Chapter 1 - Your Unfortunate Life Chapter 1: Out of Your Life
Submitted January 18, 2006 Updated January 18, 2006 Status Incomplete | Summary: You decided to take a trip to Demon World to climb their highest mountain. As you headed up the mountain your cure members died one by one from the harsh blizzard. You were the last survivor. You were rescued by a strange group who fights ag
Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho » Hiei |
Chapter 1 - Your Unfortunate Life Chapter 1: Out of Your Life
Chapter 1 - Your Unfortunate Life Chapter 1: Out of Your Life
Your Unfortunate Life Chapter: 1
Out of Your Life
It's been three days since the snowy blizzard struck the Terra Mts. The mountains were covered in more snow and there were less ground to see. The temperature had dropped even more causing the lakes to fully freeze. No thin ice covered it; the heaviest and largest object could walk upon it without going under. The blizzard killed many animals, which was unnatural. The blizzard had to be extremely cold and furious to kill animals like that, especially when they are born to survive such harsh weather. Who knows what to expect from Demon World; so much mysterious events occur here. This was no man's land but a demon's land.
I had figured that out a couple of days ago when my man and me went through many dangerous obstacles to get up here. Well, there was only myself now…they all had died during the cold blizzard. I was surprise that I had survived such dangerous weather. My body trembles from the wind whipping across my body. I regret wondering up this mountain, which I'm a human, who does not have so much knowledge of the Demon World. But my curiosity and enthusiasm had gotten the best of me. I came up here for the thrill of it, to see if I could climb the highest mountain in the demon world. I had climb the highest in the Human World, I just couldn't stop there-what an idiot I am. Now I will pay for my reckless actions.
I collapsed on the ground my legs couldn't carry me any farther. I was breathing heavily and I couldn't feel my fingers. I was tired and been traveling for hours. I wish my death would come soon, God-knows I wouldn't be able to get off this mountain alive. I just lay there, but didn't close my eyes it was a little voice inside me that told me to hold on. But why, if someone did find my body it wouldn't be human. There was no hope for me…
As I began to close my eyes I hear loud voices nearby. “Kuwabara! You idiot, you're going to get us all killed!” A voice said.
“Shut it Urameshi, if you keep yelling like that your going to get us killed.” Said the one name Kuwabara.
“Why don't both of you shut your traps.” Said another.
“Now, now, we shouldn't fight amongst ourselves especially in the situation were in right now.” Said another.
It was hard for me to understand since the wind kept blowing. But I knew they were coming in my direction as their feet crunching in the snow became louder. Fear arose in me if they find me they would probably kill me. But if I stay on the mountain I would die. My mind kept telling me to shout to them but fear kept me from saying words. I knew what some demons do to humans. And I didn't want to become one of those humans. But I took my chances. “Help!” That's all I could say as I collapse again but unconscious. But before I became completely unconscious I heard “Look over there!”
I woke up to find myself in a hospital bed. By the looks of the room it seem to be designed by humans, but I found that odd since I was in the Demon world and now I'm in the Human World. “What happen to me?” I said in a whisper.
“Oh, your awake!” I looked up to see a lady next to me smiling, by the looks of her clothing she looked like the nurse.
“You had us worried, you have been unconscious for days.” The nurse said as she went over to lift up the blinds more causing more sunlight to enter the room. It wasn't any shock to me that I would be unconscious for weeks, especially the high condition up in the mountains of Demon World. Then I realize I haven't even come to ask how I got here. How did I leave Demon?
“Excuse me Miss, How did I actually get to the Hum…I mean hospital?” I ask in curiosity.
“Oh, it was one of your dear friends. His name was Shuichi, he said you were riding your horse but suddenly you fell off bumping your head in the process. It was very sweet of him to carry you all the way to the hospital.” The nurse replied while smiling. I looked at her as if she was insane. “Miss, I don't own a horse and neither ride one. And I also don't have any friends that go by the name Shuichi.” I said.
“Oh dear, you lost your memory. Don't worry you'll have it back soon, it takes time.” The nurse said to me as if I had lost my mind. “Miss, I know what happened to me, and bumping my head while horseback riding isn't one of them!!!!” I shouted.
“Calm done, you need to rest more. I'll let you be to get your memory back.” The nurse said as she walks out of the room. I just sat there mumbling under my breath, how could someone tell me what happen and I was there. And who is this Shuichi? Was he a human who was also in the Demon World? I ponder on the thoughts while looking out the window; I could tell it was afternoon judging how high the sun was. There wasn't any clouds in the sky just a clear blue sky. It was a perfect day to go swimming or a nice picnic. I was imagining what people could be doing during this fine day. Like friends and family laughing and playing. Kids playing soccer or basketball and playing tag. I wish I was enjoying this day, but no, I `m stuck in a hospital bed. I kept watching the beautiful scenery until I saw someone on top of a roof of a building. It seems, as the person was looking straight at my window staring at me. Then before I knew it, the person disappeared. All I remember of the person that they were wearing black clothing. I just shrugged it off and laid my head on the pillow; I couldn't wait to get out this hospital to go back to my life.
Today I walked out of the hospital as a free woman. No more doctors, no more nurses, and especially no more of that nasty hospital food. I hated watching their basic T.V. There is hardly anything good on basic television. I was so glad to sign my name out of the hospital that I nearly jumped for joy. But before I left, I thought it would be wise to get information on this Shuichi fellow. I only received his phone number; I could tell he lived near here, somewhere judging by the area code.
I decided to head to my mother's house to call this guy because my phone was recently cut off and I was too lazy to pay the bill. I'm trying to figure out a plan to pay my bills on time instead of blowing them off and making the matters worst. May be I'll find a way when everything is taken away from me.
I stopped in front of my mother's house and notice that she had the house painted. It was an ugly color, like a real dark brown. I looked over to the loan to see trashcans and the present that I've given to her before I left for Demon World. The wrapping paper was not torn. So she throws the birthday gift that I've given to her on the loan as trash. How dare she, I guess our differences still remains. I walked up the stairs to the door and hesitantly knocked on the door. I was worried if she would turn me away like always. The door opened but the person standing there wasn't my mother but a woman who looked to be in her late thirties. She was a lot taller than me and held a cigarette in her hand. She blew her toxic smoke upon my face almost causing me to choke. She leaned up against the door and put her free hand on her hip.
“What do you want?” She said in annoyed tone while rolling her eyes at me.
“I'm looking for Mom, she lives here.” I said. She gave me a look saying “and”.
“Her name is Maria _____(your last name) and I would like to see her.” I said impatiently. The woman was getting on my nerves…and who was she anyways. Mom sure knows how to pick strange friends.
“She is sleeping come back another time.” She said as she about to close the door. But before she could do so I pushed the door open with my hands.
“No lady, I don't care if she is sleep or not I need to talk to her now! So go up stairs and wake her up!” I shouted. The lady just glared at me and went up stairs.
I let myself in and sat on the couch waiting for mom. I gazed around the room; the room was a mess. There were piles of trash in the corner, two holes in the wall, and the floor was dirty. Mom has really let the house go. The house never looked like this when I was living here as a kid. I wonder if she is still depress about dad leaving her. Why should I care anyways, she had it coming. Dad deserved better than her… he was wasting his life with a loser. I'm kind of a shame to call her my mother. But I never turn my back on family no matter how nasty they are towards me.
“I thought I told you never to come back here again ____?” (Your name) A familiar voice said behind me. I turned around to come to face with my mother. Her eyes were red and her hair was uncombed. I couldn't believe she let herself go like that.
“Wow, what a nice greeting.” I said in a sarcastic tone. She glared at me and sat in a chair across from me.
“I don't know why you came back here when I told you to stay away.”
“I just need to use your phone and then I'll be out of your life for good.” I said while looking down at the floor. She looked at me while thinking, wondering if she should let me use her phone or not.
“Fine, you can use it and after that you get out. Understood?” She said very firmly.
“Yes, I understand.” I replied while getting up but then I remembered the woman who answered the door.
“ Mother, who is that woman that answered the door? Friend of yours?” I questioned her. The room was silent she did not answer my question she just sat there staring at me.
“Why are you hesitating? Its just a simple question…” But then I trailed off realizing who the woman was. I looked at her with shocked eyes.
“Mom tell me s-she I-isn't what I think she is…” I stammered. She just turned away not looking at me at all. My eyes became narrowed and I walked in front her.
“So you become a Lesbian because dad left you? Huh?” I asked with anger in my voice. She didn't answer me she just kept staring out the window. I growled in frustration.
“Answer me! Why?” I shouted. She stood up and strikes me down with her hand. I held my cheek while glaring at her.
“You wouldn't understand! When your father left I needed comfort, I needed someone to be there for me.” She said
“What? I was always there for you! But you would always push me away. I tried to be there for you mother you just wouldn't allow me to.” I shook my head and stood to leave but before I did I turned to her.
“But I guess you rather have an another woman by your side instead of your daughter.” After I said that I left. My mother finally has her wish now; I'm out of her life for good.
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Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on February 14, 2006, 10:55:25 AM