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Chapter 1 - Underground

After Shadow decided she'd had enough on her own planet, after the incident at the Prytchard Facility, she moved planets and got a job in an underground city.

Everything (c) me (Amy)

Chapter 1 - Underground

Chapter 1 - Underground
''Not too small, not too big... Very nice.''
''Take your hands off my chest, or I'll break 'em off.'' Shadow growled as she looked up into the bright green eyes of the tall, lizard esque man in front of her, his bright green mohawk seemingly glowing under the neon sign of Neon Junction that hung above their heads at the main doors.
Around them, different races dressed flamboyantly.

There wasn't a single business suit to be seen amongst the masses of studs, leather, brightly coloured hair and flashes of neon that made the gloomy industrialized underground city interesting to live in.

High above their heads, huge fans rotated lazily, sucking the pollution out of the shadowy city as clean, breatheable air was pumped back in through a network of pipes throughout the city.
''One more squeeze?'' He asked pleadingly.
''Ain't you got a show to do?'' She grunted, batting a his hand away.
''Alas, I do.'' Ode said, raising his hands in a dramatic fashion.
''Then you better get a move on, we're about to open the doors up.'' Shadow said, her gaze flitting momentarily down the long, huddled que that stretched down to the end of the high up catwalk.
Behind them, the club's double doors swung open and a tall, well built Polar Bear - like man strode out onto the catwalk to stand opposite her. He was wearing a similar black leather jacket to her, but his black baggy trousers were plain, unlike her own which were stitched together with yellow thread.
Both bouncers wore the same black tees with the club's logo on them in neon green.
''Xan.'' Ode said, touching a finger to his forelock and vanished through the entrance between the two.

A few minutes passed, then Xan and Shadow propped the doors open, checking the punter's passes before they were allowed into the club.

Those without official Neon Junction passes were turned away, usually with a club membership application form. Those who refused to leave quietly or tried barging their way in, usually ended up being manhandled away from the club, sometimes resulting in a scuffle and someone falling over the edge. One of the many reasons why there were nets stretched across the twenty foot gap between the hundreds, if not thousands of catwalks, every few metres.

''Excuse me. Pardon me-- Ew.. I'm sure that's not meant to be like that...'' Came an uptight voice from the gaggle of undergrounders still waiting to gain entry to the club.
''Thought I could smell Human.'' Xan grunted.
''So that's what that bad smell was.''
Xan smiled shortly at Shadow then turned his attention back to the small, business suited man wrestling his way through the catwalk dominating crowd.
''Governor Meyark. What brings you down here?'' Shadow said in a near growl and let two more punters past.
''That is not any of your business.'' He sneered testily and strode forward.
Xan nodded slightly slightly and Shadow grabbed the man by his collar and dragged him back onto the catwalk in one smooth motion.

The crowd, including Xan gave a short laugh then fell silent as a large, muscualr man lurched forward, looming over Shadow, glaring down at her.

''Try it Twinkie, and I guarantee you won't live to see your next birthday.'' She snorted defiantly.
The big man looked over at Meyark, then took a small step back when he gave a short shake of his head.
''Got a membership pass?'' Xan said.
''I don't need a pass-''
''Then you ain't getting in.'' Xan said shortly as a few more people scurried off into the darkness of the club.
''Now piss off back to the surface. We don't need or want the likes of you down here.'' Shadow growled.
Meyark's body guard encroahed on the Weredragon again, but she held his glare steady with her own.
''What're you looking at?''

He looked her over, his gaze pausing to study the small, dark blue scales that merged with her pale skin down the side of her body and hair line.
He grinned evilly, and before she could react, a large, cool hand was clamped around her throat, his eyes turning a watery blue.

''fracking Hydrars!'' She spat between laboured gasps for air.
''Her life or my entry into this gods forsaken pit.'' Meyark said calmly, ignoring the angered noise behind him.

Xan's mind turned over the consequences of both actions, then relaxed a little as he saw Shadow's hand come up, hitting the Hydrar in his wrist with a sickening cracking of bones.

She punched him in the gut, making him double over in breathlessness and he let out a small yelp as she brought her knee up into his face.
He staggered backwards, the doubled safety rails of the catwalk groaning as they buckled under the weight of the big water Demon.


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