Chapter 12 - Sailor Crescent V.S Sailor Celestial
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 12 - Sailor Crescent V.S Sailor Celestial
Chapter 12 - Sailor Crescent V.S Sailor Celestial
Hazel: Today On our Show... OH WHO I'M I KIDDING!?! I'm Taking Down Sailor Celestial! She can't take My Gig!!!
Cat: Yes I can, Stay Right There, And I'll Show you!!! *Makes Pose*
The Sailor Scouts Were In an intense battle with a Monsterous Valcano Nega Creep...
Vally: Magma Coffin!!! *he Touched the ground and turned it to lava. the Lava Rised and trapped the scouts tightly. Aries Watched from a far* Now it's time to steal your energy!!! *The Lava turned to stone, trapping them, but it still glowed bright red, becuz it was stealing the Scouts energy* While I'm stealing they're energy, I'll Have some fun with you... *He touched cats chin*
Cat: *She was trapped in his arms* Let me go, yous a monster!!!
Vally: Don't be that way baby *He kissed her and drained her energy*
Cat: Mmm... GET off of me *She struggled to get away*
Vally: *A Blue moon with a blue star in the center of the loop, Appeared on Forehead...* Whats this??? *The Symbol got brighter and brighter untill Vally Just had to let go of her* AHH!!! Whats with you!!!
Cat: I don't know... *The Mark Vanished*
Aries: *leaping to her rescue. Cat Ran into an alley* .... *Whispereing* Cat... CAT!!!
Cat: huh?!? O.O *She looked at Aries* Please tell me your not talking...
Aries: Sorry... But I can tell you that you are ingrave danger...
Cat: Yeah, ya think?!? I'm talking to a cat... Sad... I'v lost my mind
Aries: No you Haven't! I can save you!!!
Cat: What?!?
Aries: You Have to take this Stick and say, Celestial Star Power!
Cat: What stick?
Aries: Ohh Sorry... *She Flipped as a Blue stick with silver Markings Magically appeared in mid air and fell to the ground*
Cat: Oh that stick... *She Picked it up* Why not... I'm already Crazy!
Aries: HURRY!!! The Sailor Scouts Need your Help!!!
Cat: Celestial Star Power!!!
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Jewel... She Made Her Pose...
Sailor Celestial: Whoa!!! Whats going on here?!?
Aries: I'll Explain later but right now, they are in trouble and they need your help!!!
Vally: COME on out where ever you are cat..
Sailor Celestial: RIGHT!!! *She ran up to the Monster*
Vally: Who are you!?!?!
Sailor Celestial: *She went into a trance* I am Sailor Celestial!!! Champion of justice!!! I will right wrongs and triumpth over evil and that meens you!!! *She posed*
Vally: Ohh great there are more of you!?!
Sailor Celestial: Enough Chit Chat!!! *She went into a trance* Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and hit the beast*
Vally: AAHHH!!!
Sailor Celestial: Now its Time to finish this... Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infrontof her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Monster*
Vally: AAHHH!!! *He was blasted in the chest, and he was turned into moon dust*
Sailor Crescent: *The ground holding them turned into rumble* you've just been Moon Dusted!!!
Sailor Celestial: I did that?!?
Sailor Crescent: Yeah... Welcome to the world of being a Sailor Scout
Sailor Triton: Some girls just have the worst taste in boyfriends... *She kicked the Moon Dust*
Sailor Black Hole: Your One to talk...
Sailor Triton: What?!?
Sailor Crescent: Well you see... there's something we've been meening to tell you...
Sailor Triton: What??
Sailor Crescent and Sailor Black Hole: Nicks Evil...
Sailor Triton: Not this old record again... You guys he's not evil...
Sailor Crescent: What ever... We'll talk about it later... But right now lets go to the temple and show Sailor Celestial some things...
Meen while...
Elder Nexes: This energy is Wonder Nikku, what did you say it was again??
Nikku: "Love" energy...
Elder Nexes: really... Well keep it comin... It's healing the Negaverse like no other could...
Nikku: thank you-
Monster: MASTER MASTER!!! There is ergent news!!!
Elder Nexes: What now?!?
Monster: There is a new Sailor Scout!!!
Nikku: ANOTHER!?!?!
Monster: Yes... At this rate they will be able to destory the whole negaverse!!!
Elder Nexes: Thank you for the news... Now here is your reward... *He Threw his hand up and The monster was turned to stone, the elder and Nikku Laughed as Nikku Kicked the Stoned Man and he turned to ruble*
Mean While with the Scouts at the temple...
Cat: So our mission is to find the Moon Princess?!? How will we know who she is???
Hazel: Well Aries is supposed to have that "Feeling" About her...
Cat: Okay then... what a day... Well lets go train!!!
DK: Why?!?
Cat: Because, I'm New and I don't want to be holding you guys back
Aries: -.- Trust me, I don't think thats possible...
Cat: Come on lets go!!! *They went to the back of the temple to train. It was getting dark outside so they couldn't be seen very well, and plus no ones aloud in the back of the temple at certain hours...*
Aries: Ready and... TRANSFORM!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautyful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Crescent Moon with the Blue star in the Center... She Made Her Pose...
Aries: Now!!! Sailor Black Hole Attack everyone as if they were the nega verse... Then we will Rotate!!!
Sailor Black Hole: RIGHT!!! Blach Hole... Dark Tunnel*She Held Out her hands as a Mini Black Whole Formed in her hands as she spant around*...*The Black Hole Sucked in several Rock, and she shot then back out at the Sailor Scouts. They dodged it*
Sailor Triton: You're gona have to do better then that!!! Triton... Oceans Acids... *She Held out her hands and a Golden ball of liquid was formed, she turned sround and threw it at Black hole*
Sailor Black Hole: *she caught the acid in her Dark tunnle Attackand threw it back at Sailor Crescent*
Aries: *The Acid hit below Crescent and Triton* Sailor Crescent, Triton Your out! Sailor Celestial... You V.S Everyone else!!!
Sailor Celestial: RIGHT!!! Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and hit the Sailor Triton in the rear*
Sailor Triton: HEY!!
Aries: Triton Your Out...
Sailor Black Hole: Black Hole... Dark Tunnel!!! She Held Out her hands as a Mini Black Whole Formed in her hands as she spant around*
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and it got caught in Black Hole's Dark Tunnle Attack*
Sailor Black Hole: Take THIS!!! *She held her hands up and she shot the flair out...* Uhh... That might not have been such a good idea...*The Flair came down and hit her* AAHHH!!! I should have Seen this Coming!!
Aries: Black Hole you out!!!
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and it shot at Sailor Crescent*
Sailor Crescent: You think thats Gana work a Third time?!? Uranus…Neptune… TWISTER SISTERS!!! *She Suddenly stopped and Pulled her arms off her chest and then 2 Twisters shot out of her hands* TAKE THIS!!! *The Twisters took the Moonlight Flair and absorbed it, makeing the twisters Moonlight Flair Twisters, going in Sailor Celestial's way* haha...
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Twisters* HA!!! *The Beam Knocked The Twisters Off corse and Making them throw the Flair at Sailor Crescent*
Sailor Crescent: Enough with the Blue fire all ready... Cosmic... *Her Tiara Began to glow like a rainbow after a rainy day* Moon * She span around. Her long hair span around with her.* Disk... SMASH!!! *Her Tiara went straight Into The Flair and exploded with the light of the Moon*
The 2 just stood there... You could tell just from their eyes that this was an intense battle...
Aries: All right girls... thats enough-
Sailor Crescent: good Battle *She shook Celestial's Hand*
Sailor Celestial: Thank you... You too...
They all powersed down...
DK: Wow Cat, you did great especialy for your first try!!!
Moonara: YEAH!!!
Cat: Thanks...
Aries: *thinking* Maybe this'll make Hazel Work a little harder... *Not thinking* Infact... I say we let her guard the Silver Crystal
Hazel: Kitty Kat Say wha?!?
Moonara: She's Got a point...
Hazel: WHAT?!? Why?!? what did I do to you all?!?
DK: Nothing it's just...
Aries: You didn't wana guard it anyways...
Hazel: True But I-
DK: Am not a fast learner and sometimes can be a bit spacey
Moonara: But Cat has natural ability
Cat: Thanks!!! Well I have recieved 33 special leadership awards...
Aries: yes....
Moonara: But, Then again Anyone who is willing to try... I say give them a chance...
DK: I have an Idea... We'll have another battle... Tomorow Morning... and Who ever wins gets the Crystal...
Aries: RIGHT!!! *thinking* Ohh this is going to be so much fun, but I can't let Hazel Know I'm not serious...
The Next day came and theyall showed up transformed and ready...
Aries: Ready... Set... Fight!!!
Sailor Crescent: No one is going to steal this crystal Away from me... Not even those trators...
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and it shot at Sailor Crescent*
Sailor Crescent: I was saving this for later but if you insist... *she dodge the attack*
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Crescent* Take this...
Sailor Crescent: *The Beam shot straight threw Sailor Crescent and she fell to the ground* Ahh...*Sailor Celestial Ran to her*
Sailor Celestial: Are you okay...
Sailor Crescent: Yeah... I guess your right I'm not good enough to be your leader *Every one crowded around* Right... Aries -.-
Aries: *Thinking* She knows...
Sailor Triton: I guess your right...
Aries: OKay okay... Sailor Crescent I'm sorry, I was just messing with your head
Sailor Crescent: I knew it... *She got up* I lost on purpose
Sailor Black Hole: O.O
Sailor Triton: Yeah... right... You lost and you know it
Sailor Crescent: Ohh really *She walked away, turned away from everyone*........*she snapped and Sailor Celestial turned to ice*
Sailor Triton: O.O
Aries: WAIT COME BACK!!! You have to help us... unfreeze her...
Sailor Crescent: Nope, thats what you get...
Aries: HAZEL!!!
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our show, Aries lied just to have some fun-
DK: Even though she really could have took your place...
Hazel: no she couldn't have...
Dk: Ooo Some ones jelouse...
Hazel: No... and at least I don't have a date with Nick...
DK: whats wrong with nick??
Hazel: I already told you but you won't believe me.... Sailor Crescent Says *Gigles then makes pose*
DK: Hazel wait!!!
Cat: Yes I can, Stay Right There, And I'll Show you!!! *Makes Pose*
The Sailor Scouts Were In an intense battle with a Monsterous Valcano Nega Creep...
Vally: Magma Coffin!!! *he Touched the ground and turned it to lava. the Lava Rised and trapped the scouts tightly. Aries Watched from a far* Now it's time to steal your energy!!! *The Lava turned to stone, trapping them, but it still glowed bright red, becuz it was stealing the Scouts energy* While I'm stealing they're energy, I'll Have some fun with you... *He touched cats chin*
Cat: *She was trapped in his arms* Let me go, yous a monster!!!
Vally: Don't be that way baby *He kissed her and drained her energy*
Cat: Mmm... GET off of me *She struggled to get away*
Vally: *A Blue moon with a blue star in the center of the loop, Appeared on Forehead...* Whats this??? *The Symbol got brighter and brighter untill Vally Just had to let go of her* AHH!!! Whats with you!!!
Cat: I don't know... *The Mark Vanished*
Aries: *leaping to her rescue. Cat Ran into an alley* .... *Whispereing* Cat... CAT!!!
Cat: huh?!? O.O *She looked at Aries* Please tell me your not talking...
Aries: Sorry... But I can tell you that you are ingrave danger...
Cat: Yeah, ya think?!? I'm talking to a cat... Sad... I'v lost my mind
Aries: No you Haven't! I can save you!!!
Cat: What?!?
Aries: You Have to take this Stick and say, Celestial Star Power!
Cat: What stick?
Aries: Ohh Sorry... *She Flipped as a Blue stick with silver Markings Magically appeared in mid air and fell to the ground*
Cat: Oh that stick... *She Picked it up* Why not... I'm already Crazy!
Aries: HURRY!!! The Sailor Scouts Need your Help!!!
Cat: Celestial Star Power!!!
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Jewel... She Made Her Pose...
Sailor Celestial: Whoa!!! Whats going on here?!?
Aries: I'll Explain later but right now, they are in trouble and they need your help!!!
Vally: COME on out where ever you are cat..
Sailor Celestial: RIGHT!!! *She ran up to the Monster*
Vally: Who are you!?!?!
Sailor Celestial: *She went into a trance* I am Sailor Celestial!!! Champion of justice!!! I will right wrongs and triumpth over evil and that meens you!!! *She posed*
Vally: Ohh great there are more of you!?!
Sailor Celestial: Enough Chit Chat!!! *She went into a trance* Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and hit the beast*
Vally: AAHHH!!!
Sailor Celestial: Now its Time to finish this... Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infrontof her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Monster*
Vally: AAHHH!!! *He was blasted in the chest, and he was turned into moon dust*
Sailor Crescent: *The ground holding them turned into rumble* you've just been Moon Dusted!!!
Sailor Celestial: I did that?!?
Sailor Crescent: Yeah... Welcome to the world of being a Sailor Scout
Sailor Triton: Some girls just have the worst taste in boyfriends... *She kicked the Moon Dust*
Sailor Black Hole: Your One to talk...
Sailor Triton: What?!?
Sailor Crescent: Well you see... there's something we've been meening to tell you...
Sailor Triton: What??
Sailor Crescent and Sailor Black Hole: Nicks Evil...
Sailor Triton: Not this old record again... You guys he's not evil...
Sailor Crescent: What ever... We'll talk about it later... But right now lets go to the temple and show Sailor Celestial some things...
Meen while...
Elder Nexes: This energy is Wonder Nikku, what did you say it was again??
Nikku: "Love" energy...
Elder Nexes: really... Well keep it comin... It's healing the Negaverse like no other could...
Nikku: thank you-
Monster: MASTER MASTER!!! There is ergent news!!!
Elder Nexes: What now?!?
Monster: There is a new Sailor Scout!!!
Nikku: ANOTHER!?!?!
Monster: Yes... At this rate they will be able to destory the whole negaverse!!!
Elder Nexes: Thank you for the news... Now here is your reward... *He Threw his hand up and The monster was turned to stone, the elder and Nikku Laughed as Nikku Kicked the Stoned Man and he turned to ruble*
Mean While with the Scouts at the temple...
Cat: So our mission is to find the Moon Princess?!? How will we know who she is???
Hazel: Well Aries is supposed to have that "Feeling" About her...
Cat: Okay then... what a day... Well lets go train!!!
DK: Why?!?
Cat: Because, I'm New and I don't want to be holding you guys back
Aries: -.- Trust me, I don't think thats possible...
Cat: Come on lets go!!! *They went to the back of the temple to train. It was getting dark outside so they couldn't be seen very well, and plus no ones aloud in the back of the temple at certain hours...*
Aries: Ready and... TRANSFORM!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautyful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Crescent Moon with the Blue star in the Center... She Made Her Pose...
Aries: Now!!! Sailor Black Hole Attack everyone as if they were the nega verse... Then we will Rotate!!!
Sailor Black Hole: RIGHT!!! Blach Hole... Dark Tunnel*She Held Out her hands as a Mini Black Whole Formed in her hands as she spant around*...*The Black Hole Sucked in several Rock, and she shot then back out at the Sailor Scouts. They dodged it*
Sailor Triton: You're gona have to do better then that!!! Triton... Oceans Acids... *She Held out her hands and a Golden ball of liquid was formed, she turned sround and threw it at Black hole*
Sailor Black Hole: *she caught the acid in her Dark tunnle Attackand threw it back at Sailor Crescent*
Aries: *The Acid hit below Crescent and Triton* Sailor Crescent, Triton Your out! Sailor Celestial... You V.S Everyone else!!!
Sailor Celestial: RIGHT!!! Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and hit the Sailor Triton in the rear*
Sailor Triton: HEY!!
Aries: Triton Your Out...
Sailor Black Hole: Black Hole... Dark Tunnel!!! She Held Out her hands as a Mini Black Whole Formed in her hands as she spant around*
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and it got caught in Black Hole's Dark Tunnle Attack*
Sailor Black Hole: Take THIS!!! *She held her hands up and she shot the flair out...* Uhh... That might not have been such a good idea...*The Flair came down and hit her* AAHHH!!! I should have Seen this Coming!!
Aries: Black Hole you out!!!
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and it shot at Sailor Crescent*
Sailor Crescent: You think thats Gana work a Third time?!? Uranus…Neptune… TWISTER SISTERS!!! *She Suddenly stopped and Pulled her arms off her chest and then 2 Twisters shot out of her hands* TAKE THIS!!! *The Twisters took the Moonlight Flair and absorbed it, makeing the twisters Moonlight Flair Twisters, going in Sailor Celestial's way* haha...
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Twisters* HA!!! *The Beam Knocked The Twisters Off corse and Making them throw the Flair at Sailor Crescent*
Sailor Crescent: Enough with the Blue fire all ready... Cosmic... *Her Tiara Began to glow like a rainbow after a rainy day* Moon * She span around. Her long hair span around with her.* Disk... SMASH!!! *Her Tiara went straight Into The Flair and exploded with the light of the Moon*
The 2 just stood there... You could tell just from their eyes that this was an intense battle...
Aries: All right girls... thats enough-
Sailor Crescent: good Battle *She shook Celestial's Hand*
Sailor Celestial: Thank you... You too...
They all powersed down...
DK: Wow Cat, you did great especialy for your first try!!!
Moonara: YEAH!!!
Cat: Thanks...
Aries: *thinking* Maybe this'll make Hazel Work a little harder... *Not thinking* Infact... I say we let her guard the Silver Crystal
Hazel: Kitty Kat Say wha?!?
Moonara: She's Got a point...
Hazel: WHAT?!? Why?!? what did I do to you all?!?
DK: Nothing it's just...
Aries: You didn't wana guard it anyways...
Hazel: True But I-
DK: Am not a fast learner and sometimes can be a bit spacey
Moonara: But Cat has natural ability
Cat: Thanks!!! Well I have recieved 33 special leadership awards...
Aries: yes....
Moonara: But, Then again Anyone who is willing to try... I say give them a chance...
DK: I have an Idea... We'll have another battle... Tomorow Morning... and Who ever wins gets the Crystal...
Aries: RIGHT!!! *thinking* Ohh this is going to be so much fun, but I can't let Hazel Know I'm not serious...
The Next day came and theyall showed up transformed and ready...
Aries: Ready... Set... Fight!!!
Sailor Crescent: No one is going to steal this crystal Away from me... Not even those trators...
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and it shot at Sailor Crescent*
Sailor Crescent: I was saving this for later but if you insist... *she dodge the attack*
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Crescent* Take this...
Sailor Crescent: *The Beam shot straight threw Sailor Crescent and she fell to the ground* Ahh...*Sailor Celestial Ran to her*
Sailor Celestial: Are you okay...
Sailor Crescent: Yeah... I guess your right I'm not good enough to be your leader *Every one crowded around* Right... Aries -.-
Aries: *Thinking* She knows...
Sailor Triton: I guess your right...
Aries: OKay okay... Sailor Crescent I'm sorry, I was just messing with your head
Sailor Crescent: I knew it... *She got up* I lost on purpose
Sailor Black Hole: O.O
Sailor Triton: Yeah... right... You lost and you know it
Sailor Crescent: Ohh really *She walked away, turned away from everyone*........*she snapped and Sailor Celestial turned to ice*
Sailor Triton: O.O
Aries: WAIT COME BACK!!! You have to help us... unfreeze her...
Sailor Crescent: Nope, thats what you get...
Aries: HAZEL!!!
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our show, Aries lied just to have some fun-
DK: Even though she really could have took your place...
Hazel: no she couldn't have...
Dk: Ooo Some ones jelouse...
Hazel: No... and at least I don't have a date with Nick...
DK: whats wrong with nick??
Hazel: I already told you but you won't believe me.... Sailor Crescent Says *Gigles then makes pose*
DK: Hazel wait!!!
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Moon_Princess on October 7, 2007, 4:02:32 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 8, 2007, 6:33:01 AM

GOD I'v got to add 3 Chapters before I can put her in there... The origanle plan was to not add you untill Nick Was killed. but I decided to Speed things up abit becuz I'M DIEING TO GET TO SEASON 2!!! lol DIEING!!!
But yeah it was supposed to be just the 3 for about 3 more chappyies and then you would have came along... but Ya know how it is when your on a tight Schedule =D
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 7, 2007, 12:28:38 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 7, 2007, 12:33:35 PM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 7, 2007, 12:35:15 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 7, 2007, 12:40:11 PM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 7, 2007, 12:42:05 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 7, 2007, 12:43:38 PM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 7, 2007, 12:44:28 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 7, 2007, 12:31:07 PM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 7, 2007, 12:34:21 PM

Hazel-besides *runs after AriEs with axe* GET BACK HERE ARIES OR ILL BACK YOUR DEATH SLOW AND PAINFUL!!!!!!!!!!
Aries- WHAT I DO TO U!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hazel- DONT EVER CALL ME WEAK!!!!!!!!!
She turned me into ice...*whimper* How mean. o_o
But I was introduced! Yay! ^-^
Great job!! I love it! :D