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Chapter 4 - Revealed Truths

Sequel to Truth Be Told. As Generation X prepares to have about student join, one of their foes perpares to make another strike.

Chapter 4 - Revealed Truths

Chapter 4 - Revealed Truths
Attention:  Generation X and their villians,as well as any other mutant mentioned in this story, is property of MarvelComics.  The character Richard Cale is named after family relations. Any other reference to anything copywrighted is a chance happening.
Relatively Dangerous
Revealed Truths
             When Sean pulled the van up to the main building of the school, a feelingof dread hit his entire soul. The door was in pieces.  Everyone ranout of the van, including Daria, who still hadn't told them about her ability.She had spent most of the time asking questions, and assuring them thatshe was no longer part of Zero Tolerance, although everyone knew that theorganization had been destroyed. In the main hall of the building, Seansaw a sight he didn't want to see, and it was obvious that Jono was upsetas well.
             Sean watched as Jono ran over to Paige's side. He kneeled down to her faceand said, "I should have stayed here as well.  Maybe, you wouldn'thave ended up like this."
             Sean walked over to Jono's side. "Lad, we didnae know what would happen.But if the attacker was this powerful, then we have to find Rich and Yvette,before it's too late."
             They were almost taken by surprise when Paige spoke. Her voice was weak,but she got one word out. "Aura." Sean started to wonder what it meant,but then noticed something else.  Paige had been covered up, and bythe sight of the curtains in the room, Rich and Yvette were the ones thatdid it.
             Sean got up and said, "Jono, you and Mondo get Paige to the med-unit. Everett,try to track down where the attacker is.  Jubilee, I want ye to getDaria to a safe place." For once, he hoped that Jubilee would listen toan order.
             Sean got a surprise when Daria spoke up. "Sir, I think I might be ableto help." He didn't want her to see some of the evils they worked to stop,at least not yet.
             "Daria, I don't think that would be wise. We don't know what we're dealingwith."
             He was about to continue when Everett said, "I think I found her, if Rich'sdream is correct." He went off down the hall and everyone followed him.Eventually, Sean saw the sight that Emma had seen in Rich's mind. Richand Yvette were held in the air, and the attacker was standing in frontof them. She had blond hair, and probably was too focused on Rich and Yvetteto see them attack her. Sean watched as Everett seamed to launch his auraat her. Just as it would have made contact. She spun around, with a footsweep. Even though nobody was close to her, everyone seem to fall, as iftripped. The only person who avoided the attack was Jubilee, due to hergymnastic training.
             As Sean got up, the girl just said, "Pitiful. Just wimps at this place."The girl was cocky and Sean was going to make her release the studentsthat she held captive. He let loose a sonic scream, capable of knockingher unconscious, but much to his surprise, she acted as she switched handsand held her right hand up. The sonic scream doubled back and canceleditself out. He then felt a punch hit his midsection. He finally understoodwhat Paige had said. The attacker must call herself Aura, for she controlsher aura like Angelo controls his skin.

             Elane looked at the mutants that called themselves Generation X. What wasshe afraid of?  The teacher's sonic scream was easy to counter, andthe one who had the glowing aura must have figure out her ability, whichis why she knocked everyone down.  The girl with the yellow raincoathad to be a show-off. The only one who dodged the foot sweep. She triedto think of what to do next. She had to get out, but not tip off that shewas working with Emplate. She hated crowds, for they were harder to controlwith her ability. She also had to maintain a grip on Richard and Yvette.She was almost startled when the African-American girl came flying at her. Elane formed a fist in her free hand and swung. Her aura complied by enlargingthe fists aura and knocking the girl down to the ground and knocking overthe teacher, a woman in white, and the African American boy with the aura."I am starting to wonder if anyone here is a treat. All of you rely onabilities that I can counter."
             Elane realized her mistake when she felt something around her body. Itdidn't distract her enough to make her lose her grip on her prey. She thensaw that the guy with grey skin was doing it. He was controlling his skin,the same she controlled her aura, and he was extending the skin on hisright hand. "Guess what, chica? I have a trick of my own like yours," hesaid in a mocking tone.
             "Yes, but you are going to learn to treat a lady with respect." She quicklybrought her knee up and then returned to her stance. It that quick instant,the man's skin left her body and she saw his eyes cross in pain, as hecollapsed in agony. She let a smile cross her face, but she had to escapewith her prisoners.
             "If you're a lady, then let me knock your lights on," said the girl inthe raincoat. This was odd for anyone to say.
             "Don't you mean 'lights out', just like the state you are about to be in?"
             "No." Elane then got the sight of several sparks hit her square in theface. The burning pain each made forced her to react. She put up her handsand formed an aura wall at the level of the girl. She heard her prisonersfall to the floor, but they weren't going anywhere. As she got her eyesused to the sight, she saw that another girl appeared to be dissolving.It was as she was holding back the sparks that she noticed that a swarmof metallic bugs were attack her.
             "What the... I hate bugs." She started to try and hold the bugs and thesparks back, but it was too much. She then realized that vengeance wouldhave to wait. She ran to a door and dived out a window to the outside.She ran off into the woods, enveloping herself with her aura.  Emplatewas not going to be happy, but then she knew other ways to strike at herformer cousin.

             Jubilee had watched as the girl ran out a door. It was an outside room,and she was tempted to follow, but where had all the bugs come from. Jubileeturned and saw Daria dissolving, and the bugs seemed to be coming fromher. "Daria, is this your ability?" she asked.
             Daria's voice seemed a bit weak. "Yes, but I'm not sure how to pull myselfback together."
             Jubilee saw Emma walk over. Emma knelt down to Daria and said, "Relax."Almost instantly, Daria appeared to calm down a little and the bugs returnedto her. She was almost back to normal, when she panicked. She started todissolve again, and instantaneously Emma's eyes glowed. Emma was helpingDaria return to normal. Afterwards, Emma stood and said, "We should getRich and Yvette to the med-center as soon as possible. Who knows what thatwoman did to them."
             "Ms. Frost, what do you think about that girl that attacked? Could shebe a problem?" Jubilee asked. She figured as much, but how dangerous wasthe attacker.
             "Jubilee, I think that Rich can answer all of our questions about who evershe was."
             "Aura." Jubilee turned to see Sean was standing up. "Paige said one wordwhen we found her, Aura. That must be the girl's codename, and her abilityas well."
             "Are you saying she can, oh let's just say, knock out Wolvie at fifty pacesand stop the rest of the X-Men without a sweat."
             Monet, who finally recovered from the punch, said, "Jubilee, nobody couldbe that powerful with an ability, and please stop referring to the X-Menlike that."
             When Everett got up, he said, "She's on the right track, Monet. I was goingto try and knock her out with her own ability. She has one heluva rangewith her ability. She sees it, she can attack it. Defensive abilities areworthless. Split second attacks might be all that stop her. That is probablyhow Paige got in the state she's in. And we all saw, and felt what shecould do."
             Jubilee then noticed that Daria had walked over to Rich and Penny. Sheleft the conversation that everyone was having over how to talk to Richabout this. When she approached, Daria was looking at Rich's face, andthe photo she had of Rich. "He looks a bit different than in the photo,"Daria said as Jubilee approached.
             Jubilee knelt down beside Daria. Daria had probably thought of Rich asthe closest thing to family. "Rich has a unique ability that allows himto fully mimic a mutant he's near. After about a week here, you'll probablysee him like this a lot. He and Penny are an item."
             "Penny? I thought this girl's name was Yvette."
             "Well, when Penny was brought here, she had been a victim of Emplate. Overthe time she had been here, I gave her the nickname of Penny. When shewas delivered, all we were told was the word 'Penance.' That became hercodename."
             "How did you find out her name?"
             "That was due to Rich. Rich had been able to make contact with her. Thefirst time that they met, Rich spoke in her native tongue. Afterwards,he taught her to speak in English through some psionic link, and they fellin love."
             "Jubilee, do you think Rich could help me with my ability?" Jubilee sawthe look of concern in her eyes. The girl wanted to understand what shewas.
             "Sure. He might be able to show you a way to use your ability to give youa cool hairdo."  She said pointing out Daria's bald head.
             "Bastion insisted on that for all the girls. I don't know why, though."
             "If you ask me, Bastion appeared to be a bit too military. It was worseto discover he was a Sentinel, but then you do know what they say aboutthe military."
             "What's that?"
             "Military Intelligence is two words that contradict each other." The twostarted to laugh at the joke, which was the most truthful thing about themilitary, until Monet, Everett, Sean and Emma came over.
             Sean looked at them and said, "Okay, lasses. Do ye want help us get themto the med unit." They both nodded and as Daria helped carry Rich, shehelped carry Penny.

             Emplate sat in his chair at the top of the lighthouse. He was startingto feel drained. He needed to feed soon, or else he would be pulled intothe Beyond. He was looking forward to supping on his favorite meal. Hewatched the door to his room open as D.O.A. stuck his head in the door."Sir, Elane has returned."
             "Send her in, D." He couldn't wait any longer.
             "Send her in." D. left the door, and a second later, Elane walked in. Emplatenoticed the state she was in. She had some burn marks on her face. He couldalready guess what had happened. "I take it that you were unsuccessful."
             She walked over to him and kissed him on his forehead. They were both evil,and they could do so much. Elane then said, "I have to admit, he has theluck of the Irish. He and Yvette managed to keep me hunting for them untileveryone returned.  Although, they were not as tough as I thoughtthey would. Next time, I'm going to need to know more."
             Emplate sighed in frustration. "I need to sup or else I will go back tothe Beyond. I was hoping to have both in my grasp." He looked at Elanefor a moment. In that brief moment, he forgot about love and began to imaginehow her ability would taste as it went through his system.  But thenhe thought of the screams that Yvette made, when she believed him as someoneto take care of her. True, he only saw Yvette as a meal, but Elane wasmore than that to him. She loved him.
             "Emplate, there is more than one way to attack Rich." He then noticed thatshe had stopped talking, and was looking in fright.
             He glanced and saw the hands of the dead reaching for him.  He yelledout to her as he knew he was disappearing from her sight, "Tell me whenI return, for I shall return." The hands pulled him into the Beyond, andhis own private hell.

             When Paige awoke, she felt sore. She opened her eyes to discover that shewas in the med-unit. She remembered what had happened to her. That girl,Aura, had attacked, and knocked her out. Then she heard Jono's voice, andSean's, and she had warned them. She looked in the med-unit and to herleft, she saw two other bodies laying in beds. One was Rich, the otherwas Yvette. The two were safe, but obviously injured. Aura must have caughtthem, but was probably stopped by everyone else.
            "Hello, Sunshine." She turned and saw Jono standing there. She watchedas he approached and took her hand. She was happy to see him, and smiledat him. As she smiled, he said to her, "I'm sorry."
             "Jono, you don't have to be sorry about not being.." She stopped when heshook his head.  She then realized that he didn't mean that, he meantThanksgiving. "Ah'm sorry, too." She embraced him in a big hug.
             The moment was cut short when Sean came into the room. He looked at themand said, "Well, lass, ye had us worried for a moment. How ye feeling?"
             Paige released Jono and sat up in bed. "Ah think Ah feel worse than whenYvette ran amok when she first arrived." She was still a bit sore wereAura had put that pressure on her.
             "From what we got from the scans, yur waist had been crushed. Some of yurinternal organs were bleeding, and ye had a couple broken ribs." As Seanhad said that, she could swear that they were still broken.
             She turned to look at Rich and Yvette and asked, "What about them?"
             Emma Frost answered that question as she walked into the room. "Rich hadsome internal injuries, and when he was dropped, he sustained some trauma.Yvette was in a similar state, except her injuries weren't as bad." Paigewas relieved to hear that, but she wondered how the two lasted so long.
             "Any idea of how they managed to last until you got back?"
             "Judging by the way some of the vents were opened, the two were scramblingaround the vents," Emma said.
             "I think that might have been Rich's idea." Paige looked to see Jubileeentering the room, with a girl about Jubilee's age, bald and with a reddot on her forehead. Jubilee turned to the girl and said, "This is PaigeGuthrie. She is the one with the disgusting ability."
             "It's useful, at least for defense," Paige responded instantly.
             "Didn't do you any good against Aura. By the way, this is Daria."
             Paige looked at the girl and said, "Welcome to the school. Ah'm sorry Ahdidn't come to the airport, but..."
             The girl looked at her and said, "I know. Everybody has told me about Rich'sdreams."  The girl then approached Rich and looked at his face. Shethen noticed that Rich had started to have what appeared to be an epilepticseizure. Daria then yelled, "Something's wrong. Rich doesn't seem to bewell."
             Paige yelled to Daria, "Step away from him, Daria. You are forcing yourability onto him."  Daria looked as if she didn't understand. Seanran over and pulled her away from Rich's bed.
             "Daria, did Jubilee tell ye that Rich mimicked mutant's abilities?"
             "Well, how he reacts is determined by who closes the distance between himand the mutant while he is in a neutral state. You initiated the change,and something tells me that ye had some trauma in yur life." Paige lookedat the girl and then noticed that Rich had calmed down.  Paige couldtell that he was starting to wake up, due to the fact that he started tomove his head.  He didn't sit straight up until Yvette screamed.

             Rich jumped when he heard the scream. For a moment, he thought it was himscreaming, partially due to a unique occurrence.  Someone must havegotten near him in his state of unconsciousness, at he must no longer havehad Yvette's ability. He sat up and opened his eyes.  He was in themed-unit, and it was Yvette that was screaming. He saw Sean and Emma tryingto calm her down, and he then saw Daria. She looked just as she did inthe picture, but he knew something about her that worried him a little.He wondered if she was aware of the fact. He turned back to Yvette to seeshe was sitting up, but was wary of everything she saw. He looked at herand smiled and said, "I think we are safe, love."
             She relaxed and smiled at him, and then said, "Rich, I had the strangestdream. I dream that you weren't around, and Emma was handing me over toEmplate."
             Rich noticed the glance Sean gave Emma, and Rich said, "I don't think Emmawould do that, unless she planned to make sure he didn't get you. She doesn'twant to see any of us die." It was now that everybody was filing in. Apparently,everyone had an encounter with Elane.
             Sean looked at him and said, "Rich, lad, when were ye going to tell usabout Aura?"  Sean's tone made it evident that he was upset with Rich.But then, Rich couldn't blame him.
             Rich sighed and said, "Fine. If I am going to reveal this dark secret,then two other secrets must be revealed." He noticed a look of puzzlementon everyone's face, except Monet's. Her face was had a look on it thatbegged him not to say anything. Rich then said, "Daria, I don't know ifyou are aware of this, but you have the ability to alter your form to doa task."
             "I figured that out. Thank you, but why are you say this," she replied,very puzzled.
             "Daria, you joined Zero Tolerance before your abilities awoke. In the process,I think you underwent the first phase of becoming a Prime Sentinel. Yourabilities alter you from your true form to that of metallic forms." Dariablinked and was speechless.
             "I didn't even know about that. And you learned all that when I got nearyou," she eventually said.
             Rich nodded. It was an odd experience, but if she did remember it, somethingin her made her forget about it. He then noticed Sean looking at him andsaid, "Then what's the other secret?"
             Rich let a smile cross his face. It was usually the same smile he had seenon Emma's face.  He then mouthed the one word that Monet didn't wantto hear. "Gemini."
             Rich watched as Sean turned to face Monet. It was obvious that Sean knewabout the twin sisters, but did he know what Rich knew. Probably not. Richwatched as Sean said to Monet, "Well, lass, if you don't say anything aboutyur twin sisters, I have a feeling that Rich will tell us.  Whichis it?"
             Monet looked down at the floor. For the first time that Rich had met her,Monet was truly afraid. Monet finally said softly, "I am the twins." Richsaw the looks on everybody's eyes, including Daria's, and this was herfirst day here.
             Jubilee was the only one to say the next question. "How? I mean, you can'tbe the two of them, unless it is in your mind." There was a flash of lightand then there were two eight year olds standing exactly where Monet stood.Rich truly understood now what the two were.
             Rich sat up and looked at them and said, "Tell me if I'm correct, girls,but you have the ability to merge into a new person. One that you pickwhat you like, but the only way to maintain the balance of who is in controlat any given time is those autistic spells." The twins nodded. Rich thensaid, "So, Monet St. Croix is just a fabrication of your imaginations."
             The one girl said, "Yes and no, Richard." He was taken back by this. Shethen continued, "I am Monet St. Croix. My sister is Claudia." The othernodded and started to fall, as if weakened by the transformation, or shewas dependant on the transformation. The two remerged into the familiarform of Monet St. Croix.
             Rich shook his head, to clear his mind. He then said, "Then all what youtwo did was merge together your abilities, knowledge, and age. But whydid you keep that form if.." He then pieced together what he learned thesecond day he was at the school.  The part that Emplate drained fromMonet St. Croix was actually Claudia's powers. "Never mind, I know."
             "Know what?" Emma asked, looking as if she was going to scan his mind.
             "Claudia has become so dependant on being part of Monet that she probablywon't survive for long alone," he lied. "Since the two of them are combined,it explained the strength, heightened senses. Over time, one forgets whatit is like to live without a fallback." Monet gave him a small smile whichcommunicated thanks.
             "Then, how did the ability to merge manifest so early in their life." Seanasked.
             "Maybe it was instinct of self-preservation. They didn't know at the timethat blood relatives are immune to each other." Rich stopped that, andfinally said, "Now, you all want to know about 'Aura'."
             Paige looked at him from her bed and said, "Ah think we should have knownabout her on the first day."
             Monet then said, "True. She seems to be quite a dangerous adversary." Richshuddered, for he knew that she was dangerous.  She was almost pureevil.
             Sean then said, "First of all, how did ye meet her, and what happened?"
             Rich hated bringing that memory back, but he had to. "First of all, Aura'sreal name is Elane. She probably still goes by Elane Bonstein, since thatwas my uncle's name. Elane was his second adopted child. He adopted herdue to the fact that his adopted son wanted a sister. Elane came from abroken home. She was the one that broke it."
             Sean interrupted by saying, "So Aura is yur cousin?" He hated to ever thinkthat Elane could be considered relation, but she did so good a job of disappearingthat her last known name was Bonstein.
             "My whole family won't even say she existed," Rich continued. "It wasn'tuntil my birthday that I met Elane for the first and last time. It hadbeen obvious she didn't like anyone, but when I approached her, I saw herplans. She had planned to start with our family to control the world. Idon't know how she would go about, but she was going to start with us.I told my uncle and all her plans came apart at the seams. She ran fromthe house that day, swearing vengeance on me.  The police were informedof her, but no one could find her. I lived my life as I could. Eventually,I thought she forgot about me. When I came here, I left no trace of cominghere."
             Emma then asked the question what was bothering him, "Then how did shefind out you were here? I doubt she hacked into the school's files, sinceI have locked down the computers from hackers, and I have no records ofthe school's students in the computers at Frost Enterprises."
             Rich looked at everyone and said, "I knew she lied about that. If who Ithink helped her find out I was here, then she is dead by now."
             Monet said the name he suspected, "Emplate. If he did help her and shefailed him, she is dead."
             Yvette then said, "But if Emplate helped her, she would have known aboutus." That puzzled him, too.
             Daria then said the one thing that made it fit together. "Maybe Emplatedidn't tell her, or she was under instruction not to tell."  Richwondered how much she had learned about Emplate, or how much she had observedwhen Bastion was head of Zero Tolerance.
             Jubilee then said, "That makes sense. But the only way we will know thetruth is if Aura attacks again. I don't think Emplate is the forgivingtype."
             Rich looked at them all. He knew that what he would say would shock them,but it was true. "I hope he isn't the forgiving type.  I wouldn'tmind seeing her dead, for then I wouldn't have to worry anymore." At thateveryone stopped asking about Elane, and he hoped that Aura was gone forgood.


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