Chapter 14 - Chapter 13
Submitted March 13, 2005 Updated December 7, 2005 Status Incomplete | A story based on the Lord of the Rings: In the fond, loving, and sometimes absolutley hilarious memory of Emily Webster, the real Arwen. If you have any difficulty reading the quenya (elvish), please email me - or leave a commen
Books » JRR Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, etc.) |
Chapter 14 - Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Chapter 13
Chapter 13
“Whereis she,” Galandiel fretted, “She has not left us one little clue, not asausage,”
“Ohdon’t say that,” moaned Nimrodel “I’m starving!”
“yeah well so am I.”snapped Galandiel, “But you don’t see me complaining do you?”
“Youwere complaining just the other week,”
“Iwas complaining that you were complaining too much!”
“Yeah, right. I’ll believe you.” said Nimrodelsarcastically.
“Look,if we argue like this we’ll never find Tilly,”
“alright.” Agreed Nimrodel and sulking she sat down, “we’velooked everywhere though, now what do we do?”
“Wemeet up with Aragorn, find out where he’s looked and work out where to looknext.” Moreover, as Galandiel said this Aragorn appeared overthe hill. Nimrodel looked up and saw not a King and an army ridingtowards her, but her friend and foster brother coming to help her look for hertwin sister, and for that she was grateful. She stood and called Aragorn to ahalt,
“Anynews?” she asked
“Notthe whisper of a butterfly.” Came Aragorn’s downheartened reply. And as the three of them stood there, they felt as if theirlast shreds of hope had been ripped apart.
** * * * *
Tillyenna broke away,
“Youhaven’t looked in Orthanc yet!” she yelled exasperatedly wishing they couldhear her. She walked to the window and looked east in the direction of herfriends out looking for her, she could go and look for them, but no, she hadher pride to think of.
“Whyare they taking so long? Why haven’t they found me?” she whispered quietly tono-one in particular, “Why not?” a tear rolled down her cheek and fell to theground from her high position. From where she stood, Tillyenna could see thatwhere it fell a tree grew, a silver tree out side herwindow. It grew until its uppermost branches reached her feet; she looked at itand smiled.
** * * * *
“There’snothing left to do,” said Galandiel, as he sat down upon the grassy bank,
“Look,I’m sorry,” said Aragorn, and sat down,
“It’snot your fault,”
“Lookat you two,” cried Nimrodel “Moping like a pair of old hobbits, “There is onething we can do,”
“What?”chorused Aragorn and Galandiel at the same time,
“Tillyonce said to me, that she devoted all her hope to one thing, just so it wouldhappen, we need to devote all our hope to finding her, and we will!”
Galandielstood up, “Come on!” he said, and ran off to mount his horse,
Aragornturned to Nimrodel, “what was that one thing,”
Nimrodelturned away, “that mummy would come home,”
Aragornwalked off leaving Nimrodel saying to herself, “I know it didn’t happen but shegave up, and any way it’s still going to happen.
** * * * *
Tillyennabegan to grow pale, from lack of sunlight. Her clothes grew tattered, so shemade herself a dress. It was black, blacker than any mortal soul could imagine,it was so black it could hurt a man’s eyes. It was embroidered with light,starlight, the light of the Evenstar, her light. She worked all day and most ofthe night on her dress, she stopped talking to Treebeard and the Entwives, shedid nothing but sit and sew. She did not sleep much; she had to get the dressfinished.
Months past,years. Tilly finished her dress, she putit on and then one night for the first time since her arrival at Orthanc shewalked in the gardens at Isengard. She walked dressed in black, a darksorceress of light walking through the trees.
“Whereis she,” Galandiel fretted, “She has not left us one little clue, not asausage,”
“Ohdon’t say that,” moaned Nimrodel “I’m starving!”
“yeah well so am I.”snapped Galandiel, “But you don’t see me complaining do you?”
“Youwere complaining just the other week,”
“Iwas complaining that you were complaining too much!”
“Yeah, right. I’ll believe you.” said Nimrodelsarcastically.
“Look,if we argue like this we’ll never find Tilly,”
“alright.” Agreed Nimrodel and sulking she sat down, “we’velooked everywhere though, now what do we do?”
“Wemeet up with Aragorn, find out where he’s looked and work out where to looknext.” Moreover, as Galandiel said this Aragorn appeared overthe hill. Nimrodel looked up and saw not a King and an army ridingtowards her, but her friend and foster brother coming to help her look for hertwin sister, and for that she was grateful. She stood and called Aragorn to ahalt,
“Anynews?” she asked
“Notthe whisper of a butterfly.” Came Aragorn’s downheartened reply. And as the three of them stood there, they felt as if theirlast shreds of hope had been ripped apart.
** * * * *
Tillyenna broke away,
“Youhaven’t looked in Orthanc yet!” she yelled exasperatedly wishing they couldhear her. She walked to the window and looked east in the direction of herfriends out looking for her, she could go and look for them, but no, she hadher pride to think of.
“Whyare they taking so long? Why haven’t they found me?” she whispered quietly tono-one in particular, “Why not?” a tear rolled down her cheek and fell to theground from her high position. From where she stood, Tillyenna could see thatwhere it fell a tree grew, a silver tree out side herwindow. It grew until its uppermost branches reached her feet; she looked at itand smiled.
** * * * *
“There’snothing left to do,” said Galandiel, as he sat down upon the grassy bank,
“Look,I’m sorry,” said Aragorn, and sat down,
“It’snot your fault,”
“Lookat you two,” cried Nimrodel “Moping like a pair of old hobbits, “There is onething we can do,”
“What?”chorused Aragorn and Galandiel at the same time,
“Tillyonce said to me, that she devoted all her hope to one thing, just so it wouldhappen, we need to devote all our hope to finding her, and we will!”
Galandielstood up, “Come on!” he said, and ran off to mount his horse,
Aragornturned to Nimrodel, “what was that one thing,”
Nimrodelturned away, “that mummy would come home,”
Aragornwalked off leaving Nimrodel saying to herself, “I know it didn’t happen but shegave up, and any way it’s still going to happen.
** * * * *
Tillyennabegan to grow pale, from lack of sunlight. Her clothes grew tattered, so shemade herself a dress. It was black, blacker than any mortal soul could imagine,it was so black it could hurt a man’s eyes. It was embroidered with light,starlight, the light of the Evenstar, her light. She worked all day and most ofthe night on her dress, she stopped talking to Treebeard and the Entwives, shedid nothing but sit and sew. She did not sleep much; she had to get the dressfinished.
Months past,years. Tilly finished her dress, she putit on and then one night for the first time since her arrival at Orthanc shewalked in the gardens at Isengard. She walked dressed in black, a darksorceress of light walking through the trees.
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Eoara on March 15, 2005, 8:23:51 PM
Eoara on

Nemya on March 15, 2005, 4:57:57 PM
Nemya on