Chapter 5 - Yay!More Doom!With help!
Submitted November 7, 2010 Updated January 22, 2011 Status Incomplete | The Origin of that annoying little piece of pastry!
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Chapter 5 - Yay!More Doom!With help!
Chapter 5 - Yay!More Doom!With help!
More Doom![br]
Me:Hello!Today I have 2 of my friends with me.They are Rachael and Jon.[br]
Jon:Where are we,because 1 minute ago we were outside.[br]
Me:We are in a place I asked Nitori to make.[br]
Rachael:What's that?*points to keyboard with random pictures*[br]
Me:Watch.*presses button with a coconut on it*[br]
Jon:*notices EWD walking by with a sledgehammer*The waffles got a sledgehammer.[br]
Nitori:*hands Rachael a coconut*Throw it at something![br]
Rachael:*throws coconut at EWD.A BONK noise is heard*Oooh!The cocnut just exploded![br]
Me:Uh...this is getting random.Let's watch one of the tapes.[br]
*The tape is not showing anything*[br]
Me:Great!The VCR is broken![br]
Jon:*rolls bowling ball at waffle;the ball hits the waffle and rolls down the lane*Strike![br]
*the ball comes back with the waffle still atached to it*EWD:The Ball likes me![br]
Me:He's magnetic.Lets move on.[br]
Rachael:What are we going to do?[br]
Me:Torture the waffle.[br]
Jon:Cool!What are we going to do first?[br]
Me:Finish Ellie's dares.The next one is..."feed him to the MOOSE!"Where does she get these?![br]
Rachael:No idea.[br]
Moose:*stares at waffle and eats him,then...*BLUARGH![br]
Me:That's new.[br]
Rachael:Next one!"Ship him to Denmark."I got the box![br]
Jon:Here's the tape![br]
Me:*wearing gloves*I got the waffle![br]
*We stuff him in the box.Jon and rachaeluse the tape to close the box*[br]
EWD:I hate Denmark![br]
Me:You've never been![br]
*2 weeks later*[br]
Rachael:Okay,he was shipped back.*throws another coconut at the waffle*2 points![br]
EWD:I hate coconuts![br]
Me:Next!"Give him to aliens."Who?Zim?[br]
Me:Even he doesn't like it!Next![br]
Jon:"Force him to watch awful shows"[br]
Me:I have o idea what an awful show is,so skip that.[br]
Jon:How about this one?"Put him in a monkey cage."[br]
Rachael:Do we have one?[br]
Me:Yes!With monkey's in it![br]
Rachael:*throws EWD in the cage*How long should we wait?[br]
Monkey:*throws waffle out of the cage and picks the age up andleaves*[br]
Me:.......Now we'll never know.[br]
Rachael:I didn't know monkey's hated him,too!What's the next one?[br]
Me:"send him to the Bermuda Triangle!"Let's use that canon over there.[br]
Jon:Can I light the fuse?[br]
Jon:Alright!*Lights the fuse with a candle*[br]
Jon:Do you think he'll come back?[br]
Rachael:Not likely.[br]
Me:Yeah,he's gonna come back.He's right here![br]
Jon/Rachael:What did we send?![br]
Me:A bowling ball.Last dare is...[br]
All:"Store him in the closet and forget about him"?![br]
Jon:Isn't that impossible?[br]
Me:Don't know.[br]
Rachael:Is it a good idea,because couldn't he blow it up?[br]
Rachael:He exploded too![br]
Jon:Now theres waffle peices all over the place![br]
Me:Conclusion:there's no way to get rid of the waffle.Special thanks to Rachael and Jon!On Fanart Central,Rachael is CreamandPoppuFan166,and Jon is waluigiguy22.Please look at their art and their other stuff![br]
*Notice:The waffle is going to be back in chapter 7*[br]
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CreamandPoppufan166 on January 22, 2011, 11:12:47 AM