Chapter 5 - Aqua Eyes
Submitted June 25, 2006 Updated June 25, 2006 Status Incomplete | If there's more than one of these stories posted, read this one, this is the one that works. ^^; VERY STUPID PLOT. I'm sorry, I had to delete the file and reload it. So I lost all of the wonderful comments made. :'( It got really spaced out, I'm sorr
Books » By Title » Artemis Fowl |
Chapter 5 - Aqua Eyes
Chapter 5 - Aqua Eyes
Chapter 5
Aqua Eyes
Yvonne leaned back in her chair, balancing it on two legs; running her slender fingers through her midnight blue hair. Oh, the pleasure revenge gave her. It was a great night, last night. Ah, she blew up an entire hotel. How... Sweet....
"Laurel!?" She barked at a teeny fairy youth, who jumped and turned.
"Yes, Yv-"
"Don't call me Yvonne!!!!"
"Ye-ye-yes, Ms. Kelour.." He stammered, and quelled beneath Yvonne's fury.
"Connect me to the centaur, immidiately!"
Laurel scurried away, returning seconds later with a cell phone. "Here you are, Ms. Kelour.."
She snatched the phone away from Laurel without a thank you and put it to her pointed ear. It rung twice before Foaly picked up.
"Hello, Foaly of the LEP Recon Police Booth, how may I be of assist-"
"Ugh, spare me the sermon, centaur!" Yvonne spat the words into the phone angrily.
"Ahhhh.. Yvonne, my old college buddy! Elegent vocabulary as ever, I see."
"D'arvit, Foaly, shut up." Yvonne said, with an air that she'd said this many times before.
"Tut, tut, your manners have not improved over these many, many years, either."
Yvonne's fury could have burned Foaly over the phone line. "Enough of this.. Plesant conversation.. Tell me where the human, Artemis Fowl is!"
"How about.. No?" Said Foaly, rather rudely.
"Ugh. I'll just have to find him myself, won't I?"
"I suppose.." Foaly shrugged.
"You wouldn't spare me the trouble, would you?" Yvonne's words were choice and honey-smothered, flirtishly.
"Not even if you killed my dear Bellatrix." Said Foaly, deflating her sugary mesmer like a balloon with a needle.. No. More like a balloon.. with an axe.
Artemis walked up and down the hallway outside of Holly's room. He was expelled from it after Taurus tried to kick him. Foaly said it was for his own good, but he thought the centaur had other reasons.. "Artemis!" Came a voice, and he was pulled into a rib-breaking hug by Domovoi, whom had snuck up behind him.
"Domovoi!" Cried Artemis, "I'm only on a painkiller, don't break something." but he was laughing as he said it.
"Ah, you crazy kid.. Why are you out here, anyway?"
"Oh, Taurus tried to kick me, so Foaly sent me out here."
"Taurus?" Inquired the manservant.
"Yes, Taurus. He's Foaly's brother." Artemis said simply.
".. Foaly has a brother?"
"Yes, indeed."
While this interesting conversation went on, Blaiz poked one of many screens next to Holly Short's unconsious frame.
"And what is this one reading?" Inquired the girl.
"Brainwaves." Answered Foaly the centaur. "The more spikes in the reading, the sooner she could wake up."
"Really? There's a ton here."
Foaly cantered over, eyes bright.
Captian Holly Short was in a waterpark.... Oh.. oh gods, no.
Holly sat up, her eyes open wide, staring around the room.
"Holly!" Foaly's frame enveloped the elf... Glomp.
"Hello, Foaly." Smiled Holly, extricating herself from the mess of limbs. "Where's Artemis?" Was her first question.
Artemis turned, the sound of hooves clip-clopping behind him.
"Foaly? How's Holly, I'd really like to-"
The words died in his throat.
A beautiful grey centaur came clopping quietly down the hallway. She wore a dark blue blouse over her slim frame, and her eyes.. Her eyes were a dazzling blue-green.
"Bonjour." Said the newcomer, her dark hair lazily swaying to and fro to the tempo of her walk. "Q'uest que c'est? What is the matter, dear boy?" For Artemis's eyes were wide, and his knees felt like gelatin She knelt and placed her elegant hands on Artemis's shoulders. Artemis felt a shiver run down his spine that had nothing to do with the air vent above him. He couldn't speak.
A grey centaur entered the room, a book in one hand, the other around the shoulders of a pale youth."Foaly." Said the centaur, dropping the book into Foaly's arms. "Be careful where you leave these things. I stubbed my hoof on that."
"I'm sorry." Said Foaly, placing the book on his desk.
The grey one leaned over and pecked him gently. "Silly pony. All is well. Do not appologize." She smiled, and led the pale youth beside her into a chair. She kissed his forehead. "Be happy. I cannot look at your face. It pains me to be happy when you are not."
Artemis smiled slightly. "Bellatrix, I presume."
"Oui. Indeed I am. Clumsiest centaur you will ever have the pleasure of meeting." Bellatrix completely ignored Artemis's outstretched hand and kissed him on the cheek. Artemis felt his face burn.
"Artemis!" Holly leaped out of bed like a leopard and hugged the surprised boy around the neck.
"You're awake!" Artemis, in spite of a room full of people, hugged her back, resting his head on hers.
Taurus wandered over, feeling neglected. He decided to fall back on his favorite pasttime; hitting on Foaly's gorgeous girlfriend. After all, she deserved a real centaur, not someone who locked themself in a computer room all day long. "Hello, love." He rolled the words around on his tounge, wrapping his arm around her waist and tugging her close.
"Oh la! Bonjour, monsuier Taurus." Said Bellatrix, inwardly rolling her eyes at his antics. She dislodged herself quickly but politely from his embrace, taking a precautionary step towards Foaly.
Foaly quickly leanned over and kissed Bellatrix suavely to prove his unsaid point, and returned to his work.
Cursing fluently under his breath, Taurus retreated. Battle lost.
Alarm bells rang throughout the building.
"What now?!" Foaly cried.
A video com-link popped onto a computer screen. It was the counsil.
"Foaly. We've initiated lockdown.""By yourself?" Foaly inquired, miffed. It did, after all, take great physical strength to push a few buttons.
"Yes. You were busy with the mud men, where you not?"
"Yes.. They're alive.... and well.."
"Good. Giovani Zito has continued his probe project, and it is dangerously close to Haven. We've locked down and are evacuating the citizins. We need Captain Short to help with procedures."
"What? Holly? She-she's just woke up from a coma! You can't expect her to-"
"It's okay, Foaly. I'm going." Holly said, already pulling a jumpsuit over her slim frame.
Holly's smile silenced him.
"..Just.. Be careful for me, okay? I don't want to lose you."
"I'll try." She hugged him gently.
Artemis reached out a hand and touched Holly's shoulder.
"And be careful for me. Be careful for me too."
"I will." Holly said simply. And Artemis knew she would be. Holly pulled Artemis's head down to her level. "You be careful too, Artemis." She whispered in his ear. And with that, she pressed her lips to his.
Artemis stood, perhaps for an eternity, or possibly a few seconds. Then Holly drew back, and holstered a Neutrino from Foaly's desk. She was off down the hallway, racing to the disturbance.
"Oh gods." Foaly whispered.
"C'est l'amore, ." Said Bellatrix softly, and sat Artemis back in his chair..
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Allester on June 27, 2006, 12:48:04 AM
Allester on