Chapter 1 - 5000 millenias ago
Submitted June 1, 2003 Updated June 1, 2003 Status Incomplete | this is a story about yami i gusse....i haven't desided yet
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 1 - 5000 millenias ago
Chapter 1 - 5000 millenias ago
.....I will start were it all begone......
5000 years ago,in achient Egypt,there were seven items created:The Puzzle,whcih containd the power of the Pharoah(the good spirt),The Necklace,whcih the wearer could the the past,presnt and futur,The Rod,which the bearer could control the mind of whoever he wishs,The Key,whcih the owner could use to unlock the mind and look into your thoughts,The Scale,whcih as used for the balnce of the items,The Ring,it was poseted by en evil sprit whcih.....was just plain evil,and The Eye,which the bearer could see and read thoughts of whom he or she chose.
Unlike the Key,the eye can not let you serch the mind of the target,it just lets you read ther thoughts.
Now its said that whom soever has all seven items,will have enught powr to take over the world.Or as most would like to have is the power of the Pharoah himself,all you have to do is defete The Chosen one who has the puzzle,send his mind to the Shadow relam,and have all three egypten god cards.
Now that thats done why not inrodue the stars of the show :)
My Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters
Joey Wheeler Maximillion Pegasus Ryou Bakura Seto Kaiba Yami Yugi Yugi Mutou
Joey Wheeler (Jounouchi Katsuya)
Like his best friend Yugi, I find the appeal of Joey so simplistic, so basic and so contrary to my usual tastes, yet undeniable.
Joey Wheeler is above all lovable, because of his unwavering determination and loyalty, his ocassionally comic actions, and because he's impulsive, but also smart enough to recognize his mistakes and learn from them. These are all admirable traits.
Maximillion Pegasus (Pegasus J. Crawford)
I've never liked a character who's done such terrible things to other favorites as much as Pegasus, but I've good reasons to. He's a fine example of a mutlifaceted personality, possessing wildly contrasting traits that somehow managed to work quite well together.
Pegasus's actions early in the Duelist Kingdom arc were evil, and he certainly derived a smug enjoyment from playing games (both real and mind) with his enemies. Yet this evil made Pegasus's motivations even more surprising, made things less clear. Pegasus was driven by love, but that did not excuse his actions. Besides this, Maximillion showed an incongrously goofy side in his affection for Toon Monsters and the "classic" cartoons they parodied. I couldn't help but love this nutty, sensitive, and yet so evil character.
Ryou Bakura (Bakura Ryou)
On the surface, Ryou Bakura appears to be another big-eyed face in the contingent of "nice boys" that I prefer most of the time in anime, a worthy entry beside guys like Tracey (whom Ted Lewis also plays), Takato, Kaworu, and Quatre. Yet the real truth is far more intriguing; he contains a spirit that seems to be the opposite of himself, who can appear without warning.
Yami Bakura sets Bakura apart from similar personages. Unlike Yami Yugi, who seems merely very driven, Yami Bakura is pure evil. Though he seems more generic cartoon villain evil, YB is more threatening than banal to me, likely because of the real Bakura. To have such a likable character with a maleficent alter ego is an interesting, if somehow frightening, contrast. Due to this interest, one could say I do like Yami Bakura, but in an indirect, ambivalent fashion.
Bakura represents one of my deeply held truths: that the world is amoral and indifferent, and therefore bad things will happen to good people. In addition, Bakura contains all the appeal of characters like Henry Jekyll, representing the darkness within ourselves that we struggle to control.
For these reasons, I feel inclined to give Bakura more depth than his genre or series would seem to allow, creating a multifaceted character elevated from the cheerleader/narrator and ocassional threat that we actually see. There must have been something there to provoke my deeper impression of Bakura...but I haven't figured out what it is.
Incidentally, I do prefer his dub voice, English accent and all (though I do twitch a little when dub-Bakura says, "Great Scott!" or "Good show!"). A clip I heard of his Japanese voice sounded far too high-pitched and cutesy. Yes, Bakura can look pretty adorable, but he's got the Alter Ego From Hell, and we don't know many details about Bakura's own personality. In the dub, at least, he's got some moments of pessimism, and is strong enough to sacrifice himself if his Yami self can be sent to the Graveyard. To me, that doesn't warrant a purely cute voice, but rather the softer, more serious Ted Lewis voice.
Seto Kaiba (Kaiba Seto)
Sometimes looks are decieving, other times they are not...and ocassionally, you're not sure which. That is why I like Kaiba, because he fits into the third category. Given a raspy voice by Eric Stuart, wearing a long, dark coat and seeming to always glare in a way that would put a character's Yami version to shame, he seems quite the arch villain at first.
However, we quickly learn that while Seto may be like steel, sharp and unyielding, he also cares about his little brother, Mokuba. Confronted expectations are always nice, and Kaiba's one of the best examples around. Yet at the same time, he did steal Solomon Mutou's Blue-Eyes, and I don't know what he was up to in the first series. So he's not truly good or truly evil, which makes Kaiba even more interesting.
I do also like him for his determination, though. I can never stop adoring characters who never back down, and I get that impression from Kaiba.
And to the voice bit. I still love Eric Stuart's "Evil Brock" voice for Kabia, because it makes it an even bigger surprise when Kaiba turns out to have some goodness, and creates the impression of a very intense character. I do think Stuart needs lessons on how to flex his acting muscle, but I'm pretty much okay with what I've got.
Yami Yugi (Dark Yuugi)
A hero? Perhaps, but I don't consider that the whole truth. While Yami Yugi is less obviously ambigious than say, Pegasus or Kaiba, he is far from pure. Even in the watered-down English version, his determination and heroism is tainted by arrogance and a ruthless streak; it's just hard to notice, since Yami Yugi is only that way to people that deserve it. Even in the first series, when he is far more vicious, it seems like he's passing judgement as well as hurting people for the pleasure of it. No matter how bad it gets, I cannot picture Yami Yugi doing such things to people Yugi cares about, since he seems to care about them as much as Yugi does.
I do like the character for his determination, but more than that I like his darker edge. Yami Yugi is basically an impure hero, whose undesirable traits don't negatively impact his power, both over the audience and his foes. This implies Yami Yugi's darker side is not something to overcome, but something that is simply there and shall always remain.
Yugi Mutou (Mutou Yuugi)
Somebody tell me why, because I have trouble figuring it out sometimes. I'm normally inclined to scoff and roll my eyes at any display of "innocence" in a character, considering innocence an overrated virtue and a transient state at best (that needs to be transient).
And Yugi is quite innocent, though this quality is more apparent in the first series (or at least, what I've seen of it). I can describe him in a word as "sweet", willing to do anything for his friends, help his enemies, and usually assume the best about people. Usually, he is unmarred by angst or hate.
Probably the reason I like Yugi is that he is courageous. He may look small and cutesy, but he is not easily cowed.
5000 years ago,in achient Egypt,there were seven items created:The Puzzle,whcih containd the power of the Pharoah(the good spirt),The Necklace,whcih the wearer could the the past,presnt and futur,The Rod,which the bearer could control the mind of whoever he wishs,The Key,whcih the owner could use to unlock the mind and look into your thoughts,The Scale,whcih as used for the balnce of the items,The Ring,it was poseted by en evil sprit whcih.....was just plain evil,and The Eye,which the bearer could see and read thoughts of whom he or she chose.
Unlike the Key,the eye can not let you serch the mind of the target,it just lets you read ther thoughts.
Now its said that whom soever has all seven items,will have enught powr to take over the world.Or as most would like to have is the power of the Pharoah himself,all you have to do is defete The Chosen one who has the puzzle,send his mind to the Shadow relam,and have all three egypten god cards.
Now that thats done why not inrodue the stars of the show :)
My Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters
Joey Wheeler Maximillion Pegasus Ryou Bakura Seto Kaiba Yami Yugi Yugi Mutou
Joey Wheeler (Jounouchi Katsuya)
Like his best friend Yugi, I find the appeal of Joey so simplistic, so basic and so contrary to my usual tastes, yet undeniable.
Joey Wheeler is above all lovable, because of his unwavering determination and loyalty, his ocassionally comic actions, and because he's impulsive, but also smart enough to recognize his mistakes and learn from them. These are all admirable traits.
Maximillion Pegasus (Pegasus J. Crawford)
I've never liked a character who's done such terrible things to other favorites as much as Pegasus, but I've good reasons to. He's a fine example of a mutlifaceted personality, possessing wildly contrasting traits that somehow managed to work quite well together.
Pegasus's actions early in the Duelist Kingdom arc were evil, and he certainly derived a smug enjoyment from playing games (both real and mind) with his enemies. Yet this evil made Pegasus's motivations even more surprising, made things less clear. Pegasus was driven by love, but that did not excuse his actions. Besides this, Maximillion showed an incongrously goofy side in his affection for Toon Monsters and the "classic" cartoons they parodied. I couldn't help but love this nutty, sensitive, and yet so evil character.
Ryou Bakura (Bakura Ryou)
On the surface, Ryou Bakura appears to be another big-eyed face in the contingent of "nice boys" that I prefer most of the time in anime, a worthy entry beside guys like Tracey (whom Ted Lewis also plays), Takato, Kaworu, and Quatre. Yet the real truth is far more intriguing; he contains a spirit that seems to be the opposite of himself, who can appear without warning.
Yami Bakura sets Bakura apart from similar personages. Unlike Yami Yugi, who seems merely very driven, Yami Bakura is pure evil. Though he seems more generic cartoon villain evil, YB is more threatening than banal to me, likely because of the real Bakura. To have such a likable character with a maleficent alter ego is an interesting, if somehow frightening, contrast. Due to this interest, one could say I do like Yami Bakura, but in an indirect, ambivalent fashion.
Bakura represents one of my deeply held truths: that the world is amoral and indifferent, and therefore bad things will happen to good people. In addition, Bakura contains all the appeal of characters like Henry Jekyll, representing the darkness within ourselves that we struggle to control.
For these reasons, I feel inclined to give Bakura more depth than his genre or series would seem to allow, creating a multifaceted character elevated from the cheerleader/narrator and ocassional threat that we actually see. There must have been something there to provoke my deeper impression of Bakura...but I haven't figured out what it is.
Incidentally, I do prefer his dub voice, English accent and all (though I do twitch a little when dub-Bakura says, "Great Scott!" or "Good show!"). A clip I heard of his Japanese voice sounded far too high-pitched and cutesy. Yes, Bakura can look pretty adorable, but he's got the Alter Ego From Hell, and we don't know many details about Bakura's own personality. In the dub, at least, he's got some moments of pessimism, and is strong enough to sacrifice himself if his Yami self can be sent to the Graveyard. To me, that doesn't warrant a purely cute voice, but rather the softer, more serious Ted Lewis voice.
Seto Kaiba (Kaiba Seto)
Sometimes looks are decieving, other times they are not...and ocassionally, you're not sure which. That is why I like Kaiba, because he fits into the third category. Given a raspy voice by Eric Stuart, wearing a long, dark coat and seeming to always glare in a way that would put a character's Yami version to shame, he seems quite the arch villain at first.
However, we quickly learn that while Seto may be like steel, sharp and unyielding, he also cares about his little brother, Mokuba. Confronted expectations are always nice, and Kaiba's one of the best examples around. Yet at the same time, he did steal Solomon Mutou's Blue-Eyes, and I don't know what he was up to in the first series. So he's not truly good or truly evil, which makes Kaiba even more interesting.
I do also like him for his determination, though. I can never stop adoring characters who never back down, and I get that impression from Kaiba.
And to the voice bit. I still love Eric Stuart's "Evil Brock" voice for Kabia, because it makes it an even bigger surprise when Kaiba turns out to have some goodness, and creates the impression of a very intense character. I do think Stuart needs lessons on how to flex his acting muscle, but I'm pretty much okay with what I've got.
Yami Yugi (Dark Yuugi)
A hero? Perhaps, but I don't consider that the whole truth. While Yami Yugi is less obviously ambigious than say, Pegasus or Kaiba, he is far from pure. Even in the watered-down English version, his determination and heroism is tainted by arrogance and a ruthless streak; it's just hard to notice, since Yami Yugi is only that way to people that deserve it. Even in the first series, when he is far more vicious, it seems like he's passing judgement as well as hurting people for the pleasure of it. No matter how bad it gets, I cannot picture Yami Yugi doing such things to people Yugi cares about, since he seems to care about them as much as Yugi does.
I do like the character for his determination, but more than that I like his darker edge. Yami Yugi is basically an impure hero, whose undesirable traits don't negatively impact his power, both over the audience and his foes. This implies Yami Yugi's darker side is not something to overcome, but something that is simply there and shall always remain.
Yugi Mutou (Mutou Yuugi)
Somebody tell me why, because I have trouble figuring it out sometimes. I'm normally inclined to scoff and roll my eyes at any display of "innocence" in a character, considering innocence an overrated virtue and a transient state at best (that needs to be transient).
And Yugi is quite innocent, though this quality is more apparent in the first series (or at least, what I've seen of it). I can describe him in a word as "sweet", willing to do anything for his friends, help his enemies, and usually assume the best about people. Usually, he is unmarred by angst or hate.
Probably the reason I like Yugi is that he is courageous. He may look small and cutesy, but he is not easily cowed.
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dieviete on February 4, 2006, 1:42:18 AM
dieviete on