Chapter 5 - The Demon Market
Submitted February 12, 2006 Updated April 24, 2006 Status Incomplete | This story is about Sesshomaru and all the things we want to know about him. His childhood, Mom, relationship with Dad his sex life and life in general.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Sesshoumaru |
Chapter 5 - The Demon Market
Chapter 5 - The Demon Market
Chapter 5
The Demon Market
The Demon Market was located high amongst the misty, craggy peaks of the mountains. No one could find it unless they knew just where to look. There was a small gap between two peaks that was the only entrance. It lead down a narrow passageway which opened up on an ancient courtyard hewn from the rock. Every building in the market was carved directly out of the mountain. Besides the shops and taverns and inns hewn out of the rock there were stands of Demon merchants selling all sorts of herbs potions, fruits, talismans and other wares of interest to Demons.
Sesshomaru enjoyed his periodic trips to the Demon Market. He enjoyed the crowds, the bustle and the opportunity to connect with others of his kind. Of course there were no
Dog Demons but he had given up on that long ago. He almost didn't have to guide A-Un through the passage way.
They reached the edge of the court yard and Sesshomaru dismounted and led A-Un through the crowd to a large stable. He gave a few coins to the large squat demon who sat in the front. He gave Sesshomaru a tile with a number on it that corresponded to a comfortable stall for the Dragon. Sesshomaru whispered gently to A-Un and made sure the dragon had what they needed. He left A-Un to rest and walked out into the Marketplace.
He had only walked a short way when he felt two hands at his right elbow and two at his left shoulder.
“Sesshomaru!” said one.
“Sweet Love!” said the other.
It was Peach and Plum, two Demonesses of questionable virtue with whom Sesshomaru was intimately acquainted. They were professionals and knew better than to grab the stump of his left arm.
“Where have you been?” said Peach.
“Miss you!” said Plum.
“Sweet Heart!” said Peach.
“Ladies,” said Sesshomaru.
“You were here last week and you never came to see us,” said Plum.
“We're heartbroken! Said Peach.
Sesshomaru turned and let them pull him into “The Poison Fang” the tavern from which they worked. Peach and Plum were almost identical. They were both buxom with slender waists. Their glossy black hair was cut to chin length and their white teeth sparkled against their deep blue skin. Their foreheads sported short black horns and their cloths were revealing to say the least. The tavern was full and busy as always with all types of demons. They brought Sesshomaru to a low table in a secluded screened cubby and knelt on either side of him. A lizard waiter came and bowed to him. Sesshomaru ordered Dragon's Blood for three. Dragon's blood was a strong bitter liquor Sesshomaru was very fond of. It was very expensive so when he ordered it for three Peach and Plum cuddled even closer to him.
The waiter put out three small cups and poured the dark liquor leaving the bottle.
Peach stroked Sesshomaru's hair, “So good to us,” she purred.
“Such a tall, pale , handsome Lord,' purred Plum stroking the fur he wore over his shoulder.
“Like a man made of moonlight itself”, said Peach.
“No wonder we pine for you so,” said Plum.
The three took their cups and drank the contents in one gulp. Sesshomaru chuckled and poured three more cups. The girls were laying it on very thick which he always enjoyed.
“We hear you have taken on another human,” said Plum.
Sesshomaru took a drink from his cup.
“How fast news travels,” he thought.
“Isn't she a nursemaid for the child? That's what I heard.” Said Peach, tracing the point of his ear.
“Did you hear sister?” said Plum, “Naraku has been badly hurt. I heard the poor thing will be a long time healing.”
“Really?” said Peach slipping her hand into Sesshomaru's shirt and stroking his chest. “Maybe we should go and comfort him.”
“Oh no, sister.” said Plum, “Naraku is cheap. He thinks he is so pretty that girls will give him everything for free.”
“Not like our dear Sesshomaru,” said Peach, “Who is both handsome and generous.”
“How was Naraku hurt?' asked Sesshomaru.
“Why should we give you information when you have been so dreadful to us'” said Plum pouting.
“Leaving us alone for so long,” pouted Peach.
Sesshomaru reached into his left sleeve and pulled out two large gold coins. He slapped them down on the table covering them with his hand. Peach and Plum's eyes grew almost as large as the coins.
“My dear ladies,” he said, “I would never intentionally leave you both alone.”
“Our Lord is a busy man,” said Plum looking intently at the hand covering the coins.”
“We understand,” said Peach. “We heard that someone in your party hit Naraku a mighty blow.”
“Burned a hole right through his chest,” said Plum.
“What!?” said Sesshomaru. He knew something had been amiss with Jaken and Catherine.
“It wasn't Jaken who did it,” purred Peach.
“Well, who was it?” asked Sesshomaru.
“We really don't know,” said Plum, “but it wasn't Jaken….”
The Dragon's Blood was starting to take effect, Sesshomaru was feeling light headed and giddy.
Peach blew in his ear, “Come upstairs with us Sweet.”
Plum straddled him, “Come upstairs my Lord, it has been too long.” She slipped her hand between his thighs, “I can tell you want to.”
He did, yet with this news he really thought he'd better get back and he did have an errand to run. Then again his father had always said that a warrior should never deny himself sex. Denying made one slow and weak his father would always say. Touga rarely denied himself anything. Maybe a short tryst. Then again, a tryst with Peach and Plum was never short and always expensive.
Sesshomaru took the two coins and placed one between each girls ample cleavage. “Regrettably I cannot.”
Plum put her arms around his neck, “'give us a kiss then Love.” She kissed him full on the lips which he returned, it was good to kiss a woman. Peach also kissed his lips which he also accepted and returned. He left the “Poisoned Fang” and walked into the light. He felt the effect of the Dragon's Blood and thought he might need to sit down a few minutes to recover from his meeting with the sisters.
He sat on a stone bench a few steps from the tavern to “catch his breath.”
He had a nice little buzz going from the Dragon's Blood and was feeling happy and content as he entered the market square. All around were sight and smells familiar to him. He greeted fellow Demons he knew and merchants as he passed. Here he had status and respect. He was Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, a position he had worked hard to maintain and add to since his father's death. Suddenly, he was accosted by a giant hand on his shoulder.
“You!” boomed a voice.
He turned to see a large bulbus Demon wearing elaborate body armor.
“Does this armor make me look fat!!?”
Sesshomaru considered him for a moment walking around the large creature. “Yes,” he said finally.
“Good!!” boomed the Demon, “I'll take it,” he said to the merchant throwing down a bag of silver coins. “and I'll wear it out!”
The merchant bowed as took the silver and the Demon turned once again to Sesshomaru.
“Friend Sesshomaru! It has been too long!”
“Mazinga!” said Sesshomaru, “Where have you been for so long?”
“Fighting to the far south with my cousins against some invading forces.”
“I trust all went well,” said Sesshomaru.
“Very well!” boomed Mazinga, “and I have gold, silver and opals to prove it! Come friend, I will buy you a drink!!”
Sesshomaru really felt he'd had enough to drink. Mazinga, though, despite he size and bombast was a sensitive creatiure and was easily insulted. To refuse his offer would be beyond rude.
“Thank you Mazinga,” he said and accompanied him to a covered café'.
It was little more than a bar and a canvas awning. Mazinga ordered a tankard of Jur for himself and turned to Sesshomaru, “Dragon's Blood isn't it?” he said and ordered him a cup.
Two cups of Dragon's Blood later Mazinga clapped Sesshomaru on the back. They said their good byes and Mazinga strode out into the crowded market square. Sesshomaru realized that everything was spinning around. He took a careful step towards the market square. The last time he had been so drunk tht the room spun he had been in the arms of a woman. This time he was alone in the market square still needing to navigate to the shop for his errand. He stood up tall and tried to focus, funny how drink can make the world seem to spin around.. He should give a cup of Dragon's Blood to his brother, that would cool his hot head, or kill him. That made Sesshomaru laugh making him almost loose his balance. Luckily most of the Demons here were half sloshed so ne one took notice. Again he stood tall and tried to focus. His father always said that a man wasn't drunk if he could hang on to one blade of grass and not fall off the face of the Earth. Again he laughed and almost lost his balance. He straightened again and attempted to focus. He took few unsure steps into the crowds of the square. Everything was whirling but he did manage to keep his balance long enough to maneuver through the square and turn into a narrow street. Here he could touch the wall with the tips of his fingers for balance. It was quiet and deserted here.
Down the narrow streets he stumbled until he came to a small shop. Out front was a bright colored banner with the symbol for “Tailor” painted brightly on the silk. Sesshomaru attempted to walk in with as much dignity as he could but stopped at the open door holding on to the door frame. Inside, an old Demon sat on a low platform. The shelves on the walls were stacked with bolt after bolt of brightly colored silk. Spools of colored thread were lined neatly in open draws and on a simple form was displayed an elaborate Kimono.
The old Demon was stitching furiously on a garment of black silk with gold thread. He looked up and smiled through his long mustache, “Sesshomaru, back so soon? Son't tell me you have damaged our robe or perhaps ou want to but something else for a lady?” He squinted at Sesshomaru for a minute, “Looks like you've been hitting the Dragon's Blood pretty hard. Sit down, You need a cup of tea to clear your head!”
Sesshomaru sat on a wood stool by the door. The old Demon never stopped his stitching but with another of his three sets of arms he poured out a cup of hot tea and handed it to Sesshomaru with his long arm.
“Thank you Bopu,” said Sesshomaru, “I need a new Yamuri for the child in my party, Rin.”
“Ah, the little human girl,” Bopu used the top pair of long arms to select a bolt of cloth from a top shelf. It had a bright design in red blue and yellow. “This is a nice cloth for a child,” he said, “It is Egyptian cotton from the far west woven and printed here with a little Demon magic.” His dark eyes twinkled, “It will not wear out or fade, she will have to grow out of it. Here, feel how soft it is.”
He handed the bolt to Sesshomaru who set his tea cup on the window ledge to take it. It was soft and the design was very pleasing. “I will take it, can you make the robe?'
“Oh I'm all backed up with work, I cannot get to it for a few days.” Said Bopu.
“the woman in my party said that she could make the robe,” said Sesshomaru. “could you measure some cloth and make up a kit of sewing tools?”
“Of course,” said Bopu/ He transferred the black silk to his middle set of arms and continued stitching. Meanwhile he spread the cotton out on the platform in fromt of him and began to measure it. His top set of arms began to search the top cabinets of the small shop from which he took a small tightly woven lidded basket, a small pair of golden scissors, a few cards of fine thread, and a piece of brightly patterned heavy paper in which he pushed three needles. And ten pins. He reached under the platform and pulled out several scraps of brightly colored cloth which he placed in the basket.
These are for the child, she may like to play with them,” said Bopu.
Sesshomaru had been watching Bopu as he sipped his tea. It was amazing how many things Bopu could do at once. The room had stopped spinning but his head was beginning to ache.
Bopu took a small white cotton under robe from a side cabinet and folded it with the fabric. “On the House,” he said and wrapped everything together in white paper with string.
Sesshomaru stood placing his now empty cup next to the tea pot. He bowed to Bopu and paid him with gold coins as Bopu handed the package to Sesshomaru.
“this woman,” he said, “who is she?”
“Just a human from the far western lands,” answered Sesshomaru.
“Human?! I don't think so.” Said Bopu.
“What do you mean?” said Sesshomaru, “I detected no aura.”
“Well, you might not,” said Bopu, “She is from the lands far west, everything is different there. One thing we know for sure, It was she who countered an attack by Naraku and burned a hole clear through him. No human, even a powerful sorceress could do this. The whole market is buzzing about it!”
Sesshomaru's head was really starting to hurt. He would need to get to the bottom of this when he returned. He thanked Bopu again and turned to leave.
“Sesshomaru!” said Bopu, “a woman with power like that could be a great asset.”
Sesshomaru just grunted a response and left the store.
He retrieved A-Un and before leading them out of the stable fed the Dragons few chunks of yellow sulfur he had picked up on his way back. This was a great treat for them and they happily crunched down the sulfur. Sesshomaru rested his aching head against Un's cool pebbly neck.
“We don't like being deceived do we boys,” he said
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sis on March 1, 2006, 10:36:08 AM
sis on