Chapter 11 - Eclipse is Over But the Trouble Isn't
Submitted January 27, 2007 Updated October 12, 2007 Status Incomplete | Its about the new male sailor scouts! The Sailor/Planet Warriors.
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series |
Chapter 11 - Eclipse is Over But the Trouble Isn't
Chapter 11 - Eclipse is Over But the Trouble Isn't
Princess Rini: No.........*A Tear Roles Down her cheek as the eclipse ends*
Hika: Rini It's ok.......Don't Cry.....Rei Leigh don't you start crying too..........*Rei Liegh Starts to Cry*
Rei Leigh: Ummm Actually I cantch help crying considering We Lost a friend, Our Powers and The spirits aren't exactly gone yet....
Hika: What are you talking about....*looks up were the explodeion was and notices many spirits of the sun scambleing around* NO, IT CAN'T BE!!!!!!
Rei Leigh: I think they are trying to bind together and launch another seris of attacks...* The spirits Dis exactly as she had said* How ironic.....
Spirits: Thank you scouts for all the energy.. now we have enough to make a body for us to inhabit....AHHHHHHHHH!!!!* The spirits screeched and scrame as a body was made, the spirits rushed into it and relized that it was too weak to carry on major attacks* this will do for now....
Princess Rini: We are just to weak to defeat them......
Sailor Moon: Don't say that we can defeat them!!! Moon Princess ILLIMINATION!*she said as she swong her septer around her head and tryed her best to defeat the spirits....*
The Spirits doged the attack...
Princess Rini: It won't work Sailor Moon... even if our attacts were strong enough they are too fast...
Sailor Uranus: Uranus World Shaking!!!
Sailor Neptune: Neptune Deep Suburbs!!
Saulor Saturn: Death Staff Strike!!
The Scouts having the element of surprise were able to knock an arm off the body
Sailor Uranus: Did some Body Say speed?
Hika: Neptune, Saturn, Uranus!!!! Just In Time...
Spirits: Hey You'll Pay for that!!!!
Sailor Mars: Mars Fire Balls Surround!!!!!!!!!!
Spirits: Fire Balls?? * Catches The Fire balls and throws them back at the sailor scouts double the power*
Sailor Mars: AHHHHHH!!
Hika: Rei Leigh Lets go hide Up n that tree so we dont get hurt....
Rei Leigh: Right...*They go up in the tree unnoitceable to the others*
Spirits: You shall'nt prevail Sailor Brats........
Princess Rini: Why don't they just destory us all.... *thinks* Leo!
Spirits: SUN PLANET POWER!!! * a blast came out of the Body's hand and knocks all the sailor scouts down*
Scouts: AHHHH!!!!!
Princess Rini: I won't Give up!!!!!!!!!!! Planet Princess ILLination!!!!!*thinks* Scouts I need Your Help...
All the scouts*includeing Hika And Rei Leigh* Transformed into Their Princess Forms And said PLANET PRINCESS ILLINATION as Rini Tried To Hold Up Her Crescent Moon Wand and Princess Serena came up and helped her Lift It up...
Princess Rini: Please Let This Work...*remembers Leo Saying his last words Before The Eclipse*
Leo: It'll all Be Okay....
A Bright Pink light Shot from the Wand and the Spirits Evoporated along with their New Body....
Spirits: NO!!!
Princess Rini: Its.................. Finally Over*she said as she fell to the ground powering down In Tears*
Every One else Powerd Down and ran to Rini to confort her...After they had all built up Their strenght, They went Back to the Temple...
When they opened the door to the temple They heard someone moaning
Voice: Uhhhhh... Uhhhh Were...Uhhh
Leda: What was that......
Serena: I'm scare....
Rei Leigh: Why Would you be scared you still have planet power!!!!
Rei: Relaxe You Guys Its Probly Just the Girl Mena Brought in On Valintines Day...
Serena: Ohh..... Who is she
Rei: Her Name Is Torrie.... The Fire says their is something strange about her...
Luna: Hey Rini How about ya'll go down to the arcade or something.. its bad for you when your just moping around...
Rini: I don't really Feel Like it, Thanks Luna...
Serena: Hey Rini Come Take a Walk With Me...
Serena Leads Rini Out to the park and Rini Was silent the whole way there while Serena Couldn't stop Talking About How good a meat ball Sub would be right now... When they finally got inside the park Rini Finally Started Crying...
Rini: I wish Leo Never Came To this Time Period. Then Maybe He Would Have Stayed Inside The Castel During The Eclipse and He would Still Be Alive...
Serena: But then You would Have Never have had those happy moments.. With the staring... and the Kissing...
Rini: It would Be worth it...
Serena: Listen Rini You Just Have T-
Girl: Help Help!!!! Its monster!!!
Boy: AHHH!!!
Serena and Rini Turned Around and saw a Green monster That looked Like a Mutated Fox holding a poor lil Boy up againist a Tree.
Serena: I'll Tell You Later! Just Transform!!!
Rini & Serena: Moon Crystal Power!!!
Sailor Moon: I am Sailor Moon The Champ-
Sailor Mini Moon: JUST ZAP HIM!
Monster: RRRRGGGGGGGG!!!* the monster pounces and snatches Sailor Mini Moon Up claim to the top of a tree and extends his claw up againist her throut*
Sailor Moon: MINI MOON!!!
Monster: Rggggggg *He digs his claw Into her Throught and then....*
Super Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sun Bullet!!! *He holds up his Hand and a golden Bullet Shot Out... The bullet goes threw the skin of the monster and the Monster turns into Dust on the spot and Sailor Mini Moon falls to the Ground as Super Tuxedo Mini Mask Catches Her*
Sailor Mini Moon: Leo........
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Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on February 18, 2007, 4:03:00 AM