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Chapter 2 - The Tournement...The Friend...The Destiny

I am sure many of you have me in you pokemon Fanfic but In all of those I am either 14 or 13. But how did I start? What happened to my parents? And why Am I so different from everyone else? Continue reading and you will find out...

Chapter 2 - The Tournement...The Friend...The Destiny

Chapter 2 - The Tournement...The Friend...The Destiny

Disclaimer: Just so you know, The Arena is a domb...

Leo: Glinda!!??!!!???!!!  *Leo sighed and then walked forward to the sign up for the tournement when He steped in a puddel of water* hmm...*he Looked down and saw his reflection...* Whoa... I look Completely Different...My Face is all cleaned up...Look I even Have A hat with a Gardevoir on it*He said these things as if talking to another Person* Well... enough admiring my new look, I'v gota sign up for the Tournement before 11:00...

He walked up to a table with a golden Piece of Paper on it... He read off the names listed.

Leo:  Charity Fell

Kara Kouni

Stephani Haris

Clay Raw

Clark Rose

Zack Etern

James Loots....JAMES LOOTS!!!! *He sighed* Aww man... *James Loots was the Bully at school who always made fun of Leo*

 There was a blank spot at the buttom of the paper...Leo Signed His Name as a man with a pair of golden classes walked up to him and snatched the paper...

Leo: Umm Excuse me sir but I wasn't quite finished with that...

Man:....Ohh sorry young man I didn't know you weren't done here you go...*the man handed it to Leo, and Leo Finished Signing his last name... and Handed it back to the Man* Thank you... *The man walked up into the arena grabed a MIKE and started to talk into it* Hello Everyone... * He talked out to the audiunce* If you plan on partisipating in this tournement, You have 5 minutes till we anouce who will be battleing who...ButUntill then, Here is Drake from the Elite Four!!! *the spot lights  all directed them selfs toward the entrance... And Then Someone unexpected Walked in... None other then Leo* or... Some other guy...

A Girl In the Audience: Umm...Who is that???

Another girl In the Audience: I don't Know...But I'm Sure you can beat him Kara...

Kara: Well I know that, But Who is he...

Everyone In the Audiunce Looked at Leo. Natuarly Leo Looked back, At every single person...

Leo: Whoa...Thats alot of People...*He then Glanced at Kara*


Leo: *Leo blushed and then looked away out of embarrassment, becuz now everyone in the audiunce Started Laughing*.....

Kara: *Kara started to Laugh too* I was just playing! Come on up here with us!*Leo blinked twice. Then He walked over to right below  the stands * Come on You don't got all day * She smiled and then Leo Jumped up on the railed and then puled him self up to where Kara was sitting. Everyone started to Laugh again*..... I ment for you to take the stairs but that works to... So what is your Name...?

Leo: ... Leo.....

Kara: Thats a cool name... So where are you from???

Leo: Umm...Here....

Kara: *She started to Laugh*  Well... Thats Nice... I am from... well lets just say out of town *she gave a smile*..... So are you entering the tournement??? After all the Years I'v been Coming here I have never seen you Before...

Leo: Yeah... And so are you!

Kara:....Ummm how di-

Leo: *Leo started to laugh* I saw your name on the sign up sheet...

Kara: Ohhh *she burst out laughing as well* You scared me there for a second!

Leo: Sorry *He gave a smile*

Kara: Hey, I Like your Hat, Not many boys like Gardevoir...

Leo: Ohh trust me I love em...

Kara: Well you kno*Karas friend nuged her* Ohh so sorry... This is my friend...Charity...

Charity: Hi!... It took you long enough to introduce me...

Kara started to Laugh when The man(who was the annoucer) annouced: Its Time to Anouce who Battles who in the tournement...

Kara V.S Charity

Stephani V.S Clark

Clay V.S Zack

and then last but Not least...

James V.S Leo

Leo: Ohh no!! Not james...

Charity: I'm gona wipe the floor with you Kara!

Kara: *Kara started To Laugh* You could wipe the floor with me Even If you weren't a blond!

Charity: Hey! *Kara Started continued to Laugh*

Leo:  *Leo Started to Laugh and then stop as he relized who he was facing in the tournement* Aww Man.....



Comments (3)

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Symphoniaprincess101 on November 15, 2007, 9:14:32 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on
Symphoniaprincess101i feel sorry for you leo.good luck^^

Sasukesgirlfriend on April 14, 2007, 10:07:00 AM

Sasukesgirlfriend on

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on April 14, 2007, 9:25:25 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskUpdated :)