Chapter 17 - A Fight to remember...
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 17 - A Fight to remember...
Chapter 17 - A Fight to remember...
Hazel: Today on our Show we have a fight to remember... Why? Stay Right there and I'll Show you *She Posed*
It was the day after Nikku Had given his Message through the stars and The Sailor Scouts Just got out of school...
Hazel: Chill You guys, were FINE... We Can So Destroy Nikku...
Aries: *On Hazel's Shoulder* Yes but, Remember if in doubt Use the Scouts of the Crystal...
Hazel: Yeah yah... Hey DK Wana stop By My House and Have a snack Before we go train?
DK: Naw, I Got a Thing...
Hazel: And what would that thing be??? *DK blushed* OH NO another date with Nick!!! DK, I'm telling you he's a Monster
DK: Ohh your Just Jealouse- *She gasped* Soeaking of Nick, I've Gota go Meet Him At the Quake-n-Shake NOW!!! BYE HAZEL!!! See you 7:00 At the Skylark Building...
Hazel: It's 6:00!!!
DK: Right What evere, SEE YA!!! *She dashed off to her Date*
In the Nega Verse...
Elder Nexes: Are you ready for your Battle today with those Sailor Brats?!?
Nikku: Yes Sure, I've Just Got a date with This one girl... and then I'll-
Elder Nexes: Ohh yes, about that "One girl", I apperiate your Trying to help... But You've been bringing back Less and Less energy From her each Time...
Nikku: So? Why do you bring it up? I mean I've just been Buisy with those Sailor Brats...
Elder Nexes: Good good... I was just making sure you weren't Developing FEEELINGS for this girl...
Nikku: Ohh Never...
At The Quake-n-Shake...
DK: Ohh Nikku Your So Sweet... Listen This has been our 10th Date so Far and... I was wondering if you wanted to go Steady???
Nick: *Thinking* She's Been keeping Count?!?
DK: This Won't change our relationship much except we'll just see each more...
Nick: Well I gues it would be all right-
DK: YES!!! We're Goin Out!!! WOOT!!! *She Gave Him a hug. He feel a shiver raceing down his Spine and he blushed*
Nick: Okay, well I've Gota go... I've Got Buisness to do-
DK: ohh! Me too!!! I don't Wana Be late... I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL THE GIRLS ABOUT US!!! WOOT WOOT!!! Ohh... And Nick...
Nick: Huh?
DK: Thanks... *She Pecked him on the Lips and Left* WOOT WOOT!!!
Nick: *He was Blushing* Whats This Feeling? *He Looked in his Reflection thru his Glass and Noticed His Face Being Bright red* It's kind of Nice...
Waitress: Of Coarse it does... Your in Love...
Nick: *He Laughed* No Chance...
Waitresses: *They all began to sing* Do do.. do do...
If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No man (Elder nexes buggin him) is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!
Waitresses: Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'
He's the Earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of
No chance, no way
I won't Say it
No No
Waitresses: You Swoon you Sigh why deny it uh Oh...
Nick: It's to Clehey
I Won't Say I'm In Love...
I thought My Heart Had Learned it's Lesson
It fells so good when you start out...
My Head is Screamin Get a Grip Dude...
Unless your Diein to Cry your Heart Out...
Waitresses and Everyone else in the restrunt: You Keep on Denying
Who you are and what your feeling
Baby, We're not buying...
Hon We Saw ya hit the Ceilin
Face it like a grown up
when ya gona Own up
That you, Got,got got it BaAd...
Nick: No chance no way I won't Say it No no...
Everone Else: Give up, Give in
Check the Grin your in Love
Nick: The Scene Won't PLay I won't Say I'm in Looove...
Everyone Else:
Your Doin Flips
Read your Lips
Your in Love...
Nick: Your Way off base I won't Say it...
Get off my case!!!
I won't SAAY it...
Everyone except nick: Girl, Don't Be Proud it's Okay your In Loove...
Nick: Ohhh....
At least Out Loud I won't Say I'm IN... Looovee....
Everyone Else: Shala la la la la... *They Sighed*....
Nick: *No Longer Singing* O.O... I'm Gettin Out of here...
Mean While...
Aries: You Girls Have got to be ready For everything and Anything... Hazel What do you do if someone trys to take your Crystal???
Hazel: I wait For Sailor Black Hole To use Deep Space and then She grabs it and brings it back to me and I Call Upon the Crystal Scouts...
Aries: Good... Now... DK! what do you do if he takes anyone Hustage?
DK: I use Water Slice on the Floor and Make it Slipper so he can't get Away...
Aries: Good... MOONARA!!! what do you Do If-
Hazel: ENOUGH WITH THE QUESTIONS!!! We can do this!!!
Cat: Yeah, It's Easy!!!
Moonara: *Meditating* Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
DK: ooo She Rhymes -.-...*Pokes Moonara*
Aries: FOCUS!!! You Girls Relize you might not be comeing back from this battle???
Hazel: Might??? Aries... Take a chill Pill... We're Fine!!!
Aries: But you- *The 5:30 Bell rang on the clock in the Temple* Never mind lets just go...
DK: YAY!!! Come on Moonara Wake up... Wake up!!! *She Began to Snap*
Moonara: *Meditating* Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Aries: Come on we don't have time for this...
DK: *She Drags her to the Back of the temple so they can transform* She's Not getiing up and out of that trance!!!
Aries:...Hazel do it...
Hazel: right...*she pulled out a chocolate bar,unrapped it and put it under mooraras nose* imbrace the choclate... I know I will once you Get out of that trance...
Moonara: Deep and Dark Chocolate, reveal the almonds with lovr to my mouth!!! *she pulled out of her trance*
Hazel: no way this is mine!!! *she ate the candy*
Moonara: you al must hate me...
Aries: Girls... Transform!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautyful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Jewel in the Center of it... She Made Her Pose...
they went down to the skylark building, They Noticed alot of People were just laying there Knocked out... Under a spell of the nega verse... they entered the lobby in fear...
Sailor Crescent: Well no ones Here... Lets go =D!!!
Nikku: I wouldn't Say that... If you girls aren't Chicken then meet me Up on the -4th Floor...*He Disappeared*
Sailor Celestial: Right!!! Come on girls...
Sailor Triton: But it's A trap...
Sailor Black Hole: yeah... But this has to be settled...
Sailor Celestial: What do you think he ment by "-4th"
They Ran into the Elevator and Sailor Celestial pressed the #4 to take them to the 4th floor... The Elevator, Instead of Going up fell down, and burst thru the ground and Landed in a new unknown Floor... And No One Knew they were there...
Nikku: Well Hello Girls... Glad you decided to join me...
Sailor Crescent: Come on.. let's just finish this match fair and Square...
Nikku: Okay fine... But How about we make this more interesting...?
Sailor Crescent: Like how?
Nikku: How about you throw in that Crystal and I throw in... This *He snapped and Tuxedo Mini Mask was Hanging by chains above them* this Young Man...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sailor Scouts... Help me... Set me free...
Sailor Scouts: TUXEDO!!!
Sailor Crescent: We'll Do it...
Aries: NO!!! Crescent!!!
Nikku: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! FOOLS!!! *The Scenary Began to change... everything began to become dark... Dark Purple Crystals Began to Burst thru the ground*
Mean While... Out side of the Building
Girl: *The Building was Cacooning it self with Crystals and Ice* We better get in there fast...
Unknown Voice: RIGHT!!!
Back with the Scouts...
Sailor Celestial: Your Goin down
Nikku: I beg to differ, and Even if I win, you have nothing to win...
Sailor Black Hole: What do you Mean???
Nikku: I mean this.. *He snapped and Tuxedo Fell from Above them and the girls screamed as Sailor Crescent Caught him and unmasked him*
Sailor Crescent: Don't Worry Tux- Who the Hell Are you *She threw him to the ground*
Boy: *He had Blue skin and a tail* Sorry... I'm From the Nega Verse...*And Evil grin appeared on his face*
Sailor Crescent: Nikku... You Crossed us dirty...
Nikku: Oh well.. You Agreed... Now it's time to Fight girls...
Sailor Triton: Gladly!!! Take this... Triton... Water Slice!!! *She Kissed her fingers and Sliced the air right down the Middle and a wave of Planet power poored out of her fingers and on the air, making a wave that was traveling faster than a speeding bullet when Nikku Reacted*
Nikku: KU!!! *He slung his hands acrossed the front of the wave and Redirected them toward Sailor Black Hole*
Sailor Black Hole: AAHHH!!!Black Hole... *On a black back round (As always) Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped* Now... *Everything else Was Floating except her* *She moved out of the way of the water wave* Not Cool Nikku... But I'll Show you what is!!! Black Hole... Dark Tunnle!!! *She Span around and created a Mini Black Hole in the palms of her hand*.... *She Abrobed the Water Wave In the Black hole and Shot it Back At Nikku*
Nikku: *Struggling to Move*
Sailor Blach Hole: Ohh Yeah... *She Closed her eyes and her Tiara Stopped Glowing And The Wave went 10 Times Faster and cut up Nikkus Out fit with a Direct hit* WHAT!?! Yours Supposed to be in 2 Pieces Now!!!
Nikku: Sorry... But When Your not dealing with no regular Nexes...
Sailor Celestial: Well Try this ON for Size... Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and hit Nikku*
Nikku: *a chunk of his Arm was Blown off but started to Heal* Is that the Best You've got!?!
Sailor Crescent: No But Take This...Uranus…Neptune… TWISTER SISTERS!!! *She Suddenly stopped and Pulled her arms off her chest and then 2 Twisters shot out of her hands*
Nikku: Wind and Water Combo... Nice... But still not good enough For me!!! *He Crossed his Arms and Began to Spin faster and Faster... And When He stopped he had created a Hurrican* KUKU HurriKain!!! *The Hurricain Busted threw the to Twisters and Made them Both nothing but a breeze... The hurricain also died down to a breeze*
Sailor Crescent: No... He's to Powerful...
Aries: *Watching in fear*
Nikku: Now Time to Finish you all... KUKU!!! *He Prepared to Shoot a Nega Blast at Crescent when...*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sun...Star Bolts!!! *A Bow of streeming Sun appeared as he Put a Golden Bolt in it and Shot it at Nikku Knocking him down to the Ground* I thought you might need some help!!!
Sailor Scouts: TUXEDO!!!!
Nikku: Ohh no not you again... TAKE THIS!!! KUNEE!!! *One of the Crystals Shot Threw Tuxedos Skin* HA!!! Now show me whats under your Mask!!! *A Small Crystal Flew Across Tuxedo's Face and knocked his mask off, but Tuxedo's Long hair still blocked his face*
Scouts: TUXEDO!!!
Sailor Crescent: Right!!! Every body you Heard Aries... *They all Nodded*
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at Nikku*
Sailor Triton: Triton... Water Slice!!! *She Kissed her fingers and Sliced the air right down the Middle and a wave of Planet power poored out of her fingers and on the air, making a wave that was traveling faster than a speeding bullet*
Sailor Crescent: Cosmic... *Her Tiara Began to glow like a rainbow after a rainy day* Moon * She span around. Her long hair span around with her.* Disk... SMASH!!! *Her Tiara Twirled and Twisted straight Toward Nikku*
Sailor Black Hole: Black Hole... *On a black back round (As always) Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped* Now... *Everything else Was Floating except her* *She ran up to Nikku and Flipped him up side down*
Nikku: Hey what are you doing...?
Sailor Black Hole: Yeah it's really him.. Your not Dodging this one nikku... Blach Hole... Dark Tunnle *She Created a Mini Black Hole In the Pawms of her hands and absorbed the attacks of the sailor scouts and shot them out thru the black Hole 10 Fold and Then She made her Tiara Stop Glowing making them go even faster*
Nikku: You Can't Hurt me...*He Threw his arms out and it repled the Final attack. The Attacks were redirected toward Sailor Triton... When She Tried to Doge them, Nikku Tightened his Fists and Crystals Shot up around her and trapped her in. Sailor Triton Fell to the Ground and With lack of enregy Powered down... To Nikkus Surprise it was DK* DK?? DK!!! OHH NO!!! What have I done... *He Ran to her and held her in his arms* No...
Sailor Nova: *She Stood Up High on a Crystal with a Black Cat With a Crescent moon on his Forhead* Nova... Dworf Star!!! *She Held up Her Hand up and Creative A Ball that looked like a Mini Planet. She Threw the Planet as it ripped threw the ground and Circled Nikku* Get away From her!!! I am Sailor Nova!! Champion of Justice!!!
Nikku: *A tear Roled down his face and he Stood Up* Am I supposed to be scared??? This Little Ball of energy couldn't hurt a fly...
Sailor Nova: Stepp AWAY from the girl...
Nikku: Why, You can't hurt me... *thinking* I'v already hurt my self on the inside...
Sailor Nova: Wana Bet??? Nova... COMBUST!!! *The Little Planet Exploded on Nikku, blasting him away from DK, Surverly Damaged*
Nikku: I'll Be Back... See you soon Sailor Brats... *He disappeared*
DK: Nick...
Sailor Crescent: Ha... Funny it acculary seemed like he cared About DK...
Sailor Black Hole: I Think he did...
Sailor Celestial: Yeah...
The Girls Ran toward the Fallen Scout...
Sailor Nova: Is she all right?
Sailor Black Hole: *Healing DK* Yes... O.O?!?
Sailor Crescent: YOUR SAILOR N!!! Sailor C's Assestent in Crime!!! I Love you!!! Something tells me we're gona be Good Friends *She Laughed*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Standing Behind a fallen rock holding his wound* Those scouts Are Gona *we see what looks like Leo's Face as he Swished his hair back and forth and put his mask back on* Be the End of me *He walked away*
Sailor Nova: Yeah... Thanks!!! *She Dashed Away*
Sailor Celestial: HEY!!! Were'd She go?!?
Sailor Black Hole: Kind of Rude...
Sailor Crescent: I think she's cool...
Mean While...
Gabe: *Black male Cat* Don't you think we should hav stayed and Greeted them?
Sailor Nova: They'll be time for that Later...
Gabe: Ohh you just wanted to go chase Tuxedo again...
Sailor Nova: OKay you caught me...
Gabe: I always do... I Always Do...
After the Girls went home... DK Noticed NIck At her Door...
DK: Ohh... Hey Nick... Listen I know your... From the nega verse...
Nick: I'm Sorry...
DK: It's okay just... Go away and- *Nick Kissed her* Kiss me somemore!!!
Nick: Gladly... *They kissed under the Moon light*
DK: Your Not draining my energy Are you?
Nick: No... Not this time... and Never Again... *He Kissed her With more passion... His Eyes Began to Glow Dark Purple and DK's Body Glew Bright Purple as she kissed him*
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our show Sailor Nova Ran away to chaseafter Tuxedo, Well I'v Got news for her... HE'S MINE!!! MINE I TELL YOU!!!
Moonara: NO!!! He's MINE!!!
Cat: NO!! NO!! NO!!! He's all Man so he sshould be all MINE!!!
Hazel: MINE MINE MINE!!! Sailor Crescent Says *She Laughed and Posed*
It was the day after Nikku Had given his Message through the stars and The Sailor Scouts Just got out of school...
Hazel: Chill You guys, were FINE... We Can So Destroy Nikku...
Aries: *On Hazel's Shoulder* Yes but, Remember if in doubt Use the Scouts of the Crystal...
Hazel: Yeah yah... Hey DK Wana stop By My House and Have a snack Before we go train?
DK: Naw, I Got a Thing...
Hazel: And what would that thing be??? *DK blushed* OH NO another date with Nick!!! DK, I'm telling you he's a Monster
DK: Ohh your Just Jealouse- *She gasped* Soeaking of Nick, I've Gota go Meet Him At the Quake-n-Shake NOW!!! BYE HAZEL!!! See you 7:00 At the Skylark Building...
Hazel: It's 6:00!!!
DK: Right What evere, SEE YA!!! *She dashed off to her Date*
In the Nega Verse...
Elder Nexes: Are you ready for your Battle today with those Sailor Brats?!?
Nikku: Yes Sure, I've Just Got a date with This one girl... and then I'll-
Elder Nexes: Ohh yes, about that "One girl", I apperiate your Trying to help... But You've been bringing back Less and Less energy From her each Time...
Nikku: So? Why do you bring it up? I mean I've just been Buisy with those Sailor Brats...
Elder Nexes: Good good... I was just making sure you weren't Developing FEEELINGS for this girl...
Nikku: Ohh Never...
At The Quake-n-Shake...
DK: Ohh Nikku Your So Sweet... Listen This has been our 10th Date so Far and... I was wondering if you wanted to go Steady???
Nick: *Thinking* She's Been keeping Count?!?
DK: This Won't change our relationship much except we'll just see each more...
Nick: Well I gues it would be all right-
DK: YES!!! We're Goin Out!!! WOOT!!! *She Gave Him a hug. He feel a shiver raceing down his Spine and he blushed*
Nick: Okay, well I've Gota go... I've Got Buisness to do-
DK: ohh! Me too!!! I don't Wana Be late... I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL THE GIRLS ABOUT US!!! WOOT WOOT!!! Ohh... And Nick...
Nick: Huh?
DK: Thanks... *She Pecked him on the Lips and Left* WOOT WOOT!!!
Nick: *He was Blushing* Whats This Feeling? *He Looked in his Reflection thru his Glass and Noticed His Face Being Bright red* It's kind of Nice...
Waitress: Of Coarse it does... Your in Love...
Nick: *He Laughed* No Chance...
Waitresses: *They all began to sing* Do do.. do do...
If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No man (Elder nexes buggin him) is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!
Waitresses: Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'
He's the Earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of
No chance, no way
I won't Say it
No No
Waitresses: You Swoon you Sigh why deny it uh Oh...
Nick: It's to Clehey
I Won't Say I'm In Love...
I thought My Heart Had Learned it's Lesson
It fells so good when you start out...
My Head is Screamin Get a Grip Dude...
Unless your Diein to Cry your Heart Out...
Waitresses and Everyone else in the restrunt: You Keep on Denying
Who you are and what your feeling
Baby, We're not buying...
Hon We Saw ya hit the Ceilin
Face it like a grown up
when ya gona Own up
That you, Got,got got it BaAd...
Nick: No chance no way I won't Say it No no...
Everone Else: Give up, Give in
Check the Grin your in Love
Nick: The Scene Won't PLay I won't Say I'm in Looove...
Everyone Else:
Your Doin Flips
Read your Lips
Your in Love...
Nick: Your Way off base I won't Say it...
Get off my case!!!
I won't SAAY it...
Everyone except nick: Girl, Don't Be Proud it's Okay your In Loove...
Nick: Ohhh....
At least Out Loud I won't Say I'm IN... Looovee....
Everyone Else: Shala la la la la... *They Sighed*....
Nick: *No Longer Singing* O.O... I'm Gettin Out of here...
Mean While...
Aries: You Girls Have got to be ready For everything and Anything... Hazel What do you do if someone trys to take your Crystal???
Hazel: I wait For Sailor Black Hole To use Deep Space and then She grabs it and brings it back to me and I Call Upon the Crystal Scouts...
Aries: Good... Now... DK! what do you do if he takes anyone Hustage?
DK: I use Water Slice on the Floor and Make it Slipper so he can't get Away...
Aries: Good... MOONARA!!! what do you Do If-
Hazel: ENOUGH WITH THE QUESTIONS!!! We can do this!!!
Cat: Yeah, It's Easy!!!
Moonara: *Meditating* Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
DK: ooo She Rhymes -.-...*Pokes Moonara*
Aries: FOCUS!!! You Girls Relize you might not be comeing back from this battle???
Hazel: Might??? Aries... Take a chill Pill... We're Fine!!!
Aries: But you- *The 5:30 Bell rang on the clock in the Temple* Never mind lets just go...
DK: YAY!!! Come on Moonara Wake up... Wake up!!! *She Began to Snap*
Moonara: *Meditating* Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Deep and Dark Space, Reveal the truth with Light to My Face...
Aries: Come on we don't have time for this...
DK: *She Drags her to the Back of the temple so they can transform* She's Not getiing up and out of that trance!!!
Aries:...Hazel do it...
Hazel: right...*she pulled out a chocolate bar,unrapped it and put it under mooraras nose* imbrace the choclate... I know I will once you Get out of that trance...
Moonara: Deep and Dark Chocolate, reveal the almonds with lovr to my mouth!!! *she pulled out of her trance*
Hazel: no way this is mine!!! *she ate the candy*
Moonara: you al must hate me...
Aries: Girls... Transform!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautyful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Jewel in the Center of it... She Made Her Pose...
they went down to the skylark building, They Noticed alot of People were just laying there Knocked out... Under a spell of the nega verse... they entered the lobby in fear...
Sailor Crescent: Well no ones Here... Lets go =D!!!
Nikku: I wouldn't Say that... If you girls aren't Chicken then meet me Up on the -4th Floor...*He Disappeared*
Sailor Celestial: Right!!! Come on girls...
Sailor Triton: But it's A trap...
Sailor Black Hole: yeah... But this has to be settled...
Sailor Celestial: What do you think he ment by "-4th"
They Ran into the Elevator and Sailor Celestial pressed the #4 to take them to the 4th floor... The Elevator, Instead of Going up fell down, and burst thru the ground and Landed in a new unknown Floor... And No One Knew they were there...
Nikku: Well Hello Girls... Glad you decided to join me...
Sailor Crescent: Come on.. let's just finish this match fair and Square...
Nikku: Okay fine... But How about we make this more interesting...?
Sailor Crescent: Like how?
Nikku: How about you throw in that Crystal and I throw in... This *He snapped and Tuxedo Mini Mask was Hanging by chains above them* this Young Man...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sailor Scouts... Help me... Set me free...
Sailor Scouts: TUXEDO!!!
Sailor Crescent: We'll Do it...
Aries: NO!!! Crescent!!!
Nikku: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! FOOLS!!! *The Scenary Began to change... everything began to become dark... Dark Purple Crystals Began to Burst thru the ground*
Mean While... Out side of the Building
Girl: *The Building was Cacooning it self with Crystals and Ice* We better get in there fast...
Unknown Voice: RIGHT!!!
Back with the Scouts...
Sailor Celestial: Your Goin down
Nikku: I beg to differ, and Even if I win, you have nothing to win...
Sailor Black Hole: What do you Mean???
Nikku: I mean this.. *He snapped and Tuxedo Fell from Above them and the girls screamed as Sailor Crescent Caught him and unmasked him*
Sailor Crescent: Don't Worry Tux- Who the Hell Are you *She threw him to the ground*
Boy: *He had Blue skin and a tail* Sorry... I'm From the Nega Verse...*And Evil grin appeared on his face*
Sailor Crescent: Nikku... You Crossed us dirty...
Nikku: Oh well.. You Agreed... Now it's time to Fight girls...
Sailor Triton: Gladly!!! Take this... Triton... Water Slice!!! *She Kissed her fingers and Sliced the air right down the Middle and a wave of Planet power poored out of her fingers and on the air, making a wave that was traveling faster than a speeding bullet when Nikku Reacted*
Nikku: KU!!! *He slung his hands acrossed the front of the wave and Redirected them toward Sailor Black Hole*
Sailor Black Hole: AAHHH!!!Black Hole... *On a black back round (As always) Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped* Now... *Everything else Was Floating except her* *She moved out of the way of the water wave* Not Cool Nikku... But I'll Show you what is!!! Black Hole... Dark Tunnle!!! *She Span around and created a Mini Black Hole in the palms of her hand*.... *She Abrobed the Water Wave In the Black hole and Shot it Back At Nikku*
Nikku: *Struggling to Move*
Sailor Blach Hole: Ohh Yeah... *She Closed her eyes and her Tiara Stopped Glowing And The Wave went 10 Times Faster and cut up Nikkus Out fit with a Direct hit* WHAT!?! Yours Supposed to be in 2 Pieces Now!!!
Nikku: Sorry... But When Your not dealing with no regular Nexes...
Sailor Celestial: Well Try this ON for Size... Celestial... Moonlight Flair!!! *She Did a backflip, and land with 1 Knee on the ground and the other up, Like a purposal, except more relaxed... She Held out her Hands in front of her, and a Blue and Silver Beam of fire Shot out and hit Nikku*
Nikku: *a chunk of his Arm was Blown off but started to Heal* Is that the Best You've got!?!
Sailor Crescent: No But Take This...Uranus…Neptune… TWISTER SISTERS!!! *She Suddenly stopped and Pulled her arms off her chest and then 2 Twisters shot out of her hands*
Nikku: Wind and Water Combo... Nice... But still not good enough For me!!! *He Crossed his Arms and Began to Spin faster and Faster... And When He stopped he had created a Hurrican* KUKU HurriKain!!! *The Hurricain Busted threw the to Twisters and Made them Both nothing but a breeze... The hurricain also died down to a breeze*
Sailor Crescent: No... He's to Powerful...
Aries: *Watching in fear*
Nikku: Now Time to Finish you all... KUKU!!! *He Prepared to Shoot a Nega Blast at Crescent when...*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Sun...Star Bolts!!! *A Bow of streeming Sun appeared as he Put a Golden Bolt in it and Shot it at Nikku Knocking him down to the Ground* I thought you might need some help!!!
Sailor Scouts: TUXEDO!!!!
Nikku: Ohh no not you again... TAKE THIS!!! KUNEE!!! *One of the Crystals Shot Threw Tuxedos Skin* HA!!! Now show me whats under your Mask!!! *A Small Crystal Flew Across Tuxedo's Face and knocked his mask off, but Tuxedo's Long hair still blocked his face*
Scouts: TUXEDO!!!
Sailor Crescent: Right!!! Every body you Heard Aries... *They all Nodded*
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at Nikku*
Sailor Triton: Triton... Water Slice!!! *She Kissed her fingers and Sliced the air right down the Middle and a wave of Planet power poored out of her fingers and on the air, making a wave that was traveling faster than a speeding bullet*
Sailor Crescent: Cosmic... *Her Tiara Began to glow like a rainbow after a rainy day* Moon * She span around. Her long hair span around with her.* Disk... SMASH!!! *Her Tiara Twirled and Twisted straight Toward Nikku*
Sailor Black Hole: Black Hole... *On a black back round (As always) Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped* Now... *Everything else Was Floating except her* *She ran up to Nikku and Flipped him up side down*
Nikku: Hey what are you doing...?
Sailor Black Hole: Yeah it's really him.. Your not Dodging this one nikku... Blach Hole... Dark Tunnle *She Created a Mini Black Hole In the Pawms of her hands and absorbed the attacks of the sailor scouts and shot them out thru the black Hole 10 Fold and Then She made her Tiara Stop Glowing making them go even faster*
Nikku: You Can't Hurt me...*He Threw his arms out and it repled the Final attack. The Attacks were redirected toward Sailor Triton... When She Tried to Doge them, Nikku Tightened his Fists and Crystals Shot up around her and trapped her in. Sailor Triton Fell to the Ground and With lack of enregy Powered down... To Nikkus Surprise it was DK* DK?? DK!!! OHH NO!!! What have I done... *He Ran to her and held her in his arms* No...
Sailor Nova: *She Stood Up High on a Crystal with a Black Cat With a Crescent moon on his Forhead* Nova... Dworf Star!!! *She Held up Her Hand up and Creative A Ball that looked like a Mini Planet. She Threw the Planet as it ripped threw the ground and Circled Nikku* Get away From her!!! I am Sailor Nova!! Champion of Justice!!!
Nikku: *A tear Roled down his face and he Stood Up* Am I supposed to be scared??? This Little Ball of energy couldn't hurt a fly...
Sailor Nova: Stepp AWAY from the girl...
Nikku: Why, You can't hurt me... *thinking* I'v already hurt my self on the inside...
Sailor Nova: Wana Bet??? Nova... COMBUST!!! *The Little Planet Exploded on Nikku, blasting him away from DK, Surverly Damaged*
Nikku: I'll Be Back... See you soon Sailor Brats... *He disappeared*
DK: Nick...
Sailor Crescent: Ha... Funny it acculary seemed like he cared About DK...
Sailor Black Hole: I Think he did...
Sailor Celestial: Yeah...
The Girls Ran toward the Fallen Scout...
Sailor Nova: Is she all right?
Sailor Black Hole: *Healing DK* Yes... O.O?!?
Sailor Crescent: YOUR SAILOR N!!! Sailor C's Assestent in Crime!!! I Love you!!! Something tells me we're gona be Good Friends *She Laughed*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Standing Behind a fallen rock holding his wound* Those scouts Are Gona *we see what looks like Leo's Face as he Swished his hair back and forth and put his mask back on* Be the End of me *He walked away*
Sailor Nova: Yeah... Thanks!!! *She Dashed Away*
Sailor Celestial: HEY!!! Were'd She go?!?
Sailor Black Hole: Kind of Rude...
Sailor Crescent: I think she's cool...
Mean While...
Gabe: *Black male Cat* Don't you think we should hav stayed and Greeted them?
Sailor Nova: They'll be time for that Later...
Gabe: Ohh you just wanted to go chase Tuxedo again...
Sailor Nova: OKay you caught me...
Gabe: I always do... I Always Do...
After the Girls went home... DK Noticed NIck At her Door...
DK: Ohh... Hey Nick... Listen I know your... From the nega verse...
Nick: I'm Sorry...
DK: It's okay just... Go away and- *Nick Kissed her* Kiss me somemore!!!
Nick: Gladly... *They kissed under the Moon light*
DK: Your Not draining my energy Are you?
Nick: No... Not this time... and Never Again... *He Kissed her With more passion... His Eyes Began to Glow Dark Purple and DK's Body Glew Bright Purple as she kissed him*
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our show Sailor Nova Ran away to chaseafter Tuxedo, Well I'v Got news for her... HE'S MINE!!! MINE I TELL YOU!!!
Moonara: NO!!! He's MINE!!!
Cat: NO!! NO!! NO!!! He's all Man so he sshould be all MINE!!!
Hazel: MINE MINE MINE!!! Sailor Crescent Says *She Laughed and Posed*
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FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 19, 2007, 12:27:07 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 19, 2007, 12:32:01 PM
AlleyCat17 on October 15, 2007, 5:50:45 AM
AlleyCat17 on

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 15, 2007, 6:12:37 AM

And Your other attacks will be used, Just not all at once.
For example, Super Nova Blast ins't going to be Used Untill The end of season 1, Because it's kind of a stronger attack... And use only use it when you Have to
lol great chappy
but there should be more kissy scenes...