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Chapter 11 - Webs of Shadows

A young girl named Snowy Husky, who is a master thief and goes on an adventure to avenge her family's death with the help of her five friends. They learned the true meaning of friendship later on, she ends up in a relationship with the Cooper Gang member.

Chapter 11 - Webs of Shadows

Chapter 11 - Webs of Shadows
Snowy Narrating...

The gang and I have made it back from Japan going to New York...again to hunt down the sixth Devilish Seven member, Venom. Venom also known as Eddie Brooke a newspaper employee that wanted attention but didn't seem to get the good kind of attention until he framed false picture of Spider-man/Parker. When he got busted he was fired from the Daily Bugle then later that night he went to to the Cathedral all depressed praying to wish to kill Peter Parker, he heard some noises from the stage and sees Parker on the roof and then some black goop dropped down on Eddie expanding through his body turning him into a symbiotic monster he then called himself Venom. He went into hiding and wanting revenge on Peter since…but what did he wanted with my parents? What did he wanted with the pages of the Husky Martial Artist History? I have a bad feeling about this Symbiote dude….

The gang went to a hotel to settle in for their operation, Penelope was setting up her gadgets and others were setting up their equipment, Snowy was looking out the window at the city seeing chaos happening already. Peach and Ellora came from behind and looked as well.
"Look at this." Snowy all disgusted with the sight. "This is like living in hell."
"No kidding, I hope your grandmother is ok." Neyla all worried.
"Me too." Penelope agreed.
"This is the rise of the Symbiote King, we need to put an end to this once and for all."
"Right!" The girls agreed.
"Ok, Snowy for your first task." Penelope looked at her.
"I know photo op?" Snowy smirked. " You don't have to tell me twice."
"Yes, take Peach and Daisy with you ok?"
"Yippie!" Peach hugs Daisy and Snowy tightly.
"Hehe." Snowy and Daisy giggles.
The three of them left to their task, Penelope contacted them on their Bluetooth, "Snowy here are points to get to for your task."
Snowy looked at them, "the courthouse, abandoned factory, the civilians, the headquarters and...Venom?"
"Don't try to pull anything Snowy, plz?" Penelope pleaded.
Snowy sighs heavily all annoyed, "Ok Penelope."
"Don't worry Pen, she won't do it when I'm with her." Daisy smirks grabbing Snowy giving her pinch.
"Ow man come here you little shoot!" Snowy glared and tackles her.
"Oh boy…." Penelope sighs and places a hand on her face. Peach looks at her girls fighting and decides to jump in as well.
"Giddy up!" Peach smiles and tackles them.
"Aye Peach, good lord." Carmelita sighs and shakes her head.
Then a pistol went off and the girls stopped and looked up and sees Captain William and Darcella having their guns pointed at them. "Freeze Husky!"
"Nowhere to run." William growled pointed his gun at Snowy.
"William as charming and handsome as always I see, you manage to get out of my handcuffs." Snowy smirked.
"Yeah no thanks to you, I should lock you and the rest of your little crew up."
Daisy gets up and raised her flaming fists at him, "Yeah I like to see you try little Captain."
Peach and Snowy holding her back. Darcella rolls her eyes and glared the feisty princess. "You need to calm your nerves little girl."
"Little girl?!" Daisy growled. "Don't get killed by this little girl, kitty!"
"No time to fight Daisy." Peach holding her back."
"Let's play cat and mouse, tag you're it!" Snowy smiles and pulls her teammates hands and runs for it.
"GET BACK HERE HUSKY!" William shouted and began to chase her on the rooftops. While the Cooper Gang were on their daily routine, they saw the girls getting chased by William and Darcella, Rioichi eyes widened and sees Snowy sliding on the railings.
"We have to help them." Rioichi said.
"I'll get Daisy." Tennessee sprints off.
"Princess Peach I'm coming!" Sir Galleth exclaimed swing his sword.
"Hang on my blossom I'm coming." Rioichi runs on the wire.
Snowy and her girls were reaching to a dead end, the two cops were closing in and have their guns pointed towards them. William had his handcuffs out walking towards her, Snowy looks at him and smirks having her arms out. Then a smoke grenade dropped in front of him, Snowy and the girls covers their faces before it went off, as the smoke spread Rioichi, Tennessee and Sir Galleth made their move and grabbed the girls and made their escape. When they made it to safety, the girls looked at their counterparts and smiled.
"Hi, Sir Galleth!" Peach smiled and hugs him.
"Hey, outlaw." Daisy smirked.
"Awww I was having fun." Snowy pouted.
The rest of the Cooper Gang showed up and were glad to see them safe.
"Thank God you're ok." Bentley said in a relief voice.
"You ok Snowy?" Sly asked.
"Yeah I'm ok, how did you guys find us?" Snowy asked.
"We were on our way back to the hideout and we saw you both." Bentley answered.
"Are the other girls ok?" Murray asked.
"Why not come to the hotel and ask?" Peach giggles.
"Good idea, and besides it's too risky, you mind if we crash in with you girls?" Sly asked.
"Sure you can, c'mon let's go." Snowy smirks and walks ahead to the hotel.
The guys followed the girls back to their hotel hideout. With the others, Penelope was sketching out the plan waiting for the Snowy, Peach and Daisy to return with the photos, Megan was drinking soda, Neyla was talking with Carmelita and Ellora. Snowy entered the room with the Cooper Gang, Megan coughed up her drink and glared at them. The rest of the girls saw them and smiled.
"What the hell?" Megan snapped.
"Chill kitty." Snowy looked at her.
Penelope sees Bentley and smiled, "Hey Bentley, what are you doing here?"
"Murray?" Neyla smirks and wraps her arms around his.
Randy sees Ellora and looks away from her, Ellora glared at him and has her back turned from him. Megan pulled Snowy away and looked at her angrily, Snowy just looked at her tigress friend.
"Snowy, what's the meaning of this?!" Megan demanded.
"Megan, if you must know, they're going to be crashing here with us and will be assisting us." Snowy answered, glaring at her tigress friend.
"They're WHAT?!" Megan's eyes widened with shock and disappointment.
"Huh?" Ellora all shocked as well.
"Yeah you heard the Husky, we're crashing in whether you like or not, so you better get used to it!" Randy snapped.
Ellora patting Snowy her dress all upset, "Snowy you can't just invite them here, that's not fair, don't we get a say?"
"As the leader, I decide Ellora so you and Megan will be nice to them." Snowy answered.
"Yeah so where's my room, Snowy?" Randy asked.
"Oh it's right here for you boys." Snowy leads them to their rooms opens the door. "Here you go boys."
The guys eyes widened having a luxury room with a water bed, king size beds with a hot tub and a fridge. "Wooooow."
"Hehe there you go." Snowy giggled. "Have fun."
"I get dibs on the waterbed!" Randy yelled.
"Uh uh, I called it!" Tennessee said.
"Screw you both I'm getting it." Sly said running to it.
"Hey!" Randy and Tennessee tackled him to the floor. The three raccoons began to fight over it, Carmelita and Daisy began to giggle, Bentley did a facepalm, Megan and Ellora rolled their eyes. Snowy and Rioichi were in the other room talking.
Bentley walked towards Penelope and hands her the photos, "I got these photos for you for the Operation, Penelope."
"Wow, thank you Bentley, you are really the brains." She smiles and looks at the photos.
"Hehe." Bentley smiles and blushes.
Murray and Randy went to the gym to work out, Murray was lifting weights Randy was doing pushups and situps. Ellora was passing by and stops and sees Randy doing sit ups, she just gazed at his muscles and abs seeing him sweat going down his body. She began to blush really hard something in her made her have that feeling her heart was racing and beating so fast. Randy then got up and went to get his water and drinks it and looks at himself in the mirror and sees the reflection of Ellora looking at him, he turns around to looks at her. Her eyes widened and walks away embarrassed, Randy looks away blushing.
"Does she have a thing for me?" Randy asked himself.
Ellora was in the shower washing up, she began to hum a song that her mother sang to her when she was a baby. Randy was on his way to his room but then hears singing, he stopped and took a peek of Ellora's body while showering, his eyes widened and began to blush hearing her voice. When Ellora finished, she wrapped a towel around her waist, goes in her room and puts her night wear, then came out and sees Randy.
"Aaaah!" Ellora jumped.
"Gah!" Randy jumped looking at her.
"What are you doing?!" Ellora asked.
"Minding my own business, like you should be doing!" Randy snapped.
"You don't have to be rude you sweaty raccoon!" Ellora snapped back getting in his face blushing.
"Hey! I'm not one that needs to protection and having their nose where it doesn't belong little girl!" Randy looked down at her and noticed that she was blushing. "My God, you're hitting on me."
Her eyes widened and snapped, "N-no I'm not you idiot!"
"Yes, you are." Randy glared.
"NO I'M NOT!" Ellora shouted.
Snowy, Rioichi and the gang came out of their rooms and sees Randy and Ellora glaring at each other. "Hey, there you two what's all the doging about?"
"This raccoon here was watching me while I was showering!" Ellora answered glaring at him.
"I was not, you liar!" Randy said glaring back.
"Yes you were!" Ellora snapped.
"Did not, you Buffon!" Randy snapped back.
"QUIET!" Rioichi shouted all annoyed.
The two of them got quiet as Rioichi glared at them, Snowy backed away next to Sly. "You both have been so childish ever since you both need to grow up!"
"I know why these two are acting like this." Peach giggled. "They have a thing for each other, the real thing that happened Ellora was on her way to the bathroom but she stopped and was looking at Randy working out and she was blushing hard. Randy on the other hand, was listening to Ellora while she was singing in the shower."
"Wow thank you, Peach." Ellora said rolling her eyes.
"Your welcome." Peach giggled.
Sly nods his head and looks at his brother with a smirk, "So you have a thing for her huh, bro?"
Randy breathes heavily about to lose his temper, "Sly for the last time, I hate her and besides I don't date pint-sized girls, especially if they're a Lombax!"
"Woah…." Snowy and Carmelita said.
"Ouch." Daisy shaking her head.
"Uh-oh." Bentley and Murray said looking at Ellora.
Ellora's eyes widened and got offended, her face turned bright red, "Pint-sized?! I'll show you pint-sized you asshole!" She unbuttoned her and showed her D cup breasts to him. "Hmph, take that!" The guys eyes widened, Bentley fainted on the floor, Murray choked on his burger, Sly and Tennessee blushed hard looking away, Randy's eyes widened at the sights and began to blush hard.
"Oh God." Rioichi puts his hood on and looks away.
"Ellora!" Megan covering her up.
"You made Bentley faint." Penelope trying to fan Bentley. "Oh poor thing.."
Ellora then buttons up her shirt and storms into her room and slams the door behind her. The gang just stood there in the main room silent.
"Well, I'm going to go take a shower and go to sleep, screw her and screw all of you." Randy said and goes in the bathroom to take a shower. The rest of the gang went back to bed except for Snowy and Sly, the two thieves were sitting by the window talking.
"So your father, James taught you martial arts?" Sly asked.
"Well actually our sensei, Master Roshi taught me martial arts, Taekwondo, and Karate." Snowy answered. "You and I share a lot of similarities with each other."
"I know we do." Sly agreed and places a hand on hers. "Snowy we will avenge you family and the Husky Clan."
"I know we will, as soon as this is all over, I'm going on a vacation." Snowy said.
"Hehe, you sure need it." Sly chuckled.
"So do you." Snowy giggled.
The two just continued their conversation until they both fell asleep.


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