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Chapter 1 - Vinci City

An Abel fanfic- Abel and an OC: Meryline

Chapter 1 - Vinci City

Chapter 1 - Vinci City
"Welcome to Vinci City. You're the one looking into this, right?"

Abel whipped his head around, startled by the timid voice behind him. There stood a young woman wearing a short, "pouffy" black dress with a white apron and a white headband. She was also sporting a pair of painfully high white heels that encircled her fishnet stocking covered feet. The woman startled a bit and attempted to hide behind the remains of a large marble pillar.

"Um, yes, yes I am, and who might you be?" asked Abel. The woman peeped out from the pillar and walked slowly toward him.

"My name is..." she paused "Meryline Dimcrazi" she gingerly shook Abel's hand.

"I am Abel Nightroad. I was sent her by the Vatican to see what happened to this church. Can you tell me anything about it miss Dimcrazi?" he said, returning her gesture.

"Uh," she stammered "All I know is that one night it fell mysteriously. Thank God that there was only one life lost, but that was still too many."

"The priest?"

"Yes, Sorry to say he was preparing for the next morning and got caught in the downfall."

"That is unfortunate miss Dimcrazi." Abel said, lowering his gaze. However, Meryline, knowing a somber mood was not in order, changed the subject.

"Father, have you a place to stay in this town? There are several Inns down in,"

"Ah, yes, I've only just arrived, but you are the only one who has come to greet me so far."

"Shall I show you around town then?" Meryline said sweetly. She did a small curtsy with her offer.

"I suppose so," he said, "It is rather late and after all of my traveling I am exhausted" he yawned and picked up his suitcase, following Meryline out of the demolished church.


"Well, this is Orazco's, the local market- so you can go here for your food during your stay." said Meryline as she pointed to a dark building. "Over here is pretty much where the kids hang out in town- an everything store. Oh, and here's the local 'dive'. I work here to pay for my house." Meryline reluctantly pointed out the last place. She was actually embarrassed to tell the priest that she worked in a sleazy bar. Abel tried to hide his disgust with the place, but it was apparent. Meryline wasn't offended because she agreed with him.

"Ah! Here we go- Maza's it's the cheapest Inn in town and not too shabby either." She trotted up to the front door and held it open politely for Abel. "Here, Father"

"Thank you miss Dimcrazi." he said as he passed through. Before he had gotten to the front desk though, the innkeeper shouted:

"I don't want anyone in here's associated with that Murleen whore!" he quickly shoo'd Abel out and slammed the door shut in his face. Abel looked confused and over at Meryline.

"What did he mean by..." before he could finish, Meryline turned and ran to another inn.

"Here's one- a little more expensive, but it'd probably be a little more hospitable. Again though, when Abel entered the inn and the innkeeper found he was with Meryline, he was shoved out. Subsequently, every inn they tried did the same thing. Each one of them also mentioned the word Murleen. Abel looked dejected. He was tired and getting cold. He turned to Meryline and asked her if there was any place else to stay for the night.

"Sorry, Father, there aren't anymore inns, nor are there enough people awake that could house you." Meryline looked down at her feet. "Unless, that is, you aren't offended to stay with me. I can provide you with a place to sleep and food if you like."

"REALLY?!" Abel shouted. He was delighted beyond all reason. "That would be wonderful miss Dimcrazi! Your hospitality will be much appreciated!" He smiled widely and followed Meryline to her house.

"By the way miss Dimcrazi, what is a Murleen if you don't mind me asking?" Meryline stopped for a second.

"I'll tell you later, Father, it's not for ears outdoors."


Abel sat his suitcase inside the living room. "Flop down and make yourself at home" said Meryline. Abel did so and sat on the couch. He took off his shoes and placed them neatly by the edge of the couch.

"Ah, finally, my feet can get a rest." he said sighing. He leaned back and closed his eyes, almost drifting off.

"Father, I'm getting the bed prepared for you, would you like anything before that?" Meryline asked. Abel sat up and looked at her. He got up in protest.

"Miss Dimcrazi, there's no need to have me stay in your bed, it is your house, let me have the couch."

"Ah, Father, I couldn't, you're my guest. Besides, I'm sure you'll sleep much better in the bed. I'll take the couch for tonight. I insist." she said while dismissing Abel's offer. She had clean sheets and a pillow in her arms. She went back to her room and came out a few minutes later with her old sheets.

"I'll just toss these in the laundry. Now, is there anything you want before calling it a night?"

", yes actually. Would it be a bother if I were to have some tea? I need something warm so I can sleep." Abel asked. He put on his best puppy dog eyes to help convince her. You could swear there were stars and hearts shining in them.

"It's no bother at all, in fact I think I'll have a cup as well." said Meryline. She threw her old sheets into another room and put a kettle of water on the stove. While it was heating, she got out two mugs and two tea bags. She also got out the honey from the cupboard and sat it in the middle of the table. Once the water was ready, the two of them sat down, Meryline pouring the water into the mugs.

"What is that?" asked Abel. There was a small yellow bottle shaped like a bear in front of him. He looked as though he'd never even heard of honey, let alone seen it. The truth is, he hadn't.

"Oh, that's honey. Some of the best stuff on earth, I tell you what. I can't have my tea without it."

"Do you have any sugar miss Dimcrazi?" asked Abel politely.

"Nope, just honey, sorry Father." she said. "Although, honey is like sugar. A spoonful of that tastes more sweet than three spoons of sugar. Here, you can try some before putting it in your tea if you want." Abel's eyes lit up.

"More sweet than sugar?" The drool was almost forming. "I'd like to try some." he was eagerly awaiting the taste as Meryline oozed some out onto a spoon.

"Here you go," she said as she handed him the spoon. He sniffed it and then put it in his mouth. A smile immediately formed on his face. His eyes squinted into a devious grin. "So you've never had honey before? That's a bit odd, I thought everyone had." Abel took the spoon out of his mouth.

"Mo-Mum,ah habnt." he said with his mouth full. He swallowed the honey. "Pardon my rudeness miss Dimcrazi. I had no idea that honey was so sticky."

"It's all right, I was amused." she said. She squirted a bit more honey into her tea and offered Abel the bottle.

"Thank you miss," he said as he took the bottle. He squirted...and squirted...and squirted honey into his tea. Meryline looked at him in awe. Abel looked up from his business and blushed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to use so much, but it's so delicious." He capped the bottle and put it back on the table. He then stirred his tea which surprisingly still dissolved the honey. Suddenly, Meryline burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha! You really like sweet things don't you?" she laughed. Abel looked at her with his tea cup already at his mouth. He blushed again an put down his the tea.

"Yes," he said quietly. They finished their tea and Meryline showed him to her room. She bid him good night and then headed to the couch. She laid down and grabbed the afghan from the back of the couch, wrapping it tightly around her.


Enough for now...


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