Chapter 1 - Dragon Info
Submitted August 14, 2007 Updated November 28, 2007 Status Incomplete | A work in progress, the more dragons adopted, the more info i get. |
Chapter 1 - Dragon Info
Chapter 1 - Dragon Info
Steel dragons:
A bit about steel dragons:
Very heavy, but can fly without too much trouble, thier wings are made out of shiny steel feathers, as is thier tail, which can proove very useful when slicing vegetables...or robbers. Thier bodies are covered in metal plating, so to cover all thier weak spots, they can sense heat, much like snakes, and they also breathe very hot but thin jets of flame.
A bit more about Steel dragons:
The females have larger horns but a slightly more streamlined body. Steel dragons are very territorial and refuse to let anything except prey on thier land until the mating season. Thier flame is so hot it's very close to pure white, making it easy for them to knock things out of mid air with one shot. They prey on griffins and pegasi, or the occasional giant eagle. They use the larger teeth at the back of thier mouths to grab hold of and trap prey, they have almost no gag reflex.
Moon Dragons:
A bit about moon dragons:
Usually the size of a two story house, can cast spells of any type without too much trouble, live to be very very old, and breathe purple fire, as well as the magical spells. Are well known for the sparkly firework spells that are specific to thier species.
Demon Dragons:
A bit about Demon Dragons:
They have many possible types, this one is somewhat like a snake, demon dragons can use most types of dark, blood, death, bone, ash, or demon magic, and they can also breathe black flames, which as well as burning, also causes the target to briefly recall nightmares.
A bit more about demon dragons:
Thier spikes contain deadly venom which they only release at will, thier fangs also contain this venom, which they release upon instincts. Spiky tails usually mean even more venom in the same condition as the spikes. They use thier bright colors to frighten off larger dragons, and usually only produce 3 or so offspring every 100,000,000 years which eat each other until there is only one left. Thier life span is about 500 million years on average.
Horse Dragons:
A bit about Horse Dragons:
They love to be ridden bareback, and are very careful not to let thier riders slip. They can treck all over rough terrain in any weather, as well as flying. Equine dragons are one of the most trustworthy dragons, and will defend thier owners at all costs. They cannot breathe fire, they prefer to use thier hooves and horns instead.
A bit more about Horse Dragons:
Horse dragons eat a lot of grass every day, and also love apples and carrots. In the wild they travel in herds just like most horses. They come in mainly colors that horses would usually be, but in rare instances they have been seen with green coats, or purple eyes, etc. Their life span is usually 10,000 to 30,000 years, and they can grow from the size of a small pony to having a body the size of a car.
Dusk Dragons:
A bit about Dusk Dragons:
They tend to sleep in small caves where only they can fit because of thier snakelike structure. They also only hunt as dusk, hence thier name, this pattern is mainly because thier colors disguise them at dusk better that other times. Dusk dragons like thier caves to be by rivers or moats, mainly because thier main diet is fish, which they catch with the spear on thier tail. For this reason, and thier method of swimming, it is highly possible that the lochness monster is a very old and large dusk dragon.
Silence Dragons:
A bit about Silence Dragons:
They live in the sky and prey on injured birds, thier homes are clouds that they conjured up to be very thick and puffy. Thier wiry structure and light body weight, allows them to swoop around in the sky with ease, escaping from any predators they come across. When silence dragons find a partner, that partner becomes thier soul mate, and they will never leave each other.
Crystal Dragons:
A bit about Crystal Dragons:
Crystal dragons live in caves filled with crystal, which makes them very hard to find. They eat minerals found in the crystals, and the crystals grow on them. Young crystal dragons have nothing but a bone structure for the wing, no horns, and no chest protection, meaning the older the stronger. Crystal dragon crystals are nearly inpenetrable and reflect light and laser.
Lightning Dragons:
A bit about Lightning dragons:
Thier wing membrane is actually an energy field, if touched, it can put out a lot of watts of elecrticity, enough to be fatal. The lightning bolt shaped spear on the end of thier tail acts at a weapon, but also electrocutes pray, this mecanism is what allows them to catch thier favourite food, antelope. Thier mane is always static, and it gives off little sparks from time to time.
Mind Dragons:
A bit about mind dragons:
Mind dragons are made from thought, and always know what someone is thinking. Thier coloring changes perpetually, like a chameleon. They live in a time vortex when ownerless, and they can spit out any random object in existence. Scientists dislike mind dragons because they make no sense scientificly.
Beast Dragons:
A bit about Beast dragons:
The older they get, the more horns they grow, they are not very huggable and usually prey on wild horses, deer work too though, and cows. They use the spiked club on thier tails to crush the skulls of thier prey. The wings of beast dragons can be used to scale rocks structures, as the claw is built like an extra finger. Beast dragons are one of the few dragons that keep thier egg horns, allowing them to stab things with it. The males battle much like rams over females.
Air Dragons:
A bit about air dragons:
Much like the opiental eastern dragon, they don't really need wings to fly, with the young bieng an exception, as thier bodies are too short to properly fly. Air dragons prey on other large flying predators, like hawks, eagles, falcons, etc. Air dragons sleep in mid air, and rarely ever land in thier entire lives after they are born. They hate fighting and prefer peace and civilised negotiations.
Bat Dragons:
A bit about Bat Dragons:
Long ago some dragons lived in caves more than others, these dragons evolved to suit thier enviroment, growing batlike wings, and eyes built to see in the dark. Bat dragons only hunt at night, they often live in large groups, unless vampire, then they are usually solitary. Vampire bat dragons will prey on other dragons, horses, giant bats, giant serpents, etc. while the non vampire versions have mostly gone extinct due to a shortage of giant insects (they lived with the dinosaurs) or moved on to a vampire evoluntionary stage or regular dragon prey (cows, sheep, griffins, etc.).
Peril Dragons:
A bit about Peril dragons:
It's quite amazing thier species is still around, seeing as they're always falling off cliffs, tripping over large predators, and falling into ravines. They are said to be dangerous to have around, but they're really quite friendly, as long as you live somewhere far from a large drop off. Thier wings are usually incapable of flying due to the fact that thier wings are very torn up. Peril dragons mostly need a lot of supervision and safety precausions, but apart from that they are very gentle and intellegent dragons that are great to have as pets.
Youth Dragons:
A bit about Youth Dragons:
Usually silly and playful, they like candy and chocolate (though chocolate is bad for them, just like it is for dogs) and love to play with frisbees and balls, they make wonderful pets and only require a little house training. Youth dragons are about the size of a large terrier and if living in the wild, will hunt rats and squirrels. Their wings are useless because they never grow, but are soft to touch. Youth dragons can't run very fast without tripping over their big paws.
Emerald dragons:
A bit about Emerald Dragons:
Almost always green, these dragons are masters of the skies. They usually have red underbellies to intimidate rivals, but on rare occasion their underbellies will be the same color as the rest of their body. Emerald dragons usually eat semi large air prey, such as hawks, eagles, falcons, and other predatory birds. Emerald dragons will also enjoy the rare treat of a rabbit, when they spot one and can get low enough to scoop it up in their mouth. They are most abundant in the spring, and early summer, but they hibernate all winter and fall. They don't eat much and can go days without food. Emerald dragons also take pride in their gems that grow on their body.
Dawn Dragons:
A bit about Dawn Dragons:
Unlike their close relations, the Dusk Dragons, Dawn Dragons are more built for flying than swimming. A chicken or the egg type question often comes up about what came first, Dusk Dragons or Dawn Dragons. It is however most likely that neither originated from each other, but both from an extinct species of dragon called the Morning Dragon. The Morning Dragon most likely lived during the Ice Age, and when the environment changed, it split into to unique groups which evolved to suit the climate change, and any remaining Morning Dragons died out. Currently not much fossil evidence has proven this theory, but a unique fossil has been discovered and it is currently being investigated. If this proves to be a Morning Dragon, then there could be more heard about it soon.
Arachnid Dragons:
A bit about Arachnid Dragons:
They are masters of spinning, and even have hands that resemble that of a human in order to give them more precision in their work. Arachnid dragons usually live in dark creepy forests, spinning large webs to catch unsuspecting deer that might pass by. Just like black widows, the females eat their mates after *ahem* you know. This means that it is very hard to find a male arachnid dragon, and if you do, it would be best for their health and safety if you keep them away from any and all females. As a side note, males are smaller than females, and not very colorful.
Lava Dragons
A bit about Lava Dragons:
The eggs are lain in active volcanoes because they need very high temperatures to help them hatch. Once hatched, the baby dragons climb out of the lava and go on their first hunt. Male lava dragons will find a piece of volcano territory once able to fly, and females will usually have more of a nomadic lifestyle, flying from place to place, as a result, their wings are stronger and they can battle better in the air. They also have more of a lithe structure than the heavy males. From all the time they spend in volcanoes, lava dragons tend to go rather chameleon and take on colors similar to the volcano and its contents, far different from their first pale yellow color. Active volcano residents will be a dark brown with lava stripes, and non active ones will usually be a lighter color with ash colored markings. Lava dragons have sensitive pads on their feet that tell them what's going on by the way the ground feels. Due to their locations, the males often have to go for weeks without food, so that when they do find food they eat as much as they can, common prey is firebird eggs, which are large and full of nutrients. Several more interesting facts is that the only thing that does not mimic the environment is eye color, this is always the same shade of purple among all lava dragons. Also, their horns are made of a material that melts when young, so that when the dragons hatch, their horns melt, giving each dragon a distinct pattern for each horn, much like a zebra's stripes.
More might be up later! ^-^
A bit about steel dragons:
Very heavy, but can fly without too much trouble, thier wings are made out of shiny steel feathers, as is thier tail, which can proove very useful when slicing vegetables...or robbers. Thier bodies are covered in metal plating, so to cover all thier weak spots, they can sense heat, much like snakes, and they also breathe very hot but thin jets of flame.
A bit more about Steel dragons:
The females have larger horns but a slightly more streamlined body. Steel dragons are very territorial and refuse to let anything except prey on thier land until the mating season. Thier flame is so hot it's very close to pure white, making it easy for them to knock things out of mid air with one shot. They prey on griffins and pegasi, or the occasional giant eagle. They use the larger teeth at the back of thier mouths to grab hold of and trap prey, they have almost no gag reflex.
Moon Dragons:
A bit about moon dragons:
Usually the size of a two story house, can cast spells of any type without too much trouble, live to be very very old, and breathe purple fire, as well as the magical spells. Are well known for the sparkly firework spells that are specific to thier species.
Demon Dragons:
A bit about Demon Dragons:
They have many possible types, this one is somewhat like a snake, demon dragons can use most types of dark, blood, death, bone, ash, or demon magic, and they can also breathe black flames, which as well as burning, also causes the target to briefly recall nightmares.
A bit more about demon dragons:
Thier spikes contain deadly venom which they only release at will, thier fangs also contain this venom, which they release upon instincts. Spiky tails usually mean even more venom in the same condition as the spikes. They use thier bright colors to frighten off larger dragons, and usually only produce 3 or so offspring every 100,000,000 years which eat each other until there is only one left. Thier life span is about 500 million years on average.
Horse Dragons:
A bit about Horse Dragons:
They love to be ridden bareback, and are very careful not to let thier riders slip. They can treck all over rough terrain in any weather, as well as flying. Equine dragons are one of the most trustworthy dragons, and will defend thier owners at all costs. They cannot breathe fire, they prefer to use thier hooves and horns instead.
A bit more about Horse Dragons:
Horse dragons eat a lot of grass every day, and also love apples and carrots. In the wild they travel in herds just like most horses. They come in mainly colors that horses would usually be, but in rare instances they have been seen with green coats, or purple eyes, etc. Their life span is usually 10,000 to 30,000 years, and they can grow from the size of a small pony to having a body the size of a car.
Dusk Dragons:
A bit about Dusk Dragons:
They tend to sleep in small caves where only they can fit because of thier snakelike structure. They also only hunt as dusk, hence thier name, this pattern is mainly because thier colors disguise them at dusk better that other times. Dusk dragons like thier caves to be by rivers or moats, mainly because thier main diet is fish, which they catch with the spear on thier tail. For this reason, and thier method of swimming, it is highly possible that the lochness monster is a very old and large dusk dragon.
Silence Dragons:
A bit about Silence Dragons:
They live in the sky and prey on injured birds, thier homes are clouds that they conjured up to be very thick and puffy. Thier wiry structure and light body weight, allows them to swoop around in the sky with ease, escaping from any predators they come across. When silence dragons find a partner, that partner becomes thier soul mate, and they will never leave each other.
Crystal Dragons:
A bit about Crystal Dragons:
Crystal dragons live in caves filled with crystal, which makes them very hard to find. They eat minerals found in the crystals, and the crystals grow on them. Young crystal dragons have nothing but a bone structure for the wing, no horns, and no chest protection, meaning the older the stronger. Crystal dragon crystals are nearly inpenetrable and reflect light and laser.
Lightning Dragons:
A bit about Lightning dragons:
Thier wing membrane is actually an energy field, if touched, it can put out a lot of watts of elecrticity, enough to be fatal. The lightning bolt shaped spear on the end of thier tail acts at a weapon, but also electrocutes pray, this mecanism is what allows them to catch thier favourite food, antelope. Thier mane is always static, and it gives off little sparks from time to time.
Mind Dragons:
A bit about mind dragons:
Mind dragons are made from thought, and always know what someone is thinking. Thier coloring changes perpetually, like a chameleon. They live in a time vortex when ownerless, and they can spit out any random object in existence. Scientists dislike mind dragons because they make no sense scientificly.
Beast Dragons:
A bit about Beast dragons:
The older they get, the more horns they grow, they are not very huggable and usually prey on wild horses, deer work too though, and cows. They use the spiked club on thier tails to crush the skulls of thier prey. The wings of beast dragons can be used to scale rocks structures, as the claw is built like an extra finger. Beast dragons are one of the few dragons that keep thier egg horns, allowing them to stab things with it. The males battle much like rams over females.
Air Dragons:
A bit about air dragons:
Much like the opiental eastern dragon, they don't really need wings to fly, with the young bieng an exception, as thier bodies are too short to properly fly. Air dragons prey on other large flying predators, like hawks, eagles, falcons, etc. Air dragons sleep in mid air, and rarely ever land in thier entire lives after they are born. They hate fighting and prefer peace and civilised negotiations.
Bat Dragons:
A bit about Bat Dragons:
Long ago some dragons lived in caves more than others, these dragons evolved to suit thier enviroment, growing batlike wings, and eyes built to see in the dark. Bat dragons only hunt at night, they often live in large groups, unless vampire, then they are usually solitary. Vampire bat dragons will prey on other dragons, horses, giant bats, giant serpents, etc. while the non vampire versions have mostly gone extinct due to a shortage of giant insects (they lived with the dinosaurs) or moved on to a vampire evoluntionary stage or regular dragon prey (cows, sheep, griffins, etc.).
Peril Dragons:
A bit about Peril dragons:
It's quite amazing thier species is still around, seeing as they're always falling off cliffs, tripping over large predators, and falling into ravines. They are said to be dangerous to have around, but they're really quite friendly, as long as you live somewhere far from a large drop off. Thier wings are usually incapable of flying due to the fact that thier wings are very torn up. Peril dragons mostly need a lot of supervision and safety precausions, but apart from that they are very gentle and intellegent dragons that are great to have as pets.
Youth Dragons:
A bit about Youth Dragons:
Usually silly and playful, they like candy and chocolate (though chocolate is bad for them, just like it is for dogs) and love to play with frisbees and balls, they make wonderful pets and only require a little house training. Youth dragons are about the size of a large terrier and if living in the wild, will hunt rats and squirrels. Their wings are useless because they never grow, but are soft to touch. Youth dragons can't run very fast without tripping over their big paws.
Emerald dragons:
A bit about Emerald Dragons:
Almost always green, these dragons are masters of the skies. They usually have red underbellies to intimidate rivals, but on rare occasion their underbellies will be the same color as the rest of their body. Emerald dragons usually eat semi large air prey, such as hawks, eagles, falcons, and other predatory birds. Emerald dragons will also enjoy the rare treat of a rabbit, when they spot one and can get low enough to scoop it up in their mouth. They are most abundant in the spring, and early summer, but they hibernate all winter and fall. They don't eat much and can go days without food. Emerald dragons also take pride in their gems that grow on their body.
Dawn Dragons:
A bit about Dawn Dragons:
Unlike their close relations, the Dusk Dragons, Dawn Dragons are more built for flying than swimming. A chicken or the egg type question often comes up about what came first, Dusk Dragons or Dawn Dragons. It is however most likely that neither originated from each other, but both from an extinct species of dragon called the Morning Dragon. The Morning Dragon most likely lived during the Ice Age, and when the environment changed, it split into to unique groups which evolved to suit the climate change, and any remaining Morning Dragons died out. Currently not much fossil evidence has proven this theory, but a unique fossil has been discovered and it is currently being investigated. If this proves to be a Morning Dragon, then there could be more heard about it soon.
Arachnid Dragons:
A bit about Arachnid Dragons:
They are masters of spinning, and even have hands that resemble that of a human in order to give them more precision in their work. Arachnid dragons usually live in dark creepy forests, spinning large webs to catch unsuspecting deer that might pass by. Just like black widows, the females eat their mates after *ahem* you know. This means that it is very hard to find a male arachnid dragon, and if you do, it would be best for their health and safety if you keep them away from any and all females. As a side note, males are smaller than females, and not very colorful.
Lava Dragons
A bit about Lava Dragons:
The eggs are lain in active volcanoes because they need very high temperatures to help them hatch. Once hatched, the baby dragons climb out of the lava and go on their first hunt. Male lava dragons will find a piece of volcano territory once able to fly, and females will usually have more of a nomadic lifestyle, flying from place to place, as a result, their wings are stronger and they can battle better in the air. They also have more of a lithe structure than the heavy males. From all the time they spend in volcanoes, lava dragons tend to go rather chameleon and take on colors similar to the volcano and its contents, far different from their first pale yellow color. Active volcano residents will be a dark brown with lava stripes, and non active ones will usually be a lighter color with ash colored markings. Lava dragons have sensitive pads on their feet that tell them what's going on by the way the ground feels. Due to their locations, the males often have to go for weeks without food, so that when they do find food they eat as much as they can, common prey is firebird eggs, which are large and full of nutrients. Several more interesting facts is that the only thing that does not mimic the environment is eye color, this is always the same shade of purple among all lava dragons. Also, their horns are made of a material that melts when young, so that when the dragons hatch, their horns melt, giving each dragon a distinct pattern for each horn, much like a zebra's stripes.
More might be up later! ^-^
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FluffysPrincess2968 on March 2, 2008, 6:49:02 AM

thecompleteanimorph on August 7, 2008, 1:24:55 PM
SkyThing on August 8, 2008, 1:42:27 AM
SkyThing on

SkyThing on March 2, 2008, 11:51:32 PM
SkyThing on
Nekogal411 on August 23, 2007, 4:18:22 AM
Nekogal411 on
SkyThing on August 23, 2007, 4:23:33 AM
SkyThing on