Chapter 0 - Pre book info
Submitted July 20, 2007 Updated September 6, 2007 Status Incomplete | A story about a girl who gets brought from the real world, into the pokemon world. Placed in the Henna Region, see gallery pictures for details.
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Chapter 0 - Pre book info
Chapter 0 - Pre book info
This story is an original pokemon story, it contains no people from any of the anime and is based solely off the video game, so if you want to read about Ash then this is not the place. Various Pictures can be found in my gallery, describing things in this book, I will post their links here:
For a picture of Shadow:
For a picture of several Obsidian legendaries, Yin, and Despair:
For a Henna region Map:
That’s all for now! ^-^
Warning: Do not read any further unless you wish to see the 150 + 7 native pokemon.
Henna Region Native Pokemon:
#001 – Treecko
#002 – Grovyle
#003 - Sceptile
#004 - Piplup
#005 - Prinplup
#006 - Empoleon
#007 - Charmander
#008 - Charmeleon
#009 - Charizard
#010 - Pidgey
#011 - Pidgeotto
#012 - Pidgeot
#013 - Shinx
#014 - Luxio
#015 - Luxray
#016 - Spearow
#017 - Fearow
#018 - Abra
#019 - Kadabra
#020 - Alakazam
#021 - Magikarp
#022 - Gyarados
#023 - Pikachu
#024 - Riachu
#025 - Psyachu
#026 - Diachu
#027 - Gastly
#028 - Haunter
#029 - Gengar
#030 - Chingling
#031 - Chimecho
#032 - Caterpie
#033 - Metapod
#034 - Butterfree
#035 - Kricketot
#036 - Kricketune
#037 - Zubat
#038 - Golbat
#039 - Crobat
#040 - Misdreavus
#041 - Mismagius
#042 - Murkrow
#043 - Honchkrow
#044 - Sandshrew
#045 - Sandslash
#046 - Geodude
#047 - Graveler
#048 - Golem
#049 - Ekans
#050 - Arbok
#051 – Nidoran Female
#052 - Nidorina
#053 - Nidoqueen
#054 – Nidoran Male
#055 - Nidorino
#056 - Nidoking
#057 - Buizel
#058 - Floatzel
#059 - Budew
#060 - Roselia
#061 - Roserade
#062 - Tentacool
#063 – Tentacruel
#064 - Seel
#065 - Dewgong
#066 - Ralts
#067 - Kirlia
#068 - Gardevoir
#069 - Gallade
#070 - Omanyte
#071 - Omastar
#072 - Aerodactyl
#073 - Snorunt
#074 - Froslass
#075 - Sneasel
#076 - Weavile
#077 - Weaver
#078 - Eeevee
#079 - Vaporeon
#080 - Jolteon
#081 - Flareon
#082 - Espeon
#083 - Umbreon
#084 - Spookeon
#085 - Mecheon
#085 - Absol
#086 - Bronzor
#087 - Bronzong
#088 - Ponyta
#089 - Rapidash
#090 - Splowpoke
#091 - Slowbro
#092 - Slowking
#093 - Poliwag
#094 – Poliwhirl
#095 - Poliwrath
#096 - Politoed
#097 - Machop
#098 - Machoke
#099 - Machamp
#100 - Chikorita
#101 - Bayleef
#102 - Meganium
#103 - Totodile
#104 - Croconaw
#105 - Feraligatr
#106 - Cyndaquil
#107 – Quilava
#108 - Typhlosion
#109 - Bonsly
#110 - Sudowoodo
#111 - Cherubi
#112 - Cherrim
#113 - Riolu
#114 - Lucario
#115 - Dracowrath
#116 - Dracowraith
#117 - Dracoqueen
#118 - Vulpix
#119 - Ninetales
#120 - Vulpixie
#121 - Cranidos
#122 - Rampardos
#123 - Shieldon
#124 - Bastiodon
#125 - Carvanha
#126 Sharpedo
#127 – Fireachick -
#128 - Fireabird
#129 - Fireagle
#130 - Feebas
#131 - Milotic
#132 - Aurasaur
#133 - Boreasaur
#134 - Metachick
#135 - Metabird
#136 - Metahawk
#137 - Metreor
#138 - Metreheir
#139 - Metrearc
#140 - Voiaderra
#141 - Ailean
#142 - Aileon
#143 - Yang
#144 - Yin
#145 - Joy
#146 - Despair
#147 - Death
#148 - Life
#149 - Freesia
#150 - Varalaya
Hidden Pokemon
#151 - Sudovoodo
#152 - Sakumi
#153 - Luperio
#154 - Panthereo
#155 - Lugio
#156 - Oh - Ho
#157 - Deaxie
For a picture of Shadow:
For a picture of several Obsidian legendaries, Yin, and Despair:
For a Henna region Map:
That’s all for now! ^-^
Warning: Do not read any further unless you wish to see the 150 + 7 native pokemon.
Henna Region Native Pokemon:
#001 – Treecko
#002 – Grovyle
#003 - Sceptile
#004 - Piplup
#005 - Prinplup
#006 - Empoleon
#007 - Charmander
#008 - Charmeleon
#009 - Charizard
#010 - Pidgey
#011 - Pidgeotto
#012 - Pidgeot
#013 - Shinx
#014 - Luxio
#015 - Luxray
#016 - Spearow
#017 - Fearow
#018 - Abra
#019 - Kadabra
#020 - Alakazam
#021 - Magikarp
#022 - Gyarados
#023 - Pikachu
#024 - Riachu
#025 - Psyachu
#026 - Diachu
#027 - Gastly
#028 - Haunter
#029 - Gengar
#030 - Chingling
#031 - Chimecho
#032 - Caterpie
#033 - Metapod
#034 - Butterfree
#035 - Kricketot
#036 - Kricketune
#037 - Zubat
#038 - Golbat
#039 - Crobat
#040 - Misdreavus
#041 - Mismagius
#042 - Murkrow
#043 - Honchkrow
#044 - Sandshrew
#045 - Sandslash
#046 - Geodude
#047 - Graveler
#048 - Golem
#049 - Ekans
#050 - Arbok
#051 – Nidoran Female
#052 - Nidorina
#053 - Nidoqueen
#054 – Nidoran Male
#055 - Nidorino
#056 - Nidoking
#057 - Buizel
#058 - Floatzel
#059 - Budew
#060 - Roselia
#061 - Roserade
#062 - Tentacool
#063 – Tentacruel
#064 - Seel
#065 - Dewgong
#066 - Ralts
#067 - Kirlia
#068 - Gardevoir
#069 - Gallade
#070 - Omanyte
#071 - Omastar
#072 - Aerodactyl
#073 - Snorunt
#074 - Froslass
#075 - Sneasel
#076 - Weavile
#077 - Weaver
#078 - Eeevee
#079 - Vaporeon
#080 - Jolteon
#081 - Flareon
#082 - Espeon
#083 - Umbreon
#084 - Spookeon
#085 - Mecheon
#085 - Absol
#086 - Bronzor
#087 - Bronzong
#088 - Ponyta
#089 - Rapidash
#090 - Splowpoke
#091 - Slowbro
#092 - Slowking
#093 - Poliwag
#094 – Poliwhirl
#095 - Poliwrath
#096 - Politoed
#097 - Machop
#098 - Machoke
#099 - Machamp
#100 - Chikorita
#101 - Bayleef
#102 - Meganium
#103 - Totodile
#104 - Croconaw
#105 - Feraligatr
#106 - Cyndaquil
#107 – Quilava
#108 - Typhlosion
#109 - Bonsly
#110 - Sudowoodo
#111 - Cherubi
#112 - Cherrim
#113 - Riolu
#114 - Lucario
#115 - Dracowrath
#116 - Dracowraith
#117 - Dracoqueen
#118 - Vulpix
#119 - Ninetales
#120 - Vulpixie
#121 - Cranidos
#122 - Rampardos
#123 - Shieldon
#124 - Bastiodon
#125 - Carvanha
#126 Sharpedo
#127 – Fireachick -
#128 - Fireabird
#129 - Fireagle
#130 - Feebas
#131 - Milotic
#132 - Aurasaur
#133 - Boreasaur
#134 - Metachick
#135 - Metabird
#136 - Metahawk
#137 - Metreor
#138 - Metreheir
#139 - Metrearc
#140 - Voiaderra
#141 - Ailean
#142 - Aileon
#143 - Yang
#144 - Yin
#145 - Joy
#146 - Despair
#147 - Death
#148 - Life
#149 - Freesia
#150 - Varalaya
Hidden Pokemon
#151 - Sudovoodo
#152 - Sakumi
#153 - Luperio
#154 - Panthereo
#155 - Lugio
#156 - Oh - Ho
#157 - Deaxie
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SkyThing on July 24, 2007, 11:12:33 PM
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