Chapter 7 - Slumber Party part 2
Submitted January 27, 2007 Updated October 12, 2007 Status Incomplete | Its about the new male sailor scouts! The Sailor/Planet Warriors.
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series |
Chapter 7 - Slumber Party part 2
Chapter 7 - Slumber Party part 2
Amy:OMG!!!! Its about time we have a...
Scouts:Slumber Party.....
Rini: Why?
Rei: So we can talk about girl stuff and well talk about well... whats goin on here.....
Hika: Chocolate!!!!.....................rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Rini:...........................Hika you scare me sometimes..............
All the girls arrived at the Temple carrying sleeping bags and Tooth brushes. As for the guys they all met up for a lil boy's night out and boy was Leo gona be surpised...
Rei Leigh: Well some one say something!!!!!!
Rei: OK......... So Rini are you and Leo together or what......
Serena: YEAH!!! Seriously! What is he deal with you too any way..?
Rini: Well we grew up in the palace in Crystel Tokyo.... And we had some fun.... I left for the past and we lived The End....*she said rushed*
Rei: SPILL!!!!
Rini: I already spilt it.
Rei: Spill With Detail!!!
Rini: Oh look at the time...... 5:00 pm time for bed!
Rei Leigh: OHH no ya don't! Tell us.....
Rini: I would rather not...
Rei Leigh: Ok ....CRESENT CRYSTEL POWER!!!!*pulls out her Crystal* Make her tell the truth! *The crystal starts glowing*
Rini: Fine!! In the future right before I left the future almost perminately excludeing my mounthly visits....Me and Leo had just started dateing. We were Best Friends for a long time them I decided to take a chance and ask him out....It was about time we started getting our powers he had just turned 13..... When I did something that ruined our relationship...
Serena: WAIT!!!! He is a year older then you!!!!!!
Rini: Yeah i had skiped a grade in the future so we were in the same class...
Rei: What did you say to him!
Rini: We were outside in the back of the castel, we weren't supposed to.... My mother warned us...He wanted me to stay in the future and well while we were Talking, the lunar eclipse occured... It did something to him.... A Sun appeared on his four head and was glowing uncontrolably and so did his eyes! it was terrible...He was out of control! The elclipse lasted about 10 minutes... and in those 10 minutes... he had unleashed all the planet power that the sun poccessed and that night he destroyed 1/4 of crystel tokyo... Killed inosent people...He killed Sailor Scouts....*a silents in the room* He stole their power...I watched him it
Mena: No........
Rini: Luckily My Mother was abel to heal the Sailor Scouts and restore their power but...She was not abel to restore all the damage to the city.....After the eclipse he was out cold and fell to the ground.... he woke up a few Hours afterword.... Everyone was still scrambleing around.. and I was still standing in the same spot...He walked up to me and asked me what happened.... I transformed into Sailor Mini Moon and I still in shock used all the power I had to vanquish him...I shouted Cosmic Moon Power... and the moon crystel in the castel reacted... I held the power of the the moon crystal in my hand without having to hold the moon crystal....I told him i never wanted to see his face .... and I blasted his sorry @$$ to hell!
Rei Leigh: Wait what? Then how is he like alive?
Rini: He came back to life on his own....No one knows how but he did.....
Hika: So you vanquished his butt and thats why you kissed him when you saw him when he first arrived at the temple..Yeah that makes sence..not?
Rini: Well he saved my life....
Scouts: huh??????????????
Rini: After the lunar eclipse all the negative energy unleashed creatived a Demon with powers that were twice as strong as the sailor scouts! The demon went after me.... I transformed but when i did he striped me of my powers and energy... The demon had launched the ulitmate attack.. and would have killed me.. but Leo had came back to life just in time to jump in front of the attack and absorbed the negative energy....He ended up in a Kome'ma for 1 week...he woke up the second i had said "Moon Crystal Key!" and he rushed down with his oxegon tank and all to the castel were I was leaveing for the past.... he made it right before I was high enough in the air to time travel.. He waved and I vanished.
Scouts: Aww.....
Amy: Sun power.....It sounds dangerous...
Rini: It is...
Serena:WAIT!! he's a year older then you...
Serena:wait till Darian heres about this!
Rei: You would think that you of all people Serena wouldn't care about age....You and Darian are almost 6 years apart...
Serena: Yeah but thats Darian!
Rei Leigh: Palyda.......
Leo: So what did ya'll have planned for the Boys night out..
Palyda: Well I wanted togo out with Rei Leigh tonight but, I'M AFRAID THATS NOT IN MY PLANS TONIGHT!!!......*cough*Darian*cough*
Darian: I want to get to know you guys better...............
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FallOutGirlAARHinder on February 17, 2007, 1:00:12 AM