Chapter 1 - The Randomness Begins
Submitted September 4, 2005 Updated September 15, 2005 Status Incomplete | Dear People of the World, We, Random Fangirls, have decided to allow mobs of Obsessive teenage girls rewrite Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In short...the story is screwed. Based of 2005 movie. (Written by me and a Friend)
Movies » Charlie and The Chocolate Factory |
Chapter 1 - The Randomness Begins
Chapter 1 - The Randomness Begins
A/N: What will become of this poor, innocent plot? Will the Fangirls trample it to death? Will the insane authors be flamed to no end! In all likely-hood! We don't know. We're just crazy. Bwahahahahaha!
Ehehe...We're really weird.
Disclaimer: Much to our dismay, we do not own Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, because the copy-rights are not for sale. Believe us, we've tried.
Chapter 1
Narrator: This is the story of Mary-Sue. She was not faster, stronger, cleverer...blah blah blah blah blah...and Willy Wonka hid 5 golden tickets.
Random Fangirl #1: That was pretty blunt.
Random Fangirl #2: Just get to the Wonka! -threatens Narrator with pitchfork-
Narrator: Fine. So that I do not die at the hands of the female populous at large, we're going to fast-forward to the part where Charlie finds a ticket.
All Random Fangirls: -put away pitchforks-
Random Fangirl #2: Darn.
Narrator: away from Random Fangirl #2-...ahem…Charlie found a Golden Ticket.
Random Fangirl #3: That was pretty blunt also.
Random Fangirls #'s 1-2: Who the heck are you?
Random Fangirl #3: Well, I heard you were going to stalk Willy Wonka, and it sounded like fun, so I thought...
Random Fangirl #1: Hey, that was top-secret! Where did you-
Narrator: ANYWAY! -clears throat- We should really be focusing on the story...
Random Fangirl #2: Oh Shut UP! -accidentally stabs narrator with Pitchfork- Oops.
Random Fangirl #1: -shakes head- We lose more narrators that way.
Random Fangirl #3: I guess we're narrating now. So…
Charlie: I'd like A Wonka bar please.
Person Selling Chocolate: Here you go. -hands over chocolate bar-
Charlie: -opens chocolate- Wow, a Golden Ticket! This would be an inopportune moment to be viciously attacked by teenage girls who are bent on meeting Willy Wonka!
Teenage Girls Who Are Bent On Meeting Willy Wonka: -viciously attack Charlie at an inopportune moment- Get him!
Freddie Highmore (a.k.a. Charlie): Why? Why does this always happen to me! Here! -shoves golden ticket into a fangirl's hands- Take it! I don't need it! I don't want it anymore! I quit! -runs away to trailer-
Fangirls 2 and 3: -fight over Narrator's microphone-
Fangirl 1: -takes microphone- And in fact, the lucky Fangirl that Freddie threw the Golden Ticket was…was…was…w-w-w-w-was…-breaks down sobbing- NOT ME! -bursts in tears-
Fangirl 2: Or me! -joins Fangirl 1 in crying-
Fangirl 3: IT WAS ME! -jumps up on table- Mine I say, all mine!
Fangirls 1 and 2: -stop crying- WHAT? Oh, you little-
(These polite ---`s take the place of a section containing extreme profanity and violence that resulted in Fangirl 3 knocked out cold, and Fangirl 1 holding a heavy frying pan)
Fangirl 2: Well that's over!
Fangirl 1: So, the lucky Fangirl who received the ticket was none other than Mary-Sue. Ok, now hand over the ticket Mary-Sue!
Fangirl 2: Don't give it to her! I'll give you 500 dollars for it!
Guy Selling Chocolate: Run home Mary-Sue! Don't stop for anything!
Mary-Sue: Ok! Get out of the way you beaming idiots!
Man who spontaneously walked on to set: Hey, I think that girl might have a Golden Ticket!
Mary-Sue: Why the hell do you think I am running so fast with a gold piece of paper in my hand!
Security Guards: Hey you! Yeah, you, the one who spontaneously walked on to the set! You aren't supposed to be there! Take him down! -tackles man who spontaneously walked on to set-
A/N: So, how'd you like the first bit? Yeah, it's short. Wanna make somethin' of it?
Review or parish, Please.
Also, vote for you're favorite Fangirl, the winner will be announced at the end of the story! Will it be…
Fangirl 1?
(Join the dark side, we've got cookies. And I knocked out Fangirl #3 with a frying pan. You all were glad to see Fangirl 3 go, admit it. Btw, sorry to disappoint you by not helping stab the narrator. I believe my pitchfork is still in the narrator I stabbed from the last story I ruined.)
Fangirl 2?
(I killed the narrator. Vote for me, or you next.)
Or Fangirl 3?
(What? Where am I? Oh, yeah, Fangirl 1 knocked me out with a frying…er…vote for me?)
Please wait for a few chapters before you vote, so you can get to know them better.
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WhorridRevenge on February 3, 2006, 11:06:02 AM

xxKILLtheSYSTEMxx on January 1, 2006, 11:14:39 PM
carmen002 on January 1, 2006, 8:17:08 AM
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