Chapter 19 - Tuxedo Mini Mask- Secret identity
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
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Chapter 19 - Tuxedo Mini Mask- Secret identity
Chapter 19 - Tuxedo Mini Mask- Secret identity
Hazel: Today on our show, We role back Time and learn about the Secrets Of Tuxedo Mini Mask... Stay right there, and I'll Show you!!! *Poses*
Serena: Come on Rini!!! and bring your little friend!!!
Leo: We're not Lttle!!! I'm 11 Years old and I deserve some respect!!!
Rini: Hey I'm 10 And I deserve some 2!!!
Serena: All right, We'll call you both Big brats...
Rini And Leo: Thanks... >< HEY!!!
They all laughed and went to the park as planned...
Rini: Bye Leo Visit again soon!!!
Leo: Okay!!!
Serena: Good bye!!!
Darian: Bye Buddy!!!
Rei: Aww Darian's gona cry...
Darian: *He laughed* I guess I just sort of got attached to the little guy...
Amy: How sweet...
Lita: He reminds me of my last Boy friend
Mina: O.O..... and Who doesn't?
Leo: Bye!!! Moon Crystal Key!!! *He held up his key as it lifted it up int the golden clouds and took him back into his own time*
9/19/-Crystal Tokyo
Leo's Mother: Okay, Leo Say your Goodbyes to Rini but what ever you do don't go out side...
Leo: *He was about 12 or 13* It's No Fair! I want to say bye to Rini before she leave for the past!!!
Leo's Mother: You will, On the Phone...
Later on that day
Rini: LEO!!! *She jumped in his arms* Wait... Your Not supposed to be out here... It's the eclipse...
Leo: I don't care I wanted to tell you Good bye in person...
Rini: Thats Really Sweet, but you got to go, What if the- Oh now... LEO!!! *she shook him back and forth but he went into a trance... It was happening... the Solor Eclipse... Leo had a Sun ON his for head. Lights Swirled around him and his was transformed into the prince of the sun* LEO!!!
Leo: I'm not Leo Any more...
Rini: Ohh No... The Sun Spirits... GET OUT OF HIM NOW!!!
Leo: Never...
Leo Went on and Destoried half of crystal tokyo as Rini Watched helplessly... The Sailor Scouts Foaught but they stood No Chance, Leo Drained thier energy... Luckily the Eclipse only lasted for 10 minutes and Leo went back to normal... Neo Queen Serenity Healed the Scouts and Cystal Tokyo but...She could not help the way the rest of the World felt about Leo...
Leo: What happened to me?!? Why does everyone hate me? WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER!?!?!
Rini: Leo *She reached for him as she floated off to the future...*
Leo: Hello.......Is Rini there?
Rini: Leo!!!*she jumps up swings her arms around his neck and gives him a life threatening hug*
Leo: *Age 13 1/2* Rini.....I missed you too...but..i can hardly breath.*she lets go and looks into his eyes*Its been a while hasn't it.
They stare into each others eyes and Rini moves closer as does Leo.
Leo: *Whispering* I bet you 5 dollors i can kiss you without touching your lips.*he leans in and as he does, all the girls and Darian get closer to them. Leo gentely kisses Rini on the lips.
Leo:Worth every penny.*pulls out a five dollar bill and puts it in the back pocket of her jeens, he leans in for another kiss as Serina and Darian get closer and closer until their nose's were almost in the middle of Rini and Leo.
Rini: Every one is starring at us...
Leo: Really?Because the only people I see here are you and me..*leans in and finnally notices Serena and Darian in between them..*
Darian: -.- I liked him Better when he was Piant Sized...
Sailor Moon: NO!!!!
Luna: Prepare to fight Scouts!
Elder Nexes: Fellow Nexes, we'll have to use our last ounce of energy to Seal these Scouts away in our chambers in the next demention!!!
Crowd of Nexes: YEAH!!!
They Attacked
Alex: Take this Sailor Mars!!! *He held her up by the neck and she was gone*
Nikku: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *He shot a blast out, and Sereveral Scouts got caught in it, including Mini Moon...*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: NO!!! MINI MOON!!! *She was teleported away*
Nikku: Aww Look... We made the Little Brat Mad...
Tuxedo Mask: No Leo... Don't... You have to Calm Down... We'll get her back...
Alex: I don't think so... *He lifted tuxedo Up and he was gone*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: NO!!! My Friends... All gone...
Lela: Go ahead... Cry for your preshish Family...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *His Body began to glow bright Yellow*
Nikku: No!!! what is this Energy!!! AAAHHH!!!!
Elder Nexes: Whats he doing?!?
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *he was Being tooken over by his Sun Spirit. He Unleashed All Energy, weakening the Nexes* You Actualy thought you could Beat me... The Prince of the Sun...
Nexes: AAAAHH!!! Lets Get out of here!!! *They all left to the nega verse*
Elder Nexes: AAAAHHH!!!!
Prince of the Sun: Where do you think Your Going?!? *HE grabbed his hand and the Nexes's Hand turned to Stone*
Elder Nexes: AAHHH!!! *He shot a nega blast at the Prince Knocking him to the ground and he teleported away*
Prince of the Sun: AND DON'T COME BACK!!! *He Caused an Explosion of Golden Sun light, making a crator in the earth...*
Amulances were everywhere... The Police tried to find an Explanation for the crator and the Boy... But they came to a dead end... The Boy, Not knowing being from the future, Had no family and was supposed to be sent to the orfanage after he got out of the hospital... He was there for a whole week Knocked out and there the rest going thru therapy
Leo: *in the hospital* What happened... Who am I? Whats my Name!?! Leo? is Leo my name?
But Once he got a job, the court allowed him to get his own place, just as long as he stood out of troubles way... And Soon After, He was tutored and was able to go back to school...
Present Day
Leo: who am I... What happened that day in the Crator a year ago... Why me...? AND WHY AREN'T MY PARENTS HERE FOR ME! Ah... *He felt his wound* I may be afast healer but even this is going to take a while... *He looked at the bandage he rapped around his Abbs... Blood was seeping through like crazy* ah...
Mean While in the Negaverse...
Elder Nexes: What Happened Nikku?!? Why Did they escape?!? Why didn't you when?!? You had all the powers of the Negaverse on your Side!!!
Nikku: I'm sorry it's just... just that... *He thought of an excuse* It's just that Tuxedo Mini Mask!!! He's Always interfering...
Elder Nexes: Tuxedo Mini Mask?!? *He Looked at his hand, which was stone* Ah, Yes... I remember Him... It's A wonder how he stayed Hidden for all this time... *Thinking* I don't know why I'd want to find him... but then again he would make a good alley... As I recall from the reports, he has lost all memory of us...
Nikku: Well...
Elder Nexes: I will take Care of it...
That Night, When Leo was in bed but couldn't Sleep... He Turned on his TV To See Nikku...
Nikku: Hello Tuxedo Mini Mask... I see You have been having fun interferring with my missions...
Leo: How did you find me?!?
Nikku: The negaverse always finds a way! Tomorow at 7:00 at the Scapping Tower...
Leo: Why?!?
Nikku: Well... Don't you want to find out your true Identity...?
Leo: *He Sighed* Fine I'll Be there...
Sailor Says:
Hazel: WHAT THE HELL?!? Was this Episode All about Leo or something?!? I wasn't even in it!!! TODAYS LESSON IS... NEVER TICK ME OFF!!! Sailor Crescent Says!!! *She giggled then posed* LEO I'M GOING TO GET YOU!!!
Serena: Come on Rini!!! and bring your little friend!!!
Leo: We're not Lttle!!! I'm 11 Years old and I deserve some respect!!!
Rini: Hey I'm 10 And I deserve some 2!!!
Serena: All right, We'll call you both Big brats...
Rini And Leo: Thanks... >< HEY!!!
They all laughed and went to the park as planned...
Rini: Bye Leo Visit again soon!!!
Leo: Okay!!!
Serena: Good bye!!!
Darian: Bye Buddy!!!
Rei: Aww Darian's gona cry...
Darian: *He laughed* I guess I just sort of got attached to the little guy...
Amy: How sweet...
Lita: He reminds me of my last Boy friend
Mina: O.O..... and Who doesn't?
Leo: Bye!!! Moon Crystal Key!!! *He held up his key as it lifted it up int the golden clouds and took him back into his own time*
9/19/-Crystal Tokyo
Leo's Mother: Okay, Leo Say your Goodbyes to Rini but what ever you do don't go out side...
Leo: *He was about 12 or 13* It's No Fair! I want to say bye to Rini before she leave for the past!!!
Leo's Mother: You will, On the Phone...
Later on that day
Rini: LEO!!! *She jumped in his arms* Wait... Your Not supposed to be out here... It's the eclipse...
Leo: I don't care I wanted to tell you Good bye in person...
Rini: Thats Really Sweet, but you got to go, What if the- Oh now... LEO!!! *she shook him back and forth but he went into a trance... It was happening... the Solor Eclipse... Leo had a Sun ON his for head. Lights Swirled around him and his was transformed into the prince of the sun* LEO!!!
Leo: I'm not Leo Any more...
Rini: Ohh No... The Sun Spirits... GET OUT OF HIM NOW!!!
Leo: Never...
Leo Went on and Destoried half of crystal tokyo as Rini Watched helplessly... The Sailor Scouts Foaught but they stood No Chance, Leo Drained thier energy... Luckily the Eclipse only lasted for 10 minutes and Leo went back to normal... Neo Queen Serenity Healed the Scouts and Cystal Tokyo but...She could not help the way the rest of the World felt about Leo...
Leo: What happened to me?!? Why does everyone hate me? WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER!?!?!
Rini: Leo *She reached for him as she floated off to the future...*
Leo: Hello.......Is Rini there?
Rini: Leo!!!*she jumps up swings her arms around his neck and gives him a life threatening hug*
Leo: *Age 13 1/2* Rini.....I missed you too...but..i can hardly breath.*she lets go and looks into his eyes*Its been a while hasn't it.
They stare into each others eyes and Rini moves closer as does Leo.
Leo: *Whispering* I bet you 5 dollors i can kiss you without touching your lips.*he leans in and as he does, all the girls and Darian get closer to them. Leo gentely kisses Rini on the lips.
Leo:Worth every penny.*pulls out a five dollar bill and puts it in the back pocket of her jeens, he leans in for another kiss as Serina and Darian get closer and closer until their nose's were almost in the middle of Rini and Leo.
Rini: Every one is starring at us...
Leo: Really?Because the only people I see here are you and me..*leans in and finnally notices Serena and Darian in between them..*
Darian: -.- I liked him Better when he was Piant Sized...
Sailor Moon: NO!!!!
Luna: Prepare to fight Scouts!
Elder Nexes: Fellow Nexes, we'll have to use our last ounce of energy to Seal these Scouts away in our chambers in the next demention!!!
Crowd of Nexes: YEAH!!!
They Attacked
Alex: Take this Sailor Mars!!! *He held her up by the neck and she was gone*
Nikku: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *He shot a blast out, and Sereveral Scouts got caught in it, including Mini Moon...*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: NO!!! MINI MOON!!! *She was teleported away*
Nikku: Aww Look... We made the Little Brat Mad...
Tuxedo Mask: No Leo... Don't... You have to Calm Down... We'll get her back...
Alex: I don't think so... *He lifted tuxedo Up and he was gone*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: NO!!! My Friends... All gone...
Lela: Go ahead... Cry for your preshish Family...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *His Body began to glow bright Yellow*
Nikku: No!!! what is this Energy!!! AAAHHH!!!!
Elder Nexes: Whats he doing?!?
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *he was Being tooken over by his Sun Spirit. He Unleashed All Energy, weakening the Nexes* You Actualy thought you could Beat me... The Prince of the Sun...
Nexes: AAAAHH!!! Lets Get out of here!!! *They all left to the nega verse*
Elder Nexes: AAAAHHH!!!!
Prince of the Sun: Where do you think Your Going?!? *HE grabbed his hand and the Nexes's Hand turned to Stone*
Elder Nexes: AAHHH!!! *He shot a nega blast at the Prince Knocking him to the ground and he teleported away*
Prince of the Sun: AND DON'T COME BACK!!! *He Caused an Explosion of Golden Sun light, making a crator in the earth...*
Amulances were everywhere... The Police tried to find an Explanation for the crator and the Boy... But they came to a dead end... The Boy, Not knowing being from the future, Had no family and was supposed to be sent to the orfanage after he got out of the hospital... He was there for a whole week Knocked out and there the rest going thru therapy
Leo: *in the hospital* What happened... Who am I? Whats my Name!?! Leo? is Leo my name?
But Once he got a job, the court allowed him to get his own place, just as long as he stood out of troubles way... And Soon After, He was tutored and was able to go back to school...
Present Day
Leo: who am I... What happened that day in the Crator a year ago... Why me...? AND WHY AREN'T MY PARENTS HERE FOR ME! Ah... *He felt his wound* I may be afast healer but even this is going to take a while... *He looked at the bandage he rapped around his Abbs... Blood was seeping through like crazy* ah...
Mean While in the Negaverse...
Elder Nexes: What Happened Nikku?!? Why Did they escape?!? Why didn't you when?!? You had all the powers of the Negaverse on your Side!!!
Nikku: I'm sorry it's just... just that... *He thought of an excuse* It's just that Tuxedo Mini Mask!!! He's Always interfering...
Elder Nexes: Tuxedo Mini Mask?!? *He Looked at his hand, which was stone* Ah, Yes... I remember Him... It's A wonder how he stayed Hidden for all this time... *Thinking* I don't know why I'd want to find him... but then again he would make a good alley... As I recall from the reports, he has lost all memory of us...
Nikku: Well...
Elder Nexes: I will take Care of it...
That Night, When Leo was in bed but couldn't Sleep... He Turned on his TV To See Nikku...
Nikku: Hello Tuxedo Mini Mask... I see You have been having fun interferring with my missions...
Leo: How did you find me?!?
Nikku: The negaverse always finds a way! Tomorow at 7:00 at the Scapping Tower...
Leo: Why?!?
Nikku: Well... Don't you want to find out your true Identity...?
Leo: *He Sighed* Fine I'll Be there...
Sailor Says:
Hazel: WHAT THE HELL?!? Was this Episode All about Leo or something?!? I wasn't even in it!!! TODAYS LESSON IS... NEVER TICK ME OFF!!! Sailor Crescent Says!!! *She giggled then posed* LEO I'M GOING TO GET YOU!!!
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FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 19, 2007, 12:46:28 PM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 19, 2007, 12:47:47 PM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 19, 2007, 12:48:40 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 19, 2007, 12:51:06 PM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 19, 2007, 12:52:13 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 16, 2007, 8:37:14 AM
AlleyCat17 on October 16, 2007, 8:07:04 AM
AlleyCat17 on