Chapter 2 - Well, heres the story
Submitted April 28, 2004 Updated April 29, 2004 Status Incomplete | Just a random story me n Sandy ( aka LittleSoraDude ) are making up...
Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series |
Chapter 2 - Well, heres the story
Chapter 2 - Well, heres the story
Heres the story, I'll up-grade as it progresses.
???: Lor! *black rain coat swings around as she turns and her hip-height dirty blonde hair dangled in the wet-ness* I can't see a da--*walks into something hard* OW! *falls down* *somehow sees birdies* ooooooooh...pretty birdies...hee hee...*little swirly thingies in eyes and than finally faints into the dark depths of the darkness surronding her*
Lori: Sandy!! *runs over to Sandy, picking her up* I gotta get her outta here....*starts running tward hide out*
???: *blind-fold straps dangled in the air and so did her wet hair* @.@
Lori: *bumps in to someone* >< OUTTA THE WAY!
???: *puts hands on hips as sholder length red-brown hair gets soaked* What are you doing?
Lori: I'm trying to save my friend! Now move it!
???: Is that anyway to talk to one of the 7 princess' of hearts?
???" Don't you remember me, Lori? *evily smiles*
Kairi: yes, it is me, Kairi! BWAHAHA!
Lori: O_o uh, yeah, you kinda killed it with the "bwahaha".
Kairi: ...shut up.
Lori: GOTTA GO! *shoves Kairi into wall* *starts to run back to hide out again* *yells back to Kairi* I'LL TELL MY SOWA WOWA YOU SAID HI!
Sandy: *blind fold all of a sudden starts to untie*
Lori: *runs into hide put panting*
Lori: *places Sandy on couch* hrm....SORA!!!
Sora: *comes out of bedroom* What!!!??
Sora: Uh, yeah, why?!
Sora: *laughs* Again?
*puts hands on hips* Just give me the darn potion.
Sora: O_o Okay fine, *throws potion down from balcony*
*catches it* THANKIES! *heals Sandy*
Sandy: *opens eyes a little and stares at light over head her* am heaven...?
Sandy: *blinks a couple times as blind fold falls off her face completely*
Sandy: *sits up* *rubs head* owie...
Lori: You okay? You ran into that wall pretty hard.
Sandy: *looks at Lori* urm...*thinks 'never mind...i'm not in heaven'* y-yeah...
Sandy: *points at wall* i swear...walls hate me...
: *picks up pillow and throws it at wall* ...die dang wall...
Lori: *takes out a keyblade* Then it should die. *shoots wall with fiagra making it blow up* There we go. *puts keyblade away*
Sandy: o.o *looks at sparks as they fly from the firega spell* ooooh...pretty lights...
Lori: Sora!!!
Sora: What?
Lori: Fix the wall.
Lori: ....fix it.
Sora: b-but,
Lori: Don't you "but" me Mr., now go!
Sora: -_-;;; okay, fine.
LittleSoraDude: *throws a pillow at a burnt brick and catches on fire* o.o ....i didn't do it....*points to computer* the computer did it!
Lori: *takes out keyblade and blows up the computer with fiagra* Sora!
Sora: *fixing wall* What now?!
Lori: *puts hands on hips* Dont snap at me like that..
Sora: Sorry...
Lori: Now, fix the computer.
Lori: Yes...
Sora: Not fair.
Lori: Life isnt fair.
Sora: *goes back to work* *mumbles* stupid *mumbles*
Sandy: hrm...*belly starts to girgle* ...*stares at belly* *jumps up out of couch* *puts hands on hips* well, Ninjas du get hungry, don't they? *looks at Lori* ^_^ i'm gunna raid the fridge! see ya! *runs off to the kitchen*
Lori: O_o good thing i had Sora go food shopping earlier...
Sora: yeah, and it was a pain in the neck!
Lori: ...go back to work * takes out keyblade *
Sora: O_O YES MAM!
Sandy: *brings out all these foods from the fridge and makes a sandwhich like in the show Scooby Doo* ^_^
Sandy: *shoves the whole thing in mouth, eating it all* ^__^ scrumchios! nummy!
Fridge: *is almost empty*
Sandy: *walks out where Lori is* ^_^ i'm full
Lori: O_o *walks into kitchen and looks into fridge* Sora! After your done fixing the wall on and computer, you need to go food shopping again!
Lori: Because I have to stay here and wathch out for heartless.
Sora: *goes back to work again* *mumble* makes me do everything *mumble
Sandy: *big sweat drop* heh...well, at least the meal would last me for a day
or 2..heh...i dun need to eat lots...
Sandy: well...urm...*looks at computer* ...*brings out laptop and walks up to Sora* don't need to fix the can take my lap top...
Sora: *takes it* thanks Sandy. See Lori, Sandy is nice.
Lori: *vein pops out and face turns red* WHAT DID YOU SAY?! *takes out both keyblades*
Sora: O_O NOTHING HUNNY! *rushes back to work*
Lori: *goes to normal* Thought so. *smiles*
Sandy: ^_^;; hee hee...*looks at wall* hm...lemmie help! *helps Sora*
Lori: *rolls eyes* cummon Sandy! *grabs Sandy's hand and draggs her out the door* Were going to to shopping.
Sandy: um..ok...sorry Sora!
Sandy: *is dragged out the door* *still is being dragged by Lori* um...o_0'' Lor...where ARE we going, anerways...?
Lori: *shrugs* I dunno, maybe the mall or sumthing
Sandy: 0.0 THE MALL!?! *lets go of Lori's hand and jumps up for glee* WHOOPIE!
Lori: O_o
Sandy: *grabs Lori's hands and jumps up and down* OMG LORI! I HAVEN'T WENT TO THE MALL SINCE A LOOOOONG TIME!! ^___^
Lori: ..okay, then lets go! ^_^
Sandy: *lets go of Lori's hand and skips off* *stops for a sec* *turns and faces Lori* o_0'' where IS the mall..?
Sandy: *steps back for a sec* you lead the way please...^_^;
Lori: Uh.......lets ask Shphy
Sephiroth: *comes out of nowhere in a pink dress* O_O WHERE AM I?!
Lori: Uh..hi Sephy, we want to know where the mall is.
Sephiroth: I dont know! Why would you ask me!?
Lori: ...'cause it looks like you were just there. *sees tag on Sephy's dress* hm..and it looks like you were ar limited too.
Sephiroth: *blushes* uh....-_-;;; its down the street to the left...
Lori: ^_^ THANKS SEPHY! You can go now.
Sandy: woot! ok! *walks down the street and to the left*
Lori: *follows Sandy, leaving Sephy to handel all the screaming fangirls*
Sandy: *stops running and stares at mall*...0.0... civilization...
Lori: =n.n= civilization...
Lori: *runs in mall dragging Sandy* CUMMON! LETS SEE IF THEY HAVE AN ANIME STORE!
Sandy: ack! >.<
Lori: O_O *stops in front of a store called "Anime Heaven"* Sandy...I
think I found a store...
Sandy: *rips hands away from Lori and looks up at sign saying "Anime Heaven"* *drools* need....mangas...anime....need...*twitch* more...*twitch* anime..*twitch* MINE!! *runs right into store*
Lori: hey! *follows Sandy*
Lori: O_O *picks up Sora plushie from shelf* OMG! WHATS A SORA PLUSHE DOING HERE! SORA'S MINE!
Sora fangirl: *wearing a t-shirt with Sora's face on it* Sora's not just yours you know. God, you must be one of those crazed fangirls.
Lori: *twitch* *turns around* What did you say?
Sora fangirl: i said, "You must be one of those crazed fangirls."
Lori: *says between cllenched teeth* Sandy, you better stop be before I kill this blond wannabe fangirl!
Sandy: o.o funny thing is...i'm a dirty BLONDE fangirl...
Sandy: buuuut ok...*walks up to blondy* yo, shut up yo baka shoenen hentai! Sora is Lor's! shizzle hizzle!
Sora fangirl: *rolls eyes* next think you know you'll be telling me you two acctualy know Sora. *laughs*
Lori: ...acctualy we do. *pulls out picture of Sora, Sandy and Lori*
Sora fangirl: *shocked*
Sandy: *evil grin* *brings out photo album* wanna see more pics of Lor, me, 'n Sor?
Sora fangirl: no! I wanna know where to find him! *grabs me from the sholders and shakes me* TELL ME!!
Lori: >.< LET GO OF ME! *take sout keyblades*
Sora fangirl: O.O
Sandy: *brings out Ninja stars* LET GO OF LORI, YO LUZBIAN!
Sora fangirl: O.O *takes Sora plushie and runs away*
Sandy: o.o *stares at Lori* *looks at shelf* uhh, Lori, there's more on stock...
Lori:, i want THAT ONE! *points to the one the idiotic fangirl has*
Lori: *continues to chace her*
Sandy: -_-;; *sigh* 'yer hopele--...*sees a giant Kaybo plushie* 0.0 I WANTIE!! *hugs giant Kaybo plushie*
Sora: *walks into store* hey Lori! I fixed everything!
Lori: O.O SORA! *runs over and Hugs Sora* Hiya hun!
Sora: Nice to see you too, Lori.
Lori:*gives fangirl an evil glare* *points to her* she tried to take me from you. Shes evil. *pretends to cry*
Sandy: *still hugging giant Kaybo plushie* i'm a gunna hug ya and squeeze ya and make ya my pet! =^.^= *skips around with giant Kaybo plushie*
Sandy: *all of a sudden notices Lori* *starts to cry because Lori's crying* DON'T CRY WOWI!! *sniffle* *holds up Jon* for Jon..
Jon: *big chbi, 4 year old eyes get watery and starts to cry*
Lori: O.O OMG NUUU! JON DONT CRY! *huggles Jon*
Jon: o.o
Sora: O.o could you..
Lori: O.O nuu! *huggles Sora* MINE! *hisses at fangirl
Sora fangirl: O_O
Jon: *eyes get watery* waaaaahhh! wowi dun wub mwe anymowe!
Lori: O.O nuu! *huggles both Sora and Jon*
Jon: =3 mwe happy..
Character info:
Lori: me
Sandy: good friend
Kairi: Kingdom Hearts character ( whom I hate...>< )
Sora: My "boy friend" ( as you find out soon )
Sora fangirl: evil...*hiss*
Jon: a kid Sandy babysits who cries everytime i talk to Sandy and go on awaymessage. T_T
and thats it so far, ill update the characters as they come in..
???: Lor! *black rain coat swings around as she turns and her hip-height dirty blonde hair dangled in the wet-ness* I can't see a da--*walks into something hard* OW! *falls down* *somehow sees birdies* ooooooooh...pretty birdies...hee hee...*little swirly thingies in eyes and than finally faints into the dark depths of the darkness surronding her*
Lori: Sandy!! *runs over to Sandy, picking her up* I gotta get her outta here....*starts running tward hide out*
???: *blind-fold straps dangled in the air and so did her wet hair* @.@
Lori: *bumps in to someone* >< OUTTA THE WAY!
???: *puts hands on hips as sholder length red-brown hair gets soaked* What are you doing?
Lori: I'm trying to save my friend! Now move it!
???: Is that anyway to talk to one of the 7 princess' of hearts?
???" Don't you remember me, Lori? *evily smiles*
Kairi: yes, it is me, Kairi! BWAHAHA!
Lori: O_o uh, yeah, you kinda killed it with the "bwahaha".
Kairi: ...shut up.
Lori: GOTTA GO! *shoves Kairi into wall* *starts to run back to hide out again* *yells back to Kairi* I'LL TELL MY SOWA WOWA YOU SAID HI!
Sandy: *blind fold all of a sudden starts to untie*
Lori: *runs into hide put panting*
Lori: *places Sandy on couch* hrm....SORA!!!
Sora: *comes out of bedroom* What!!!??
Sora: Uh, yeah, why?!
Sora: *laughs* Again?
*puts hands on hips* Just give me the darn potion.
Sora: O_o Okay fine, *throws potion down from balcony*
*catches it* THANKIES! *heals Sandy*
Sandy: *opens eyes a little and stares at light over head her* am heaven...?
Sandy: *blinks a couple times as blind fold falls off her face completely*
Sandy: *sits up* *rubs head* owie...
Lori: You okay? You ran into that wall pretty hard.
Sandy: *looks at Lori* urm...*thinks 'never mind...i'm not in heaven'* y-yeah...
Sandy: *points at wall* i swear...walls hate me...
: *picks up pillow and throws it at wall* ...die dang wall...
Lori: *takes out a keyblade* Then it should die. *shoots wall with fiagra making it blow up* There we go. *puts keyblade away*
Sandy: o.o *looks at sparks as they fly from the firega spell* ooooh...pretty lights...
Lori: Sora!!!
Sora: What?
Lori: Fix the wall.
Lori: ....fix it.
Sora: b-but,
Lori: Don't you "but" me Mr., now go!
Sora: -_-;;; okay, fine.
LittleSoraDude: *throws a pillow at a burnt brick and catches on fire* o.o ....i didn't do it....*points to computer* the computer did it!
Lori: *takes out keyblade and blows up the computer with fiagra* Sora!
Sora: *fixing wall* What now?!
Lori: *puts hands on hips* Dont snap at me like that..
Sora: Sorry...
Lori: Now, fix the computer.
Lori: Yes...
Sora: Not fair.
Lori: Life isnt fair.
Sora: *goes back to work* *mumbles* stupid *mumbles*
Sandy: hrm...*belly starts to girgle* ...*stares at belly* *jumps up out of couch* *puts hands on hips* well, Ninjas du get hungry, don't they? *looks at Lori* ^_^ i'm gunna raid the fridge! see ya! *runs off to the kitchen*
Lori: O_o good thing i had Sora go food shopping earlier...
Sora: yeah, and it was a pain in the neck!
Lori: ...go back to work * takes out keyblade *
Sora: O_O YES MAM!
Sandy: *brings out all these foods from the fridge and makes a sandwhich like in the show Scooby Doo* ^_^
Sandy: *shoves the whole thing in mouth, eating it all* ^__^ scrumchios! nummy!
Fridge: *is almost empty*
Sandy: *walks out where Lori is* ^_^ i'm full
Lori: O_o *walks into kitchen and looks into fridge* Sora! After your done fixing the wall on and computer, you need to go food shopping again!
Lori: Because I have to stay here and wathch out for heartless.
Sora: *goes back to work again* *mumble* makes me do everything *mumble
Sandy: *big sweat drop* heh...well, at least the meal would last me for a day
or 2..heh...i dun need to eat lots...
Sandy: well...urm...*looks at computer* ...*brings out laptop and walks up to Sora* don't need to fix the can take my lap top...
Sora: *takes it* thanks Sandy. See Lori, Sandy is nice.
Lori: *vein pops out and face turns red* WHAT DID YOU SAY?! *takes out both keyblades*
Sora: O_O NOTHING HUNNY! *rushes back to work*
Lori: *goes to normal* Thought so. *smiles*
Sandy: ^_^;; hee hee...*looks at wall* hm...lemmie help! *helps Sora*
Lori: *rolls eyes* cummon Sandy! *grabs Sandy's hand and draggs her out the door* Were going to to shopping.
Sandy: um..ok...sorry Sora!
Sandy: *is dragged out the door* *still is being dragged by Lori* um...o_0'' Lor...where ARE we going, anerways...?
Lori: *shrugs* I dunno, maybe the mall or sumthing
Sandy: 0.0 THE MALL!?! *lets go of Lori's hand and jumps up for glee* WHOOPIE!
Lori: O_o
Sandy: *grabs Lori's hands and jumps up and down* OMG LORI! I HAVEN'T WENT TO THE MALL SINCE A LOOOOONG TIME!! ^___^
Lori: ..okay, then lets go! ^_^
Sandy: *lets go of Lori's hand and skips off* *stops for a sec* *turns and faces Lori* o_0'' where IS the mall..?
Sandy: *steps back for a sec* you lead the way please...^_^;
Lori: Uh.......lets ask Shphy
Sephiroth: *comes out of nowhere in a pink dress* O_O WHERE AM I?!
Lori: Uh..hi Sephy, we want to know where the mall is.
Sephiroth: I dont know! Why would you ask me!?
Lori: ...'cause it looks like you were just there. *sees tag on Sephy's dress* hm..and it looks like you were ar limited too.
Sephiroth: *blushes* uh....-_-;;; its down the street to the left...
Lori: ^_^ THANKS SEPHY! You can go now.
Sandy: woot! ok! *walks down the street and to the left*
Lori: *follows Sandy, leaving Sephy to handel all the screaming fangirls*
Sandy: *stops running and stares at mall*...0.0... civilization...
Lori: =n.n= civilization...
Lori: *runs in mall dragging Sandy* CUMMON! LETS SEE IF THEY HAVE AN ANIME STORE!
Sandy: ack! >.<
Lori: O_O *stops in front of a store called "Anime Heaven"* Sandy...I
think I found a store...
Sandy: *rips hands away from Lori and looks up at sign saying "Anime Heaven"* *drools* need....mangas...anime....need...*twitch* more...*twitch* anime..*twitch* MINE!! *runs right into store*
Lori: hey! *follows Sandy*
Lori: O_O *picks up Sora plushie from shelf* OMG! WHATS A SORA PLUSHE DOING HERE! SORA'S MINE!
Sora fangirl: *wearing a t-shirt with Sora's face on it* Sora's not just yours you know. God, you must be one of those crazed fangirls.
Lori: *twitch* *turns around* What did you say?
Sora fangirl: i said, "You must be one of those crazed fangirls."
Lori: *says between cllenched teeth* Sandy, you better stop be before I kill this blond wannabe fangirl!
Sandy: o.o funny thing is...i'm a dirty BLONDE fangirl...
Sandy: buuuut ok...*walks up to blondy* yo, shut up yo baka shoenen hentai! Sora is Lor's! shizzle hizzle!
Sora fangirl: *rolls eyes* next think you know you'll be telling me you two acctualy know Sora. *laughs*
Lori: ...acctualy we do. *pulls out picture of Sora, Sandy and Lori*
Sora fangirl: *shocked*
Sandy: *evil grin* *brings out photo album* wanna see more pics of Lor, me, 'n Sor?
Sora fangirl: no! I wanna know where to find him! *grabs me from the sholders and shakes me* TELL ME!!
Lori: >.< LET GO OF ME! *take sout keyblades*
Sora fangirl: O.O
Sandy: *brings out Ninja stars* LET GO OF LORI, YO LUZBIAN!
Sora fangirl: O.O *takes Sora plushie and runs away*
Sandy: o.o *stares at Lori* *looks at shelf* uhh, Lori, there's more on stock...
Lori:, i want THAT ONE! *points to the one the idiotic fangirl has*
Lori: *continues to chace her*
Sandy: -_-;; *sigh* 'yer hopele--...*sees a giant Kaybo plushie* 0.0 I WANTIE!! *hugs giant Kaybo plushie*
Sora: *walks into store* hey Lori! I fixed everything!
Lori: O.O SORA! *runs over and Hugs Sora* Hiya hun!
Sora: Nice to see you too, Lori.
Lori:*gives fangirl an evil glare* *points to her* she tried to take me from you. Shes evil. *pretends to cry*
Sandy: *still hugging giant Kaybo plushie* i'm a gunna hug ya and squeeze ya and make ya my pet! =^.^= *skips around with giant Kaybo plushie*
Sandy: *all of a sudden notices Lori* *starts to cry because Lori's crying* DON'T CRY WOWI!! *sniffle* *holds up Jon* for Jon..
Jon: *big chbi, 4 year old eyes get watery and starts to cry*
Lori: O.O OMG NUUU! JON DONT CRY! *huggles Jon*
Jon: o.o
Sora: O.o could you..
Lori: O.O nuu! *huggles Sora* MINE! *hisses at fangirl
Sora fangirl: O_O
Jon: *eyes get watery* waaaaahhh! wowi dun wub mwe anymowe!
Lori: O.O nuu! *huggles both Sora and Jon*
Jon: =3 mwe happy..
Character info:
Lori: me
Sandy: good friend
Kairi: Kingdom Hearts character ( whom I hate...>< )
Sora: My "boy friend" ( as you find out soon )
Sora fangirl: evil...*hiss*
Jon: a kid Sandy babysits who cries everytime i talk to Sandy and go on awaymessage. T_T
and thats it so far, ill update the characters as they come in..
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Soras_girlfriend on May 1, 2004, 4:43:41 AM