Chapter 8 - The Spiritual Sailor Scout P2
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
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Chapter 8 - The Spiritual Sailor Scout P2
Chapter 8 - The Spiritual Sailor Scout P2
Hazel: Today on our show there is some trouble down at the southern temple, is this strange girl the sorce of it all??? Stay right there and I'll Show you!!! *Makes pose*
DK: Thanks for that, well we've gota go, it's getting kind of late, and I have homework... Well BYE!!!
Moonara: BYE!!!
Hazel: *Aries jumped off of Hazel's Shoulder and ran to Moonara* BYE!!!
Moonara: Aww, Cute kitty, you better get going before those knuckle heads leave you...
Aries: *she nodded* REOW!!! *Moonara turned around to feed the white and black birds wondering in the temple, and Aries did another one of her fancy Flips and A Black and White Stick apeared. Aries went to go catch up with the Girls as Moonara Turned around to find the Thin stick*
Moonara: I wonder what this is???
Hazel And DK Went to go get their Friendship readings. They Walked in the hut and saw Emily and Sarah Lyeing their...
Hazel: *She rushed up to Emily and Sarah and felt their Pulse* they have no pulse...
DK: NO!!! EMILY AND SARAH NO!!! Why would this happen? How would this happen?
Hazel: *Smoke filled the area* DK! Transform Now!!!
Hazel: Crescent Prism Power!!!
arted to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
DK: Triton STAR POWER!!!
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
Zingy: Finaly, Some action... Attention to all Sailor Scouts Prepare to die! *He said this apearing out of no where*
Sailor Triton: Who Are you! What have you done to them?
Zingy: The same thing I'm About to do to you!!! *He took a deep breath and Transformed into a monster with dark eyes and Scalled Hands* Torpido Tooth! *His sharp teeth shot out at DK, When...*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *From up in one of the high corneds of the room* Sun Bullet! *A Thin Bullet of golden Light Struck thru the teeth and the shatterd everywhere*
Zingy: HEY!!! Why Would you do that???
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sailor Scouts, Work Fast... For my power is weak and i can't do much right now...
Zingy: Like you could do much before! *He opened his Mouth and Shot out a beam of like destorying the room. People from the outside ran away sencing something was wrong... But Moonara Stayed...*
As The Dust cloud Pasted, Hazel *The only one consios besides Tuxedo Mini Mask* Saw Tuxedo Mini Mask under a rock and Sailor Triton Having her Energy Drained
Sailor Crescent: *She was also under a rock* DK!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Crescent, I am out of strength... The Sun Sets and So must I For now, Untill Next time...
Sailor Crescent: What the Hell is that supposed to meen??? *His Body shined with the light of the sun and he disappeared* NO!!! Don't leav I need your help!!
Aries: SAILOR SCOUTS!!! *She was running toward Crescent when she noticed Moonara standing there with a blank look on her face*
Moonara: Just like my dreams... Zingy was evil... Creepy
Aries: Moonara...
Moonara: Yes Aries?
Aries: Wait, you aren't surprised that I'm Talking???
Moonara: No I hear Some animals, Why Shouldn't I Understand you???
Aries: Moonara, Do you still have that Stick I left you?
Moonara: Maybe... But forget it... I'm Not using it... I've seen what happeneds to me if I Do... I won't do it even if it will save lives...
Aries: You Don't really Believe that do you? You still have the stick, If you really believed that then you would have tossed it away... Now Sailor Crescent is in trouble and so Is Sailor Triton. You Know the Magic words just say them...
Moonara: Right...*She watched Triton get the life sucked out of her* Well... Here goes Everything...
Moonara: Black Whole Star Power!!!
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautyful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
Sailor Black Whole: Black whole... Black Tunnle!!! *She Held Out her hands as a Mini Black Whole Formed in her hands as she spant around* .... *The Rocks On top of Sailor Crescent Were Absorbed in the attack*.....*She closed her hands and the black whole fanished*
Zingy: What?!?
Sailor Black Whole: Take this!!! *She re opened her hands and the Rocks Shot out at Zingy* Sailor Crescent NOW!!!
Sailor Crescent: *The Rocks Hit Zingy and he Dropped Triton* RIGHT!!! :*She Crosses her arms across her chest and Started Spinning* Uranus…Neptune… TWISTER SISTERS!!! *She Suddenly stopped and Pulled her arms off her chest and then 2 Twisters shot out of her hands and Knocked all the people down as they took 2 separate paths… When The 2 twisters (Turning separate ways) Met against the Monster* TAKE THIS!!!
Zingy: AAAHHH!!! *Zingy Was turned into Moon Dust*
Sailor Crescent and Sailor Black Whole: You've just been moon dusted...
Sailor Crescent: O.O *She Laughed And Powered down allong with Black Whole*
Sailor Triton: What... what happened?
Moonara: Never Mind just power down Before everyone else effected by the monster wakes up... *Triton Powered Down*
DK: Wow... The Monster did some Damage...
Moonara: Yeah And I Have to Clean it all up...*They All laughed* Well you guys better get out of here before...
Leo: *Walking Up* Hey you guys Whats up? You Dropped these charms in my Pack on axedent... Wow, What happened here?
DK: Your Mom...
Leo: O.O
Hazel: Thanks Leo! Now Maybe I can Find Tuxedo Mini Mask...
DK: Ohh No You Don't! *They Played tug of war with the charms, and ended up breaking them*
Moonara: Before that happens...
They all laughed and Cleaned up the Mess with Moonara
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our show, Leo Did A Nice thing in bringing the charms back to us
Moonara: Yes you should Always Return lost items to their Owners!
DK: Yeah, and you know what they say! The Rules of Carma, 3 fold on what ever you do...In Other word, their may even be an reward...
Hazel: Reward?!? O.O WHERE???!?!? *They all laughed* Sailor Crescent *She giggled and Made a Pose*
DK: Thanks for that, well we've gota go, it's getting kind of late, and I have homework... Well BYE!!!
Moonara: BYE!!!
Hazel: *Aries jumped off of Hazel's Shoulder and ran to Moonara* BYE!!!
Moonara: Aww, Cute kitty, you better get going before those knuckle heads leave you...
Aries: *she nodded* REOW!!! *Moonara turned around to feed the white and black birds wondering in the temple, and Aries did another one of her fancy Flips and A Black and White Stick apeared. Aries went to go catch up with the Girls as Moonara Turned around to find the Thin stick*
Moonara: I wonder what this is???
Hazel And DK Went to go get their Friendship readings. They Walked in the hut and saw Emily and Sarah Lyeing their...
Hazel: *She rushed up to Emily and Sarah and felt their Pulse* they have no pulse...
DK: NO!!! EMILY AND SARAH NO!!! Why would this happen? How would this happen?
Hazel: *Smoke filled the area* DK! Transform Now!!!
Hazel: Crescent Prism Power!!!
arted to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
DK: Triton STAR POWER!!!
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
Zingy: Finaly, Some action... Attention to all Sailor Scouts Prepare to die! *He said this apearing out of no where*
Sailor Triton: Who Are you! What have you done to them?
Zingy: The same thing I'm About to do to you!!! *He took a deep breath and Transformed into a monster with dark eyes and Scalled Hands* Torpido Tooth! *His sharp teeth shot out at DK, When...*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *From up in one of the high corneds of the room* Sun Bullet! *A Thin Bullet of golden Light Struck thru the teeth and the shatterd everywhere*
Zingy: HEY!!! Why Would you do that???
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sailor Scouts, Work Fast... For my power is weak and i can't do much right now...
Zingy: Like you could do much before! *He opened his Mouth and Shot out a beam of like destorying the room. People from the outside ran away sencing something was wrong... But Moonara Stayed...*
As The Dust cloud Pasted, Hazel *The only one consios besides Tuxedo Mini Mask* Saw Tuxedo Mini Mask under a rock and Sailor Triton Having her Energy Drained
Sailor Crescent: *She was also under a rock* DK!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Crescent, I am out of strength... The Sun Sets and So must I For now, Untill Next time...
Sailor Crescent: What the Hell is that supposed to meen??? *His Body shined with the light of the sun and he disappeared* NO!!! Don't leav I need your help!!
Aries: SAILOR SCOUTS!!! *She was running toward Crescent when she noticed Moonara standing there with a blank look on her face*
Moonara: Just like my dreams... Zingy was evil... Creepy
Aries: Moonara...
Moonara: Yes Aries?
Aries: Wait, you aren't surprised that I'm Talking???
Moonara: No I hear Some animals, Why Shouldn't I Understand you???
Aries: Moonara, Do you still have that Stick I left you?
Moonara: Maybe... But forget it... I'm Not using it... I've seen what happeneds to me if I Do... I won't do it even if it will save lives...
Aries: You Don't really Believe that do you? You still have the stick, If you really believed that then you would have tossed it away... Now Sailor Crescent is in trouble and so Is Sailor Triton. You Know the Magic words just say them...
Moonara: Right...*She watched Triton get the life sucked out of her* Well... Here goes Everything...
Moonara: Black Whole Star Power!!!
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautyful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
Sailor Black Whole: Black whole... Black Tunnle!!! *She Held Out her hands as a Mini Black Whole Formed in her hands as she spant around* .... *The Rocks On top of Sailor Crescent Were Absorbed in the attack*.....*She closed her hands and the black whole fanished*
Zingy: What?!?
Sailor Black Whole: Take this!!! *She re opened her hands and the Rocks Shot out at Zingy* Sailor Crescent NOW!!!
Sailor Crescent: *The Rocks Hit Zingy and he Dropped Triton* RIGHT!!! :*She Crosses her arms across her chest and Started Spinning* Uranus…Neptune… TWISTER SISTERS!!! *She Suddenly stopped and Pulled her arms off her chest and then 2 Twisters shot out of her hands and Knocked all the people down as they took 2 separate paths… When The 2 twisters (Turning separate ways) Met against the Monster* TAKE THIS!!!
Zingy: AAAHHH!!! *Zingy Was turned into Moon Dust*
Sailor Crescent and Sailor Black Whole: You've just been moon dusted...
Sailor Crescent: O.O *She Laughed And Powered down allong with Black Whole*
Sailor Triton: What... what happened?
Moonara: Never Mind just power down Before everyone else effected by the monster wakes up... *Triton Powered Down*
DK: Wow... The Monster did some Damage...
Moonara: Yeah And I Have to Clean it all up...*They All laughed* Well you guys better get out of here before...
Leo: *Walking Up* Hey you guys Whats up? You Dropped these charms in my Pack on axedent... Wow, What happened here?
DK: Your Mom...
Leo: O.O
Hazel: Thanks Leo! Now Maybe I can Find Tuxedo Mini Mask...
DK: Ohh No You Don't! *They Played tug of war with the charms, and ended up breaking them*
Moonara: Before that happens...
They all laughed and Cleaned up the Mess with Moonara
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our show, Leo Did A Nice thing in bringing the charms back to us
Moonara: Yes you should Always Return lost items to their Owners!
DK: Yeah, and you know what they say! The Rules of Carma, 3 fold on what ever you do...In Other word, their may even be an reward...
Hazel: Reward?!? O.O WHERE???!?!? *They all laughed* Sailor Crescent *She giggled and Made a Pose*
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Symphoniaprincess101 on October 23, 2007, 10:31:10 AM