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Chapter 1 - Untitled

I love earth...but I'm one of the very few who do. Either that or ppl are just ignorant as to wots relay going on. Open your eyes, see reality.

Chapter 1 - Untitled

Chapter 1 - Untitled

“Ok Ok Ok, now let a different opinion be heard.

This isn't a flame or anything.

Just my opinion on the matter.

First off, yeah sure I like cats,

and dogs... and man those Koala bears are the cutest.

But A) human life is just a little more important.

And B) death is as natural as life.

When a certain animal gets hit by a car,

do we not feel bad? People get hit by cars too.

Anyway, sure people are getting stupider and stupider,

every minute. But we only have ourselves to blame for that.

Ok on to my true point, I think this is a bit too far off from

reality. Just like global warming.

Do your research and you'll find it is a crock of shoot.

Sure we do bad things, and so on and so forth, but that's life.

And things aren't as bad as some people make them out to be.”

Dear Zakuman,

This is my reply to your comment on my picture `Dying Silently.' As you said, NO Flaming! I'm definitely not trying to do that. I have done this in a story format because it's too long to be a comment and so that others can see my point of view and come to grips with reality.

Humans are the most successful mammal on Earth. We are very unique and special because, we can do complex planning, we have a long term and detailed memory, we have the ability to understand and communicate with each other, we can have full scale conversations. That really sets us apart from other animals. NO doubt about it we are the smartest living being on earth. But by no means does that make us more important!

You told me to do my research, and that I'd find it was all a lie. I thought it was common knowledge to everyone that if it wasn't for animals we wouldn't have forests or good soil for farming and no food. What would you eat then? What would you live in? What would you breathe? What will you give to Hearsegirl when all the flowers die from lack of bees or butterflies to pollinate them?

Our environment is sooo fragile. There's a very delicate balance, that if you alter one thing, everything that depends on it will come crashing down.

For example, say there was a rare kind of mushroom growing in a forest, that worms and bugs thrived on, the bugs and worms then attract birds and insect eating mammals, who attract predators, and from all of these creatures their poop is full of rich nutrients for the soil, which the plants live on. See the perfect balance? Everything relies on each other.

Then, say you came and killed of the mushroom. Those particular insects that needed it die and stop living there. So the birds and the insect eating mammals have nothing to eat so they die off and stop living there, etc, etc, until you have no forests, which can alter all sorts of things like weather, soil conditions, salination and endangering species because they have no home. You Know, all the kind of crap.

Ok, so hopefully, what I've just done is show you just a snippit of the importance of animals, now about death.

Lord! I know animals are knocked over by cars! I know it happens every blinking day! IT happens, and unfortunately, it happens more than it should. Most of the time its accidental but occasionally you get the odd driver who doesn't care if there's an animal on the road. Some aim to hit them! That's a real shame.

But it isn't the only way animals are dying and becoming endangered. Zaku, global warming is not a scary fairytale. It IS reality. Did you know the polar ice caps are melting? So where do the seals go? And when the seals start dying off, so do the polar bears and sharks and whales that eat them. Global warming is affecting the weather dramatically. I'm an Australian, and everyone knows it's a very dry country. But there is a rain cycle. Inland Australia stays dry for a few years. And then we'll get a couple of good years, with plenty of rain. Enough to fill lakes, dams, creeks and tanks. Since Inland Australia is where we do all our farming and it is the driest part of the country, we HAVE to have that rain cycle. It's essential.

But we aren't getting it. Why? Global warming. As much as we don't like it, zaku (And I really, really don't) its happening. And it's getting worse. Sure life is life, full of tragedy and misfortune. Death is part of it. It's necessary. However, they estimate that all of the classical African animals, giraffes, zebra, antelope, lions, tigers, won't survive another decade.

You try and tell me that's just life. Animals weren't put on this planet to die off. Just think, in a few years, you grandchildren will only ever be able to see those animals in books and movies. It will be like a myth, a fairy tale that there was ever animals on the planet. But if we didn't have any animals on the planet we'd all die anyway. I just think that's all wrong. What's a world without plants and animals? Nothing. People are just taking animals for granted.

Zaku, I could just hug you if you read all through this. Thankyou so much if you did. Please tell me what you think. I still reckon you're an awesome artist, I hope you still think I'm ok. Are we cool? Oh and my advice to you, go to Africa now, see the animals, so you can tell your grandkids, that yes, there once were animals

PS All of that info I have got off the news, from school, and from my mum who is a scientist and studies all about this. And also, Koalas aren't bears :D

Ok to everyone else who isn't Zakuman

Hope you got something out of that. Sorry it was so long but its something I feel very strongly about. Oh and here's a piece of info to brighten up your day (like not, if your very sensitive about cruelty to animals don't read the next bit) on the news, they reported that a woman lost her cat, right. She found it the next morning on her porch…skinned. What kind of a screwed up insane sicko would do that?!

So be warned.

IF you have a different point opinion, something to add or just wanna say hi, feel free to leave a comment.

Peace out ( nah! Just jk! I wouldn't say that if I was paid!)


Comments (8)

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Grandpa_Livi on April 20, 2006, 11:33:03 AM

Grandpa_Livi on
Grandpa_Liviokayokayokay, i read most of it, but the only thing I wanna say is that we cannot be sure about the whole "global warming" thing. I know, I know, it's happening, but we, as in, the intire human race, haven't been keeping track of weather long enough to know if this is natural or caused by people. The ice caps melting could be a very normal cycle for the earth. *shrugs* We don't have enough information on it, and...well..yeah. That's all I wanted to end

velvet_vixenluv on January 23, 2006, 10:35:42 AM

velvet_vixenluv on
velvet_vixenluvHm... i'm not sure how anyone can come to the conclusion that global warming is a myth if they've actually done research.

It is inevitable that BECAUSE humans are so intelligent, that we have the most impact on nature, and that we are the main cause of habitat destruction on the planet. As to global warming.. how can you deny our cause of high level of CO2 destroying the atmosphere? How can you deny high levels of radiation reaching us every day, i mean.. even think about recent events like freak hurricanes and droughts. Thats not simply a paradigm in climate.

I don't know what it had to do with a cat, i just think its idiotic for someone to deny scientific facts. What do you need a picture of ozone depletion?

higes_wolf on February 25, 2005, 9:18:34 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfWow!I no i can't express this much without runing out of words!I'm so glad u wrote this,cus idk anyone that would write the truth about this subject!idk if there will be animals when i have grandchildren but i no it would be horrible if that did happen!Idk if i could liv in a world without animals!O great!I'm makeing this all about me arn't i?I don't mean it that way.
you make so many points in this.
I have to add this to my fav storys to rememmber how much you care about this subject.
I wish i could prove my love for animals as well as u.
And that IS SICK!I mean who would sink so low as to skin a cat!?well alot of sick ppl would skin all sorts of animal,for furcoats and hats and stuff lik that!i lik the fake fur,but when u put real fur,thats just sick!
I no that ppl need meat and stuff but when they us the animal for other things for plesure and don't even use the meat, that is SICK!
have i said to much?
well i think u sota get my point...I still have much more to say but i'll just leave that for some other time.

Spaz_Wolf on January 20, 2005, 7:04:48 PM

Spaz_Wolf on
uh, Asheer, have you actaully read this article? becus if you have, YOu hav not taken it in. HELLOOOO!? I WAS WRITING ABOUT HOW PEOPLE ARE DESTROYING LIFE! i didn't say taht was a good things, i said its the worst thing that could happen! i value life, thats why i wrote that! and if you dont like my pictures, well fine, dont look at them. Look, I dunno about you but i love animals and forests. Did you know their all dying!? you can't avoid the fact, its true. don't think its not happening and I"m just being a depressing little lier trying to make everyones day terrible. Gosh, I'm sooo sorry, i fyou feel that way, but I"m not taking these down, Because I love life to much. I value life, dunno bout you. if you do, you got a funny way of showing it. oh yeah, this isn't a flame or anything

Queen_Asheer5600 on January 18, 2005, 10:47:25 AM

Queen_Asheer5600 on
Queen_Asheer5600Hey Hun,

I know what your saying in this. It must be rough without rain, I think anyone can relate to that. Scientist's say that in another 25 or so years we won't have anymore rainforests, and then all of those animals and creatures that live in them will be extinct, if not found in zoos.
I believe Life needs to be Valued and not taken, people who take life (or drawn bad images) really need to learn about Life themselves. Sure Death is a pretty common thing these days, heck god knows how many times I've hit an animal that ran out in front of my car, and I know there are those Jerks out there who litterally run them over (I almost got hit by a couple of them myself) But ALL LIFE SHOULD BE VALUED! Nobody should go around and draw images of things suffering, covered in blood, dieing, etc. IT'S WRONG! I hate people who draw things like that, it's an ultimate Pet Peeve of mine, suffering things are not on the top of my favorite list. I am not trying to sound like I am flaming I really wanted to get my point across on the subject of suffering things. If you read this thanks.

Vampire-Queen-Gothika on December 2, 2004, 7:47:13 AM

Vampire-Queen-Gothika on
Vampire-Queen-GothikaWow. Nicely said. I agree with pretty much everything you wrote. And YES I READ IT ALL! It's s shame what's happening in our world, and if companies and governments WOULD just pay a little more they could cut back on a lot of trash that happens to the enviornment.
It's scary to think that all the animals will be gone 1 day. To think that my grandkids will never see a real lion or tiger is a crime to me. To think I'll have to be alive when they say there are no more is a crime. It's all a crime against them and us!!
And about the lady and her cat, that's just sick. What kind of sick twisted frack would do that? This world is so full of bullshoot and psychos that it's just not safe. I don't wanna think about what kind of world my generation's grandkids will have to live in.
Thank you so much for wirtting this. Someone had to say all this, and I'm glad you did!! Keep up you're writing like this, it's very informative and interesting. But the worst thing ahout it is, it's all so true.

Spaz_Wolf on November 26, 2004, 8:25:25 PM

Spaz_Wolf on
Spaz_WolfOK, thanx zakuman. I see what your saying. YOu brought up a lot of good points as well. About the ice caps, i know there moving, i didn't say they HAD melted i said they were. I have to admitt i don't exactly know everything about htis subject but i do know, that we have messed up the atmosphere quite a bit which has also affected the ice caps. bla bla who cares. I agree dwelling on bad thoughts is not so good and depressing but, I just get really really somtimes over worked up over these sort of things as you can see. Cool cool, thanx for reading this.

zakuman on November 26, 2004, 3:24:01 AM

zakuman on
zakumanWell I thought it was long winded at first, but I managed to get through it fine. Now Here's my explanation... and still a little difference of opinion. You had good points and I'll touch on as many as I can.

Ok species do get destroyed. The wipping out of some of those rainforests was really bad. But things do find away, new species also come about. And yeah that's pretty sick what that person did to the cat. I'd be pretty disturbed and extremely pissed if that happened to my cat.

At first I thought you took my point wrong, but you took it right. The global warming issue. Well I read about a scientist that researched it, as if it were truth. To find this, the caps have not melted, they just simply moved. Shifted, and this happens. See there are soo many off the wall things like this, that people come to believe. You know in the 50's they thought there was going to be another ice age? Where is it. There was also some quack that thought the world be so over populated with humans, that we'd have to kill and eat each other. All that stuff hasn't even come close to happening. And if anything huge and catastrophic happens... chances are it won't happen for hundreds of years.

Now polution is a problem. Will it be fixed... and when? I don't know. The market is big for fuel. And the other options they're coming up with are far too expensive. So who knows. But amazing things happen. I mean just think about all the stuff that has been done, just in our life times. With computers, the internet... cars, medical... scientific things.

But here's my final thing, and this is really what I wanted to convey... but failed in doing so. See some people live life thinking negatively about things. And yes sometimes I feel that way too. But there is a bright side. Not everything has gone to shoot yet. And life's too short to dwell on such things.