Chapter 1 - The Bigging and the End
Submitted May 28, 2007 Updated September 8, 2008 Status Complete | Hey this is my project for school lol I did it in 2 hours so NO FLAMMING! and It's just here because my printer won't print it at my house, so when I get to school I am going to print it there
Miscellaneous » Writing » Humor/Comedy |
Chapter 1 - The Bigging and the End
Chapter 1 - The Bigging and the End
What a Drag
Scene 1: A New Life… With a Bad start…
Leo: Stupid Mom...Stupid Dad... They Didn't Even ask me if I wanted to move! and yet, Here I am walking up to my new School...Its Funny How in a Momment Everything can change. What Momment Changed my life? The Day my Dad got Promoted to Partner of his Commpany. I mean sure, Now we're Rich. I Get anything I want when I want it, Anything except my old friends,school,house... My old life, But it doesn't look like I'm going to get it all back anytime Soon, So might as well enjoy life untill I do...If Thats even possible
We see Leo walk into a building and straight into the office. He puts his hands on the Secretaries Desk.
Secretary: Hello…
Leo: Hi…Um My name is Leo and uh, I’m new here.
Secretary: What’s your Point?
Leo: Umm I-
Secretary: Don’t give me any excuses…Get back to class!!!
Leo: Well you see that’s kind of why I’m here, I don’t have a “class” to go to.(Says in a mimicking tone)
Secretary: What do you meen you have a “class” to go to? Its not like your new! Now get back-
Leo: No you see I am new here!
Secretary: Well why didn’t you say so?!?!?
Leo: I Di- Oh well never mind…
Secretary: (She starts typing on the computer.) One final key AND (She hits the keyboard one last time) There you go now your in a class…
Leo: (He waits for her to continue)…Which one….
Secretary: Oh…ok then one FINAL key (She hits the keyboard one more time) Lets see your in (She made a big gasp)… You’re in…Room 112
Leo: Ok would you mind taking me to the class room? I don’t know my way around the school very well.
Secretary: Oh…Well I-
Leo: …
Secretary: Alright, Follow me (she gets out of her chair and leads him up the stairs and down the hall way to room 112.) Here you go…
Leo: Ok thanks…(He opens the door and he attempts to go into the room when he notices the brick wall in the way) Umm…
Secretary: Oh yeah I forgot about that., You’ll just have to go thru the vents.
Leo: Vents?
Secretary: Oh it should be easy for somebody your size. All you have to do its keep going straight and then turn right when you see the giant spiders-
Leo: Wait what?!?!? Giant Spiders-
Secretary: Oh I’m sure you’ll be fine only a few people have died…
Leo: And how many survivors???
Secretary: None. But your Different I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Leo: Alright… Where is the vent…?
Secretary: Right there (She points to the ceiling) Here I’ll help you up (She lifted him up onto her shoulders) Open the vent (he opened it and she tossed him into it)
Leo: I’ve changed my mind I’ll just be home schooled-
Secretary: To late now (She ran away laughing)
Leo: Alright All I’ve got to do is crawl straight until I see the giant spider, then I turn left…No right…Aw man!
Leo crawled for about five minutes before he saw a spider the size of his thumb
Leo: That’s the Giant Spider? I can take this little insect with my hand tied behind my back!
Spider: (Spider makes Spider loud noise)
Leo: AHHH!!!(Leo crawled as fast as he could. Once he got to the fork in the vent he turned right as told)
The Spider followed
Spider: (Louder Spider noises)
Leo: AHHH!!!(The metal Path had come to a stop. The spider had trapped him. But luckily for Leo there was an opening under his butt! So he removed the lid to the opening, and fell threw to his fate below. Leo Got up after his fall and saw a bunch of kids in black and white and red.) Hello…
Fade to black and fade into Scene 2: Saved by the bell…or NOT!
Teacher: You could knock ya know...
Leo: Knock? On what?
Teacher: On That Metal Plate in your head! Now tell me, Why have you disturbed my class?
Leo: Well I'm new here, and this is my new class.
Teacher: All right then...Whats your name?
Leo: Leo.
Teacher: Hello I am Mrs.Depress
Leo: Depress?
Mrs. Depress: Yes, you know like, Make unhappy?
Leo: Yeah Right, I know what it meens its just a wierd name thats all.
Mrs.Depress: And a good name at that!
Leo: All right So where do I sit?
Mrs.Depress: You Can Sit Behind Bloody Bill
She pointed to Bloody Bill Who was Laying down on the top of his desk in a pool of Blood.
Mrs.Depress: Someone wake Bill up! He has been asleep for almost 2 weeks! Not to mention he's starting to stink...
Girl next to bill: Umm Bill wake up! its me Joy!
Joy started shaking Bill but he didn't move.
Joy: I Think Bill Is dead...
Mrs.Depress: Well then throw him out of the Shaft!
Leo:DEAD?!? SHAFT?!?
Mrs.Depress: Yes we have a shaft that we throw things out of that are crowding up the room.
They shoved him into the shaft and he slid down a long metal path and landed on the ground outside of school
Mrs.Depress: Good now that,that is over with ummm... Leo how about you come up and share one of your Emotional Poems
Leo: POEMS!?!
The Bell rang
Leo: Yes! Saved By the bell!
He ran to the door and Opened it. There was a brick wall there.
Leo: Umm How am I suppose to switch to my next class?
The whole Class started to Laugh
Mrs.Depress: You DON'T! (She Continued to laugh along with the rest of the class)
Leo: Why?????
Joy: We don't change classes Because the rest of the school is afraid of us. So we stay in this class 24-7
Leo: NOOOO!!!!!!
Scene 3: This class has the CUTTING edge
The Class Watched as Leo continued to scream for about 2 hours and then He stopped.
Mrs.Depress: Now that that is over with lets continue with our Lesson we started Yesterday on cutting your self!
Leo: Say what?
Mrs.Depress: Okay Everyone Come get a sharp Object!
She pulled a cart out from behind her desk. The desk had many sharp objects on it such as, Glass, and Knives.
The Class formed a line and got their sharp objects, Leo got a Piece of class while most of the people got Knives. Everyone went back to their seats and watched Mrs.Depress.
Mrs.Depress: Now class watch as I swiftly Cut my wrist... Do you all understand? Chris, How About you standing up and diminstrating to the class.
Chris stood up
Chris: Okay... (He Lifted his Knife up)
Leo: NO!!! (Leo jumped up out of his seat and Jumped on chris,struggeling to keep Chris From Cutting him self)
Chris: Get off of me!
Chris: Well JUMPING on people is wrong too!
Mrs.Depress: Leo!!! This is your Second Out burst today!
Leo: I am sorry, I just Think Cutting is wrong!
Mrs.Depress: All right, then you can just watch as the rest of the class does it
Scene 4: Theres No way Out!!!
Three hours pasted as they perfected their Cutting skills...
The Final Bell Rang for the students to go home
Leo: YES I'M FREE!!!
Jill: What do you meen "Free"?
Mrs.Depress: I think Leo doesn't get the consept...
Leo: What consept! the bell has rung, and its time for me to go home and watch TV!
Mrs.Depress: I am just going to give this to you straight... We don't go home...We stay here 24-7!!!
Leo: NOOO!!!!!
Leo scrame and ran around in circles untill Night Fall
Mrs.Depress: Its time for bed! STOP SCREAMING! now pick out a place to sleep! (She hit a button on her desk that withdrew all the deskes and placed Old, Rusted, Bloody, Spiked Beds out for everyone)
Joey: Hey Carmin! You wana sleep by me?
Carmin: NO! Those spikes aren't Rusty enough to give me an infection!!! I'll Just sleep on the Cieling!(He climbed up onto the Cieling) and Besides, More blood will rush to my head this way!
Joey: What a drag...All right... How about you Leo?
Leo: NO... I'm fine thank you... all just sleep on the nice soft NONE SPIKEY floor!
Scene 5: Leo Its Time To Become one of us!!!
Leo went to sleep and woke up with The class all around him
Mrs.Depress: Its time Leo...
Leo: Time for what?
He Yawned
Mrs.Depress: Time for you to lead your life as we do...
Leo: Ohh You meen like freaks!?! umm... Didi I say that Out loud???
Joey: Yeah actually you did...But its ok, You will be one soon too..
Mrs.Depress: We are going to Rip out your Soul and put it back in!
Joy: Its okay Leo... You won't feel any Pain afterwards!
Leo: AHHH!!!
Leo's Voice: How Am I supposed to get out of this mess...I COULD END UP LIKE BLOODY BILL!!!.....Wait Bloody bill... They threw him...DOWN THE SHAFT!!!
Leo Ran Screaming to the shaft, Opened it and slid down it. It was like a Giant Bloody Slide.
Leo: AHHH!!!
Leo slid for what sempt like for ever but He finaly saw the light!
He slid out of the Shaft and Ran home...
Scene 1: A New Life… With a Bad start…
Leo: Stupid Mom...Stupid Dad... They Didn't Even ask me if I wanted to move! and yet, Here I am walking up to my new School...Its Funny How in a Momment Everything can change. What Momment Changed my life? The Day my Dad got Promoted to Partner of his Commpany. I mean sure, Now we're Rich. I Get anything I want when I want it, Anything except my old friends,school,house... My old life, But it doesn't look like I'm going to get it all back anytime Soon, So might as well enjoy life untill I do...If Thats even possible
We see Leo walk into a building and straight into the office. He puts his hands on the Secretaries Desk.
Secretary: Hello…
Leo: Hi…Um My name is Leo and uh, I’m new here.
Secretary: What’s your Point?
Leo: Umm I-
Secretary: Don’t give me any excuses…Get back to class!!!
Leo: Well you see that’s kind of why I’m here, I don’t have a “class” to go to.(Says in a mimicking tone)
Secretary: What do you meen you have a “class” to go to? Its not like your new! Now get back-
Leo: No you see I am new here!
Secretary: Well why didn’t you say so?!?!?
Leo: I Di- Oh well never mind…
Secretary: (She starts typing on the computer.) One final key AND (She hits the keyboard one last time) There you go now your in a class…
Leo: (He waits for her to continue)…Which one….
Secretary: Oh…ok then one FINAL key (She hits the keyboard one more time) Lets see your in (She made a big gasp)… You’re in…Room 112
Leo: Ok would you mind taking me to the class room? I don’t know my way around the school very well.
Secretary: Oh…Well I-
Leo: …
Secretary: Alright, Follow me (she gets out of her chair and leads him up the stairs and down the hall way to room 112.) Here you go…
Leo: Ok thanks…(He opens the door and he attempts to go into the room when he notices the brick wall in the way) Umm…
Secretary: Oh yeah I forgot about that., You’ll just have to go thru the vents.
Leo: Vents?
Secretary: Oh it should be easy for somebody your size. All you have to do its keep going straight and then turn right when you see the giant spiders-
Leo: Wait what?!?!? Giant Spiders-
Secretary: Oh I’m sure you’ll be fine only a few people have died…
Leo: And how many survivors???
Secretary: None. But your Different I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Leo: Alright… Where is the vent…?
Secretary: Right there (She points to the ceiling) Here I’ll help you up (She lifted him up onto her shoulders) Open the vent (he opened it and she tossed him into it)
Leo: I’ve changed my mind I’ll just be home schooled-
Secretary: To late now (She ran away laughing)
Leo: Alright All I’ve got to do is crawl straight until I see the giant spider, then I turn left…No right…Aw man!
Leo crawled for about five minutes before he saw a spider the size of his thumb
Leo: That’s the Giant Spider? I can take this little insect with my hand tied behind my back!
Spider: (Spider makes Spider loud noise)
Leo: AHHH!!!(Leo crawled as fast as he could. Once he got to the fork in the vent he turned right as told)
The Spider followed
Spider: (Louder Spider noises)
Leo: AHHH!!!(The metal Path had come to a stop. The spider had trapped him. But luckily for Leo there was an opening under his butt! So he removed the lid to the opening, and fell threw to his fate below. Leo Got up after his fall and saw a bunch of kids in black and white and red.) Hello…
Fade to black and fade into Scene 2: Saved by the bell…or NOT!
Teacher: You could knock ya know...
Leo: Knock? On what?
Teacher: On That Metal Plate in your head! Now tell me, Why have you disturbed my class?
Leo: Well I'm new here, and this is my new class.
Teacher: All right then...Whats your name?
Leo: Leo.
Teacher: Hello I am Mrs.Depress
Leo: Depress?
Mrs. Depress: Yes, you know like, Make unhappy?
Leo: Yeah Right, I know what it meens its just a wierd name thats all.
Mrs.Depress: And a good name at that!
Leo: All right So where do I sit?
Mrs.Depress: You Can Sit Behind Bloody Bill
She pointed to Bloody Bill Who was Laying down on the top of his desk in a pool of Blood.
Mrs.Depress: Someone wake Bill up! He has been asleep for almost 2 weeks! Not to mention he's starting to stink...
Girl next to bill: Umm Bill wake up! its me Joy!
Joy started shaking Bill but he didn't move.
Joy: I Think Bill Is dead...
Mrs.Depress: Well then throw him out of the Shaft!
Leo:DEAD?!? SHAFT?!?
Mrs.Depress: Yes we have a shaft that we throw things out of that are crowding up the room.
They shoved him into the shaft and he slid down a long metal path and landed on the ground outside of school
Mrs.Depress: Good now that,that is over with ummm... Leo how about you come up and share one of your Emotional Poems
Leo: POEMS!?!
The Bell rang
Leo: Yes! Saved By the bell!
He ran to the door and Opened it. There was a brick wall there.
Leo: Umm How am I suppose to switch to my next class?
The whole Class started to Laugh
Mrs.Depress: You DON'T! (She Continued to laugh along with the rest of the class)
Leo: Why?????
Joy: We don't change classes Because the rest of the school is afraid of us. So we stay in this class 24-7
Leo: NOOOO!!!!!!
Scene 3: This class has the CUTTING edge
The Class Watched as Leo continued to scream for about 2 hours and then He stopped.
Mrs.Depress: Now that that is over with lets continue with our Lesson we started Yesterday on cutting your self!
Leo: Say what?
Mrs.Depress: Okay Everyone Come get a sharp Object!
She pulled a cart out from behind her desk. The desk had many sharp objects on it such as, Glass, and Knives.
The Class formed a line and got their sharp objects, Leo got a Piece of class while most of the people got Knives. Everyone went back to their seats and watched Mrs.Depress.
Mrs.Depress: Now class watch as I swiftly Cut my wrist... Do you all understand? Chris, How About you standing up and diminstrating to the class.
Chris stood up
Chris: Okay... (He Lifted his Knife up)
Leo: NO!!! (Leo jumped up out of his seat and Jumped on chris,struggeling to keep Chris From Cutting him self)
Chris: Get off of me!
Chris: Well JUMPING on people is wrong too!
Mrs.Depress: Leo!!! This is your Second Out burst today!
Leo: I am sorry, I just Think Cutting is wrong!
Mrs.Depress: All right, then you can just watch as the rest of the class does it
Scene 4: Theres No way Out!!!
Three hours pasted as they perfected their Cutting skills...
The Final Bell Rang for the students to go home
Leo: YES I'M FREE!!!
Jill: What do you meen "Free"?
Mrs.Depress: I think Leo doesn't get the consept...
Leo: What consept! the bell has rung, and its time for me to go home and watch TV!
Mrs.Depress: I am just going to give this to you straight... We don't go home...We stay here 24-7!!!
Leo: NOOO!!!!!
Leo scrame and ran around in circles untill Night Fall
Mrs.Depress: Its time for bed! STOP SCREAMING! now pick out a place to sleep! (She hit a button on her desk that withdrew all the deskes and placed Old, Rusted, Bloody, Spiked Beds out for everyone)
Joey: Hey Carmin! You wana sleep by me?
Carmin: NO! Those spikes aren't Rusty enough to give me an infection!!! I'll Just sleep on the Cieling!(He climbed up onto the Cieling) and Besides, More blood will rush to my head this way!
Joey: What a drag...All right... How about you Leo?
Leo: NO... I'm fine thank you... all just sleep on the nice soft NONE SPIKEY floor!
Scene 5: Leo Its Time To Become one of us!!!
Leo went to sleep and woke up with The class all around him
Mrs.Depress: Its time Leo...
Leo: Time for what?
He Yawned
Mrs.Depress: Time for you to lead your life as we do...
Leo: Ohh You meen like freaks!?! umm... Didi I say that Out loud???
Joey: Yeah actually you did...But its ok, You will be one soon too..
Mrs.Depress: We are going to Rip out your Soul and put it back in!
Joy: Its okay Leo... You won't feel any Pain afterwards!
Leo: AHHH!!!
Leo's Voice: How Am I supposed to get out of this mess...I COULD END UP LIKE BLOODY BILL!!!.....Wait Bloody bill... They threw him...DOWN THE SHAFT!!!
Leo Ran Screaming to the shaft, Opened it and slid down it. It was like a Giant Bloody Slide.
Leo: AHHH!!!
Leo slid for what sempt like for ever but He finaly saw the light!
He slid out of the Shaft and Ran home...
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TKxKari224 on December 20, 2007, 11:18:37 PM
TKxKari224 on