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Chapter 1 - A Sailor Scout is Born

After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!

Chapter 1 - A Sailor Scout is Born

Chapter 1 - A Sailor Scout is Born
Disclaimer: I don’t Own Sailor Moon

Note: I tried to remember all the Info, such as Transformation things and attacks... Tell me if I did Anything wrong!!! Hope you Like our First Episode!!! =D

A 1000 years ago Our Moon was home to a Great Civilization Ruled By Queen Serenity. Everything at Peace until the arrival of The Evil Queen Barel…
To Concur the Moon, Queen Barle Unleashed the Awesome Power of the Negaforce… Though Her World was Destroyed, Queen Serenity’s Last Hope was of the power of the Silver Crystal and her Crescent Moon Wand…Frozen In Moon Beam Crystals, Queen Serenity Sent the The Princess and the children of the moon to the Future on Earth, All Memories lost… The Queens Cat Advisers Luna and Artimis Must find the Princess So that she will Alas Be Safe… Time Pasted and Luna and Artimis did their Jobs as Cat Guardians, And The Princess was Found… She was Safe, and So was the rest of the Earth as Long as The Princess and Her Friends were Abel to Defend The Universe as The Sailor Scouts… Unfortunately When the Battle of the Nexes Was Fought, Every Known Sailor Scout Was Captured… The Nexes Were Ready to Take over the Universe… Fortunately 1000 Years in the Future, 5 Scouts of the Future Volunteered to Be Preborn Back in the Past So that they will be able to Save The Sailor Scouts of the Past and Defeat The Nexes… And Our Story Begins…

An Alarm Goes off As a Young Girl About the Age of 13 Jumped out of bed Screaming

Hazel: AAAHHH!!!!! O.O *She looks at her alarm clock While she’s getting dressed* I’M GOING TO BE LATE!!! *She ran down stairs to the Kitchen and Grabbed a Piece of toast her Mom Had just made* BYE MOM!!! BYE DAD!!!

Mom: But Wait! Don’t you wana finish your Breakfast?

Hazel: NO TIME NO TIME!!!!! I’m Gona be late for school!!! *She began to run toward the door*

Mom: Hazel! Don’t forget your lunch!!!

Hazel: *She turns back around* ^^; THANKS MOM!!!

She was running on her way to School when she saw a short Haired Tabby Cat, with a Jet Black Coat, And a Bright Yellow Badage Over it’s Forehead. The Cat was Fighting with a Dog For a scrap of Turkey in a Small alley… The Dog snatched the Turkey away from the Cat and Ran away! The Cat was on the ground moaning…

Hazel: Ohh you Poor Kitty… *She walked up to it* Here take this…*She opened her Lunch Box and Pulled out a piece of ham from her Sandwich. She Take started chowing down* You Sure are Pretty… Except for this Bandage… *She Pull The Badage off the Cats Forehead, and a bright Yellow light sprung from it’s forehead* What is that? *the light faded away* Is that a… Crescent Moon?

Cat: REOWW!!! *The Cat Ran Away*

Hazel: 0.0… O…kay…. Nice Meeting you!!!

Cat: *In Thoughts* There’s Something about that Girl…

Hazel: *She looked at her watch* O.O… OHH NO!!! I’m Late!!! *She Dashed off to school and Luckily the Teacher had to use the Bath room, and wasn’t in the Room On time, so Hazel Wasn’t Counted as Tardy for the day*

Ms. Mead: *She Walks in the Door* Glad to see you’re here on time Hazel… Now I can Give you your test First…

Hazel: *Thinking* OHH NO….

Ms. Mead: Here you go Hazel *Pulls out test and hands it to Hazel* You Got a 12…

Hazel: Hey, A 12 Ain’t So bad! =D

Ms. Mead: Out of 100 -.-


Ms. Mead: It’s Not… But Apparently Anything’s Possible For you… *She pasted out the rest of the Papers*

Hazel Moaned

Ms. Mead: Bring it back tomorrow Signed by Your Mother…

Hazel: Okay…

Ms. Mead: And By Your Mother I don’t mean Emily! *She Glared at Emily*

Hazel: =D

Emily: It was a one time thing!!! *She Signs A persons test next to her* ;)

Hazel Finished her School Day and met Emily, Lily, and Andrew at the school Play ground…

Hazel: Aww Man… My Mom is going to Freak!

Andrew: Well maybe she wouldn’t have to freak if you would have studied like you told her…

Lily: Yeah!!! Why don’t you just come study with me? I got a 75 on my test, And my Mom is probly going to-

Hazel: I don’t Wana hear it!!!

Emily: Yeah! Me either!

Hazel: O.O… Why? You got a 90 on your test!

Emily: So?!? I just wana hurry up and get to the Mall before next Year!

Hazel: Whats the Point…? I’v got no Allowance Becuz of this stupid test…

Emily: SO!?! We can still look!!! They got that New Ali Fabuloney Dress!!!

Hazel: SO?!? You know I don’t like dresses!!!

Emily: Yeah, but it Can Change into the Most Awesome TB OUTFIT!!!

Hazel: Really?!?

Andrew: TB?!?

Emily: TomBoy!!

Hazel: OKAY!!! I’ll go! But only to check it out!!!

They went to the mall and Walked into the Fashion Department…

Emily: HERE!!! This way… *She walked up to the front desk* Hey Ruby!

Ruby: Hi…??? Who Are you exactly?!?

Emily: *She burst out laughing* She’s Such a kidder! We’re Next Dorr Neighbors! And My Mom is the one that Owns this whole Mall?!?

Hazel: really?

Emily: Yeah!

Ruby: Ohh… RIGHT!!! I was just kiddin you!!!

Hazel: Where’s the New dress?

Ruby: It’s Over there!!! *She pointed to the dress and all of it’s copys*

Hazel: Wow…

Ruby: Feel free to try it on!!!

Emily: Okay!!!

Hazel: NO!!! I’v gota go remember!

Emily: Okay… You Can Go! I’m gona stay here and try on that dress!!!

Ruby: *thinking* MUAAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!... The Leaders will be Very Pleased with all of these girls Tring on these Ugly Dresses…

Hazel: Okay… Well Bye!!!

She Left and on her way home she Saw a Sailor C Poster up on the Arcades window

Hazel: Dangit… I’m gona Miss The New Sailor C Game Premier!!! I wish I could be just like Sailor C! She’s So Beautiful and Strong… And Something New and Adventurous is always happening in her life… And…and…and… *She burst out in tears* SHE DOESN’T FAIL TESTES!!!

Cat: *Watching from behind* O.O This Cry Baby is our hero?!?

She continued walking but when she finally got to her house her Mother was standing right outside the door…

Hazel: Ohh… Hey mom…

Mom: Hey?!? Is that all you have to say?

Hazel: What do you meen?!?

Mom: *Growling* I just got a Call from your Teacher saying you got a 13 on your test!!!!

Hazel: Actually… It was a 12…

Mom: Gggrr… Much Better!!!!! I want you to go straight to the Library and Study!!!

Hazel: But I-

Mom: NOW!!!

She did As Told and when she got back she Collapsed on her Bed…

Hazel: It’s So Tiring studying… I don’t know how Emily Does it… *She Closed her Eyes and prepared to go to sleep when her window mysteriously opened and closed… When She heard it close she turned around to see the Tabby Cat From earlier and Gasped* WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?

Cat: I’m Aries, And I’v been Following you all day…

Hazel: O.o… DID YOU JUST TALK!?!??!?!?!

Aries: *female Voice* YES!!! But that’s not The Point…

Hazel: The point is… I’M DREAMMING!!!

Aries: NO YOUR NOT!!!

Hazel: YES I AM!!! Cat’s Can’t talk…It’s Impossible

Aries: Well According to your teacher Anything’s Possible with you…

Hazel: Ohh did you Know that?!?

Aries: I told you, I’v been following you!!!

Hazel: I’m dreaming! *Runs around in circles Plugging her ears* LALALAALAALALA!!!

Aries: Stop that!!! *Yells really loud, and echoes thru out the house*

Mom: What was that?!?

Hazel: O.O NOTHING MOM!!! *She shuts her Door* This has to be a dream…

Aries: It’s not a dream… I’ll Prove it to you…*She Flipped in the Air and a Golden Locket Appeared like Magic*

Hazel: OH MY GOD!!! *Takes Locket and puts it on her Bow* It’s so cool… I think it’s go perfect with the Gold and Black Bike I’m buying!

Aries: NO!!! It’s not just Jewelry!!!

Hazel: Then what is it?

Aries: It’s Ment to help you transform…

Hazel: Transform?!?

Aries: Into Sailor Crescent!!!

Hazel: You Mean Sailor C??? O.O I Know I’m dreaming now…

Aries: NO YOUR NOT!!! Just repeat after me… Crescent Prism POWER!!!


She Threw up her hand and she started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…

Aries: You are now Sailor Crescent Enemy of the Negaverse and Proud Protector of the Air To the Moon Kingdom …

Sailor Crescent: WHAT THE HELL!?!

Aries: I Told you it wasn’t a dream…

Sailor Crescent: I said I wanted to play Sailor C Games Not LIVE THEM!!!

Aries: Stop Blabbering! Your Friend Emily is in trouble!!!

Sailor Crescent: O.O… WHY!!! Whats wrong?!?

Aries: The Negaverse is Draining her energy aswell as everyone else in the fashion department at the Mall!!!

Sailor Crescent: That’s Terrible!

Aries: Your Telling me!!!


Aries: That’s the spirit!!!

They Went to the Mall And Found Ruby Sucking the energy out of The Knocked out Girls that were wearing the New dress

Sailor Crescent: Whats going on?!?

Aries: That Creepy Ruby is Stealing Energy from all these Girls…

Sailor Crescent: Why are they still here?!?

Aries: Those dresses were designed by the Negaverse to drain Energy From who ever Wears it…

Sailor Crescent: Well then why didn’t they take it off?

Aries: Becuz they could stop Looking in the Mirror…

Sailor Crescent: Typical Girly Girls!

Aries: Why Are you just standing here… Go save them!!!

Sailor Crescent: Right… *They came out of hiding* Hey you!!

Ruby: Hello?!? I’m sorry but we’re closed!

Sailor Crescent: Really? I would have never Known… I’m Sailor C and I-

Aries: -.- No… You don’t want to say your Sailor C!!! Then People won’t take you serious!!!

Sailor Crescent: Ohh right…*She goes into a trance like thing, in which she can’t stop saying it* I’m Sailor Crescent, and on be half of Uranus and Neptune, I will right wrongs and Triumph Over evil, And That Means You!!! *Makes Pose*

Aries: O.o

Sailor Crescent: WHAT THE HELL?!? Where did that come from?!?

Aries: I guess it’s just Natural…

Ruby: WHAT!?! I thought all the Sailor Scouts Were-

Aries: Quick, Get her Now while She’s Off her guard!!!

Sailor Crescent: What?!?

Aries: Now Before she transforms!!!

Ruby: NOT SO FAST… *She raises both of her hands up* Sailor Brat!!! *She Span around rapidly… She started to Slow down… When She came to a complete Stop she was a White Monster/Demon With 1 Large metal tooth bursting out of her mouth, and she had what looked like the bottom of a sowing machine…Basically she looked like a Giant Sowing Machine Monster* NOW!!! *All of the People whereing dresses woke up and crowded around Sailor Crescent and prepared to beat her* Attack!!!

Aries: Oh great… Fist she transforms and then she makes humans attack us!!! This is not your day!!!

Sailor Crescent: What *Backing away from the People* Am I supposed to do Aries?!?

Aries: *Growls* You’ve gota show these People that LOVE HURTS!!!

Sailor Crescent: *Something went off in her head* WAIT!?!... *She held out her hands, and Hundreds hearts Grathered in Her Pumps as she went into a trance again* CRESCENT Love… HURTS!!! *She spiraled around and released the Pink hearts, and as they hit each person the hearts Turned Pitch Black and shattered all over the person, and everyone hit by those black broken hearted, Flew back knocking other people beside them down* TAKE THAT You monster.!!!

Aries: I wouldn’t be celebrating just yet…*The people got back up and came for her*

Monster/Ruby: *Evil Laughing*You shall Die today… All of your energy will belong to the Negaverse!!! *thinking* The Nexes will be So Proud… They’ll probly Give me enough energy to Premote me up Level!!

Sailor Crescent: I can’t Do it Aries… It’s Impossible… I WANA GO HOME!!!*right as one of the Monsters Zombies was about Hit her with a Cash register…*

Tuxedo Mini Mask: *In A Golden Tux With a Feathered Mask and a Crystal in the Center of it* STAR BOLTS!!! *2 Golden Glowin Beams Shot out of Tuxedo Mini Mask’s Hands and hit The Monster. All the People Being controlled by the Monster Fell to the Ground*

Monster/Ruby: OW!!! Who or What was that?

Tuxedo Mini Mask: I am Tuxedo Mini Mask, and You are about to be Moon Dust… Right Sailor Crescent…?

Sailor Crescent: Well-

Tuxedo Mini Mask: SAILOR CRESCENT!!! Don’t let them get to you!!! You can do it…Believe in your self!!!

Sailor Crescent: RIGHT!!!

Monster/Ruby: YOU!!! Masked Hoodlem!!! *She shoots Unbreakable String at him* YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!

Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Pulls out thin Sword, and ALL the String was Rapped out the sword* I hate to go…But I have business to attend to…*Put’s Sword away and Covers up with Golden Cape and Disappears*

Monster/Ruby: RRGGG….I’ll get you next time… *Looks at Sailor Crescent* But For you it won’t be a next time *She raises her hand and all the People started to stand up*

Sailor Crescent: Where’d he go?!?

Aries: QUICK!!! Turn that Monster into Moon Dust!!!

Sailor Crescent: Don’t you Mean Uranus and Neptune Dust?

Aries: WHAT EVER!!! Just do it!!!

Sailor Crescent: How?!?

Aries: *all the People started walking toward Sailor Crescent* Well Love Hurts Won’t Be able to Defeat that Transformed Nega Creep!

Sailor Crescent: Well then what do I do???

Aries: The only thing You can do… Rainbow Scouts…

Sailor Crescent: WHAT?!? CRESCENT LOVE HURTS!!! *She attacked some People coming her way*

Aries: Well The Silver Moon Crystal… But No… It’s To dangerous…

Sailor Crescent: What could be any More dangerous than this?!?

Aries: A lot more things… But we’ll talk about that Later… Just…Just Trust in your heart!!!

Sailor Crescent: My Heart…? Love Hurts isn’t gona help much… *Goes into Trance* But this should…*She Crosses her arms across her chest and Started Spinning* Uranus…Neptune… TWISTER SISTERS!!! *She Suddenly stopped and Pulled her arms off her chest and then 2 Twisters shot out of her hands and Knocked all the people down as they took 2 separate paths… When The 2 twisters (Turning separate ways) Met against the Monster* TAKE THIS!!!

Monster/Ruby: *The 2 Twisters Smashed and Grind, until the Monster was Moon Dust* NOOOO!!!!

Sailor Crescent: You’ve Just Been Moon dusted!!!

Aries: SHE DID IT!!! *Thinking* Maybe she can do this…

They both Dashed home and she woke up the Next day and went to school. While at School…

Lily: YEAH!!! Did you all see that thing this morning, how 57 people woke up this Morning in the Mall?

Emily: Wow me and my Neighbors had the Weirdest Dream last night about A Female warrior name Sailor Crescent who saved the day… And Not only That But we were one of the People to wake up at the Mall!!!


Lora: ME TOO!!!

Emily: Wow!!! Isn’t that weird Hazel? *Hazel was Sleeping on her desk* HAZEL!!! *She Shook Hazel and she woke up a little* Isn’t that just the Weirdest Hazel???

Hazel: Please guys…Ssshhh…*She Yawned* I had a Long Night Last Night *She went to sleep smiling*


Hazel: Tuxedo Mini Mask really saved the day By helping me out. And Ya know, You should always Help Someone Out When they need help, EVEN IF you don’t Know them…

Aries: That’s right!

Hazel: And If you help People That you don’t know or don’t like Some How, it’ll come back on you 10 Fold

Aries: THAT’S RIGHT!!!

Hazel: Sailor Crescent Says!!! *Giggles*


Comments (13)

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winxgirl21 on February 16, 2008, 5:15:11 AM

winxgirl21 on
winxgirl21Awesome story! I'm definately going to try to read all of the chapters so far! =)

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on February 16, 2008, 11:16:07 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskthanks ^^

sailoraqua13 on October 22, 2007, 12:04:33 PM

sailoraqua13 on
sailoraqua13Cool!I'm coming into the story a little late.I know it's a BIG request considreiing how far you are into the story but,could my oc be in your story?If you decide to let her go to my profile for a description of her.

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 23, 2007, 10:11:14 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskMaybe... We will be having new Sign ups Soon So, If you Keep checking for updates then You'll Know when to sign up BUT I'm Only excepting 2 or 3 felmales and 1 Male for Season 2, SO... I'D BE ON MY TOES LOOKING FOR THAT UPDATE!!! =D lol

sailoraqua13 on October 23, 2007, 10:24:45 AM

sailoraqua13 on
sailoraqua13OK I WILL!

DavisJes on October 21, 2007, 7:51:05 AM

DavisJes on
DavisJesDid not finish reading it yet.
This has an interest plot.
It is hard to concentrate becuase it is written more like a script for a play or movie.
Try writing it more like a story.

Just a suggestion:
"AAHHH!!!!!" said Hazel as she jumped out of bed. She looks at her alarm clock While she’s getting dressed and said "I’M GOING TO BE LATE!!!" She ran down stairs to the Kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast. "BYE MOM!!! BYE DAD!!!" she yelled.

"Wait! Don’t you wana finish your Breakfast?" asked her mom.

"NO TIME NO TIME!!!!! I’m Gona be late for school!!!" yelled Hazel as she began to run toward the door.

"Hazel! Don’t forget your lunch!!!" yelled her mom.

She turns back around grabs the lunch from her mom and as she runs out the door she yells "THANKS MOM!!!"

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 21, 2007, 9:44:56 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskYeah, I thought About that, but sadly I don't Have time for the More detailed version, Because people are asking for Updates like crazy! lol and Yeah Your Right it is hard to Consentrate because How it's written! But yeah, I did plan for it to be written like a script In the beggining ^^

But like I said People want Updates at least once a week and I Have several Stories I am working on and not to mention The Musical I'm forced to write for school before Christmas, OH and I have Highschool *What a drag -.-* I never have time for it unless it's faster and LESS detailed then it can be. I would love to write in full Detail with every story...But I just Can't. But if you want Detail then Check out my Story "Lit: How to Reverse a Starlit Curse" It will be very Detailed, Becuz the only reason I'm WRITING it is because Soon I Will Be DRAWING it as a Manga and I want everything Clear about it ^^!
OHH AND THANKS!!! ^^ your awesome

DavisJes on October 21, 2007, 11:08:23 AM

DavisJes on
DavisJesRushing a story is never a good idea. You should not just put something up becuase people are demanding a new chapter every week. Take time on the chapter you are writing.

I will read this when I get time becuase I am very interested in it.
Also I am writing a Sailor Moon fanfic.
I saw you read the prolouge of my fanfic.

If you are a member of DA you can read it here
For everyone else you can read it here

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 21, 2007, 11:51:22 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskTHANKS!!! I really like your story, Lol it mad me sad to think of Darian and Serena Being Split becuz of that Dark Scout!!! lol I will continue Reading it... And you should Pass out a link to all the fans of this story, becuz I know that they would just love it to =D!!!
And I Agree, Detail show always be used if useable! lol

Well thanks, you've been a great help! and THANKS FOR THE INTREST IN THIS STORY! lol

DavisJes on October 21, 2007, 11:11:09 AM

DavisJes on
DavisJesAlso is this you?

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 21, 2007, 11:45:21 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskYeah -D Thats me =D to bad I recentaly lost my past word lol... and I can't read my E-Mail to read my Password

DavisJes on October 22, 2007, 3:46:08 AM

DavisJes on
DavisJesWhy can't you read your email?

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 22, 2007, 6:24:36 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Masklol becuz my computer is crap and it will freeze once I open my email lol

DavisJes on October 22, 2007, 1:36:18 PM

DavisJes on
DavisJesHave you tried another computer?
Like your parents computer or going to the libaray and using the computer there?

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 23, 2007, 10:27:32 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskyes lol it's just my area or internet or somethung lol =S

Symphoniaprincess101 on October 20, 2007, 11:01:23 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on

AlleyCat17 on August 2, 2007, 2:06:18 AM

AlleyCat17 on
AlleyCat17wow great chapter and i can't wait to see what happens next.

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 2, 2007, 8:24:53 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Masklol well now ya can, new chappy's up =D

Moon_Princess on August 1, 2007, 2:13:34 PM

Moon_Princess on
Moon_PrincessThis was an awesome chapter! :D
It's just like the anime. ^^ XD Now I gotta go watch it.

Great job! ^^ I'm looking forward to the next chapter! ^-^


Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 1, 2007, 2:18:22 PM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskyep, I tried to make it very simular =D lol Infact I was watching the first episode when I wrote it *I'v got the DVD's lol*

Sasukesgirlfriend on August 1, 2007, 1:20:06 PM

Sasukesgirlfriend on
SasukesgirlfriendTHERE'S SOMETHING WRONG....THERE'S NO THEME SONG! LOL LOL LOL LOL! XDDDDD JUST KIDDING! JUST KIDDING! *stops laughing for a second and burst out laughing again* I'M SO SORRY! I CAN'T HELP IT! XDDDDDDDDDDDD

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 1, 2007, 1:23:38 PM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskLOL!!! Thats what I was thinking!!! but I couldn't think of one lol

Sasukesgirlfriend on August 1, 2007, 1:33:11 PM

Sasukesgirlfriend on
SasukesgirlfriendIf I was in your shoes I couldn't make one up either!lol

Gigi bad song writer >3>

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 1, 2007, 2:03:12 PM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Masklol I can make songs but only if I want to lol