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Chapter 1 - A Foriegn Country

Mayumi was a simple school girl until she started having a series of dreams that, unbeknownst to her, would change her life forever.

Chapter 1 - A Foriegn Country

Chapter 1 - A Foriegn Country
?Just 1 week, I beg of you! I will do anything, please stay!? the voices ranted on in the back of her mind.
She bolted up. The images that were being played in front of her were now gone. But her fears were not. She panted, she couldn?t breath, ?Damn it!? she punched the tree in which she was lying.
She was new to the dreaming experience and even newer to nightmares. But she had a feeling that wasn?t all that awaited her in her dreams. ?He? was bound to show up. ?You cant run? ?his voice rang clearly and freely in her mind. She shuttered. The wind carried an eerie chill. She sat up, weapon in hand, eyes closed, heart beating, ?Your not going to sneak up on me again you spineless bastard!?.

She awoke in a cold sweat. Reaching off her bed to her night stand. She pulled out a locked book that said ?no trespassing!? on the cover. She grabbed the feathered pen on the books side and grabbed the key from inside her candle where she had hidden it.

Dear Diary,
I had the dream again. The one where that girl is in a tree and I can here what she is thinking. I still haven?t told anyone about it other than my friend Juri. She thinks it?s a physiological thing or something. She says its my ?inner? self. She?s full of it. I am going to give it one more night. If it happens again, I?m telling mom.


?Oh no its 4:30! I only have 2 hours left ?til school!? she panicked ?sleepsleepsleepsleepsleep?.

*thud* ? Owww, my head!?. ?Did you fall out of bed again?? her mother asked from the door, one eyebrow raised. ?No, I slept on the floor? Mayumi answered back sarcastically. ?Breakfast in 20? was all her mother had to rebuttal. Mayumi opened her forest green curtains, she always thought they were just green ?til her friend corrected her, ?its forest green, duh!? she could hear her say. She got ready for her first day of school. It was the middle of the 9th grade, but a different school. She was a transfer from America. She only knew one person in Japan, and that was her pen pal, Juri. Tokyo was a lot different than her old city of Orlando, but she?d adjust. Or at least that?s what her mother said. ?Mayumi, your sister wrote you a letter!? her mother called, ?I?m coming!? she called back.
?Ma this is from Christmas?, ?and, so what??, ?Its April!!? she yelled. ?Eh, whatcha gonna do.? her mother said as she sat down to breakfast. Mayumi ate quickly and ran out the door. ?See you when I get home!? she called to her mother, ?I love you to? she heard her mother call as she put up her dishes. The school was big, REALLY big. Mayumi, or Yumi to Juri, was a little scared of what the hollowed halls had waiting for her. Would she mess up and say the wrong thing. She had taken a Japanese course before moving but was still a little lost when it came to people talking fluently...or talking at all at that matter. The clock on the tower made her aware that the time was 7:56. She panicked once again, she had 4 minutes. Was she going to be late her first day? No, she was thick headed and wasn?t going to screw up on her first day. She ran up the steps, through the doors, up the stairs, and into class B, grade 1. She was shocked to see 62 eyes staring at her as she turned towards the class. Her teacher said something that had the word ?name? in it and she went blank. Six months of classes had just been deleted from her hard drive, as her computer geek friends would say. ?Uh? Watashi wa ?uh..? she stuttered. ? Oh! Was it last name-first name or first name-last name? she asked her self, ?here goes my first impression, please be a good one!?. Her teacher repeated the question. "Uh, Watashi wa Madison Mayumi ?? She got a puzzled look on her face. Mayumi Madison was weird and didn?t exactly roll off the tongue, but this sounded almost foreign to her. ?I?m sorry I am late? She turned around to see a boy in a jumpsuit , much like everybody else?s, with the most gorgeous hair and eyes she ever saw. She took a step back, his hair was purple! ?Wow, just like in the anime. And I thought they were just being creative!? She quickly put her hand over her mouth. ?That?s alright, I understand. You must be Mayumi, I am the class president and your translator for now, Hikaru Sensui?. She shook his hand and he and the teacher starting talking. ?Please take a seat? Hikaru said. ?Uh, sure.? she said with a tense voice that suited her posture. Hikaru took a seat next to her and said everything the teacher said in English. This was repeated all day through her first 4 classes.

Mayumi sat down to lunch with Hikaru and was about eat when she heard ?Yumi!? from behind. She slowly turned around, not knowing if that was her since Yumi was a popular name. ?Yumi!? the girl called again. It was Juri, she looked just like her picture. Juri ran up to the table and gasped. ?What?? she asked in her new found language. Juri just grabbed Yumi?s arm and dragged her over to the door. ?Are you looking for trouble? Juri said. ?What? No. Why?? Yumi was quick to ask. What had she done now. ?That is Hikaru! That?s Hoshiyolchi?s man!? Juri said quickly ?Well, not really she just has her evil eyes on him?. ?Hoshiyolchi?? Yumi said, ?hey, that rhymes?. ?This isn?t a laughing matter Yumi, she could kick your @$$!?. ?And then I?ll have to drop kick her face.? Yumi said in reply. ?Its not that simple! By the way ,how was your trip, our you enjoying your stay so far?? but as Juri opened her eyes, from smiling from ear to ear, she saw that Yumi had dragged her back to the table and she was now sitting. ?Oh hello?Juri is it?? Hikaru asked innocently. ?Uh huh.? Juri said. ?Don?t get lost Juri? Yumi said as Juri just stared at Hikaru?s eyes. ? Is she okay?? Hikaru asked, leaned over to Yumi, never leaving his eyes off of the black haired Juri, who was now drooling. ?No, but she?ll be conscious soon enough." Yumi said, ?hey! you got company?. Hikaru turned around to find three girls towering over him. The middle one had black as well as the two to her sides. Black hair was very common. The middle one jolted her eyes to Yumi. Then to the drooling Juri, just to end up back at Hikaru. ?Hikaru don?t you want to eat lunch with me?? she said innocently. ?Uh, actually I?m fine right here with Yumi-san and Juri-san? Hikaru said. Juri suddenly snapped out of when she heard her name. ? That?s Hoshiyolchi, or Chi to her friends? she whispered into Yumi?s ear. ?Oh?? Yumi said. Yumi got an evil grin on her face. ? Oh, Ru-chan are those nasty girls bothering you?? Yumi said her hand now on Hikaru's shoulder. ?Ru-chan?? everybody else said shocked. ?Oh, don?t make me have to go medieval on your @$$ girls? Yumi 'dug the hole deeper ', ?now Ru-chan where were we?? she said never leaving her eyes from Hoshiyolchi?s. Hoshiyolchi just squinted her piercing eyes in anger and walked off, her side kicks following like loyal dogs. Hikaru or ?Ru-chan? turned around. He was red as a rose, with either anger or embarrassment. ?Sorry? Yumi said. ?No, that?s alright I should be apologizing. And thanking you.? He responded. ?For what?? Yumi asked. ?For putting yourself on the line for me.? He said as Juri just sat there, stone cold from shock. ?Oh it was nothing? she said as she started to blush furiously.

Lunch went on and so did her 4 other classes. As the last bell rang Yumi ran to the lockers as fast as she could. Chi, or Hoshiyolchi, had been giving her dirty looks all day. She wanted to go home, and fast. As she descended the school steps to the courtyard she was knocked down by something that had to be 2 times her size. She got up and reached for her books when the colossal object kicked them away. She had had enough and turned around to cuss someone out when she realized that it wasn?t a colossal object, but 4 colossal objects. To be more specific 4 of the biggest 12th graders she had ever seen. One of them grabbed her books and through them to another boy, this process was repeated. That?s when it hit her, they were playing ?monkey in the middle? and she was the monkey. She ran from boy to boy, who tossed her books nonchalantly back and forth. She got fed up. No one was around, so she was going to make a run for it. But not ?til they had had a piece of her mind. Well, a piece of something. She went to who seemed to be the ring-leader, looked him square in the eyes and stayed there. ?Does the little 9th want her books ba-? he was then cut-off as she punched him as hard as possible in his gut. He dropped the books. She grabbed them and ran as his friends went to his assistance. Something stirred in the trees. She ran to the corner just to find 2 of the colossal boys running after her. Her legs went on auto. She ran to the next block and hid behind a corner. Panting, she looked back, afraid of what she would see. The boys were coming. But to her surprise, and delight, the boys stopped in their tracks. Someone had been following them. He, or so it seemed, jumped from a tree and in their path. The boys were about to kick his @$$ when she decided he was heaven sent and ran. She bust through the door. She was about to yell for her mother when the phone rang. She picked it, ?Madison residence.? ?Hey honey, sorry, I?m going to be running late. Can you make dinner?? ?Yeah, don?t worry. Love ya? ?Love ya too!? They said bye in a unison and hung up. Yumi was a little suspicious of her mother. She hadn?t been late for as long as she could remember. She shrugged it off. She decided that T.V. was a good remedy for the day. Her stomach growled. She had a whole bag of jelly beans in her room that were just beckoning her. She reached to the shelf above her computer when she felt a draft. She turned to find a once locked window, open. And, even stranger, was that the screen was missing. She went to close the window when she heard something in the tree that shrouded her window. Thunder roared and rain came quick. She thought that maybe a bird had just been shocked and flew off, causing the sound. She closed the window, when a chill went up her spine, sending a shutter through her body. She grabbed the bag and ran. She was spooked. As she sat down the phone rang again. She was getting aggravated. She picked it up expecting her mother just to hear Juri. They talked for about 5 minutes before agreeing on Yumi going to Juri?s for dinner. Yumi called her mom?s cell phone and told her before braving the storm. Juri offered a ride but Yumi insisted she needed the exercise. Juri?s directions were complicated by the storm?s sheet of rain. The once legible hand-writing were now wavy lines of ink. Yumi decided to walk near the trees for protection, since lightening wasn?t apparent. She felt like she was being followed and constantly turned around. It took 15 minutes but she made it to her destination. It was gorgeous . She was greeted by Juri and brought in to dry. ?Juri this place looks like Kagome?s home off of ?Inuyasha?. You don?t happen to have a well that leads to a hunky dog demon do ya?? ?No sorry, I have a well, but it only leads 20 feet below the surface.? They shared a laugh. After they dried up, they decided to defeat the whole purpose of drying and go explore the compound. Juri?s mother said they had half an hour ?til dinner. Armed with an umbrella they ventured outside.
?Yumi I want you to see something? Juri said as they fed the koi in the pond. ?Okay. What?? she said as her friend got up and brushed off. ?You?ll see? she said with a hint of mystery in her voice. Yumi followed her to the forest near her home. She pulled back a tree limb to show a little shrine, or alter. Yumi looked confused, and Juri noticed this. ?Here? she said pointing to some writing. It looked familiar. Yumi didn?t say this of course but then again, who would? Juri then took her to a room on the compound. A storage room is what it really looked like from the inside. Juri pulled out a sword with the same writing on the hilt. Then she pulled out a dagger that looked just as old as the alter and the sword. It too had similar markings on it. ?The alter might be a tombstone says grandpa? Juri said. It all seemed too familiar. Yumi froze. ?Are you alright! Yumi say something!? Juri called.

?Mom, Dad, somebody, Yumi?s fainted!? Juri screamed as she busted through the front door, holding the limp Yumi in her arms.



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LegendaryPancake on December 20, 2005, 5:46:51 AM

LegendaryPancake on