Chapter 15 - Ur......(on account of the fact that this chapter
Submitted January 8, 2006 Updated May 8, 2006 Status Incomplete | My Harry Potter Story. People I know are in it, but not with their real names, apart from kara potter, who does have her real name. Seiji and sophie are in as last night soph was insisting that she might not be seiji
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Chapter 15 - Ur......(on account of the fact that this chapter
Chapter 15 - Ur......(on account of the fact that this chapter
The rest of the year passed smoothly, well, as smoothly as it could with two Malfoys. The end of year finals arrived, Lucia naturally got 100% in everything, well, she could mind read. Worryingly Draco and Seiji also got quite high marks. In the middle of exams, Lucia would turn herself invisible and go and whisper the answers into their ears, Draco, because she loved him, and Seiji, because, well, it would make Draco. She also used this power to torment snape. Walking up to him sitting at the invidulators desk, whispering in his ear, kissing him on the cheek, (she was invisble, therefore he couldn't see the look of disgust on her face, kissing snape is NOT NICE [not that I know from personal experience]) however snape couldnt say anything to stop her, becuase it would look like he was talking to himself.
After exams, in the weeks before summer holidays, most of the students spent most of the time lounging outside in the sun, except for some of the ravenclaws, who appeared allergic to sunlight and spent their time geeking [adj. To Geek: to talk extensivly and obsessivly about a certain subject, n.b. this story is quite possibly me geeking hp].
"I always thought your family motto was 'Always Pure'," Seiji said to Draco,
"Nu-uh," Lucia answered for Draco, who was far to busy torturing a small newt he had found in the lake. "Always pure is the black family motto, so draco's family use that. My mothers family traditionally dont have a motto, its kinda a human thing....but I like the malfoy one."
"Which is?"
"Après mieux à étant a Malfoy, baise a Malfoy"
"Quite a mouthful, whats it mean"
"Loosly translated: Next best thing to being a malfoy, is screwing a malfoy." She laughed
"You serious,"
"Yep, fantasitic isnt it."
The summer holidays arrived swiftly, and Draco, Seiji and Lucia all went off to Malfoy Mansion in Wiltshire. At first Lucia wasnt happy about seiji coming, but it was only for the first week, she'd have Draco all to herself for the rest of the time.
Lucius picked the three children up off the train. At first Seiji was confused, with all Lucia's boasting about her sleeping with Lucius, there was no evidence of this. But then he began to see the little things, like Lucius randomly hugging Lucia, it looked more like a father with a daughter, but he guessed this was just to keep Draco happy.
As agreed in the first week Seiji would have complete command of Draco, Lucia did sulk, but also had great fun, going for long rides, and of course, fighting with Narcissa. Narcissa, Lucia's arch enemy, was always trying to keep tabs on Lucia, having suspicions about her and Draco, so naturally Lucia disobeyed everything Narcissa said.
One night, when Lucia had refused to go to bed, Narcissa locked her in her room. Defiantly she climed down the tree outside her window, and went down to the river. She sat for a while, watching the sun set, and the stars come out, but then, she went back to the house. She climbed up the tree and was about to climb through the open window, when she realised she had arrived accidentally at Draco's room. She was about to climb in anyway, when she saw the door handle move slightly, she hid behind the curtains, curious to see who it was. She noticed a shiver of excitement run down Draco's spine, and heard a voice, with a slightly australian twang "Stupid doors, did you lock this mate?"
"Must have been my mother."
Lucia heard the voice mutter a spell to unlock the door, and seiji wandered in. Instantly Draco grabbed him and eagerly started to undress him.
"er.....Draco mate?" seiji paused, "The door?"
Draco grinned, got up, shut, and locked the door. "Happy now,"
"Always happy with you around." seiji said soppily, and then blushed. He unstraped his katana, and unbuttoned his shirt. He turned to the already topless draco, "Well?"
Draco laughed, collapsing on the bed he pulled draco on top of him. Kissing him furiously he started to slide his hand down seijis shorts. Lucia knew she should probably not be there, but what the hell, She'd seen draco naked before (well duh) and seiji was kinda fit [its only a kinda there]
"Naughty naughty, have SOME restraint seiji." in one move draco had flipped seiji on his back and started to kiss him. First his mouth, and then slowly, he began to run his toungue down seijis body. He stopped and was writing "I love you seiji," with his toungue across seiji's six pack,
"That tickles malfoy," seiji giggled
Draco stopped and looked up "Did you just giggle?"
"Uh, no." lied seiji
"God seiji, you're such a girl."
Seiji grabbed Draco and pulled him up to eyelevel, kissing him gently on the lips he murmerd, "I'd be your girl any day."
Lucia tried to stifle a giggle, and failed.
Both boys froze, and looked up at the window. With unnerving timing the curtain blew aside to reveal Lucia sat on the window sill.
"Lucy," roared Draco,
Seiji blushed and then saw the funny side, and started to laugh.
"Uh, I'd uh, better be going," Lucia was still trying not to laugh, "Oh and seiji, you make a fantastic girl."
Seiji's laughter disappeared, "Stupid........thing," he yelled and launched himself at the window. She dissapeared, apparating back from her own room. She saw seiji fall out of the open window where he had launched at her, she used her magic to genly lower him to the ground, and apparated Draco to be lying beside him. She watched them, first cautiosly and then, forgetting all things, exploring each others bodies, rolling around on the grass in the summer evening sunshine. Then seiji whispered something to Draco, and both boys looked up at Lucia's window. then they both dissapeared into the house.
A few minutes later Lucia saw her door open, unexpectedly, Seiji walked in.
"Why?" he asked
Lucia giggled, "You guys are kinda hot?"
"Seiji raised his eyebrows "Uh, its your boyfreind, uh, he's your cousin."
Lucia laughed, "look, if it makes you feel any better, just think of it this way, Im a school girl, who's uh," she faltered,
"Having to write stupid yaoi stories for her freinds?"
"Indeed," she nodded, "all about,"
"Me and Draco?"
"Yup, and so this is just...."
"Research." Seiji laughed, fine, okay then
Seiji had to go that day, stay with someone or other. The three kids stood outside the Malfoy Mansion, Luckily Lucius was away on business, and Narcissa had a migrain, so they were alone, well except for the servents, but they dont really count do they? Lucia kissed seiji on the cheek, "G'bye," she giggled, "Dont spend all summer you with my research"
Seiji grinned, "Bye"
Lucia walked back into the house, leaving the two boys together.
"Uh, this is kinda awkward," Seiji put one hand around the back of his neck, not able to make eye contact with draco.
"Is it?" Draco said with typical Malfoy confidence,
Seiji grinned, "Nope," he grabbed Draco by the shirt and, slamming him against the wall, kissed him hard. Then he stopped, "Bye malfoy."
Draco grinned, "Goodbye, oh straight one."
"Heey, IM straigt,"
Draco nodded, "So am I."
Seiji kissed Draco tenderly on the lips. "Miss you already." he said before climbing into the car. Seiji's eyes were to blurred with tears, to notice the love struck draco sliding down the wall, tears streaming down his face. Or for that matter Lucia coming to cheer him up, scrape him of the floor, and kiss him better
After exams, in the weeks before summer holidays, most of the students spent most of the time lounging outside in the sun, except for some of the ravenclaws, who appeared allergic to sunlight and spent their time geeking [adj. To Geek: to talk extensivly and obsessivly about a certain subject, n.b. this story is quite possibly me geeking hp].
"I always thought your family motto was 'Always Pure'," Seiji said to Draco,
"Nu-uh," Lucia answered for Draco, who was far to busy torturing a small newt he had found in the lake. "Always pure is the black family motto, so draco's family use that. My mothers family traditionally dont have a motto, its kinda a human thing....but I like the malfoy one."
"Which is?"
"Après mieux à étant a Malfoy, baise a Malfoy"
"Quite a mouthful, whats it mean"
"Loosly translated: Next best thing to being a malfoy, is screwing a malfoy." She laughed
"You serious,"
"Yep, fantasitic isnt it."
The summer holidays arrived swiftly, and Draco, Seiji and Lucia all went off to Malfoy Mansion in Wiltshire. At first Lucia wasnt happy about seiji coming, but it was only for the first week, she'd have Draco all to herself for the rest of the time.
Lucius picked the three children up off the train. At first Seiji was confused, with all Lucia's boasting about her sleeping with Lucius, there was no evidence of this. But then he began to see the little things, like Lucius randomly hugging Lucia, it looked more like a father with a daughter, but he guessed this was just to keep Draco happy.
As agreed in the first week Seiji would have complete command of Draco, Lucia did sulk, but also had great fun, going for long rides, and of course, fighting with Narcissa. Narcissa, Lucia's arch enemy, was always trying to keep tabs on Lucia, having suspicions about her and Draco, so naturally Lucia disobeyed everything Narcissa said.
One night, when Lucia had refused to go to bed, Narcissa locked her in her room. Defiantly she climed down the tree outside her window, and went down to the river. She sat for a while, watching the sun set, and the stars come out, but then, she went back to the house. She climbed up the tree and was about to climb through the open window, when she realised she had arrived accidentally at Draco's room. She was about to climb in anyway, when she saw the door handle move slightly, she hid behind the curtains, curious to see who it was. She noticed a shiver of excitement run down Draco's spine, and heard a voice, with a slightly australian twang "Stupid doors, did you lock this mate?"
"Must have been my mother."
Lucia heard the voice mutter a spell to unlock the door, and seiji wandered in. Instantly Draco grabbed him and eagerly started to undress him.
"er.....Draco mate?" seiji paused, "The door?"
Draco grinned, got up, shut, and locked the door. "Happy now,"
"Always happy with you around." seiji said soppily, and then blushed. He unstraped his katana, and unbuttoned his shirt. He turned to the already topless draco, "Well?"
Draco laughed, collapsing on the bed he pulled draco on top of him. Kissing him furiously he started to slide his hand down seijis shorts. Lucia knew she should probably not be there, but what the hell, She'd seen draco naked before (well duh) and seiji was kinda fit [its only a kinda there]
"Naughty naughty, have SOME restraint seiji." in one move draco had flipped seiji on his back and started to kiss him. First his mouth, and then slowly, he began to run his toungue down seijis body. He stopped and was writing "I love you seiji," with his toungue across seiji's six pack,
"That tickles malfoy," seiji giggled
Draco stopped and looked up "Did you just giggle?"
"Uh, no." lied seiji
"God seiji, you're such a girl."
Seiji grabbed Draco and pulled him up to eyelevel, kissing him gently on the lips he murmerd, "I'd be your girl any day."
Lucia tried to stifle a giggle, and failed.
Both boys froze, and looked up at the window. With unnerving timing the curtain blew aside to reveal Lucia sat on the window sill.
"Lucy," roared Draco,
Seiji blushed and then saw the funny side, and started to laugh.
"Uh, I'd uh, better be going," Lucia was still trying not to laugh, "Oh and seiji, you make a fantastic girl."
Seiji's laughter disappeared, "Stupid........thing," he yelled and launched himself at the window. She dissapeared, apparating back from her own room. She saw seiji fall out of the open window where he had launched at her, she used her magic to genly lower him to the ground, and apparated Draco to be lying beside him. She watched them, first cautiosly and then, forgetting all things, exploring each others bodies, rolling around on the grass in the summer evening sunshine. Then seiji whispered something to Draco, and both boys looked up at Lucia's window. then they both dissapeared into the house.
A few minutes later Lucia saw her door open, unexpectedly, Seiji walked in.
"Why?" he asked
Lucia giggled, "You guys are kinda hot?"
"Seiji raised his eyebrows "Uh, its your boyfreind, uh, he's your cousin."
Lucia laughed, "look, if it makes you feel any better, just think of it this way, Im a school girl, who's uh," she faltered,
"Having to write stupid yaoi stories for her freinds?"
"Indeed," she nodded, "all about,"
"Me and Draco?"
"Yup, and so this is just...."
"Research." Seiji laughed, fine, okay then
Seiji had to go that day, stay with someone or other. The three kids stood outside the Malfoy Mansion, Luckily Lucius was away on business, and Narcissa had a migrain, so they were alone, well except for the servents, but they dont really count do they? Lucia kissed seiji on the cheek, "G'bye," she giggled, "Dont spend all summer you with my research"
Seiji grinned, "Bye"
Lucia walked back into the house, leaving the two boys together.
"Uh, this is kinda awkward," Seiji put one hand around the back of his neck, not able to make eye contact with draco.
"Is it?" Draco said with typical Malfoy confidence,
Seiji grinned, "Nope," he grabbed Draco by the shirt and, slamming him against the wall, kissed him hard. Then he stopped, "Bye malfoy."
Draco grinned, "Goodbye, oh straight one."
"Heey, IM straigt,"
Draco nodded, "So am I."
Seiji kissed Draco tenderly on the lips. "Miss you already." he said before climbing into the car. Seiji's eyes were to blurred with tears, to notice the love struck draco sliding down the wall, tears streaming down his face. Or for that matter Lucia coming to cheer him up, scrape him of the floor, and kiss him better
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angel_of_beauty_and_light on January 28, 2006, 12:06:27 AM

Lanathae on January 27, 2006, 8:36:05 PM
Lanathae on