Chapter 3 - Opening of the Gates
Submitted September 4, 2005 Updated September 15, 2005 Status Incomplete | Dear People of the World, We, Random Fangirls, have decided to allow mobs of Obsessive teenage girls rewrite Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In short...the story is screwed. Based of 2005 movie. (Written by me and a Friend)
Movies » Charlie and The Chocolate Factory |
Chapter 3 - Opening of the Gates
Chapter 3 - Opening of the Gates
Disclaimer: Despite our feverish attempts since chapter one, we still do not own the rights to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Probably a good thing too.
A/N: Bwahahaha! Gather, our reviewing minions, GATHER! Continue reviewing and-hides from vampmans frying pan- Don't kill us please. As for where we come up with this stuff…we have twisted little minds, and are constantly surrounded by the random and weird. Ok, here it comes!
Fangirl 1: Good job, Fangirl 4!
Fangirl 2: Nice shot! -applauds-
Fangirl 4: Thanks. Never leave home without my catapult.
Fangirl 1: Tru-dat.
Fangirl 2: Hey, who are you anyway?
Fangirl 4: Well, I'm Fangirl 4. I'm here to help narrate while you two are in Wonka's Factory. And someone has to take Fangirl 3's place while she composes a Broadway musical about shish-kabobs and various other kabob-y items.
Fangirl 3: -struggles to write acclaimed musical while wearing strait jacket-
Fangirl 1: -checks watch- Than we better get a move on it! We've got 10 minutes until we're supposed to meet at the factory Gates!!
Fangirl 4/Narrator: Godspeed, Fangirls! -salutes-
Fangirl 2: What does that mean?
Fangirl 1: Never mind! We've gotta go! -Grabs Fangirl 2 and runs-
Fangirl 4/Narrator: So, The crazed Fangirls and Mary-Sue waited with the other winners in front of the Gates and waited. Augustus Gloop, naturally, was eating. Mike TeaVee was playing a Gameboy. Violet (a.k.a. Fangirl 1) was chewing her gum loudly in an attempt to drown out the scary Woman who was supposed to be her mother.
Violet's Mom: Eyes on the Prize Violet, Eyes on the Prize.
Violet (a.k.a. Fangirl 1): -whispers to Fangirl 2- I don't think she even knows I'm not really Violet…
Violet's Mom: What was that Violet?
Violet/FG 1: Nothing. -scoots away and chews gum louder-
FG 4/Narrator: Veruca (a.k.a. Fangirl 2) was shouting out demands to no one in particular.
Veruca/FG 2: Daddy, I want another pony.
Guy Who is posing as Veruca's Dad (since he's tied up in a closet): Well, Veruca, it would help if you had one pony to begin with…
FG 4/Narrator: And Mary-Sue was being…well…a Mary-Sue.
Mary-Sue: -sniff/cry- I'm all alone because I'm an orphan! You don't know how awful it is! But I'm always hopeful! Maybe, just maybe I can win the special prize! -wipes tear from eye-
Dude from of stage: Boo! Get off the Foyer!
Mary-Sue: You people will just never understand.
Veruca/FG 2: Daddy, I want to understand!
Guy Who is posing as Veruca's Dad: Yes of course, darling. How much would it cost for you to explain it to my Darling Veruca? -Pulls out wallet-
FG 4/Narrator: But before Mary-Sue could answer, an announcement came on over the speakers.
Voice from over speakers which we shall assume to be Willy Wonka's: Open the Gates!
Gates: -open-
Veruca/FG 2: -jumps up and down with excitement-
Voice from over speakers: Please Enter!
Violet/FG 1: -puff of smoke where Violet was standing one second ago- -waits eagerly-
Voice from over speakers: I am…
Violet/FG 1: Incredibly Handsome?
Veruca/FG 2: Amazingly sexy?
Voice from over speakers: Er…no…I am….
Puppets: -sing- Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, the amazing Chocolatier! Willy Wonka Willy Wonka everybody give a cheer!
Puppets: -burst into flames and a-splode-
Violet: -applauds- I always cry at happy endings!
Mary-Sue: Thank god that's over.
Veruca: Tru-dat.
Willy Wonka: Wow! Wasn't that delightful Children? I was worried it was getting a little dodgy in the middle there…but then that FINALE! Wow! -claps enthusiastically-
Fangirls/Willy Wonka: Good Morning Starshine, the Earth says Hello!
Willy Wonka: `Kay…that's kinda weird…. -scoots away from Fangirls-
You really Ought not to talk at the same time I do, `cuz no one can hear a word I'm saying.
Violet/FG 1: -runs up and hugs Willy Wonka-
Willy Wonka: -jumps in shock/repulsion-Waah!
Violet/FG 1: -still hugging- I'm Violet Beauregarde.
Willy Wonka: -struggling to escape- I Don't Care.
Violet/FG 1: -STILL hugging- You don't have to.
Willy Wonka: Uh…little help here
Tim Burton from offstage: Violet! That's your cue! You can let go now! Violet? VIOLET!
Violet/FG 1: What? Huh? Oh…Er...right. -releases Wonka- Sorry Mr. Depp-er-I mean…uh…
Willy Wonka: `Mr. Depp'?
Violet: Uh, I mean, sorry Mr. Wonka.
Willy Wonka: `Kay…Um….
Veruca/FG 2: -tries to hug Wonka too- Daddy, I want a Willy Wonka!
Willy Wonka: -runs ahead- Um, Yeah, let's start the tour, no time to dilly or dally…
A/N: WELL? Yeah, this one is longer, so no complaining about length. And we warned you, so you can't blame us for being insane either. I feel sorry for Mr. Wonka already…
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WhorridRevenge on February 3, 2006, 11:14:33 AM
InvaderShan on January 14, 2006, 10:44:08 AM
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