Chapter 6 - The Spiritual Sailor Scout P1
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
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Chapter 6 - The Spiritual Sailor Scout P1
Chapter 6 - The Spiritual Sailor Scout P1
Hazel: Today on our show there is some trouble down at the southern temple, is this strange girl the sorce of it all??? Saty right there and I'll Show you!!! *Makes pose*
In the mids of a battle with an evil Plant *That looks like a giant tree, and is using it's roots to fight* draining the cities energy supply, Sailor Triton is severly hurt and can not Move her right arm...
Sailor Crescent: TRITON!!!
Sailor Triton: CRESCENT!!! You have to finish this green beast off yourself!!!
Sailor Crescent: Right! *She nodded*
Nega Scum "Greenly": Ohh No you Don't!!! *The Monster Moaned*
Sailor Crescent: Oh Yes... I really do... *She began to spin around* Uranus... Neptune...*She flung her hands out releasing 2 monsterous twisters* TWISTER SISTERS!!! *The Twisters raged and turned all of the monster's roots into shreds of bark*
Greenly: AHHH!!!
Sailor Crescent: You think that hurts??? Just wait... *She went into a Trance like state* Time for you to meet your maker *Her Hands Began To Glow A Bright Blue* Uranus…Neptune…Cosmic Ice Discs!!! *She Shoots 7 Ice Discs Out of her hand and the Monster's bark was worst then it's bite, it Crumbled Them Into Ice* IN the Name Of Uranus And Neptune…I will Destroy You ...*Both Of her hands Continued to glow Brighter…* URANUS... NEPTUNE... COSMIC... Ice Discs!!! *she shot 10 Discs out of her fingers. The Ice Discs hit the bark and in the process of shattering, turned the bark into Ice*
Aries: Sailor Crescent!!! *She yeld at her from a tree in the distance* You Won't be abel to beat it with those Little Ice crystals!!!
Sailor Crescent: Don't Worry aries... I'v got this one in the bag... *She took off her tiara* Cosmic... *Her Tiara Began to glow like a rainbow after a rainy day* Moon *She span around. Her long hair span around with her* Disk... SMASH!!! *She threw the disc at the frozen part of the evil tree and it made a huge explosion turning the tree to Moon Dust*
Greenly: NOO!!! *it slowly turned to moon dust leaving only the Tiara Behind*
Sailor Crescent: You've just been moon dusted... *She picked up her tiara, and placed it on her head*
Later on the next day at school... It was lunch time and Hazel and DK were just now sitting down on the roof of the school to eat their lunches...
Hazel: I'm So sorry About your Arm DK, What did you tell your Mom?
DK: I told her that I hurt it Climbing a tree!!! *She laughed*
Hazel: *Hazel Laughed with her friend* So what did the doctor say??? *She looked at DK's Arm that was in a cast*
DK: He said that it was just a fractor, and I probly won't be using it for up to 3 months...
Hazel: O.O... 3 MONTHS!!! You meen I'm Supposed to fight the nega verse all alone for 3 months!?! NOT COOL DK!!!
DK: I'm Sorry Hazel...
Emily and Sarah walked up to them giggling
Emily: Hey you guys, we didn't know you were up here...
Hazel: well it's one of those one time things... Enough about us!!! SPILL!!! What were you 2 giggling about when you came up here...?
Sarah: Ohh nothing, Just about the Southern temple, you know the one by-
Emily: They Know where it is!!! Point is, that they just started to sell their New Charms...
Hazel: Really, Including...
Sarah: YEAH!!! And you know, The one girl that works up there is supposed to be an amazing healer, Hey! Maybe she can heal DK's ARM!!!
Hazel: It's Worth a shot! what do you say DK???
DK: Sure why not!!! and maybe I can find a charm that will help me find find who Tuxedo Mini Mask is...
Hazel: -.- I heard that...
Emily: What did you say DK???
DK: Ohh nothing, just that I'm looking forward to it!!!
Sarah: COOL! Meet you guys There after school!!!
The School Bell rang and DK and Hazel road the bus to the Temple... When they got there they saw Emily and Sarah Holding about 200 Charms that they had all ready baught...
Hazel: Wow O.O Thats Alot!!!
DK: Yeah!!!
Sarah: We know! and we're about to go get a double friendship reading from, Zingy, *She and Emily sighed* he's so cute...
DK: Really...? Well Let's go!!!
Hazel: No!!! Not yet, we still have to by some charms and Get you healed up...
DK: Ohh right...
Aries Hopped up on Hazels Shoulders
Sarah: Well we've gota go, we're up next!
Hazel: BYE!!!, hey Aries, I Was wondering when you would show up...
Aries: Well you'll be happy to know I Was spying on you this time
Hazel: O.O This time?
Aries: Yes I sence a strange prescents here...
DK: Oh...
Aries: But don't worry, I'll let you girls look around while I look for those nega creeps!
Hazel: Okay cool!
Hazel and DK walked up to the charms Stand and a Girl with Some what Pale skin was managing it..
Moonara: How may I help you? My name is Moonara and I work here.
Hazel: Ohh Hi Moonara, Do you have any Charms for Knowlege???
Moonara: Ohh YEAH!!! Tons and Tons!!!
Hazel: I'll Take your strongest ones!!!
Moonara: OKay!!!
Hazel: -.- *they handed Moonara their money*
Moonara: *she got the charms and rapped then up taking their money* There you go *She noticed DK's arm as she handed the charms to Hazel and DK* Oh, Do you want me to fix that???
DK: What??? Ohh you must be the freaky Healer Girl of the temple everyone's talking about!
Moonara: Oh yeah thats me... The freaky healing girl...
DK: No no! *She laughed* I ment to say that, I Was just about to go sign up...
Moonara: Okay, Come with me *She stepped out of the stand*
Hazel: Hey, How fast will these charms work???
Moonara: As soon as you make what you want to know obvious then, the answer should come to you with in a few minutes to about 2 days.
Hazel and DK: O.O... *They put the chamrs on and said to them selfs...* Who is Tuxedo Mini Mask...??? *Leo Walked up to them*
Leo: Hey you guys, Whats up??? I don't know why I came up here, but I just had this stange feeling and-
Hazel: MOVE LEO!!!
DK: YEAH!!! We're looking for somebody!!! *She looked and saw Bryan* SEE!!! Look there is bryan, It's totaly him!!!
Hazel: NO!!! it's totaly that guy over there with the-
Moonara: Come on girls! *She drug them by their ears to the Meditation Area, where she usually did her healing* Now just lay down on the gravel and close your eyes...*she took off DK's cast* I'm gona have to take this off...
DK: OKay...*She did as told*
Hazel: O.O *Aries jumped up on her shoulder*
Moonara: *She closed her eyes, as her hands hoverd over DK's Arm* By the Powers of the Black hole, The Vaccume of the universe, Help me drain all negativity and Help me use your powers to heal this Person's wounds just like you do with the rest of our universe... HEAL DK!!! *Her hands began to glow and put a seal on DK's Arm*
DK: Wow I feel much better... *She got up and moved her arm in all directions* WOW!!! your amazing!!!
Aries: *Whispering to Hazel* Wow she's good...
Hazel: Yeah I know O.o...
DK: Thanks for that, well we've gota go, it's getting kind of late, and I have homework... Well BYE!!!
Moonara: BYE!!!
Hazel: *Aries jumped off of Hazel's Shoulder and ran to Moonara* BYE!!!
Moonara: Aww, Cute kitty, you better get going before those knuckle heads leave you...
Aries: *she nodded* REOW!!! *Moonara turned around to feed the white and black birds wondering in the temple, and Aries did another one of her fancy Flips and A Black and White Stick apeared. Aries went to go catch up with the Girls as Moonara Turned around to find the Thin stick*
Moonara: I wonder what this is???
Hazel: What is that?!?
Sailor Says...:
Hazel: Hey today on our show The Writer was so buisy he wasn't able to finish this chapter, so-
Aries: If you ever have a chance to be homeschooled...
DK: Take it!!!
Moonara: YEAH!!!, We didn't even Get to see the-
Hazel: Thats enough For today, Sailor Crescent SAYS!!! *Giggles*
In the mids of a battle with an evil Plant *That looks like a giant tree, and is using it's roots to fight* draining the cities energy supply, Sailor Triton is severly hurt and can not Move her right arm...
Sailor Crescent: TRITON!!!
Sailor Triton: CRESCENT!!! You have to finish this green beast off yourself!!!
Sailor Crescent: Right! *She nodded*
Nega Scum "Greenly": Ohh No you Don't!!! *The Monster Moaned*
Sailor Crescent: Oh Yes... I really do... *She began to spin around* Uranus... Neptune...*She flung her hands out releasing 2 monsterous twisters* TWISTER SISTERS!!! *The Twisters raged and turned all of the monster's roots into shreds of bark*
Greenly: AHHH!!!
Sailor Crescent: You think that hurts??? Just wait... *She went into a Trance like state* Time for you to meet your maker *Her Hands Began To Glow A Bright Blue* Uranus…Neptune…Cosmic Ice Discs!!! *She Shoots 7 Ice Discs Out of her hand and the Monster's bark was worst then it's bite, it Crumbled Them Into Ice* IN the Name Of Uranus And Neptune…I will Destroy You ...*Both Of her hands Continued to glow Brighter…* URANUS... NEPTUNE... COSMIC... Ice Discs!!! *she shot 10 Discs out of her fingers. The Ice Discs hit the bark and in the process of shattering, turned the bark into Ice*
Aries: Sailor Crescent!!! *She yeld at her from a tree in the distance* You Won't be abel to beat it with those Little Ice crystals!!!
Sailor Crescent: Don't Worry aries... I'v got this one in the bag... *She took off her tiara* Cosmic... *Her Tiara Began to glow like a rainbow after a rainy day* Moon *She span around. Her long hair span around with her* Disk... SMASH!!! *She threw the disc at the frozen part of the evil tree and it made a huge explosion turning the tree to Moon Dust*
Greenly: NOO!!! *it slowly turned to moon dust leaving only the Tiara Behind*
Sailor Crescent: You've just been moon dusted... *She picked up her tiara, and placed it on her head*
Later on the next day at school... It was lunch time and Hazel and DK were just now sitting down on the roof of the school to eat their lunches...
Hazel: I'm So sorry About your Arm DK, What did you tell your Mom?
DK: I told her that I hurt it Climbing a tree!!! *She laughed*
Hazel: *Hazel Laughed with her friend* So what did the doctor say??? *She looked at DK's Arm that was in a cast*
DK: He said that it was just a fractor, and I probly won't be using it for up to 3 months...
Hazel: O.O... 3 MONTHS!!! You meen I'm Supposed to fight the nega verse all alone for 3 months!?! NOT COOL DK!!!
DK: I'm Sorry Hazel...
Emily and Sarah walked up to them giggling
Emily: Hey you guys, we didn't know you were up here...
Hazel: well it's one of those one time things... Enough about us!!! SPILL!!! What were you 2 giggling about when you came up here...?
Sarah: Ohh nothing, Just about the Southern temple, you know the one by-
Emily: They Know where it is!!! Point is, that they just started to sell their New Charms...
Hazel: Really, Including...
Sarah: YEAH!!! And you know, The one girl that works up there is supposed to be an amazing healer, Hey! Maybe she can heal DK's ARM!!!
Hazel: It's Worth a shot! what do you say DK???
DK: Sure why not!!! and maybe I can find a charm that will help me find find who Tuxedo Mini Mask is...
Hazel: -.- I heard that...
Emily: What did you say DK???
DK: Ohh nothing, just that I'm looking forward to it!!!
Sarah: COOL! Meet you guys There after school!!!
The School Bell rang and DK and Hazel road the bus to the Temple... When they got there they saw Emily and Sarah Holding about 200 Charms that they had all ready baught...
Hazel: Wow O.O Thats Alot!!!
DK: Yeah!!!
Sarah: We know! and we're about to go get a double friendship reading from, Zingy, *She and Emily sighed* he's so cute...
DK: Really...? Well Let's go!!!
Hazel: No!!! Not yet, we still have to by some charms and Get you healed up...
DK: Ohh right...
Aries Hopped up on Hazels Shoulders
Sarah: Well we've gota go, we're up next!
Hazel: BYE!!!, hey Aries, I Was wondering when you would show up...
Aries: Well you'll be happy to know I Was spying on you this time
Hazel: O.O This time?
Aries: Yes I sence a strange prescents here...
DK: Oh...
Aries: But don't worry, I'll let you girls look around while I look for those nega creeps!
Hazel: Okay cool!
Hazel and DK walked up to the charms Stand and a Girl with Some what Pale skin was managing it..
Moonara: How may I help you? My name is Moonara and I work here.
Hazel: Ohh Hi Moonara, Do you have any Charms for Knowlege???
Moonara: Ohh YEAH!!! Tons and Tons!!!
Hazel: I'll Take your strongest ones!!!
Moonara: OKay!!!
Hazel: -.- *they handed Moonara their money*
Moonara: *she got the charms and rapped then up taking their money* There you go *She noticed DK's arm as she handed the charms to Hazel and DK* Oh, Do you want me to fix that???
DK: What??? Ohh you must be the freaky Healer Girl of the temple everyone's talking about!
Moonara: Oh yeah thats me... The freaky healing girl...
DK: No no! *She laughed* I ment to say that, I Was just about to go sign up...
Moonara: Okay, Come with me *She stepped out of the stand*
Hazel: Hey, How fast will these charms work???
Moonara: As soon as you make what you want to know obvious then, the answer should come to you with in a few minutes to about 2 days.
Hazel and DK: O.O... *They put the chamrs on and said to them selfs...* Who is Tuxedo Mini Mask...??? *Leo Walked up to them*
Leo: Hey you guys, Whats up??? I don't know why I came up here, but I just had this stange feeling and-
Hazel: MOVE LEO!!!
DK: YEAH!!! We're looking for somebody!!! *She looked and saw Bryan* SEE!!! Look there is bryan, It's totaly him!!!
Hazel: NO!!! it's totaly that guy over there with the-
Moonara: Come on girls! *She drug them by their ears to the Meditation Area, where she usually did her healing* Now just lay down on the gravel and close your eyes...*she took off DK's cast* I'm gona have to take this off...
DK: OKay...*She did as told*
Hazel: O.O *Aries jumped up on her shoulder*
Moonara: *She closed her eyes, as her hands hoverd over DK's Arm* By the Powers of the Black hole, The Vaccume of the universe, Help me drain all negativity and Help me use your powers to heal this Person's wounds just like you do with the rest of our universe... HEAL DK!!! *Her hands began to glow and put a seal on DK's Arm*
DK: Wow I feel much better... *She got up and moved her arm in all directions* WOW!!! your amazing!!!
Aries: *Whispering to Hazel* Wow she's good...
Hazel: Yeah I know O.o...
DK: Thanks for that, well we've gota go, it's getting kind of late, and I have homework... Well BYE!!!
Moonara: BYE!!!
Hazel: *Aries jumped off of Hazel's Shoulder and ran to Moonara* BYE!!!
Moonara: Aww, Cute kitty, you better get going before those knuckle heads leave you...
Aries: *she nodded* REOW!!! *Moonara turned around to feed the white and black birds wondering in the temple, and Aries did another one of her fancy Flips and A Black and White Stick apeared. Aries went to go catch up with the Girls as Moonara Turned around to find the Thin stick*
Moonara: I wonder what this is???
Hazel: What is that?!?
Sailor Says...:
Hazel: Hey today on our show The Writer was so buisy he wasn't able to finish this chapter, so-
Aries: If you ever have a chance to be homeschooled...
DK: Take it!!!
Moonara: YEAH!!!, We didn't even Get to see the-
Hazel: Thats enough For today, Sailor Crescent SAYS!!! *Giggles*
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Symphoniaprincess101 on October 23, 2007, 10:12:26 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 23, 2007, 10:28:09 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on September 9, 2007, 5:58:44 AM
PunkWolfGirl on September 9, 2007, 5:04:45 AM
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AlleyCat17 on September 8, 2007, 7:16:56 AM
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