Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 (Funny-ish)
Submitted March 27, 2006 Updated April 3, 2006 Status Incomplete | Please Comment!! The first chapter is all about 20 year old Gaara and his siblings. At times they can be really out of character...This chapter has nothing about a new generation...But the next few will be the new generation!! Muhahaha!!
Anime/Manga » Naruto series |
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 (Funny-ish)
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 (Funny-ish)
The sun had risen and birds were out stretching their wings, Gaara had already returned to his siblings and had fallen asleep next to them. The first to wake up was Temari, she looked at her sleeping brothers and went off to find more of those lavender fruit. Gaara opened his eyes slowly…They’re coming “Temari, We have to leave!” He yelled attempting to wake Kankuro but soon gave up and scooped him up in a cocoon of sand. “What? Why?” Temari ran to her brothers putting the fruit in her bag.Gaara took off toward the desert, with out answering Temari’s question, leaving a trail of sand behind him. Temari ran after him until she caught up, she wondered what had Gaara so worried but she asked no questions and they ran to the scorching hot desert. That night they stayed in the same cave they had on their journey to Rock County, but Kankuro used all the wood the first time and they took his cloths to make fire. Kankuro crouched in the darkest part of the cave trying to hide himself. It seemed as if a hundred eyes were watching him sit there, naked, he closed his eyes and curled into a tighter ball. Not only was he embarrassed he was freezing, he was so afraid to get close to the light of the fire, he really didn’t want his sister seeing him. As if Gaara had read his mind he turned to his brother tilting his head. “Kankuro, what are you doing over there?” his brother asked squinting his eyes to be able to see into the darkness. “You must be ice by now! Come sit by the fire, don’t worry Temari won’t look.” “Why would I want to?” She turned toward the front of the cave crossing her arms and closing her eyes. Kankuro got on his hands and knees and scuttled to the fire, where he sat with his legs crossed in the fires comforting glow. “Close your legs baka!” Gaara snapped trying not to look. “But…Kankuro Jr. is cold.” “Eww! You named it!? Gross!” Temari screamed and put her hands over her eyes.Gaara’s sand quickly covered Kankuro’s private parts and he and his sister relaxed now that the horrifying sight had passed. “Ah!! Gaara! What did you do that for!?” Kankuro shot up scattering Gaara’s sand all over the floor of the cave. “Naked and sand don’t mix!!” he closed his eyes and shook himself wildly sending even more sand flying off. By the time Kankuro opened his eyes Gaara and Temari had disappeared and he was alone in the cave. Gaara and Temari had dashed outside and to the nearest oasis as soon their brother stood up. “What is up with him?” Temari panted looking up at Gaara. “That was just gross!” “He should have …Concealed himself when I told him too,” he mumbled sitting down on the cold night sand. “We should get some water and something for Kankuro to cover up with…” “What are you going to cover him up with, we tried sand and that just made things worse!” Gaara took off his long white scarf, that usually slung over his shoulder and was tied around his waste, bunched it up and lay it gently on the ground. “Do you have anything to hold water?” He asked Temari, with one had still under his scarf. “Uh? Yeah! I have this gourd canteen,” she searched her bag for the said canteen, finding nothing she looked up at Gaara embarrassed. “I guess I must have dropped it…” Temari ruffled her hair and looked away from Gaara’s steady gaze. “This is it, right?” Temari looked up to see her brother holding a yellow-green gourd that had been hollowed out for carrying water. “Y-yes that’s it,” she mumbled taking the canteen from him. Gaara sat down on the sand once again and stared up at the cloudless night sky, stars dotted the entire sky burning through the dark night. “The stars are nice,” Gaara whispered as Temari filled her gourd with delicious fresh oasis water. She got up and went to sit with he brother, putting the water in her bag she looked at Gaara and smiled, “Yes it is.” They both watched the sky until it began to fade into pinks and oranges, the sun was rising and they had left Kankuro in the cave alone all night! “We should head back,” Gaara muttered, grabbing his scarf and getting up. “Yeah,” Temari agreed standing up next to her brother. “Let’s go.” When they returned to the cave, Temari refused to enter until he brother was covered. Gaara walked in alone to see that Kankuro had curled up in his usual sleeping bunch, he reached to wake him but hesitated. His brother should rest, come to think of it so should he and his sister. Slowly he lay his scarf on Kankuro, Through his sleep Kankuro grabbed the scarf and pulled it up over his shoulder, Gaara watched his unmoving body for a moment before calling Temari in. “We should rest,” She said as if she had read Gaara’s mind. “Yes,” he answered simply and lay down next to the burned remains of Kankuro’s clothing, looking around he noticed that his brothers kitty ear hat hadn’t been burned. That’s good Gaara thought closing his eyes and clenching tighter to the black cloth in his hand. He wouldn’t be Kankuro with out it.The next morning the three siblings set out on the three day journey home. Kankuro, wearing but only a scarf, made it clear to Temari and Gaara that the sun was to bright and he was to hot. “It, burns!! I feel like my skin is boiling off!!” He complained loudly looking up at the bright sun , closing his eyes tightly. “Would you just shut up Kankuro? We are all hot so…..Well just shut up!” Temari turned to glare at her brother her shining green eyes burning with anger. “Stop fighting, please,” Gaara shook his head and ruffled his crimson hair that looked like dark fire in the sun. “Kankuro…Here…” He walked to his him and pulled out Kankuro’s black, cat eared hat. “This might help…” Ruffling his hair again he put the hat gingerly on his brothers head then turned away quickly and began walking at fast pace. The sun had ceased to set the blazing sun still high in the sky though it seemed the giant star had been there for days as if time had frozen it there just to make travelers suffer. Every passing second the air grew hotter and wrapped its’ burning arms around Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara searing their skin and causing it to become bright red and painful. One step…Pain…another step…more excruciating pain… Suddenly the quivered and the sand gave way from right under Kankuro’s feet and he fell into a deep crevice. Kankuro landed in a groove neatly and accurately carved out by millions years of water erosion. He slid rapidly down the slide-like path not knowing where it would lead him. He heard his siblings leap into the clammy cavern and slide after him on their feet, skidding in the caked on moss and grime. The path that Kankuro glided down rose up sharply and flipped him through the air into a seemingly bottomless pool of dark rippling water. He thrashed around straining to keep his head aloft, he saw glimpses of his brother and sister plunging into the water before his senses were engulfed by cold dark water. “Kankuro what in the world are you doing?” He heard Gaara’s distorted voice and felt hands lifting him harshly out of the water. He sat up and looked to his brother and then down to the dark bending water…It only reached Gaara’s waste and only up to Temari’s thighs. “Sorry guys,” he muttered rubbing the back of his head, “I guess I’m slightly Hydrophobic,” he continued to rub his damp head and laugh nervously as Temari scanned the hollow cautiously. “This place is safe…” she reported coolly, “We should stay here,” turning to Gaara, “What do you think?” “Yeah,” he replied, “I’ve got the fruit is any one hungry?” “Famished!!” Kankuro stood up and water tricked from his body in fast streams. “Kankuro?” Gaara hesitated diverting his eyes, “Where is my scarf?” He looked around for a white floating mass in the water, he spotted it at the top of the steep ramp that threw them into the pool in the first place. He created a hand out of his sand and if lifted his to the place where his scarf dangled, dripping and cold. The giant sand hand placed Gaara on a patch of earth, that bordered the cavity, and quickly disincarnated as soon as his foot touched land.“We’ll stay here for the night…” He murmured looking to Temari, who blocked the sight of naked Kankuro with her fan although the vision was already engraved in her memory. “We will travel until dusk tommarow and find another place to rest…And we could probably find a cloths vender…Our money works in the desert.” He sat down, facing the wall, and began nodding off to sleep. Temari was dozing off behind her fan, Kankuro looked side to side “What about me?” There was no answer, “Guys?…Guys? Hey come on!! What am I suppose to do?” “Keep watch…” Gaara answered simply and drifted off into a deep comfortable sleep.
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black_calm on June 1, 2006, 12:48:32 AM
black_calm on

anime_freakey4life on May 6, 2006, 12:43:06 AM
SSOD on April 8, 2006, 3:52:00 PM