Chapter 10 - Danger in Love reveals it self
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 10 - Danger in Love reveals it self
Chapter 10 - Danger in Love reveals it self
Hazel: Today on our show There is this Really Hunky New student... But Is He Really as Wonderful as he seems or is he just Bait for the Sailor Scouts... Stay Right there and I'll Show you!!!
Ms. Mead: Good Morning Class...
Class: Good Morning Ms. Mead
Ms. Mead: Today We will be taking it slow, Due to Certain sercumstances... In other words, NO HOMEWORK!!!
Class: YEAH!!! WHOO HOO!!!!
Hazel: YES! Now I can Finaly Go see that New Sailor C Movie!!! It's gona Be awesome! *She looked at her wrist Watch, which just so happened to be the new communicator Aries had given them*
DK: *On the Communicator, Becuz She's in a different class* No It won't...
Moonara: *On the Communicator, Becuz she's at another school* Becuz Today is a study Day For sure...
DK: Yeah Hazel, You are Barely Passing for the Year with a D+, You can't get into a good High school With those Grades
Moonara: Yeah, And We all want to be together right???
Hazel: Right -.-
DK: Good, So We'll See you after school???
Hazel: No, I'll See you at Lunch and I'll See Moonara After school...
Ms. Mead: Stop Talking to your Wrist Hazel! and Pay attention... The Reason I am doing this is becuz-
Hazel: Sorry Gota go! *She turned off the communicator*
Ms. Mead: We have a New Student in class Today... Class Welcome Nick Lexmore!
A 5'5 Brunett Haired Male walked in the Class Room. He squished his hair back in forth as he walked. All The Girls Stared at his Face, And Some girls even drooled... Yeah you guessed it... Hazel.
Ms. Mead: Is There anything you wana tell us about your self Nick?
Nick: NO Mame, Except that, To tell all the girls in the class room... I'm Availible...
Hazel: EEEE!!! *She and the rest of the girls screached*
Ms. Mead: Thats... Nice, Now You can sit in that seat over by Emily...
Nick Walked to his seat, Passing Hazel... Hazel Let out a sigh
Ms. Mead: Control your selfs girls! Lets Get to work... HAZEL!!! Wipe that drool off your face and Open your Text to Page 77...
They Continued there work and the day went on... And The Lunch Bell rang. Hazel Went to lunch and Pulled DK Aside to tell her about the Boy...
DK: Total Hotty? Do you Think He's Tuxedo Mini Mask
Hazel: Who Cares!!! *Nick walked by and waved at the girls*
Hazel: No Fair I Saw him First
DK: YEah but you Also Saw Tuxedo Mini Mask First, Which one is it? TMM or Nick?
Hazel: *She sighed* Fine I'll Take TMM -.-... He has Better Eyes anyways
DK: -.- He wears a Mask... You can barely see them
Hazel: So! From what I see he's all around Perfect...
They went ahead and got there lunch and sat on the roof again, But this time Leo Decided to Join them
Leo: Why Are you 2 so star struck all of a sudden
Hazel: It's Just the cutest Guy...
DK: Yeah, And I called him...
Hazel: Stop rubbing it in -.- *Nick all of a sudden apeared*
Nick: Hello Girls, How are you?!? Why would 2 girls as pretty as you be sitting up here? *Leo Coughed, to show Nick the He was sitting right there next to them* And With Him?
Leo: *Smoke came out of his ears* What is that supposed to meen?!?
Nick: Nothing I'm Just saying that, You Leo Deserve much better...
Leo: Ohh thanks... Hey Wait! how did you Know my name?
Nick: I get around
Dk: So Mysterious, and he's all mine...
Leo: -.- what ever I'm Outy...
Hazel: *She broke away from her gaze at Nick* No wait Leo, Come here and keep me commany...
Leo: I'm Fine thanks...
They continued there lunch as Leo Left... While Later on in Gym...
Mr. E: Hello Class... Today I'm Sure you all have met our New student Nick... Today we will be Fencing...
Hazel: We're going to be Fighting with a fence?
Mr. E: No Hazel... We will be Fighting with a thin sword...
Hazel: O.O Sword... I'm Sorry But I don't trust half of my class Mates with sharp objects why should I trust them with them in a fight?!?
Mr. E: Becuz You will have armor... Now, I will call up 2 People at a time... Leo, and the New Kid... You 2 will be fighting first
Leo: *He got on the Armor* This Should Be fun...
Nick: Your Telling me... *He got his armor on*
Mr. E: Ready, Pick up your Weapons and Begin...
They Did as told and drew there Swords.
Mr. E: GO!!!
Leo Took his sword and Swung it Fearsfuly at Nick. Nick Blocked
Leo: I see you've Done this before...
Nick: No Not really... You?
Nick Took His Sword and Attacked Leo, When Leo Flipped over him and Prepared to attack
Leo: No... Never in my life
Nick Turned around and Knocked the Sword from Leo's Hand and Slashed Leo... Leo Dodged the slash and Grabbed Nicks Arm And Flipped him over, Grabbing Nicks Sword. Leo Prepared to strike the final Blow when... Nick Grabbed the Sword he had discarded earlier from Leo and Stuck Leo's Armed in the stomach area as Leo Stuck Nick in the Neck area...
Mr. E: It's a DRAW! WOW! Great work you guys, great Show!
Nick and Leo Got there armor off and sat down with the rest of the class...
Hazel: Wow Leo, You Never told me you could do that!!!
Leo: Well, Competeion brings out the worst in me...
Hazel: Competeion?!? Are you kidding me, You totaly Creamed that guy...
Nick: *Over hearing what she was saying* Hey, Leo... What do you say we finish this after school...
Leo: I'm Fine, I have work... So I can't
Nick: Right... Chicken...
Hazel: What a jerk...
The Final Bell rang and As Leo exited the school... Nick Appeared out of No where
Nick: We're Going to Finish this...
Hazel Was right Behind Leo, Becuz he Forgot his math book and well... She really didn't want to go study With DK and Moonara...
Nick: *He Grabbed Leo and threw Him to the Ground*
Hazel: Hey Leo I just Wanted to- *She gasped as she saw Nick... She threw he self behind a tree and spyed on them*
Leo: Get off of me... I have work and I need to pay the rent...
Nick: What ever... You Have an Extenive amount of energy... And I need it *He Pick Leo Up*
Leo: I'm Not going to fight you...
Nick: Good that'll make it easier for me... *He Closed his eyes, and re opened them. They had went from green to red in a split second... He Began to drain Leo's Energy*
Leo: What are you doing...
Nick: It's funny... You Don't even feel it...
Leo: Feel what?
Nick: THIS!!! *He thripled the supply of energy he was draining from Leo* Your Energy is mine...
Hazel: *She gasped* He's from the Negaverse... Time to turn him into Moon Dust... CRESCENT PRISM POWER!!!
She held her hand up as she Started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Sailor Crescent: *She Came out from behind the tree* HEY YOU!!! I'm Sailor Crescent and I Will Right wrongs and Triumpth Over evil and that meens you!!! *She made a Pose*
Nick: What Are you Talking about, I'm Just a Teenage boy... Which By the Way I'm Availible...
Sailor Crescent: Well I- HEY!!! WAit a second! *Nick Ran away Laughing*
Nick: So Long Suckers!!! *He disappeared*
Sailor Crescent: Leo!
She powered Down and Took Leo To the Temple...
Moonara: There you are YOU SKANK!!!
Hazel: Wha?!? *She Carried Leo In*
Moonara: See I Told you she was out flirting with some boy!!!
DK: No Thats Leo...
Hazel: YEAH!!! And he's Hurt really Badly...
Moonara: Ohh... OH! Bring him here, I'll Try my best to heal him...
An Hour Pasted after Moonara healed him
Moonara: I'm Gona go get some Tea!
DK: You meen he didn't Fight back...?
Hazel: No, He's To Big For that... But the Worst Part is, The Nega scum that attacked him was... Nick...
DK: What?!? Thats Impossible My sweet Nicky Poo Wouldn't Do That...
Hazel: Wha?!?
DK: Ohh I forgot to tell you, He asked me out for a shake after Tomorows Game...
Hazel: DK, You have to turn him down! He's going to Steal Your Energy!
DK: IMPOSSIBLE!!! I WONT BELIEVE IT!!! Your just Jealous, I bet Leo wasn't even attacked! I bet you just knocked him out with one of your "Kozmic Konfue Kicks" You Were telling me about!!!
Hazel: No I swear!
DK: SHUT UP!!! *She Got up and Left as Moonara Walked in* Besides your Just Mad Becuz you can't Get a date with anyone, Not Even Leo
Hazel: What did you say?!?
DK: Yeah You Heard Me, You've Ttoaly Been Crushing on him sence day one! *She stormed out of the temple*
Moonara: Whats her Problem???
Hazel: Nothing...
Moonara: She is right, Leo Is kind of cute *She played with his Hair* And a Hard Sleeper... *The Laughed*
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today On our Show, DK Didn't believe me when I told her About Nick...
DK: And the Truth is Friends should Always believe Eachother, No matter How much You Know they're Lieing...
Hazel: I wasn't Lieing!!!
DK: I didn't Say you Were!!!
Hazel: Hello!!! Were have you been? Did you not just watch yourself Say it!?!
DK: No!!!
Hazel: Fine then lets rewind the tape!!!
Moonara: Ohh Brother... This is Sailor Black Hole Signing out! Sailor Black hole Says *She giggled and then made a pose*
Ms. Mead: Good Morning Class...
Class: Good Morning Ms. Mead
Ms. Mead: Today We will be taking it slow, Due to Certain sercumstances... In other words, NO HOMEWORK!!!
Class: YEAH!!! WHOO HOO!!!!
Hazel: YES! Now I can Finaly Go see that New Sailor C Movie!!! It's gona Be awesome! *She looked at her wrist Watch, which just so happened to be the new communicator Aries had given them*
DK: *On the Communicator, Becuz She's in a different class* No It won't...
Moonara: *On the Communicator, Becuz she's at another school* Becuz Today is a study Day For sure...
DK: Yeah Hazel, You are Barely Passing for the Year with a D+, You can't get into a good High school With those Grades
Moonara: Yeah, And We all want to be together right???
Hazel: Right -.-
DK: Good, So We'll See you after school???
Hazel: No, I'll See you at Lunch and I'll See Moonara After school...
Ms. Mead: Stop Talking to your Wrist Hazel! and Pay attention... The Reason I am doing this is becuz-
Hazel: Sorry Gota go! *She turned off the communicator*
Ms. Mead: We have a New Student in class Today... Class Welcome Nick Lexmore!
A 5'5 Brunett Haired Male walked in the Class Room. He squished his hair back in forth as he walked. All The Girls Stared at his Face, And Some girls even drooled... Yeah you guessed it... Hazel.
Ms. Mead: Is There anything you wana tell us about your self Nick?
Nick: NO Mame, Except that, To tell all the girls in the class room... I'm Availible...
Hazel: EEEE!!! *She and the rest of the girls screached*
Ms. Mead: Thats... Nice, Now You can sit in that seat over by Emily...
Nick Walked to his seat, Passing Hazel... Hazel Let out a sigh
Ms. Mead: Control your selfs girls! Lets Get to work... HAZEL!!! Wipe that drool off your face and Open your Text to Page 77...
They Continued there work and the day went on... And The Lunch Bell rang. Hazel Went to lunch and Pulled DK Aside to tell her about the Boy...
DK: Total Hotty? Do you Think He's Tuxedo Mini Mask
Hazel: Who Cares!!! *Nick walked by and waved at the girls*
Hazel: No Fair I Saw him First
DK: YEah but you Also Saw Tuxedo Mini Mask First, Which one is it? TMM or Nick?
Hazel: *She sighed* Fine I'll Take TMM -.-... He has Better Eyes anyways
DK: -.- He wears a Mask... You can barely see them
Hazel: So! From what I see he's all around Perfect...
They went ahead and got there lunch and sat on the roof again, But this time Leo Decided to Join them
Leo: Why Are you 2 so star struck all of a sudden
Hazel: It's Just the cutest Guy...
DK: Yeah, And I called him...
Hazel: Stop rubbing it in -.- *Nick all of a sudden apeared*
Nick: Hello Girls, How are you?!? Why would 2 girls as pretty as you be sitting up here? *Leo Coughed, to show Nick the He was sitting right there next to them* And With Him?
Leo: *Smoke came out of his ears* What is that supposed to meen?!?
Nick: Nothing I'm Just saying that, You Leo Deserve much better...
Leo: Ohh thanks... Hey Wait! how did you Know my name?
Nick: I get around
Dk: So Mysterious, and he's all mine...
Leo: -.- what ever I'm Outy...
Hazel: *She broke away from her gaze at Nick* No wait Leo, Come here and keep me commany...
Leo: I'm Fine thanks...
They continued there lunch as Leo Left... While Later on in Gym...
Mr. E: Hello Class... Today I'm Sure you all have met our New student Nick... Today we will be Fencing...
Hazel: We're going to be Fighting with a fence?
Mr. E: No Hazel... We will be Fighting with a thin sword...
Hazel: O.O Sword... I'm Sorry But I don't trust half of my class Mates with sharp objects why should I trust them with them in a fight?!?
Mr. E: Becuz You will have armor... Now, I will call up 2 People at a time... Leo, and the New Kid... You 2 will be fighting first
Leo: *He got on the Armor* This Should Be fun...
Nick: Your Telling me... *He got his armor on*
Mr. E: Ready, Pick up your Weapons and Begin...
They Did as told and drew there Swords.
Mr. E: GO!!!
Leo Took his sword and Swung it Fearsfuly at Nick. Nick Blocked
Leo: I see you've Done this before...
Nick: No Not really... You?
Nick Took His Sword and Attacked Leo, When Leo Flipped over him and Prepared to attack
Leo: No... Never in my life
Nick Turned around and Knocked the Sword from Leo's Hand and Slashed Leo... Leo Dodged the slash and Grabbed Nicks Arm And Flipped him over, Grabbing Nicks Sword. Leo Prepared to strike the final Blow when... Nick Grabbed the Sword he had discarded earlier from Leo and Stuck Leo's Armed in the stomach area as Leo Stuck Nick in the Neck area...
Mr. E: It's a DRAW! WOW! Great work you guys, great Show!
Nick and Leo Got there armor off and sat down with the rest of the class...
Hazel: Wow Leo, You Never told me you could do that!!!
Leo: Well, Competeion brings out the worst in me...
Hazel: Competeion?!? Are you kidding me, You totaly Creamed that guy...
Nick: *Over hearing what she was saying* Hey, Leo... What do you say we finish this after school...
Leo: I'm Fine, I have work... So I can't
Nick: Right... Chicken...
Hazel: What a jerk...
The Final Bell rang and As Leo exited the school... Nick Appeared out of No where
Nick: We're Going to Finish this...
Hazel Was right Behind Leo, Becuz he Forgot his math book and well... She really didn't want to go study With DK and Moonara...
Nick: *He Grabbed Leo and threw Him to the Ground*
Hazel: Hey Leo I just Wanted to- *She gasped as she saw Nick... She threw he self behind a tree and spyed on them*
Leo: Get off of me... I have work and I need to pay the rent...
Nick: What ever... You Have an Extenive amount of energy... And I need it *He Pick Leo Up*
Leo: I'm Not going to fight you...
Nick: Good that'll make it easier for me... *He Closed his eyes, and re opened them. They had went from green to red in a split second... He Began to drain Leo's Energy*
Leo: What are you doing...
Nick: It's funny... You Don't even feel it...
Leo: Feel what?
Nick: THIS!!! *He thripled the supply of energy he was draining from Leo* Your Energy is mine...
Hazel: *She gasped* He's from the Negaverse... Time to turn him into Moon Dust... CRESCENT PRISM POWER!!!
She held her hand up as she Started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Sailor Crescent: *She Came out from behind the tree* HEY YOU!!! I'm Sailor Crescent and I Will Right wrongs and Triumpth Over evil and that meens you!!! *She made a Pose*
Nick: What Are you Talking about, I'm Just a Teenage boy... Which By the Way I'm Availible...
Sailor Crescent: Well I- HEY!!! WAit a second! *Nick Ran away Laughing*
Nick: So Long Suckers!!! *He disappeared*
Sailor Crescent: Leo!
She powered Down and Took Leo To the Temple...
Moonara: There you are YOU SKANK!!!
Hazel: Wha?!? *She Carried Leo In*
Moonara: See I Told you she was out flirting with some boy!!!
DK: No Thats Leo...
Hazel: YEAH!!! And he's Hurt really Badly...
Moonara: Ohh... OH! Bring him here, I'll Try my best to heal him...
An Hour Pasted after Moonara healed him
Moonara: I'm Gona go get some Tea!
DK: You meen he didn't Fight back...?
Hazel: No, He's To Big For that... But the Worst Part is, The Nega scum that attacked him was... Nick...
DK: What?!? Thats Impossible My sweet Nicky Poo Wouldn't Do That...
Hazel: Wha?!?
DK: Ohh I forgot to tell you, He asked me out for a shake after Tomorows Game...
Hazel: DK, You have to turn him down! He's going to Steal Your Energy!
DK: IMPOSSIBLE!!! I WONT BELIEVE IT!!! Your just Jealous, I bet Leo wasn't even attacked! I bet you just knocked him out with one of your "Kozmic Konfue Kicks" You Were telling me about!!!
Hazel: No I swear!
DK: SHUT UP!!! *She Got up and Left as Moonara Walked in* Besides your Just Mad Becuz you can't Get a date with anyone, Not Even Leo
Hazel: What did you say?!?
DK: Yeah You Heard Me, You've Ttoaly Been Crushing on him sence day one! *She stormed out of the temple*
Moonara: Whats her Problem???
Hazel: Nothing...
Moonara: She is right, Leo Is kind of cute *She played with his Hair* And a Hard Sleeper... *The Laughed*
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today On our Show, DK Didn't believe me when I told her About Nick...
DK: And the Truth is Friends should Always believe Eachother, No matter How much You Know they're Lieing...
Hazel: I wasn't Lieing!!!
DK: I didn't Say you Were!!!
Hazel: Hello!!! Were have you been? Did you not just watch yourself Say it!?!
DK: No!!!
Hazel: Fine then lets rewind the tape!!!
Moonara: Ohh Brother... This is Sailor Black Hole Signing out! Sailor Black hole Says *She giggled and then made a pose*
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Symphoniaprincess101 on October 23, 2007, 10:51:25 AM

PunkWolfGirl on October 9, 2007, 1:59:24 AM
PunkWolfGirl on
Moon_Princess on October 7, 2007, 3:54:52 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 8, 2007, 6:25:24 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 8, 2007, 6:36:06 AM
AlleyCat17 on October 7, 2007, 7:07:04 AM
AlleyCat17 on

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 7, 2007, 7:31:33 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 7, 2007, 6:11:30 AM

but at least i hate Nick
now DK needs to calm down and pay attention that i wouldnt do that to u
NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as for least Moonara is on my side...*evil grin* i'll show u that i can get a date and that Nick's a fake...
*evil laugh*