Chapter 15 - Catch That Crystal!!
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 15 - Catch That Crystal!!
Chapter 15 - Catch That Crystal!!
In the Nega verse...
Elder Nexes: Blastid! It's all because of those Sailor Scouts... Well at least your still getting me energy Nikku... Now it's Time for me to ask you a little favor... The nega verse has recieved some Life changing news... The Key to Healing the Nega verse Completely... is getting that Moon Crystal...
Nikku: It should be easy enough to achieve...
Elder nexes: Not so fast... The Crystal is held in the Locket of that Moon Brat Sailor Crescent... I don't Know how she got it but she has it... and What I need you to do is get it... and bring it to me...
Nikku: Yes Sir...
Hours Past as Nikku Plotted his plan to get the Crystal... When He finaly Decided it was flawless... And the Sailor Scouts wouldn't be able to do anything... He Lauched his plan... He attacked The Bank as a normal human and the Sailor Scouts Saw...
DK: Right!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautyful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Jewel in the center of it... She Made Her Pose...
Sailor Scouts: After Him!!!
They Chased Him down a dark alley when...A Wall popped up at both ends of the alley
Nikku: You fell Right into my Trap... *He took off his Robbery costume*
Sailor Triton: that guy looks alot like Nick...
Nikku: KUU KUU!!! *He Threw his arms up and all the Sailor Scouts fell to the ground*
Sailor Celestial: He's Deffentaly a Nexes... you better call The Rainbow Crystal Scouts!!!
Nikku: How about a little Fire?!? *He threw fire all around them* Now Surrender...
Sailor Triton: Not a Chance... Triton... Water Slice!!! *She Kissed her fingers and Sliced the air right down the Middle and a wave of Planet power poored out of her fingers and on the air, making a wave and it washed over the fire putting it out*
Nikku:...........Lighting bolts.... *He threw severle Lighting bolts at the ground, making an explosion, knocking all the Sailors to the ground*
Sailor Black Hole: Your not getting away with that Money... Black Hole... *On a black back round (As always) Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped* Now... *Everything else Was Floating except her* *She Grabbed the money and ran to the bank to return it and as she went gravity went back to normal*
Nikku: -.- Oh no...
Sailor Crescent: There, now you won't be getting away with that Money!!!
Nikku: Who said I wanted the Money... *He dashed to her and picked her up by her Hair* You Listen here you little-
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I suggest you get off her... *He was standing on a dumpster*
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo!!!
Sailor Celestial: *Suductively* Tuxedo...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Hello Scouts. Sun Bullet!!! *A Golden Streem of sun light it Nikku, Knocking him away from Crescent. He went to go help Crescent up*
Sailor Crescent: Long time no see... Where have you been?
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I've been restoreing my energy... for some reason it's been low lately... I don't know why...
Nikku: Get out of here... *He threw him againist the wall knocking him out*
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo!!!
Sailor Crescent: Right!!! *She opened her locket, and the crystal came floating out* SCOUTS OF THE RAINBOW CRYSTAL I CALL UPON YOUR ASSISTENCE!!! Help us... *Just as the Crystal let off a rainbow like glow, Nikku Grabbed it*
Nikku: This Must be it...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Waking up* The Crystal...
Nikku: Thank you Sailor Scouts... You have been a help...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: NO!!! *He got up and jumped for Nikku When He disappeared*
Sailor Crescent: Whats happening...??? *Her Uniform turned into ribbons and they were falling off* I feel so weak... *Her jelwery disappeared leaving only her Crescent Moon on her forehead. She Fainted*
Sailor Celestial: CRESCENT *She toward her and covered her up with her body so that Tuxedo Mini Mask wouldn't see her*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: The Crystal...
Sailor Triton:........ On no
Sailor Crescent: *in a faint whisper* I need my Crystal Back...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: ...
Sailor Triton: But how?!? We don't even KNow where the Nega verse is or how to get there!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask:... here Take this... It's power is just as great as the Moon Crystal... But it has different affects when used by anyone else but me... *He handed her The Sun crystal out of the Center of his Mask* Draw them out with it... and once they Touch it... It will sprout wings and fly back to me...
Sailor Triton: Right!!! *She took the Crystal and he Disappeared* Oh and whats your... Name... Where did he go?!?
Sailor Celestial: I don't know... but where ever he left to, he left just in time... Sailor Crescent is Powered down... WITH HER CRESCENT MOON STILL ON HER HEAD!!!
They Went back to the temple to talk to Aries About this...
Moonara: Well maybe I shouldn't have left... Maybe I could have helped
DK: no! you did the right thing...
Hazel: *she had a bandaid on her forehead to Cover the Crescent moon* -.- This is not cool... First i"m stuck with out anyway to Transform And NOW I have this stupid Crescent moon on my forhead..
Cat: Stop Wineing!!! Right now we need to figure out how to lore them and where..
Aries: I say in the Park... Hazel, You'll Have to destract Them...
Hazel: But How, They'll notice I'm not a Sailor Scout...
Aries: You'll Use the Aries Pen!!!
Hazel: Ohh right...
They went to the park...
Hazel: *Behind a tree* Hazel: Aries Pen… TRANSFORM POWER!!! *The crystal on it started to glow* Change me into Sailor Crescent!!! *She started to glow as stars Burst out Of the Crystal, and Circled Hazel and made a big flash, Disappeared and then Hazel was transformed… She was Wearing her sailor scout outfit* Oh Yeah Look At me… I look better than I usually due!!!
Aries: Yeah yeah what ever just get out there And start talking to triton about how they got the wrong Crystal...
Mean while in the nega verse...
Elder Nexes: Thank you Nikku... Now if you would excuse me I- WHOA! whats happening??? *He Looked in his crystal Ball and Saw the Scouts Talking* HA!!! we got em! we got the Sailor Scouts! their in a Park...
Hazel: Hey Triton, You know whats funny?
Triton: What?!?
Hazel: the Nega verses IQ!!! *They Laughed*
Elder Nexes: WHat did they say?!?
Hazel: YEAH! they actually think they got the real Crystal!!! *They laughed*
Triton: Can I see the Real Crystal?!?
Hazel: Why Sure... *She pull it out of her Fake Locket* See... look at it... can't you feel it's energy!!!
Triton: Ohh yes... So Strong!!!
Elder Nexes: Yes.... I can Feel It!!! That must meen.. YOU IDIOT NIKKU!!! you got the wrong Crystal!!! now go get it... And Here take this for good Luck... *He threw him the crystal*
Nikku: Yes sir... *He went to the Park*
Hazel: Yeah they are such Idiots!!!
Nikku: *Appearing* Idiot am I?!? *He grabbed the Crystal* YES!!! I got the real Crystal!!! Who's the idiot Now?!?
Hazel: Ohh noo What should we do?!?
Nikku: Aww don't be sad... You Can take this crummy Crystal. I won't be needing it anyways... *He threw it to Hazel and she caught it*
Hazel: your a... Meeny Poop head!!! But thanks for the shinny rock... It helps... Alot... *A smirk Appeared on her Face as she said those Magic words...*
Crescent... Prism Power!!! *She put the Crystal in her Locket*
Nikku: What?!? Bu this is- *He looked at the Crystal and it started to glow... It Sprouted wings and flew off into the Sky* NO!!! You tricked me...
Sailor Triton: You Think...
Some Where Far Away.. A Young Man with Dirty Blonde Hair Was Walking down a side walk when...
Young Man: AAHHH!!! *The Mask Circled Him as he Began to Glow All different Colors* Whats Happening to Me!!!
Back with the Girls
She Threw up her hand and she started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Nikku: WHat just Happened!?!?! Anyway... I'm Taking Back that Crystal... *He dashed to Sailor Crescent*
Aries: GIRLS! stay Back don't jump in untill we know they for surely need us!!
Nikku: AAHH!!! *He grabbed her Locket*
Sailor Crescent: AHHH!....
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Up in a tree* Star Bolts!!! *A Bow of streeming Sun appeared as he Put a Golden Bolt in it and Shot it at Nikku KNocking him down to the Ground* I thought you might need some help!!!
Sailor Crescent: Yes thank you...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: the Plan Worked As I assumed...?
Sailor Triton: Yes Tux!
Nikku: This was you... This was your Doing...?!?!? I'm going to Hurt you So Bad for this!!! *He Shot Lighting at the tree and made it fall over with him in it*
Sailor Black Hole: Perfect timeing!!! *Right as The Tree was about to smash into the ground* Black Hole... *On a black back round (As always) Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped* Now... *Everything else Was Floating except her* *She Grabbed Tuxedo and Took him off the Tree and Put Nikku UNder it*
Nikku: What are you Doing?!?
Sailor Black Hole: You Shall Weep What you Soe... *Her Tiara Stopped Glowing and Gravity went back to normal*
Nikku: AAHHH!!! *The Tree Smashed on Nikku*
Sailor Triton: *She ran Toward the Tree* is He?
Celestial: *Coming Out of Hiding* Dead?!?
Aries: I believe so *They went to the dtree but all there was, was Smoke*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: No... His Not Dead... He's Still Out...
Nikku: Try up here *He was flying above the Trees* You may have won the Battle but you didn't win the War...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: But we Plan To...
Nikku: See you Later... Sailor Scouts...
Sailor Crescent: Whats that Supposed to mean???
Tuxedo Mini Mask: We'll find out soon enough...
Later on when Hazel Got home
Hazel: Going to bed mom Love you!!!
Hazel: Dork *She wrote on his face while he was alsleep and went up to her room with aries. She got dressed and right before she got into bed*
Aries: HAZEL!!! QUICK HURRY!!! *she rushed her to the window of her room* Look up at the sky!!!
She Looked up and Saw Nikkus Face
Nikku: Hello Sailor Scouts, And Tuxedo Mini Mask where ever you mayb be... if you wish to Ever see Tokyo the way it is again... then If I were you I would go down to the Skylark Building at 6:00 Earth time... TOMOROW!!! *The Stars went back to their regular order*
Hazel: Fine... We'll Be Ready for you Nikku... Nick
Aries: but will everone else... including Triton.. you know she still thinks everyone was Joking about Nick being evil...
Hazel: Well Together she'll have to get over... Becuz tomorrow... Its All or Nothing...
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our Show We learned that...
Everyone: The writer is a master of suspense...
Scouts: Sailor Scout Says *Giggle then Group Pose*
Elder Nexes: Blastid! It's all because of those Sailor Scouts... Well at least your still getting me energy Nikku... Now it's Time for me to ask you a little favor... The nega verse has recieved some Life changing news... The Key to Healing the Nega verse Completely... is getting that Moon Crystal...
Nikku: It should be easy enough to achieve...
Elder nexes: Not so fast... The Crystal is held in the Locket of that Moon Brat Sailor Crescent... I don't Know how she got it but she has it... and What I need you to do is get it... and bring it to me...
Nikku: Yes Sir...
Hours Past as Nikku Plotted his plan to get the Crystal... When He finaly Decided it was flawless... And the Sailor Scouts wouldn't be able to do anything... He Lauched his plan... He attacked The Bank as a normal human and the Sailor Scouts Saw...
DK: Right!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautyful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Jewel in the center of it... She Made Her Pose...
Sailor Scouts: After Him!!!
They Chased Him down a dark alley when...A Wall popped up at both ends of the alley
Nikku: You fell Right into my Trap... *He took off his Robbery costume*
Sailor Triton: that guy looks alot like Nick...
Nikku: KUU KUU!!! *He Threw his arms up and all the Sailor Scouts fell to the ground*
Sailor Celestial: He's Deffentaly a Nexes... you better call The Rainbow Crystal Scouts!!!
Nikku: How about a little Fire?!? *He threw fire all around them* Now Surrender...
Sailor Triton: Not a Chance... Triton... Water Slice!!! *She Kissed her fingers and Sliced the air right down the Middle and a wave of Planet power poored out of her fingers and on the air, making a wave and it washed over the fire putting it out*
Nikku:...........Lighting bolts.... *He threw severle Lighting bolts at the ground, making an explosion, knocking all the Sailors to the ground*
Sailor Black Hole: Your not getting away with that Money... Black Hole... *On a black back round (As always) Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped* Now... *Everything else Was Floating except her* *She Grabbed the money and ran to the bank to return it and as she went gravity went back to normal*
Nikku: -.- Oh no...
Sailor Crescent: There, now you won't be getting away with that Money!!!
Nikku: Who said I wanted the Money... *He dashed to her and picked her up by her Hair* You Listen here you little-
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I suggest you get off her... *He was standing on a dumpster*
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo!!!
Sailor Celestial: *Suductively* Tuxedo...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Hello Scouts. Sun Bullet!!! *A Golden Streem of sun light it Nikku, Knocking him away from Crescent. He went to go help Crescent up*
Sailor Crescent: Long time no see... Where have you been?
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I've been restoreing my energy... for some reason it's been low lately... I don't know why...
Nikku: Get out of here... *He threw him againist the wall knocking him out*
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo!!!
Sailor Crescent: Right!!! *She opened her locket, and the crystal came floating out* SCOUTS OF THE RAINBOW CRYSTAL I CALL UPON YOUR ASSISTENCE!!! Help us... *Just as the Crystal let off a rainbow like glow, Nikku Grabbed it*
Nikku: This Must be it...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Waking up* The Crystal...
Nikku: Thank you Sailor Scouts... You have been a help...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: NO!!! *He got up and jumped for Nikku When He disappeared*
Sailor Crescent: Whats happening...??? *Her Uniform turned into ribbons and they were falling off* I feel so weak... *Her jelwery disappeared leaving only her Crescent Moon on her forehead. She Fainted*
Sailor Celestial: CRESCENT *She toward her and covered her up with her body so that Tuxedo Mini Mask wouldn't see her*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: The Crystal...
Sailor Triton:........ On no
Sailor Crescent: *in a faint whisper* I need my Crystal Back...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: ...
Sailor Triton: But how?!? We don't even KNow where the Nega verse is or how to get there!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask:... here Take this... It's power is just as great as the Moon Crystal... But it has different affects when used by anyone else but me... *He handed her The Sun crystal out of the Center of his Mask* Draw them out with it... and once they Touch it... It will sprout wings and fly back to me...
Sailor Triton: Right!!! *She took the Crystal and he Disappeared* Oh and whats your... Name... Where did he go?!?
Sailor Celestial: I don't know... but where ever he left to, he left just in time... Sailor Crescent is Powered down... WITH HER CRESCENT MOON STILL ON HER HEAD!!!
They Went back to the temple to talk to Aries About this...
Moonara: Well maybe I shouldn't have left... Maybe I could have helped
DK: no! you did the right thing...
Hazel: *she had a bandaid on her forehead to Cover the Crescent moon* -.- This is not cool... First i"m stuck with out anyway to Transform And NOW I have this stupid Crescent moon on my forhead..
Cat: Stop Wineing!!! Right now we need to figure out how to lore them and where..
Aries: I say in the Park... Hazel, You'll Have to destract Them...
Hazel: But How, They'll notice I'm not a Sailor Scout...
Aries: You'll Use the Aries Pen!!!
Hazel: Ohh right...
They went to the park...
Hazel: *Behind a tree* Hazel: Aries Pen… TRANSFORM POWER!!! *The crystal on it started to glow* Change me into Sailor Crescent!!! *She started to glow as stars Burst out Of the Crystal, and Circled Hazel and made a big flash, Disappeared and then Hazel was transformed… She was Wearing her sailor scout outfit* Oh Yeah Look At me… I look better than I usually due!!!
Aries: Yeah yeah what ever just get out there And start talking to triton about how they got the wrong Crystal...
Mean while in the nega verse...
Elder Nexes: Thank you Nikku... Now if you would excuse me I- WHOA! whats happening??? *He Looked in his crystal Ball and Saw the Scouts Talking* HA!!! we got em! we got the Sailor Scouts! their in a Park...
Hazel: Hey Triton, You know whats funny?
Triton: What?!?
Hazel: the Nega verses IQ!!! *They Laughed*
Elder Nexes: WHat did they say?!?
Hazel: YEAH! they actually think they got the real Crystal!!! *They laughed*
Triton: Can I see the Real Crystal?!?
Hazel: Why Sure... *She pull it out of her Fake Locket* See... look at it... can't you feel it's energy!!!
Triton: Ohh yes... So Strong!!!
Elder Nexes: Yes.... I can Feel It!!! That must meen.. YOU IDIOT NIKKU!!! you got the wrong Crystal!!! now go get it... And Here take this for good Luck... *He threw him the crystal*
Nikku: Yes sir... *He went to the Park*
Hazel: Yeah they are such Idiots!!!
Nikku: *Appearing* Idiot am I?!? *He grabbed the Crystal* YES!!! I got the real Crystal!!! Who's the idiot Now?!?
Hazel: Ohh noo What should we do?!?
Nikku: Aww don't be sad... You Can take this crummy Crystal. I won't be needing it anyways... *He threw it to Hazel and she caught it*
Hazel: your a... Meeny Poop head!!! But thanks for the shinny rock... It helps... Alot... *A smirk Appeared on her Face as she said those Magic words...*
Crescent... Prism Power!!! *She put the Crystal in her Locket*
Nikku: What?!? Bu this is- *He looked at the Crystal and it started to glow... It Sprouted wings and flew off into the Sky* NO!!! You tricked me...
Sailor Triton: You Think...
Some Where Far Away.. A Young Man with Dirty Blonde Hair Was Walking down a side walk when...
Young Man: AAHHH!!! *The Mask Circled Him as he Began to Glow All different Colors* Whats Happening to Me!!!
Back with the Girls
She Threw up her hand and she started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Nikku: WHat just Happened!?!?! Anyway... I'm Taking Back that Crystal... *He dashed to Sailor Crescent*
Aries: GIRLS! stay Back don't jump in untill we know they for surely need us!!
Nikku: AAHH!!! *He grabbed her Locket*
Sailor Crescent: AHHH!....
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Up in a tree* Star Bolts!!! *A Bow of streeming Sun appeared as he Put a Golden Bolt in it and Shot it at Nikku KNocking him down to the Ground* I thought you might need some help!!!
Sailor Crescent: Yes thank you...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: the Plan Worked As I assumed...?
Sailor Triton: Yes Tux!
Nikku: This was you... This was your Doing...?!?!? I'm going to Hurt you So Bad for this!!! *He Shot Lighting at the tree and made it fall over with him in it*
Sailor Black Hole: Perfect timeing!!! *Right as The Tree was about to smash into the ground* Black Hole... *On a black back round (As always) Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped* Now... *Everything else Was Floating except her* *She Grabbed Tuxedo and Took him off the Tree and Put Nikku UNder it*
Nikku: What are you Doing?!?
Sailor Black Hole: You Shall Weep What you Soe... *Her Tiara Stopped Glowing and Gravity went back to normal*
Nikku: AAHHH!!! *The Tree Smashed on Nikku*
Sailor Triton: *She ran Toward the Tree* is He?
Celestial: *Coming Out of Hiding* Dead?!?
Aries: I believe so *They went to the dtree but all there was, was Smoke*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: No... His Not Dead... He's Still Out...
Nikku: Try up here *He was flying above the Trees* You may have won the Battle but you didn't win the War...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: But we Plan To...
Nikku: See you Later... Sailor Scouts...
Sailor Crescent: Whats that Supposed to mean???
Tuxedo Mini Mask: We'll find out soon enough...
Later on when Hazel Got home
Hazel: Going to bed mom Love you!!!
Hazel: Dork *She wrote on his face while he was alsleep and went up to her room with aries. She got dressed and right before she got into bed*
Aries: HAZEL!!! QUICK HURRY!!! *she rushed her to the window of her room* Look up at the sky!!!
She Looked up and Saw Nikkus Face
Nikku: Hello Sailor Scouts, And Tuxedo Mini Mask where ever you mayb be... if you wish to Ever see Tokyo the way it is again... then If I were you I would go down to the Skylark Building at 6:00 Earth time... TOMOROW!!! *The Stars went back to their regular order*
Hazel: Fine... We'll Be Ready for you Nikku... Nick
Aries: but will everone else... including Triton.. you know she still thinks everyone was Joking about Nick being evil...
Hazel: Well Together she'll have to get over... Becuz tomorrow... Its All or Nothing...
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our Show We learned that...
Everyone: The writer is a master of suspense...
Scouts: Sailor Scout Says *Giggle then Group Pose*
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AlleyCat17 on October 9, 2007, 12:14:51 PM
AlleyCat17 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 9, 2007, 12:47:51 PM
Moon_Princess on October 9, 2007, 11:21:17 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 9, 2007, 11:27:34 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 9, 2007, 10:31:46 AM

T_T *crys while almost flooding the earth* I WANNA TYPE MORE SO U CAN C THE SUSPENSE I HOLD!!!!!
Great chappy Leo*winks* ill do my best to go fast in my shower...those stupid thinks...even though relaxing...can drive me nuts when i got things to do
i cant wait till the next though!!!
i have to c what we do to Nikku *cough*Nick*cough*
well BRB
Transformation Name : nova power or super nova power.
Transformation Description :she is just floating in space and the then a bright yellow 8 sided star flys all around her and then it stops right in front of her chest.then a super nova come out of it and while it all around her.and then she just has her outfit on her.
Sailor Scout Outfit:pretty much the same as the real sailor scouts but the skirt is dark blue and her bow on the back is a little longer and dark purple, the bow on the chest is dark purple.she also has the same shoe's as sailor Venus but they have a little yellow star on both straps of her shoe's which the shoe's are dark blue and her skirt is dark purple.and her choker on her neck is dark blue with a small yellow star in the middle and she has small yellow star earrings.and in the middle of the bow on her chest is a yellow 8 sided star broach with a chapbile "N" in the middle of it.the broach did come form the bright yellow 8 sided star from earlier.which trun into that broach with that "N"in the middle.
Dream(s) - to become a famiest singer.
Fear(s) - spiders,lightning/thunder,horror/scary movies.
Sign - 8 sided yellow star.
Birth Stone - Citrine
Birthday - November 6
Ideal plant/fav flower - blue lilys
Fav Color - yellow,light blue,light green,light organ.
Fav Food - pizza(pepperoni pizza),strawberry ice cream.
Least Fav Food - liver,and other gross meat like that.
Ideal Animal/fav animal - white tiger.
Ideal Myth Creature/fav myth creature - Griffin.
she live on her own in a apartment.and she has a crush is a handsome boy with blond hair and sky blue eyes.who is name jaden who is also crushing on her but she don't know and he don't know she is crushing on him.they even got to the same school and have all of the same classes together.anyways i'll tell you more about him later on.
ok so this is just a bit more info for her and more discreped of some thinks.anyways i hope this help's you more ok. bye i gtg to bed it is oh most 12:00am midnight here where im at .BYE.