Chapter 5 - The Danger of the Silver Crystal
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 5 - The Danger of the Silver Crystal
Chapter 5 - The Danger of the Silver Crystal
Note: Lol I felt good so I put one of Hannah Montanas Postive songs in here... lol and since your all girls you should like it, lol hope you do!!!
Hazel: There’s Trouble today on our show When Someone figures out that I’m Sailor Crescent!
DK: And That I’m Sailor Triton!!!
Hazel: Will He tell the Whole World Our Secret?!? Can The Sailor Scouts Get thru this??? Stay Right there, And I’ll Show You!!!*Makes Pose*
There were Many Monsters Surrounding them when…
Sailor Crescent: *Dodging a Blast of Nega Energy* AAAHHH!!!
Sailor Triton: Girl Please, You Have Nothing to be screaming about! I’m The One being turned into Stone! *Earlier Sailor Triton Was Bit on the Arm By One of the Many Snakes Coming out of Medusy’s Fingers and Hair… She was Slowly turning into Stone *
Sailor Crescent: THIS IS NO FAIR!!! *She dodged another blast from a Monster* Neptune…Uranus… Twister Sister-*She prepared to do any attack when a Nega blast CAME OUT OF No where and Knocked Sailor Crescent To the Ground* AAAHHH!!!
Aries: *Up in a tree* Sailor Crescent!!! It’s To Many!!! We’ll have to Retreat!!!
Sailor Crescent: *Down On the Ground as a small amount of blood fell out of her Mouth* But What… About Triton?!?
Aries: We’ll Have to come back for her later-
Sailor Triton: YEAH!!! Leave *Her Neck was being turned to stone and it was harder for her to talk*… The World Needs at least One Sailor Scout… Leave me..-
Sailor Crescent: *She wiped blood from her mouth… Another Nega Blast Knocked her down when she began to he back up… She Stood up* ... No, I won’t Leave You…*A Smirk Appeared on her face… and her eyes got all Glassy*
Monsters: O.o
*Heres the The song... *
I E I*Vocalizing*
Sailor Crescent: *She went into a Trance like state* I won’t let you down…*Her Hands Began To Glow A Bright Blue* Uranus…Neptune…Cosmic Ice Discs!!! *She Shoots 7 Ice Discs Out of her hand and the Monsters Caught The Disks in their Hand and Crumbled Them Into Ice* IN the Name Of Uranus And Neptune…I will Destroy You All…*Both Of her hands Continued to glow Brighter… A Monster Dared To Shoot A Nega Blast At her…She Flipped over the Blast*……….
YEAH!!! Don’t Let No Small Frustration Ever Bring you down!
Sailor Crescent: *She landed behind the Monster And Shot it with 3 Ice Discs and Turned it into Moon Dust… The Other Monsters Got Mad and the all the Monsters Shot Nega Blasts at each other…*
NO No no no!!! Just Take A situation, And Turn It all Around…
Sailor Crescent: *She Does A Flip And Dodged the Blasts… The Blasts All Hit Each other and Made A Huge Explosion Turning Half Of the Monsters into moon dust… When The Remaining Monsters Turned around Sailor Crescent Stood There with her Glowing Blue hands and Shot 7 Discs At The Monsters and 2 Of them Were Moon Dusted* Uranus…..
With a New Attitude everything can change
Make it how you want it to be
Sailor Crescent: Neptune…
Staying mad why do that
Give yourself a break
Laugh about and You’ll See!!!
Sailor Crescent: *She did a Flip Over the Monsters as the Shot Nega blasts All around her and in Mid air she Shot Discs At the Monsters and About 4 Were Moon Dusted*
Lifes What you Make it!
So Lets Make it Rock!!!!
Monster: *A Red Monster with 2 Heads, 3 Arms And One Leg Attacked Sailor Crescent* You Dusted My Brother!!! *He 2 Black Beams Out of his Mouth And Almost hit Sailor Crescent when She Leaped up in the air and the Beams Hit all of the Monsters Behind her… The Monsters Were Moon Dusted*
Lifes What You Make It!
Sailor Crescent: HAHA!!! *She Landed and One of the Remaining Monsters Grabbed Her With His Big Muscular Green Arms… She Was Facing Him As He Began To Drain All Of Her Energy*……….
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sun…Star Bolts!!! *His Golden Star Bolts Struck several Monsters and Turned them into Moon Dust* Though You Guys Needed Some Help…
Sailor Triton: BRYAN BIGALSTIEN!!! *Hearts Fluttered Around Her As Her Mouth Was Being Turned to stone*
So Come On, Come On!!! Everybody Now
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Sailor Crescent Was Struggling to Get free* Don’t Worry I’ll Help You- *Tuxedo Mini Mask Unexpectedly Ran To Save her and Was Bit by one of Mudsy’s Snakes on her Fingers Bit Tuxedo Mini Mask On The Neck…And He Began To Turn To stone and Mudsy, Had 2 of Her Snakes Bite his Legs So He Couldn’t Walk* AAHHH!!!
Sailor Triton: *Mumbling as her mouth was being turned to stone* BRYAN!!!
Let’s Celebrate it! Join in Everyone!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sorry I can’t Help you… *Becuz He Had 3 Bites He Was Turned to stone Almost Immediately*
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo!!!.... Uranus… Neptune…*Her Jewel on her Tiara Began to Glow a Bright Blue*…..*A Cosmic Ice Discs Was Shot from her Tiara at the Monster Holding Her and He Was Moon Dusted*
You Decide…
Sailor Crescent: *The Monster Threw Sailor Crescent and her Locket was Accidentally Opened* It’s Time to Finish this… Neptune…. Uranus
Cuz Lifes…
Sailor Crescent: Cosmic Ice Discs!!! *Her Crystal In her Locket Shined and she Span Around Shooting Hundreds of Pink and Blue Discs at All The Remain Monsters...*
Aries: The Silver Crystal…
What you Ma-a-a-ake It!!!
Sailor Crescent: *She Turned all the Remaining Monsters Into Moon Dust and She came Completely out of her Trance* How *She collapsed to the ground* did I do that …
Sailor Triton: *Her Body returned to normal as she dusted some Concrete of her uniform* YOU DID IT!
Aries: *Coming out of tree* Yes you Did…
Life is what you make it!!!
Sailor Crescent: *She was crowded By Aries and Triton when she noticed Tuxedo Mini Mask Walk Off and Slowly Disappear* Who is that guy…
Sailor Triton: BRYAN!!! MY TRUE LOVE!!! *Her Eyes Became Pulsating Hearts as she turned around to watch him walk away*
Sailor Crescent: *Getting up* NO!!! I saw him first…
Sailor Triton: So, I figured out his Identity!!!
Sailor Crescent: FORGET IT! He is not Bryan!!!
Sailor Triton: Well If your So Sure then Why Don’t you tell me who else he could be?
Sailor Crescent: I don’t Know, But He can’t Be Bryan!
Sailor Crescent: *She Grinded her teeth* Maybe I will…
Aries: Girls!!!
Sailor Triton: Fine… First One Who Figures Out His Identity Gets him!!!
Sailor Crescent: FINE!!!
Aries: Okay… Now That That’s Settled…. We gota go… It’s Getting Late…
Mean While In The Nega verse…
??? *Nexes*: You Failed Us again Alex… We Supplied you With A whole Army… And yet you still Couldn’t bring back an ounce of energy…
Alex: Its Not My Fault! It’s Those Stupid Sailor Scouts! And now theres 2 of them!
???: I don’t want to hear it…
Alex: Please… Just give me one More chance!!!
???: One more chance… and Then Your thru with… Am I clear Alex?
Alex: Yes Your Majesty…
Mean while…
They went Home and Woke Up in the morning and Went to school. Both of their teachers Were Blabbering about their Subjects and Neither of them were paying attention, They were just Day Dreaming about who Tuxedo Mini Mask Could Be…Later on at lunch outside…
Hazel: *She had finished her lunch and was going around asking Guys if they were Tuxedo Mini Mask…* Hey, Do you Like Tuxedos And Masks?
Mike: Um I hate Tuxedo’s…And I’m Not to Found of masks Either…
DK: *DK walked up to Hazel With Her Lunch in hand* Hazel… What are you doing?
Hazel: Nothing, Just trying to win a Bet…
DK: What Makes you think he Goes to Our School?
Hazel: Becuz He Was at the Field Trip to the beach, which was closed for our School…
DK: Very Clever… But Not Clever Enough *She Held Up a Stone Mask that looked just like Tuxedo Mini Mask’s Except this one was Stone*
Hazel: What’s that?
DK: Tuxedo Mini Mask’s Mask…
Hazel: That’s Impossible, I saw him leave with it!
DK: Yeah, But he didn’t Leave with the Stone That Came off his mask when you killed the monster…
Hazel: And It didn’t Crack?
DK: Nope, It’s Perfectly intact… Now IF you don’t Mind I’ve Gota go Try this on Bryan-
The Bell Rang
Hazel: *She smiled* Or Not…
They Went to class and DK Had to Borrow a Pencil
DK: Hey Rick Can I borrow a Pencil?
Rick: *Who was a Boy with black hair blue Eyes* No…
DK: Why?!?
Rick: Becuz… I saw you… I Was Hiding Behind an Umbrella when… I saw you transform… I know your Sailor Triton…
DK: Who-
Rick: Don’t Play Dumb With me, You and Hazel Hid it from all of us…
DK: Hazel-
Rick: Is Sailor Crescent… And I’m Going to Tell the World Tomorrow when I’m On my Dads Weather Show… And Then You are both going to Pay…
DK: For what?
Rick: When I saw the Perfect seashell I went Toward…When That Stupid Sailor Crescent Used that Twister attack and Knocked all of the Sea shells I was collecting in the Ocean!
DK: We-
Rick: What ever…
The Bell rang and Rick Prepared to leave the room
DK: Wait…*She stopped him as he got out of his seat* please…
Rick: If you want to stop me from Doing this, you’ll meet me at the Dingo Park At 9:00
DK: O.o
Rick: I’ll Be waiting…
Time Pasted and DK Told Hazel About Rick… They all *Including Aries* met up in The Park Rick told them to meet him in…
DK: What do you want Rick…
Hazel: Yeah We have More Important Things to attend to…
Rick: Like what?!? Are you going to Wash away my house in the Ocean To???
DK: No…
Hazel: For your Information, I have to work on winning a certain bet…
DK: Yeah, So just tell us what you want! Do you want us to be Your Slaves? Girlfriends?
Rick: No… I want to-
Monster: RRAAAGGHH!!! *A Monster with a Long Pink tail, Sharp Claws, Fangs, Green Hair, and a Blue Tong burst thru the Ground* I’ve Been Looking All Over for you, You Stupid Sailor Scouts… *It turned to face Hazel and DK*
Hazel: We’re Not Sailor Scouts…
DK: Yeah, HOW would you Know!?!
Monster: Becuz Only a Sailor Scout would be brave enough to come here at night…*She Held her Hands out and a huge red ball blast shot out of her hands and it knocked the girls to the ground. Rick Hid Behind a Tree when Hazels Locket was separated from her becuz of the blast and landed right by Rick… * Come on transform!!! I know it’s you… And that Boy He must have Been Tuxedo Mini Mask…
DK: NO WAY!!! Bryan is Tuxedo Mini Mask!!!
Monster: Don’t Talk back to me!!! *A Beam of Red light shot out of her mouth and he the ground below DK Knocking her further back and Throwing her purse up in the Tree Rick was Hiding in*
Rick: What do I do… *The Triton Power stick fell out of the purse and landed in his hand* O.o…*He Reached over to get the Locket Hazel Lost*……… *Thinking* What do I do… Do I throw these to them??? Should I??? NO… With the Powers within these objects I could Rule the world!!! Now what were those words again…? Ohh yeah!
Hazel: My Locket!!!
DK: My Power stick…
Rick: Triton Star Power!!! CRESCENT PRISM POWER!!!
He Held The Triton Power stick in the air and The Locket was held in place on his chest by his other hand… The Locket Began to glow and The Stick Did the same and So Did Rick… Rick Crossed The Stick over the Locket and They Began to Flash as Water Washed over Rick… And When The Water Past, Rick Was Wearing a Gold And Blue Armor With The Symbol Of the Moon And The Planet Triton in Blue…A Cape Grew from his back and he made a Pose…
Warrior/Rick: *He came out of hiding* I am… Well I have No clue what I am but I… *Goes into Trance* I am a Warrior of the past… I Fought in the great war of the negaverse 1000 Years ago… I killed 173 Nega Creeps with my Sword and armor Made From the Moon And The Planet Triton…*He pulled out his sword* And I’m Going to do the same to you!!! Cosmic Wet Blades!!! *He swung his sword and a Wave of Cosmic Energy and Glowing Water splashed all over the Monster and The Monster Began to Melt*
Monster: AAAHHH!!!
DK: HEY!!!
Aries: He’s Not Supposed to Be Abel to do that!!!
Hazel: YEAH!!!
Warrior: Now Time To Finish it off…*Aries looked at his word and noticed that it had The Silver Crystal In the Handel of it* Cosmic Moon Slice…*He Dashed Past the Monster and Put His Sword away… He turned around and the Monster was cut in half and it was turning into moon Dust*
Meanwhile in the Negaverse…
Alex: NO, NO, NO!!! They killed her… I lost at my last chance… Or Have I *He disappeared*
Meanwhile back at the Park
Aries: The Silver Crystal…
Hazel: O.o
DK: How can he do that!?!?! Those Are our Powers!!!
Alex: *There was a huge puff of smoke and Alex Appeared* Hello Sailor Scouts… Wait, Where are the sailor scouts?
Warrior: Oh well, No Sailor Scouts Here Only Me and these 2 losers…
DK and Hazel: Rrrggg…
Alex: So you killed my Beast?!?
Warrior: Yep it was all me… And I’m Going to take over the world… Starting with this… Cosmic-
Alex: LEX!! *He waved his arm and The Warrior’s Sword was thrown away from the Warrior* I was here to suck the Sailor Scouts Energy but I guess I’ll just take all of yours…*He grabs The Warrior and Absorbs Most of his energy and throws him to the ground* Mmm… Delicious Energy…
DK: He absorbed his energy Fast…
Hazel: Time to transform… Crescent Prism Power! *She stuck out her hand and nothing happened*
DK: Nothing… We can’t transform *They ran behind a tree*
Alex: Don’t run from me girls, I want your energy Too…
Aries: There’s no hope…
Alex: Come here girls*He drained all of the tree that was info of them’s energy turning it to Nega Dust… They Were wide open for an attack when…* Your Mine…*He lifted up Hazel and out of No where…*
Leo: *He threw a huge rock at Alex, Forcing him to Drop Hazel* Get away From them!!! *Alex Came Toward Leo*
Hazel: LEO!!!
Alex: Okay then, I’ll Just go after you…
Leo: *A Smirk appeared on his face as he let out a small laugh* Ha…I’d Like to see you Try…
Hazel: Leo Run, This Guy is Bad News!!!
Leo: *In Trance* Hazel, You, Dk, and Your Cat need to Run…I can take this Creep…
Hazel: No You can’t!!! Leo Just leave…
Leo: No…
Alex: Just a few seconds… *He walks up to Leo* NOW!!! LEXA!!! *He waved his hand expecting Leo To be thrown half way across the park…When*
Leo: *The Symbol of the Sun appeared on Leo’s Forehead and Leo was unaffected by Alex’s Attack* You actually think you can defeat me with some magic trick?!? Your Going to get it Now!!! *His Body started to glow, and he started to talk in a demonic voice* In the Name of The Sun, I Will Punish you…*He Picked up Alex by his shirt and threw him 5 yards across the Park*
Aries: Uhh Ohh…
Alex: AAHHH!!!
Hazel: What’s Happened to you Leo…
Leo: Hazel, I told you to run…
Hazel: Yeah but…
Leo: Run…
Alex: *He Flew from where he was in an instant* You got a Lucky Shot But You won’t Be able to do that Twice…
Leo: Wana Bet???
Alex: Yeah… *He dashed up to Leo and Absorbed his Energy*
Leo: What are you doing!?!?! AARAGGHH!!!!! *He Tried to pull Alex off but he wasn’t Strong enough* You can’t absorb my energy!!!
Alex: Give me You energy NOW!!! *He absorbed all the energy he had been so careless about and Leo Was Now Knocked out and Alex Was Super Power full… HE threw Leo all the way to the other side of the Park* I feel So Alive!!! LEXA!!! *He Threw his hand out in the air and Everything around him Dissolved* FORGET the Nexes, I will Take over the Universe on my Own!!!
DK: What’s going on?!? How did he do that!!! And why are all the tree’s and flowers melting???
Aries: He Absorbed Leo’s Power… And Leo Just So Happens to be a warrior of the Sun… And his Energy Plus Alex’s Energy is enough to destroy the whole planet!!!
Hazel: How can we Stop Him…
Aries: There’s Only one way and it was eliminated a long time ago…
Hazel: So we’re Hope less???
Aries: Yes…
DK: NO!!! We can’t be…
Alex: STOP BLABERING!!! I’m Going to still your energy all the way from over here… *He held out his hand and Hazel and DK Started floating in the air as their energy was being stolen…*
DK: *Struggling to get free* Hazel…
Hazel: *Struggling to get free* DK…
Warrior: *Waking up*…*Thinking* Ohh no… this is all my fault… I have to save them…
Rick Began to have a flash back… Of the day at the Beach
Aries:*up on the bus* With the Silver Crystal they could easily Get out of this…All She would have to say is “Moon Crystal Power” And The Nexes would be destroyed for good…
Rick: Moon Crystal Power???
The Flash Back Ended…
Warrior: *He looked at the handle of his sword* The Moon Crystal… With This I’ll Be able to Save them and the rest of the world…*He took the Crystal out of his sword and the Sword became a Bunch of Ribbons…He stood up Very tired from loss of energy and walked closed to Alex* I won’t let you get Away with this!
Alex: Huh? You again, I thought I Drained all your energy…
Warrior: Yeah, but I’ll always have Enough energy to keep evil from winning…
Alex: Huh?
Warrior: *He held up the Moon Crystal* Moon Crystal Power!!!
Aries: OH NO!!! STUPID HUMAN!!! He’s going to get him self killed!!! It’s Use up all of his energy…
Warrior: AAHHH!!! *The Crystal Began to glow… It then Shot Rainbow Like Light and hit Alex…*
Alex: AAHHH!!!!!!! *Alex was turned to Moon Dust and all of the energy was released*
Warrior: …..*The Crystal Was healing the Tree’s and Plants with its rainbow light…And Luckily Rick Got Most of his energy back from Killing Alex or Rick Wouldn’t have been able to stay alive…* AAHHH!!! *The Crystal Was still Activated, Rick couldn’t control The Crystal… It was Using All Of Ricks Life energy…*
Warrior: *He pasted out and the Crystal Stopped glowing and Retreated into it’s Locked Form*
Hazel: RICK!!!
They All Ran Over to him
Hazel: *She touched his chest and His armor Faded away and his regular Clothes came back on as Ribbons Circled Hazel and Transformed her into Sailor Crescent and water washed over DK and She was transformed into Sailor Triton…* Ohh no…*She shook him* He’s not waking up…
Sailor Triton: but He’s still breathing…
Aries: Let’s take him to the hospital…
They did as Aries instructed…The next day came and they figured out that Rick was in a comma… So they went to go see him in the hospital…
DK: Hello we’re here to see Rick…
Nurse: Are you related?
Hazel: Yes…
Nurse: Then go on in…
They walked in and saw him laying there… You Could see the tears of his mother all over his face…
DK: I can’t believe you lied to the nurse…
Hazel: At least it got us in… *They walked up to Rick and Aries popped out of Hazels Backpack*
Aries: We Have to get him back…
DK: Right…
Hazel: This Only Makes Our mission more important…
DK: Yeah…
Hazel: As Soon As We Find the Air to The Moon Kingdom, He or She Will Be able to control the Full Power of the Crystal and bring Rick Back from his Comma…
Aries: He’s Lucky to be alive…
DK: We know…
Hazel: Well At Least Our Secrets are safe…
DK: Yeah but that’s Not-
Hazel: Worth it… I know, I would Rather Have my secret exposed and him be up and walking with us even though he was a jerk…
DK: yeah…
Hazel: We’ll Save him…
Leo Walked in the room With A bandage over his Head
Leo: Hey you guys…
Hazel: Leo What happened to you???
Leo: I Really don’t know, I woke up in the Park with a really bad Headache and then when I got home I heard That Rick Was in a Comma… So I Came down here to watch the sunset with him…*He opened Ricks Curtains*
DK: SUN Sets? *DK and Hazel Looked at each other*
Leo: Yeah, I love Sun sets… I could watch them all day…
Hazel: *Talking to DK, and making sure that Leo Couldn’t here* Do you think?-
DK: Leo?_
Hazel and DK: NAHH!!!
Hazel: He’s Not Nearly Hot Enough…
DK: All Though…
DK and Hazel: NAHH!!
Leo: What did you say?
Hazel: Ohh nothing *She giggled and they continued to watch the sunset together*…
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today On Our Show We had a lot of Times when We just felt like giving up…
DK: YEAH!!! And We Almost did!!!
Hazel: Yeah but Don’t You Ever
Aries: You should really Head your Own Advice…
Hazel: -.-… Anyways, Don’t ever let any Frustration Get you down!!! JUST TURN IT ALL AROUND!!! Sailor Crescent Says! *Giggles*
Hazel: There’s Trouble today on our show When Someone figures out that I’m Sailor Crescent!
DK: And That I’m Sailor Triton!!!
Hazel: Will He tell the Whole World Our Secret?!? Can The Sailor Scouts Get thru this??? Stay Right there, And I’ll Show You!!!*Makes Pose*
There were Many Monsters Surrounding them when…
Sailor Crescent: *Dodging a Blast of Nega Energy* AAAHHH!!!
Sailor Triton: Girl Please, You Have Nothing to be screaming about! I’m The One being turned into Stone! *Earlier Sailor Triton Was Bit on the Arm By One of the Many Snakes Coming out of Medusy’s Fingers and Hair… She was Slowly turning into Stone *
Sailor Crescent: THIS IS NO FAIR!!! *She dodged another blast from a Monster* Neptune…Uranus… Twister Sister-*She prepared to do any attack when a Nega blast CAME OUT OF No where and Knocked Sailor Crescent To the Ground* AAAHHH!!!
Aries: *Up in a tree* Sailor Crescent!!! It’s To Many!!! We’ll have to Retreat!!!
Sailor Crescent: *Down On the Ground as a small amount of blood fell out of her Mouth* But What… About Triton?!?
Aries: We’ll Have to come back for her later-
Sailor Triton: YEAH!!! Leave *Her Neck was being turned to stone and it was harder for her to talk*… The World Needs at least One Sailor Scout… Leave me..-
Sailor Crescent: *She wiped blood from her mouth… Another Nega Blast Knocked her down when she began to he back up… She Stood up* ... No, I won’t Leave You…*A Smirk Appeared on her face… and her eyes got all Glassy*
Monsters: O.o
*Heres the The song... *
I E I*Vocalizing*
Sailor Crescent: *She went into a Trance like state* I won’t let you down…*Her Hands Began To Glow A Bright Blue* Uranus…Neptune…Cosmic Ice Discs!!! *She Shoots 7 Ice Discs Out of her hand and the Monsters Caught The Disks in their Hand and Crumbled Them Into Ice* IN the Name Of Uranus And Neptune…I will Destroy You All…*Both Of her hands Continued to glow Brighter… A Monster Dared To Shoot A Nega Blast At her…She Flipped over the Blast*……….
YEAH!!! Don’t Let No Small Frustration Ever Bring you down!
Sailor Crescent: *She landed behind the Monster And Shot it with 3 Ice Discs and Turned it into Moon Dust… The Other Monsters Got Mad and the all the Monsters Shot Nega Blasts at each other…*
NO No no no!!! Just Take A situation, And Turn It all Around…
Sailor Crescent: *She Does A Flip And Dodged the Blasts… The Blasts All Hit Each other and Made A Huge Explosion Turning Half Of the Monsters into moon dust… When The Remaining Monsters Turned around Sailor Crescent Stood There with her Glowing Blue hands and Shot 7 Discs At The Monsters and 2 Of them Were Moon Dusted* Uranus…..
With a New Attitude everything can change
Make it how you want it to be
Sailor Crescent: Neptune…
Staying mad why do that
Give yourself a break
Laugh about and You’ll See!!!
Sailor Crescent: *She did a Flip Over the Monsters as the Shot Nega blasts All around her and in Mid air she Shot Discs At the Monsters and About 4 Were Moon Dusted*
Lifes What you Make it!
So Lets Make it Rock!!!!
Monster: *A Red Monster with 2 Heads, 3 Arms And One Leg Attacked Sailor Crescent* You Dusted My Brother!!! *He 2 Black Beams Out of his Mouth And Almost hit Sailor Crescent when She Leaped up in the air and the Beams Hit all of the Monsters Behind her… The Monsters Were Moon Dusted*
Lifes What You Make It!
Sailor Crescent: HAHA!!! *She Landed and One of the Remaining Monsters Grabbed Her With His Big Muscular Green Arms… She Was Facing Him As He Began To Drain All Of Her Energy*……….
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sun…Star Bolts!!! *His Golden Star Bolts Struck several Monsters and Turned them into Moon Dust* Though You Guys Needed Some Help…
Sailor Triton: BRYAN BIGALSTIEN!!! *Hearts Fluttered Around Her As Her Mouth Was Being Turned to stone*
So Come On, Come On!!! Everybody Now
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Sailor Crescent Was Struggling to Get free* Don’t Worry I’ll Help You- *Tuxedo Mini Mask Unexpectedly Ran To Save her and Was Bit by one of Mudsy’s Snakes on her Fingers Bit Tuxedo Mini Mask On The Neck…And He Began To Turn To stone and Mudsy, Had 2 of Her Snakes Bite his Legs So He Couldn’t Walk* AAHHH!!!
Sailor Triton: *Mumbling as her mouth was being turned to stone* BRYAN!!!
Let’s Celebrate it! Join in Everyone!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sorry I can’t Help you… *Becuz He Had 3 Bites He Was Turned to stone Almost Immediately*
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo!!!.... Uranus… Neptune…*Her Jewel on her Tiara Began to Glow a Bright Blue*…..*A Cosmic Ice Discs Was Shot from her Tiara at the Monster Holding Her and He Was Moon Dusted*
You Decide…
Sailor Crescent: *The Monster Threw Sailor Crescent and her Locket was Accidentally Opened* It’s Time to Finish this… Neptune…. Uranus
Cuz Lifes…
Sailor Crescent: Cosmic Ice Discs!!! *Her Crystal In her Locket Shined and she Span Around Shooting Hundreds of Pink and Blue Discs at All The Remain Monsters...*
Aries: The Silver Crystal…
What you Ma-a-a-ake It!!!
Sailor Crescent: *She Turned all the Remaining Monsters Into Moon Dust and She came Completely out of her Trance* How *She collapsed to the ground* did I do that …
Sailor Triton: *Her Body returned to normal as she dusted some Concrete of her uniform* YOU DID IT!
Aries: *Coming out of tree* Yes you Did…
Life is what you make it!!!
Sailor Crescent: *She was crowded By Aries and Triton when she noticed Tuxedo Mini Mask Walk Off and Slowly Disappear* Who is that guy…
Sailor Triton: BRYAN!!! MY TRUE LOVE!!! *Her Eyes Became Pulsating Hearts as she turned around to watch him walk away*
Sailor Crescent: *Getting up* NO!!! I saw him first…
Sailor Triton: So, I figured out his Identity!!!
Sailor Crescent: FORGET IT! He is not Bryan!!!
Sailor Triton: Well If your So Sure then Why Don’t you tell me who else he could be?
Sailor Crescent: I don’t Know, But He can’t Be Bryan!
Sailor Crescent: *She Grinded her teeth* Maybe I will…
Aries: Girls!!!
Sailor Triton: Fine… First One Who Figures Out His Identity Gets him!!!
Sailor Crescent: FINE!!!
Aries: Okay… Now That That’s Settled…. We gota go… It’s Getting Late…
Mean While In The Nega verse…
??? *Nexes*: You Failed Us again Alex… We Supplied you With A whole Army… And yet you still Couldn’t bring back an ounce of energy…
Alex: Its Not My Fault! It’s Those Stupid Sailor Scouts! And now theres 2 of them!
???: I don’t want to hear it…
Alex: Please… Just give me one More chance!!!
???: One more chance… and Then Your thru with… Am I clear Alex?
Alex: Yes Your Majesty…
Mean while…
They went Home and Woke Up in the morning and Went to school. Both of their teachers Were Blabbering about their Subjects and Neither of them were paying attention, They were just Day Dreaming about who Tuxedo Mini Mask Could Be…Later on at lunch outside…
Hazel: *She had finished her lunch and was going around asking Guys if they were Tuxedo Mini Mask…* Hey, Do you Like Tuxedos And Masks?
Mike: Um I hate Tuxedo’s…And I’m Not to Found of masks Either…
DK: *DK walked up to Hazel With Her Lunch in hand* Hazel… What are you doing?
Hazel: Nothing, Just trying to win a Bet…
DK: What Makes you think he Goes to Our School?
Hazel: Becuz He Was at the Field Trip to the beach, which was closed for our School…
DK: Very Clever… But Not Clever Enough *She Held Up a Stone Mask that looked just like Tuxedo Mini Mask’s Except this one was Stone*
Hazel: What’s that?
DK: Tuxedo Mini Mask’s Mask…
Hazel: That’s Impossible, I saw him leave with it!
DK: Yeah, But he didn’t Leave with the Stone That Came off his mask when you killed the monster…
Hazel: And It didn’t Crack?
DK: Nope, It’s Perfectly intact… Now IF you don’t Mind I’ve Gota go Try this on Bryan-
The Bell Rang
Hazel: *She smiled* Or Not…
They Went to class and DK Had to Borrow a Pencil
DK: Hey Rick Can I borrow a Pencil?
Rick: *Who was a Boy with black hair blue Eyes* No…
DK: Why?!?
Rick: Becuz… I saw you… I Was Hiding Behind an Umbrella when… I saw you transform… I know your Sailor Triton…
DK: Who-
Rick: Don’t Play Dumb With me, You and Hazel Hid it from all of us…
DK: Hazel-
Rick: Is Sailor Crescent… And I’m Going to Tell the World Tomorrow when I’m On my Dads Weather Show… And Then You are both going to Pay…
DK: For what?
Rick: When I saw the Perfect seashell I went Toward…When That Stupid Sailor Crescent Used that Twister attack and Knocked all of the Sea shells I was collecting in the Ocean!
DK: We-
Rick: What ever…
The Bell rang and Rick Prepared to leave the room
DK: Wait…*She stopped him as he got out of his seat* please…
Rick: If you want to stop me from Doing this, you’ll meet me at the Dingo Park At 9:00
DK: O.o
Rick: I’ll Be waiting…
Time Pasted and DK Told Hazel About Rick… They all *Including Aries* met up in The Park Rick told them to meet him in…
DK: What do you want Rick…
Hazel: Yeah We have More Important Things to attend to…
Rick: Like what?!? Are you going to Wash away my house in the Ocean To???
DK: No…
Hazel: For your Information, I have to work on winning a certain bet…
DK: Yeah, So just tell us what you want! Do you want us to be Your Slaves? Girlfriends?
Rick: No… I want to-
Monster: RRAAAGGHH!!! *A Monster with a Long Pink tail, Sharp Claws, Fangs, Green Hair, and a Blue Tong burst thru the Ground* I’ve Been Looking All Over for you, You Stupid Sailor Scouts… *It turned to face Hazel and DK*
Hazel: We’re Not Sailor Scouts…
DK: Yeah, HOW would you Know!?!
Monster: Becuz Only a Sailor Scout would be brave enough to come here at night…*She Held her Hands out and a huge red ball blast shot out of her hands and it knocked the girls to the ground. Rick Hid Behind a Tree when Hazels Locket was separated from her becuz of the blast and landed right by Rick… * Come on transform!!! I know it’s you… And that Boy He must have Been Tuxedo Mini Mask…
DK: NO WAY!!! Bryan is Tuxedo Mini Mask!!!
Monster: Don’t Talk back to me!!! *A Beam of Red light shot out of her mouth and he the ground below DK Knocking her further back and Throwing her purse up in the Tree Rick was Hiding in*
Rick: What do I do… *The Triton Power stick fell out of the purse and landed in his hand* O.o…*He Reached over to get the Locket Hazel Lost*……… *Thinking* What do I do… Do I throw these to them??? Should I??? NO… With the Powers within these objects I could Rule the world!!! Now what were those words again…? Ohh yeah!
Hazel: My Locket!!!
DK: My Power stick…
Rick: Triton Star Power!!! CRESCENT PRISM POWER!!!
He Held The Triton Power stick in the air and The Locket was held in place on his chest by his other hand… The Locket Began to glow and The Stick Did the same and So Did Rick… Rick Crossed The Stick over the Locket and They Began to Flash as Water Washed over Rick… And When The Water Past, Rick Was Wearing a Gold And Blue Armor With The Symbol Of the Moon And The Planet Triton in Blue…A Cape Grew from his back and he made a Pose…
Warrior/Rick: *He came out of hiding* I am… Well I have No clue what I am but I… *Goes into Trance* I am a Warrior of the past… I Fought in the great war of the negaverse 1000 Years ago… I killed 173 Nega Creeps with my Sword and armor Made From the Moon And The Planet Triton…*He pulled out his sword* And I’m Going to do the same to you!!! Cosmic Wet Blades!!! *He swung his sword and a Wave of Cosmic Energy and Glowing Water splashed all over the Monster and The Monster Began to Melt*
Monster: AAAHHH!!!
DK: HEY!!!
Aries: He’s Not Supposed to Be Abel to do that!!!
Hazel: YEAH!!!
Warrior: Now Time To Finish it off…*Aries looked at his word and noticed that it had The Silver Crystal In the Handel of it* Cosmic Moon Slice…*He Dashed Past the Monster and Put His Sword away… He turned around and the Monster was cut in half and it was turning into moon Dust*
Meanwhile in the Negaverse…
Alex: NO, NO, NO!!! They killed her… I lost at my last chance… Or Have I *He disappeared*
Meanwhile back at the Park
Aries: The Silver Crystal…
Hazel: O.o
DK: How can he do that!?!?! Those Are our Powers!!!
Alex: *There was a huge puff of smoke and Alex Appeared* Hello Sailor Scouts… Wait, Where are the sailor scouts?
Warrior: Oh well, No Sailor Scouts Here Only Me and these 2 losers…
DK and Hazel: Rrrggg…
Alex: So you killed my Beast?!?
Warrior: Yep it was all me… And I’m Going to take over the world… Starting with this… Cosmic-
Alex: LEX!! *He waved his arm and The Warrior’s Sword was thrown away from the Warrior* I was here to suck the Sailor Scouts Energy but I guess I’ll just take all of yours…*He grabs The Warrior and Absorbs Most of his energy and throws him to the ground* Mmm… Delicious Energy…
DK: He absorbed his energy Fast…
Hazel: Time to transform… Crescent Prism Power! *She stuck out her hand and nothing happened*
DK: Nothing… We can’t transform *They ran behind a tree*
Alex: Don’t run from me girls, I want your energy Too…
Aries: There’s no hope…
Alex: Come here girls*He drained all of the tree that was info of them’s energy turning it to Nega Dust… They Were wide open for an attack when…* Your Mine…*He lifted up Hazel and out of No where…*
Leo: *He threw a huge rock at Alex, Forcing him to Drop Hazel* Get away From them!!! *Alex Came Toward Leo*
Hazel: LEO!!!
Alex: Okay then, I’ll Just go after you…
Leo: *A Smirk appeared on his face as he let out a small laugh* Ha…I’d Like to see you Try…
Hazel: Leo Run, This Guy is Bad News!!!
Leo: *In Trance* Hazel, You, Dk, and Your Cat need to Run…I can take this Creep…
Hazel: No You can’t!!! Leo Just leave…
Leo: No…
Alex: Just a few seconds… *He walks up to Leo* NOW!!! LEXA!!! *He waved his hand expecting Leo To be thrown half way across the park…When*
Leo: *The Symbol of the Sun appeared on Leo’s Forehead and Leo was unaffected by Alex’s Attack* You actually think you can defeat me with some magic trick?!? Your Going to get it Now!!! *His Body started to glow, and he started to talk in a demonic voice* In the Name of The Sun, I Will Punish you…*He Picked up Alex by his shirt and threw him 5 yards across the Park*
Aries: Uhh Ohh…
Alex: AAHHH!!!
Hazel: What’s Happened to you Leo…
Leo: Hazel, I told you to run…
Hazel: Yeah but…
Leo: Run…
Alex: *He Flew from where he was in an instant* You got a Lucky Shot But You won’t Be able to do that Twice…
Leo: Wana Bet???
Alex: Yeah… *He dashed up to Leo and Absorbed his Energy*
Leo: What are you doing!?!?! AARAGGHH!!!!! *He Tried to pull Alex off but he wasn’t Strong enough* You can’t absorb my energy!!!
Alex: Give me You energy NOW!!! *He absorbed all the energy he had been so careless about and Leo Was Now Knocked out and Alex Was Super Power full… HE threw Leo all the way to the other side of the Park* I feel So Alive!!! LEXA!!! *He Threw his hand out in the air and Everything around him Dissolved* FORGET the Nexes, I will Take over the Universe on my Own!!!
DK: What’s going on?!? How did he do that!!! And why are all the tree’s and flowers melting???
Aries: He Absorbed Leo’s Power… And Leo Just So Happens to be a warrior of the Sun… And his Energy Plus Alex’s Energy is enough to destroy the whole planet!!!
Hazel: How can we Stop Him…
Aries: There’s Only one way and it was eliminated a long time ago…
Hazel: So we’re Hope less???
Aries: Yes…
DK: NO!!! We can’t be…
Alex: STOP BLABERING!!! I’m Going to still your energy all the way from over here… *He held out his hand and Hazel and DK Started floating in the air as their energy was being stolen…*
DK: *Struggling to get free* Hazel…
Hazel: *Struggling to get free* DK…
Warrior: *Waking up*…*Thinking* Ohh no… this is all my fault… I have to save them…
Rick Began to have a flash back… Of the day at the Beach
Aries:*up on the bus* With the Silver Crystal they could easily Get out of this…All She would have to say is “Moon Crystal Power” And The Nexes would be destroyed for good…
Rick: Moon Crystal Power???
The Flash Back Ended…
Warrior: *He looked at the handle of his sword* The Moon Crystal… With This I’ll Be able to Save them and the rest of the world…*He took the Crystal out of his sword and the Sword became a Bunch of Ribbons…He stood up Very tired from loss of energy and walked closed to Alex* I won’t let you get Away with this!
Alex: Huh? You again, I thought I Drained all your energy…
Warrior: Yeah, but I’ll always have Enough energy to keep evil from winning…
Alex: Huh?
Warrior: *He held up the Moon Crystal* Moon Crystal Power!!!
Aries: OH NO!!! STUPID HUMAN!!! He’s going to get him self killed!!! It’s Use up all of his energy…
Warrior: AAHHH!!! *The Crystal Began to glow… It then Shot Rainbow Like Light and hit Alex…*
Alex: AAHHH!!!!!!! *Alex was turned to Moon Dust and all of the energy was released*
Warrior: …..*The Crystal Was healing the Tree’s and Plants with its rainbow light…And Luckily Rick Got Most of his energy back from Killing Alex or Rick Wouldn’t have been able to stay alive…* AAHHH!!! *The Crystal Was still Activated, Rick couldn’t control The Crystal… It was Using All Of Ricks Life energy…*
Warrior: *He pasted out and the Crystal Stopped glowing and Retreated into it’s Locked Form*
Hazel: RICK!!!
They All Ran Over to him
Hazel: *She touched his chest and His armor Faded away and his regular Clothes came back on as Ribbons Circled Hazel and Transformed her into Sailor Crescent and water washed over DK and She was transformed into Sailor Triton…* Ohh no…*She shook him* He’s not waking up…
Sailor Triton: but He’s still breathing…
Aries: Let’s take him to the hospital…
They did as Aries instructed…The next day came and they figured out that Rick was in a comma… So they went to go see him in the hospital…
DK: Hello we’re here to see Rick…
Nurse: Are you related?
Hazel: Yes…
Nurse: Then go on in…
They walked in and saw him laying there… You Could see the tears of his mother all over his face…
DK: I can’t believe you lied to the nurse…
Hazel: At least it got us in… *They walked up to Rick and Aries popped out of Hazels Backpack*
Aries: We Have to get him back…
DK: Right…
Hazel: This Only Makes Our mission more important…
DK: Yeah…
Hazel: As Soon As We Find the Air to The Moon Kingdom, He or She Will Be able to control the Full Power of the Crystal and bring Rick Back from his Comma…
Aries: He’s Lucky to be alive…
DK: We know…
Hazel: Well At Least Our Secrets are safe…
DK: Yeah but that’s Not-
Hazel: Worth it… I know, I would Rather Have my secret exposed and him be up and walking with us even though he was a jerk…
DK: yeah…
Hazel: We’ll Save him…
Leo Walked in the room With A bandage over his Head
Leo: Hey you guys…
Hazel: Leo What happened to you???
Leo: I Really don’t know, I woke up in the Park with a really bad Headache and then when I got home I heard That Rick Was in a Comma… So I Came down here to watch the sunset with him…*He opened Ricks Curtains*
DK: SUN Sets? *DK and Hazel Looked at each other*
Leo: Yeah, I love Sun sets… I could watch them all day…
Hazel: *Talking to DK, and making sure that Leo Couldn’t here* Do you think?-
DK: Leo?_
Hazel and DK: NAHH!!!
Hazel: He’s Not Nearly Hot Enough…
DK: All Though…
DK and Hazel: NAHH!!
Leo: What did you say?
Hazel: Ohh nothing *She giggled and they continued to watch the sunset together*…
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today On Our Show We had a lot of Times when We just felt like giving up…
DK: YEAH!!! And We Almost did!!!
Hazel: Yeah but Don’t You Ever
Aries: You should really Head your Own Advice…
Hazel: -.-… Anyways, Don’t ever let any Frustration Get you down!!! JUST TURN IT ALL AROUND!!! Sailor Crescent Says! *Giggles*
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Symphoniaprincess101 on October 20, 2007, 11:51:49 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 21, 2007, 5:27:59 AM
Symphoniaprincess101 on October 23, 2007, 10:06:51 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 23, 2007, 10:12:05 AM
PunkWolfGirl on August 9, 2007, 7:41:26 AM
PunkWolfGirl on
PunkWolfGirl on August 10, 2007, 5:47:59 AM
PunkWolfGirl on
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:15:48 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:26:06 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:27:33 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:29:10 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:30:39 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:41:19 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:42:48 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:46:33 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:48:20 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:09:15 AM
AlleyCat17 on August 9, 2007, 7:53:56 AM
AlleyCat17 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:14:53 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:17:04 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:33:23 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:35:03 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:39:12 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:41:52 AM

Juno and if there if Violet r other ocs not the ones in my story called 'WSWFSG'
so u can use them except those in storys and those with long info
Neowa though was a oc i made in 5th grade so ill think about letting u use her
theres like 35 or more so u can use them in the story as guests if u want
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:48:46 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:49:28 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 7:05:05 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:13:32 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:33:49 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:15:02 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:22:02 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:23:40 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:27:48 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:29:09 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:37:38 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:38:55 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:45:04 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:47:03 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 10:54:45 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on August 9, 2007, 10:57:15 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on August 9, 2007, 4:21:10 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 4:31:05 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on August 9, 2007, 4:42:33 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 4:26:27 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on August 9, 2007, 4:40:55 AM
Moon_Princess on August 8, 2007, 2:39:55 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 4:28:54 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 9, 2007, 3:45:34 AM