behinde the group. ( I had to limp so dont be expecting me to be in front of the group.)  Whats wrong Zelda? Asked Naruto.  Huh? Oh. Nothing Im just saying a poem in my head that was said to me when I was younger. I said. ( I didnt
want to mention my mother.)  Would you like to say that poem for us? Asked Master Kakashi.  Well theres more than one. I could say all of them if you want. I offered.  That would be nice. Said Master Kakashi.  This ones on achieving dreams: If it were all up to me, the poor would have riches, and the blind man would see, the hungry would eat ,and the weak would be strong ,and the people with hatred would all get along ,the ones with greed would start to share, and unfriendly people would start to care ,the thirsty would drink, and the deaf person hear ,and sorrow and sadness would all disappear, and that is how the world would be if it were all up to me. This ones on friendship: When you are sad I will dry your tears ,when you are scared I will ease your fears, when you are worried I will give you hope, if you want to give up Ill help you cope ,when youre lost and cant see the light, Ill be your beacon shining so bright, this is my oath that I pledge to the end ,why you may ask ,because youre my friend. On family: When monsters lurked beneath my bed, and scary dreams ran through my head, when thunder growled those sounds I dread, there you were ,my father, when scuffed-up knees made me cry, soft hankies wiped my sad eyes dry ,coaxing me each time I tried, there you were ,my mother ,who held my hand when I was scared ,ate candy that he should have shared ,the things I did because you dared, there you were, my brother ,in times of trouble times of need , I feel such strength surrounding me, without whose love I cant succeed ,I love you all my family. On death and dying. I said. I was starting to cry saying the one on family and starting the one on death and dying.  Shell stay with you as long as the wind blows, Shell always be in your heart , she didnt leave you all alone, she has eternal life ,her spirit is always within you ,and if the sun shines in the sky, and rain should fill the air ,and a rainbow lights up your day, know that she is there. * sniff* I had finished I was crying. *  I have to stop crying. Father and Hanabi will be so displeased if they find out. * I thought. I looked at the sun. It was going down.  Oh no!! I yelled.  I need to get back home. Father will be wondering where I am. He wanted me home a while ago. Im gonna get it. I have to go. Bye everyone. I said as I ran Home.
At my house.
 Sorry Father. I said.  Zelda you know better than to stay out later than when the sun starts to go down. Tomorrow your training shall be harder. he said as he looked at Hanabi. Yes sir. I said.
At dinner
Zelda you must train. Said my father.  yes sir. I said. I was just about to go out the door.  Father. May I train Hinata? I asked.  Why would you waste your valuable time training this hopeless girl? He asked. I was ready to say shes not hopeless, but then if I did then my training would be super hard.  Because I believe that I may be able to make her stronger. I said.  Ok then. But if she makes you fall behinde than no more. He said.  Yes sir. I said.  Hinata. I added. We went to the room.  Zelda. Why are you wasting your time on me? She asked.  Im not wasting my time on you because you will be the heir to the main branch after me. I said. We trained. I taught her some things. After Hinata and I trained&  Hinata starting tomorrow I will train you and so will your sensei, Kurenai sensei correct. I said.  Yes. She said. I looked at her.  Hinata I believe that you will surpass even Neji. So stick with me and Kurenai sensei and youll do great. I said.  Ill even teach you things and help you with things that you have trouble with. I added. That would be great Zelda! Youre the nicest person I know. She said Happily. I gave my sister a hug and we called it a night.
The next day.
 Hello Naruto. Hi Sakura. Hi Sasuke. I said.  Hi Zelda. Said Sakura.  Hey Zelda. Said Naruto. Sasuke was slient. Kakashi Sensei came  Hello everyone. He said.  Hello Kakashi sensei. We all said. We all trained I started to fall asleep.  Zelda are you ok? Asked Naruto.  Yeah. Im just. I started. I fell asleep. After a while I woke up and Kakashi sensei was with the others. I got up and walked over to him.  Are you ok Zelda? Asked Kakashi sensei.  Yes. I just trained a little harder this morning then usual. I said. I looked at the sun.  I need to go or else itll be even harder. Bye. I said as I walked off. I got home.  Father. Im back. I said.  Good and your on time. Good girl. Said my father. I just looked at him then I went to make dinner.
At dinner
 Zelda your sensei dropped by. Started my father. I looked at Hinata with scared eyes. The look on her face told me that she knew what was going to happen.  Yes father. I said.  And he said that you fell asleep while training. He finished.  is that true? He asked.  Yes sir. I said.  You know what that means. Said my father.  Yes sir. I said.  Your training shall be even harder. He said.  Yes sir. I said. Hinata and I finished our dinner. We went and trained. I cut it short today because I had to get some sleep.
The next day

I got up and trained.
I made breakfast then I went and trained with my group.
I went home early.
And I made dinner then trained with Hinata.
One week later.

Hinata we need to get ready. I said. We left to do the written part of the Chunin Exam. Hinata and I passed it with flying colors. The next one Anko did. She explained to us what we had to do. We went outside the forest then after a few more instructions we went in. We were in there for a few days. We heard a noise on the third day. We all stopped. It sounded like someone screamed.  So what are we going to do now? Asked Naruto trying to change the subject.  We might as well rest. Said Sasuke.  Yes. I said in agreement. We all sat down. Sasuke and I talked about making a password. Naruto and Sakura came over.  Ok. People have been transforming into each of us so we should have a password. Said Sasuke he looked at me. I went over to Naruto and whispered the password and I did the same thing to Sakura.  I thought it was going to be a password not pass sentence. Said Naruto.  Quit your whining at least now well know if its you. Someone else would try and guess. I said. Then I thought.  Sasuke what if I said the password aloud. I said. He got what I meant by doing that. Ok. He said.  Ok. The password. I shall repeat . I said.  A ninja strikes his opponent when his guard is down. I said aloud.  Got it. Said Sakura.  Got it. Said Naruto. We walked off. Naruto made a noise. I turned around and he was gone.  I wonder where Naruto is. I said. We kept walking then Naruto came up.  Naruto where were you? I demanded. I went for a walk. He said.  What is the password? I asked.  The password is A ninja strikes his opponent when his guard is down. He said. Sasuke and I both threw kunai at him.  Guys why are you throwing kunai at him. He got it right. Said Sakura.  Yeah. Said  Naruto  Thats the thing. Started Sasuke.  The real Naruto is too stupid to be able to remember the password. I finished.  Right. She said. A few minutes later  Naruto! Sakura yelled.  By the way.. Whats the password again? Naruto asked. After a while Sasuke got bitten. And a few days later Sasuke woke up and had markings on him.  Sasuke stop! Sakura yelled as she ran towards him and hugged him. We left and did the preliminary round of the Chunin exams. Sasuke and I passed and so did everyone else. Hinata went against Neji. After the battle he was still trying to kill her. After the senseis got him I jumped from where we watch the battles and I ran to Hinata.  Get her to the emergency room. I said. I looked at the hospital men with the stretcher.  We dont take orders from a gennin. Said one of them. I stared at my sister. Then I stared back at the men.  Get her to the emergency room. I repeated strictly. ( I was trying to respect them, but Hinata was badly hurt by our horrible cousin.)  Now! I yelled. They got her on the stretcher and left.  Neji. Why do you want to kill Hinata! Im the heir not her! I yelled.  Its because shes the weakest. Then Ill go after Hanabi. Then you. He said as Guy sensei brought him from the stage.  Cowered. I said quietly. Neji stopped right in his tracks.  What did you just call me? He asked.  You heard me. I called you a cowered! I yelled.  You think you know everything, but you dont. And you start from the weakest of the three main branch sisters then work your way up. A true ninja who wanted to do that would start with the strongest then work his way down. I said.  How dare you say that to me. He said. I ran up to him and slapped him right across the face.  Cowered.. Wimp.. loser! I yelled at him right to his face. I started to cry.  How dare you call me such things. I am destined for greatness. He said. I just stared at him.  No. Youre destined to die. To die in you attempt to kill all three of us. I will not allow you to kill Hinata and my father will not allow you to kill Hanabi. I look after Hinata, I take care of her.. I train her at home.. I even put some training aside to help her. So dont you be telling me that she isnt destined for greatness because she is! I yelled. I was crying now. Then I fell to the ground.  No. No. No. No I said.  Zelda whats wrong? asked Kakashi sensei.  I cant cry. Father and Hanabi will be oh so very displeased. Then my training will be even harder. Hanabi will surly figure something else out as punishment. I said.  See. You even drop in front of everyone crying. And telling yourself not too because your afraid of your five year old sister and your father. How pathetic. He said. He was walking away. I got up.  Youre just a scared little brat arent you Neji. I said. Again he stopped dead in his tracks.  What did you just say? He asked.  I said.. Youre just a scared little brat. Hiding behinde his byakugan judging others by their looks and their strength. I said.  How dare you. Youre the sheltered little baby of the Main branch. He said. I cried even more. I bit my lip.  Shut up! I yelled.  Shut up! I repeated.  JUST SHUT UP! I yelled again. I was pretty mad.  Look at Naruto. When he was back at the Academy I swore that he would never change. But he has. I said. I had my fists clenched.  And do you know what? I asked.  What? Asked Neji.  When I look in your eyes. I see a scared little boy. Who just wants to feel better so he says that people are weaker than he is. I said. I looked up. And Ill bet my eyes had a nice blue flame in them.  What is that in your eyes? Neji asked. He was backing up because he was scared.  Oh. The blue flames? I asked.  Yes. He said. I was moving forward.  These flames are from IT. I said.  And whats IT? He asked. He was now against the wall.  I dont like to talk about it because I dont like the fact. But its the demon that was put inside me. It comes out every single time I get really mad. I said. I had stopped crying. Neji looked really scared now.  And you know what. The more mad I get. The more the demon talks to me. And the more it tells me to KILL! I yelled.  Its tells me to kill, kill ,kill. And you know what. I said.  What? Asked Neji in a scared voice.  It got out once. And I killed everyone in my path. I almost killed myself. I said.  * Gulp* Was what came from Neji. I stared at him.  And only Hinata and my mother know how to calm me down and keep this demon under control. And since Hinata is in the emergency room and my mother isnt here. No one else knows how to control it. I said. Neji got even more scared. I heard someone say  Shes just like you Gaara. I looked around and I saw a guy with blood red hair. When I stared straight into his eyes he bent down and held his head.  Gaara whats wrong? Asked The guy beside him.  Oh no. The seal. It must be because of another demon stared at his. Its trying to break free. Said their sensei. I turned back to Neji. He was still against the wall. Most likely to scared to move. For fearing that I might kill him.  So Unless Hinata told someone the secret to calming this demon down then who ever gets in my way is out of luck untill Hinata gets better or until this demon breaks free. Even then no one will be safe. I said. I was still getting madder and madder. Then I held where my heart was. I felt a sharp pain.  Hinata! Mother! Father! Hanabi! Help! I yelled. I was still holding where my heart was and still yelling.  Whats happening to her? I heard the girl that was beside the blood red haired guy. Then I heard someone else scream.  Gaara! Yelled the girl. I was now clenching my heart.  Hinata! Mother!! Father! Hanabi!! Someone! Please help! I yelled. I was starting to cry again. Then I heard a voice in my head.  Let me free. Theres no one to stop me this time. No one to stop you from killing everyone here. Show me blood. Show me the blood of everyone here. The voice said. I stopped yelling and I let go of where my heart was.  Kill.. Kill. Kill everyone here.. Everyone here&This whole village& Kill them all.. I was saying. But this voice was not mine.  Kill. Kill& Kill them all& Kill everyone. I want to see blood. I want to see more Huyga blood. The last one wasnt good enough. Kill everyone here and the whole Huyga clan. I repeated over and over.  Zelda! Zelda! I heard Kurenai sensei calling. For a few minuets I broke free.  Kurenai sensei. Get everyone out of here. Was all I could say.  Kill.. Kill them all.. Kill everyone. I repeated again and again. This time I was starting to float in mid air. I felt my feet leave the floor.  Zelda. Zelda! ZELDA! I heard Kurenai sensei yell.  You will never be alone. Not as long as you have your sister. She will always care for you. Do not give in to the demon. Remember those who care about you. Remember Hinata, Hanabi, Your father, and Me. Remember who you really are. Dont let this demon control you. Dont ever let it control you. This song filled the room.  That voice. That voice. It cant be. I said.  No.. No. Nooooooo! The demon yelled. I fell swiftly to the ground with a great thump. I started to cry. Kurenai sensei came running to me. Who ever was screaming stopped and the voice had left. I was still crying. Kurenai sensei was at my side. I got up and swayed for a while. I tried to walk up the stairs. I felt everyones eyes on me. I fell when I was half way up. I started to cry even more. Kurenai sensei came running and so did Naruto, Sakura, Shino, Ino, Lord Hokage, Anko, Ibiki, Shikamaru, and for some reason the girl that was beside the guy with the blood red hair. I opened my eyes. I saw everyone there. I was on the landing. I guess everyone had taken me there. I sat up and saw the girl that was beside the guy with the blood red hair. Even that guy and the guy with the black suit was there. I tried to get up but Kurenai sensei wouldnt let me. So I just sat up. When I got up I swayed then I regained my balance. The girl and the two guys came up to me.  Hi. Im Temari. Said the girl.  And these are my younger brothers Konkuro and Gaara. She added. I looked at them. When I looked at Gaara I looked straight into his eyes. I could see a demon was inside him. I gasped and backed away.  Y&y&you.. h&h..have a demon &in&inside you..t..too. I said. I was scared. I was backed against the wall. I had my arm around my stomach because I felt sick.  B&b&but you cant control it. You cant handle it like I can& Its always telling you to kill. I added. Temari and Konkuro looked at me in aw. I was starting to shake all over.  Zelda whats wrong? Asked Kurenai sensei. I just stood there staring at Gaara. Shaking all over.  Kill. Kill. Kill. I heard a voice no one else but Gaara and I could hear it by the looks of it.  Kill. Kill them all. I heard another voice. Gaara was still staring at me and I was still staring at Gaara. I was also still Shaking. I couldnt hear anyone else but the voices. I knew one of them as the demon inside me, but I wasnt to sure about the other.  Is it yours? I asked Gaara.  You hear it too? He asked.  Uh huh. I said.  I can hear another voice. He said.  That would be from me. I said. I was shaking even more. Then the voice came back.  Never forget who you are. Never let it take over. Keep it back. Keep it in.. Dont ever let it break free.. Keep it inside.. The voice sang the rest of the song.  Teach Hanabi this song in case it ever happens again. The voice told me. The demon was yelling no. Gaaras was still saying  Kill. Kill. Kill Then I heard everything again. I looked around for the voice. *  That voice was so familiar.* I thought. I looked back at Gaara. He was still staring at me. Then I felt something pick me up. I felt my body being raised off the floor.  Whats going on?! I yelled. By the looks on everyones faces I wasnt dreaming. Then something kicked me. I went flying over to the others side. I hit the wall and coughed up some blood. Then I fell with a great loud thump. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. When I woke up I saw Temari right beside me Konkuro was on the other side of me and for some reason Gaara was right in front of my face. I sat up quickly and I bonked Gaara in the nose with my head.  Ah! He cried out in pain  Oh Im so sorry. You just scared me. I said. I was trying to see if I had made his nose bleed but he kept hitting my hands away. I felt something running down from my forehead, but I ignored it.  Will you just let me see. I just want to know if I hurt you or not. I said. He just looked at me then he removed his hand from his nose. It was bleeding.  Here pinch you nose like this with this tissue so you dont get blood on your hands. I said as I handed him the tissue and showed him how to pinch his nose. He tilted his head back.  Dont tilt your head back. The blood will just run down the back of your throat and youll choke on it. And breath through your mouth. You cant breath through your nose even if you wanted to while youre pinching it. I said. He put his head normally. Naruto, and Sakura were staring at me as if I had been abducted. ( theyre used to the mean me.)  What? What are you staring at? I asked.  Dont you know its not polite to stare. I snapped at them. Temari, Konkuro and Gaara looked at me like  What happened to the girl that was just here. I stood up.  Are you okay? Kurenai sensei asked me. I looked at her.  Yes Kurenai sensei. I am. I said.  I just need to go outside for a bit. I added. I walked off. I heard someone follow me. I walked right out of the stadium. The person was outside too. Then they went beside me. It was Gaara. I sat down on the steps.  Why did you follow me? I asked. He didnt answer, he just stared at the sky.  Whats your name? He asked.  My name is Zelda. I said. I stared up at the sky too. I felt tears welling into my eyes.  Uh. I said as I wiped my eyes.  Whats wrong? Asked Gaara.  Nothing. I said. Then I stared back at the sky.  Huh! I said.  What? asked Gaara.  Did you hear a voice in the stadium? I asked.  Yes. He said.  Who was that? He asked me.  That& was my mother. I said. I had just realized it.  She has a nice voice. He said.  Yes she does. I said. I got up and went inside Gaara had followed me back inside. We were almost inside the stadium.  Gaara. You and Temari should stop by my place tomorrow. I said.  We could go out for lunch or we could go on a picnic. I added.  Sure. He said.  By the way& Theres some blood on your forehead and its dripping down. He added.  Oh. Thanks. I said as I wiped it with a tissue I had. We were in the stadium. Temari and everyone else was waiting. Then when Gaara and I entered they stared at us.  Well. Gaara tell Temari. I said.  Bye. I uh hope to see you again soon. I added  Dont worry you will. Said Konkuro. Temari had him by the collar of his suit and was pulling him away.  Come on lover boy. She said as she dragged him off. Gaara was following them. Lord Hokage said that we get four months to train. Hanabi was as hard on me as ever. Then Temari and Gaara stopped by.  Hello is Zelda there please? I heard Temari.  You are from the sand village. Get out of my sight. Said my father. I went running. Just as he was about to close the door on Temari and Gaara.  Wait father. I said. I put my foot in front of the door so it wouldnt close.  I can handle it from here. I can get them to leave. I said. He walked off. I walked outside and closed the door.  Im sorry for my fathers behavior. I said as I bowed in apology.  Its okay. Said Temari. I looked at Gaara he was just sitting on the steps.  One sec I just need to go get something. I said. I ran inside. I packed lunches, drinks, and a blanket. Then I ran to my room and got into something other than my training outfit. I went back outside.  Bye father. Im going to visit my sensei. I said.  Dont be later than sundown. My father replied.  Sundown? Said Temari.  Never mind. My father is super strict. I said.  Temari Gaara you remember at the place where we did the preliminary rounds of the exam. How there was a voice singing? I asked them as we were walking through town.  Yes. They said. Gaara knew but Temari didnt. But Gaara acted as if he never knew. Well. That voice. Was& my mothers. I said.  She has a great voice. Said Temari. I looked up at the sky.  Temari Gaara I would like to go somewhere. If you dont mind. I said.  I dont mind at all. She said.  I dont either. Said Gaara. We walked through town. Temari and Gaara were following me. A few people asked me if they were bothering me. I just said No theyre not that they are my friends and we were going on a picnic. We were at the gates of a cemetery.  Why are we here? Asked Temari.  One sec. I said. We walked to the gate and there was a Jonin there.  Last name please. He asked. Then he looked at me.  Oh. Zelda. I had a feeling youd be back soon. He said.  Yeah. Im not sure for how long though Im going on a picnic after. I said. He opened the gate. Theyre with me. I said before he closed the gate on Temari and Gaara. He gave me an incense and a red rose. ( My mother loved red roses and Incense.)Temari and Gaara followed me around the graves.  Why are we here Zelda? Gaara asked me.  To visit. I said plainly. We stopped in front of a grave that said Huyga Rose on the stone.  Zelda who is this? Asked Temari. I didnt answer. I knelt down and put the flower in the little pot beside the stone ( I had made the pot in my spare time.) and I put the incense in the little holder after I had lit it. I closed my eyes.  Mother. I wish you were still here. I said. Then I put my hands together and prayed. Temari and Gaara knelt down beside me and prayed with me. Temari got up and I opened my eyes. Gaara stayed on the ground with me.  Temari Gaara is it okay if we stay here for a while. I would like to speak with my mother. I said. They looked at me.  Its okay. They said. I think Temari and Gaara understood how I felt. I sat and talked with my mother. I told her how my father was so mean and he wouldnt alow me to have any friends. And how Hinata was getting stronger and stronger. I told her that I met some people. And I think of them as friends. I was referring to Gaara, Temari, and Konkuro. After while Temari said Hi. Gaara was silent. I was starting to cry.  I wish you were still here mom. Hinata and I really miss you. And father wont allow any sign of you in the house. And if he or Hanabi catch me crying I get in so much trouble. He just doesnt understand. You always did. I said. I was now crying. Temari was starting to kneel down again to comfort me, but Gaara , for some reason, was already comforting me. He was giving me a hug. I just turned towards him and cried.  Its all my fault. All my fault shes gone. I said over and over. ( After I knew about the demon. And how it comes out every time I get really mad. I realized that I was super mad the day my mother died and I went into the house and into the kitchen.) After we got up and walked off. I was still crying and saying  Its all my fault shes gone. Its all me fault that Hinata, Hanabi, and father have to suffer. Temari was giving me a hug and comforting me while we walked off. (We were leaving to go on a picnic thats why I packed lunches and drinks.)  Gaara are you coming? Temari asked.  One minute. He said. He was staring at my mothers grave. I heard him talking to her. Then I heard him say  You have a very strong girl miss Rose. Shes very kind though her father is very strict. He said. I froze. Tears were still streaming down my cheeks. Then I cried even more. Then he came over to Temari and me and we went to the gate. We went to a path that I used to take a walk on. We went off the path and I set everything up. Gaara helped me. While we were setting everything up Gaara. I heard you talking to my mother. I said. He froze. I looked at him.  I think it is very nice what you said. I added. He just cleared his throat and finished.  Well. It is true& What I said. He told me.  It wasnt always. I said.  I used to act like my father. I didnt have any friends at all except for my sister Hinata. I said. We sat down and ate. After Temari went back to where they were staying. Gaara walked me to the gate of my clans little village. We said bye to each other. I went in side.  Where were you? Hanabi asked me. I ignored her.  Zelda youre back. Said Hinata. She pulled me into her room.  So what happened? She asked me. I looked at her.  I saw you walk away with those two people from the sand village. She said.  Oh them. Theyre just friends. We went to visit mother and then we went on a picnic. I said. At the mention of the visit to mother I started to cry.  I dont think that you think that guys just a friend. She said.I stopped crying and sat up quickly. I blushed a little&.Well a lot my whole face was red.  Hes a friend nothing more. Besides with everything I have to do I dont have time. I have to break a schedule just to see them outside the arena. I said still blushing. I walked out the door.  What new friends? Asked Hanabi. She looked at me a little mad. I was still blushing.  Nothing Hanabi. Hinata and I were just talking about something. I said. And I walked off to train. A few days later I decided to train with Gaara and Temari. They hit me with theyre best shots. After I while I got hit by Gaaras sand. I went flying. Gaara and Temari came running over.  I knew we should have gone easy on you. Said Temari.  No. I want a challenge. Anything my sister Hanabi gives me is just like fighting a puppet. I said.  But Zelda one of these times one of us might kill you. Most likely me. Said Gaara.  Then that means that I wasnt good enough and who ever I go against in the Chunin exams will win be default. I said. I got up.  Now lets try this again. I said smiling. After a while I was able to dodge every single blow. I even broke Gaaras sand shield. I was told no one had been able to do it.
four months later.

Finally the final exam came. During Nejis battle against Naruto he told him and everyone there a dark secret about the Huyga clan. Hanabi, Hinata and my Father were there. Hanabi looked at our father. Most likely wondering how he was here. Because Neji had said that my uncle and father were twin brothers and that when he was four he had been branded to protect me on my third birthday. And that my father had hurt my uncle when I was training because my uncle was trying to use the byakugan. ( Who knows why my uncle wasnt aloud to use the Byakugan.) Then I was kidnapped when I was sleeping and my father killed the man and it was a ninja from the lightning village who had just sworn peace with our village. And so my father had to be killed but instead it was my uncle so that he could save the Main branch of the family and so my Uncle had been set free from the curse. I could hear Hinata coughing most likely still healing from her battle with Neji. I tried to get to her but there were some Jonin who wouldnt let me out of the waiting area.  Let me through. I need to help my sister! I was yelling over and over. I felt Gaara, Temari and Konkuros eyes on me.  We cannot let you pass. You are to battle so you must stay here. Said one of the Jonin. Kurenai sensei had heard me and she came running.  Whats going on here? She asked.  This girl would like to pass. Said the other Jonin. Kurenai sensei looked at me. I was dripping with sweat and breathing heavily because I had been pushing and yelling, and I was caught in their linked arms.  Zelda what is that matter? She asked. I was starting to cry.  Its Hinata. Shes still healing and Hanabi went all out on her. And her wound didnt heal. And now shes coughing badly I can hear her from here. I explained to her. Gaara had come over to me. He was by my side. *  Why is he so nice. Is it because I was nice to him or because he& * I thought. I didnt want to say the last word because it wouldnt be true.  Let her pass. I will take her to her sister. Said Kurenai sensei to the Jonin.  But Kurenai.. They started.  No buts. She needs to see her sister. She said. The Jonin moved and they let me pass. I told Gaara and Temari that I would be back. ( I hate Konkuro. This idiot thinks he might have a chance with me. As if.) I went to Hinata. I picked her up and was bringing her to the hospital. Jonin at the door were forbidding me to leave and Hanabi had come to tell me That father forbids me to leave. I just stared at her.  I dont care what father says! Hinata needs to go to the Hospital! I yelled and I walked off.  You will be punished and I will make your training extra hard after this! Hanabi yelled after me.  Do what ever you want! But Hinata needs to go to the hospital! I care more about our sisters health and safety more than any exam or training! Plus Ive had worse training by myself with two strong friends! So what ever you throw at me will never be as bad as a sand coffin! And being caught in a tornado of sand and wind at the same time! I yelled. Hanabi just stared after me. I brought Hinata to the Hospital and left back to the exams. I twas my turn when I had gotten back. I ran as fast as I could and I jumped from where we were supposed to wait.  Zelda hurry up! Yelled Temari. Now who passed. Naruto, Neji, Temari ,Gaara , and everyone else and I passed. ( Even after this little attack from the sand village. Gaaras demon was awakening. I was trying to get to him but the Jonin would not allow me near the enemy. I yelled at them saying that Gaara, Temari, and Konkuro were not an enemy. Sasuke was told to pursuit them. I asked if I could. They let me and I went chasing after them to see what was wrong with Gaara. And I had helped by making the demon go back. Gaara and I had found out that a song works on his demon too.) Rock lee could never be a ninja again and Hinata will stay as a gennin for another year. I promised her that I would help her train and that when the Chunin exams came up again next year that I would be there to watch her and I would cheer her on. Now the pair ups&. Naruto v.s Neji, Konkuro v.s Shino, Temari v.s Shikamaru ( Who fell in love with Temari. Bad Shika!), Me v.s Dosu ( But he got killed so I won by default.), and Gaara v.s Sasuke
Thats my story.

By: Sasuke lover


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