Chapter 25 - Alex&Rini&Heather don't get to sleep...
Submitted January 27, 2007 Updated October 12, 2007 Status Incomplete | Its about the new male sailor scouts! The Sailor/Planet Warriors.
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series |
Chapter 25 - Alex&Rini&Heather don't get to sleep...
Chapter 25 - Alex&Rini&Heather don't get to sleep...
Disclaimer: Lol I know I should have said this before. but Rini Is 13 and has matured, and is not the sweet little girl you use to know and Love.
Earlyer in the night Heather and Alex thought it was to crowded in the tent so they put up another seprate one for themselfs, without telling Rini or Leo. Towards the end of the night Rini was about to Hear something coming from outside...
Rini:.........ZZZZZZZZZ.....ZZZZZZZZZ.......ZZZZZZZZZZ........*she heard the noise and gasped* AH....LEO... LEO! Wake up!
Leo: No Please 5 mor-
Rini: NO NOW!
Leo: *Leo instantly Rose up and looked at Rini*.......................*he store at her as if he were waiting for something*
Rini: .....Don't Push it Leo...
Leo: ............Fine.........*he started waking up* Whats the matter?
Rini: SHH!!! Listen*she started to whisper* there is something out there...
Leo: I sure it is just someone crossing dementions.....*the noise was heard again, but by both Leo and Rini*.....Ummm or not...
Rini: Well what ever it is... I think it got your parents...
Leo: Well....*the Noise was heard again* Lets go check it out...Sun Crystal Power...*He transformed Into to Tuxedo Mini Mask*
Rini: Ok...Moo.. Moo *the noise got Louder and Louder*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Rini... Calm down... Just Transform an-
Rini:............*a tear went down her face* I don't.......... wana........ die....
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Or not... Here get under my cape..*He lefted up his cape as it extended so it could go all the way around Rini, Leo Poked his head threw the cape* Don't worry you'll be fine...
Rini: k...
Tuxedo Mini Mask Jumped Out side the tent, and saw a seprate tent...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: See look it was just other Time travelers...Your fine*She pokes her head out of the cape*
Rini:...........*she got a burst of energy, and jumped out of the cape* We'll lets go see who it is, Maybe they are Sailor Scouts!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: OKay!
The opened the tent and saw the most embaresing sight of their young Lives...
Rini: *Rini Had been the first to see* AHHH!!!!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *then Tuxedo Mini Mask looked....* Oh my god...
Alex: Umm we were... Uhhh exercizing?
Rini: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I am going to have the worst nightmares...
Rini: AHHHH!!!!
Heather:... Ummm See this is how you were made!
Leo: Ohhh god No.....
Heather and Alex had done the dirty...
Rini: AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leo:*starts crying* My eyes are bleeding!!! OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leo:*starts crying* My eyes are bleeding!!! OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leo:*starts crying* My eyes are bleeding!!! OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH GOD!!!!!!! OOH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex: Are you done yet.....?
Rini And Leo: Uhhh Yeah I think so... Pretty much!
Rini: Ohh wait.... AHHHH!!!!!!
Heather: I am very embarassed...
Known of thm got sleep the rest of the night... And at morning everyone*including the other group* Head off To go back to the future!!!
___________________________The End *of this chapter*________________
Rei Leigh: And Why wasn't I in any of this!?!?!?!?!?!
Narrator: Because Thi-
Rei Leigh: Since When Did we get a Narrarator!??!?!??
Narrator: Officaly 2 seconds ago.....
Rei Leigh: Well Now your Fired!!!
Narrator: But Wait-
Rei Leigh: No!!! Get!!! shu! Asta Lavsta! Bye Bye!!!
Narrator: Ok...*starts crying*
Two Days Later...
Today On Oprah!!! Narrators who have lost their Jobs...
Oprah: Welcome to the studio...Narrator from Solor System Outcasts Please come out!
He sat down and the auideunce clapped
Oprah: Tell us your story.....
Narrator: Well...It all started Two days and 2 seconds ago... I was hired by The writers of Solor System Outcasts and then.....and Then*he starts to cry*
Oprah: Its ok...Its Ok...
Narrator: I was Fired! For No reason at all.... And its all thanks to... Rei Leigh...
Rei Leigh: WTF!
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FallOutGirlAARHinder on March 23, 2007, 1:38:47 PM