Chapter 20 - A Crystal Clear Destiny
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 20 - A Crystal Clear Destiny
Chapter 20 - A Crystal Clear Destiny
Note: This episode was Modeled and Named after MY favorite episdoe of Sailor Moon, I hope you like it!!!
Hazel:Today on our show, the stakes couldn't be higher as Tuxedo Mini Mask goes 1 on 1 with Nikku...To fight for his Past when, The Negaverse double crosses us! Can We possibly stay right there and I'll show you! *She poses*
Leo: Star light Tower... at 7:00...
The Next day...
Hazel: O no... Must resist erg to Buy Chocolate... MUST... GO GO GO!!! ARIES IS GONA KILL ME!!! *She Left the store and Saw Leo, and ran up to him* Leo!
Leo: *he was holding his stomach* OH hey hazel... I would love to talk-
Hazel: Me too!!! *Leo fell over and she caught him by the chest/stomach area* Don't Worry I got ya... You haven't been at school lately and you left so fast yesterday! and I was wondering what was up-
Leo: Listen Hazel, I'm sorry I just don't have time! *He turned around away from hazel and Continued his walk to The Star light Tower*
Hazel: Okay bye!... *He walked off* Well that wasn't like him at all... I wonder what got into him *She looked at her hand and it was drinched in blood* Ohh no... He's Hurt and Baad... I Better follow him...
She Followed him thru a dark alley, down thru trees and at the Star Light Tower...
Leo: *He turned around sharply to see hazel* Why Are you following me?!?
Hazel: Following, Who me??
Leo: I know you were following me Hazel... Now Tell Me why!!!
Hazel: Fine okay... You Don't have to blow a casscet... I was following you because... I noticed you we're hurt...
Leo: Oh that well it's No Big Deal, just a cut from a Knife...
Hazel: A knife -.-... Leo you need to go to a doctor...
Leo: I was Cooking, A guy can cook cann't he?
Hazel: *thinking* Yeah probly better then I Do ^^'
Leo: Listen Hazel I'm sorry... Don't worry about me and go on with your own - *A red Light surrounded Leo and Hazel* Oh no... Hazel Run!!!
Hazel: I wish I could!!!
Leo: Hold on!!! *the Red light formed a ball and it lifted them into the Star light building...*
Hazel: AAAHH!!!
Hazel: *Thinking* Ohh no!!! They brought us here because of me! *They Landed on the 25 Floor but Hazel Was Knocked out...For some reason*
Mean While...
Aries: Where is that Girl?!?
Jenny: I don't Know...
DK: I tried her on my Communicator but it's nothing but Static...
Cat: Well, I didn't wana mention it, but I was Feeling some nega fibes at The Star Light Tower...
Gabe: Well Then I bet thats were she is... Come On girls...
Back at the Tower...
Nikku: Hello Tuxedo Mini Mask... I'm Glad you showed up...
Leo: Cut the chit chat...
Nikku: Fine Fine... Here are the rules...
Leo: Rules?
Nikku: Yes... We're fighting... If you win you get the truth about your past...
Leo: And If I lose?
Nikku: We'll work something out...
Leo: Okay fine... *Hazel Started to wake* But you have to promise no harm will come to the girl!
Nikku: Deal... *He thru a dagger at the girl*
Hazel: AAHHH!!! *she dodged the Dagger* Whats going on here Leo?!?
Leo: *Leo gasped* WHAT?!? You just said-
Nikku: No harm will come to her durring the fight... And well... We haven't Started yet...
Leo: Why you... *Leo Pulled out a feather*
Nikku: Oo... What are you gona do with that?
Leo: This... *The Feather stiffened and he thru it at nikku, The Feather Cut Nikku's Face*
Nikku: MY FACE!!! My beautiful face!!! your going to pay for that!!! *He Gripped his own hand and all of a sudden the building was being over come by crystals*
Leo: Oh no not this again...
Nikku: Meet you on the top floor, thats where our battle will begin... I Hope you and your little friend can run... *He disappeared*
Leo: *Crystals Were bursting thru the ground and Ceiling* Come on Hazel!!! *He dragged her to the elevator*
Hazel: Aren't You supposed to use the stairs at times like this?!?
Leo: Do you see any stairs?!?
Hazel: Hmmm...
Leo: Then come on lets go!!! *He pressed the buttonon the elevator to take him to the top floor and the elevator Closed*... That was a close one *He fell to the ground...*
Hazel: Yeah... Hey Leo, how do you know Nikku??? and why do you want to fight him?
Leo: I don't really know him, he just knows me... And He Knows My Past and Thats what I want to find out...
Hazel: Ohh... Well... Leo... Umm stop me if I'm getting to personal... But what happened to your parents...
Leo: They Say Car Crash but... Thats not possible, because I Don't even Think I have any parents... Or they would be here...
Hazel: Leo! *She gasped* You don't really think that... I'm sure it was a car crash or else why would they just Leave you here... No Parent could do that! I'm Positive they were in a Car Crash...
Leo: Oh yeah... Then how did I survive? with nothing but a Few Scratches and Memory Lost?
Hazel: *She gasped* Leo... You Can't Remeber your Parents?!?
Leo: No... No body... All I keep having are these dreams... Most of them are normal for someone who has lost everything... But, There's this one dream...
Hazel: Really? Tell me...
Leo: Well I'm In a Beautiful Crystal Castel with Several People... I feel Like I know Them But... I know in reality, I don't. Everythings Perfect, I'm Playing in a feild with those people, And All of a sudden... A Cloud of darkness swarms over head... The People Disappear One By one Screaming things Like "help me" and "Your The Key to Our Save Return"..."Leo" They cry in the dark Moonlit Plain. "Save us" They say and As the Last of them disappear theres a Huge Explosion and I Wake up...
Hazel: Wow... I bet the Castel Had A Queen, With Long Blonde Hair and Beautiful Wings...
Leo: Yes... And a King, with a Mask...
Hazel: Yeah... Sounds Nice...
Leo: Before they all disappear...
Hazel: Ohh Sorry...
Leo: It's okay... It's Good to get this out... You know... Your the Very 1st person I've told...*He Stood up and looked at the Elevator Window*
Hazel: Really... Wow... Sorry, It must be pretty hard not knowing who you are...
Leo: I get Close...*He Looked at the Window*
Hazel: *Thinking* I reconize that Pose... No Leo... Goofy Leo? Tuxedo Mini Mask? Yeah right...
Mean while...
Sailor Black Hole: *She Saw the Building Covered in Crystal* What is with the nega verse and Crystals... *the Sky Was dark and all lights in the town were Down... there was a huge black out*
Aries: Triton... Check and see if there is a way in!
Sailor Triton: How?
Aries: The Triton Tracer, It traces over anything you want and it will tell you many things about it...
Sailor Triton: Cool!!! But should Sailor Crescent Have it???
Aries: Why?!? She would never use it!
Sailor Celestial: Got that Right!
Sailor Triton: *She laughed* Okay,Where is it???
Aries: Oh right... Press the Earring on your Right Ear...
Sailor Triton: *She did As told and a Transparent Mask Type thing was generated, and she could see everything, inside and out* COOL!!! *She looked at Sailor Celestial* Looks like some one has a burrito for lunch today!!!
Aries: Stop Goofing and use it to see if theres a way in...
Sailor Triton: Right! *She Looked at the Tower* Umm Looks pretty Solid... No getting in the easy way...
Sailor Nova: Then How About the Hard way?!? Nova... Dworf Star!!! *She Held up Her Hand up and Creative A Ball that looked like a Mini Planet. She Threw the Planet as it ripped threw the ground and thru the crystals* COMBUST!!! *The Star Exploded making a small path for the scouts*
Sailor Celestial: O.O... Wow...
Sailor Nova: I Know, I'm Perfect!
Sailor Black Hole: Okay, miss sun shine.... Lets go!!!
Hazel: Whats Happening? Leo...
Leo: We've Stopped...
Nikku: *above at the top of the elevator entrance* Well, Time to Pay... *He threw fire back in forth, pawm to pawm... He threw the fire down the Elevator Hole* That Old Man Won't care, Especialy with all of the energy i'll Be getting Now that Tuxedo Is Gone...
Hazel: LEO!!! FIRE!!!
Leo: AAAHHH!!!
Hazel: ohh... *Thinking* Sailor Crescent could Get us Out of this... But then Leo would know who I really am... *the fire got closer* There's Only one choice... No fun Getting toasted...
Leo: AAHHH!!!
Hazel: Your Going down Nikku!!!
Leo: huh?!?
Hazel: *She Blushed* CRESCENT PRISM POWER!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow!
Leo: *He Gasped*
All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso.
Leo: IT's Her!!!
The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it…
Leo: Hazel's Sailor Crescent!!!
As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Nikku: *The Was a small Explosion* ooopss... I'll Just Tell the Old Man it was an accedent...*He walked away*
Sailor Crescent: Hold it! Takes more then a messly Fire ball to get rid of Sailor Crescent, You Slime Mister... You should know that after all this time... I am Sailor Crescent Enemy of the Nega Verse, And that meens you! *She posed*
Nikku: *He Turned around* How Ironic, It isn't you I want! It's your friend Tuxedo Mini Mask
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo Mini Mask? Give me a break! He isn't Even Here!
Leo: Yes I am!!!
Sailor Crescent: You are -.-...?
Leo: *He nodded and held out his Crystal*
Sailor Crescent: *Thinking* He is Tuxedo Mini Mask, I don't Believe it...
Leo: Sun Crystal POWER!!!
He pull's Out his Sun Crystal. The Crystal Glows a Bright Gold. The Crystal Sprouts White Wings and Flutters All Around Him Followed by a Trail of Golden Star Dust. The Crystal Circles all Around his Chest as The Dust Forms Glowing Golden Armor on his Torso. The Armor Flashes a Bright Golden color And when the flash Fades his Armor is now a Golden Tuxedo!!! His Sun Symbol on his forhead glows, and His Hair goes from blonde to Gold!!! as He grabs the Fluttering Crystal and places it over his eyes and he turns around and it's his mask! He then Posed...
Sailor Crescent: *Staring at Him, thinking* Goofy old Leo My Dream Hunk O.O?!? This is going to take some ajusting to...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: You Should Get out of her Crescent... This Fight doesn't Concern you Anymore
Sailor Crescent: NO!!! Are you kidding me?!? No way!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: But I have to beat Hime Alone...
Sailor Crescent: I know... To Discover your Past...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Yeah...
Nikku: So Are you Ready? Do you want to learn About your Past or not?
Tuxedo Mini Moon: You Know I do!!! but You'll have to Garenty a fair Fight...
Nikku: Of coarse I wouldn't have it any other way... *He started Fitching his fingers... And All of a sudden, right behind Tuxedo, There was a Floating Crystal/glass Shard*... GOOD BYE!!! *He threw his hand back and the Shard was thrusted thru Tuxedo Mini Mask*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: AAHHH!!!
Sailor Crescent: NO!!! Tuxedo!!! NOO!!! *He fell to the Ground* Tuxedo!!! *She ran to and caught him*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: You gota Promise me to beat the Negaverse for me...
Sailor Crescent: You Know it!!! *He Pasted out in her arms as she laid him on the ground* Tuxedo No... *The Girls Walked in*
Sailor Triton: Thats Tuxedo Mini Mask!!!
Sailor Black Hole: Yeah, but it looks like we're to Late!!!
Sailor Nova: ohh no...
Sailor Crescent: Leo... No... Please Don't GO *She began to cry* Dear Leo... You Can't Go you Can't...*Sailor Crescent's Locket Began to Glow, Sailor Crescent Sat up, off Leo's Chest, and The Top part of her Locket disappeared as the Silver Crystal Came Out, glowing a bright light... It hovered right Above Tuxedo and Crescent*
Aries: *She gasped* The Silver Crystal...
Gabe: What Happeneds Now...
Aries: Maybe the Princess will be Revealed...
Sailor Crescent: *The Crescent wand fell gracfully to the Level of the Crystal, and the Crystal Landed on the tip of it*.............*Sailor Crescent's Eyes Got Glacy as she went into a trance and Stood up to grab the Wand...*
Sailor Celestial: It's Her!
Sailor Triton: Sailor Crescent is the Princess!!!
Aries: Sailor Crescent...
Sailor Black Hole: Who would of thunk it?!?
Gabe: We've Finally Found her aries...
Aries: It's About time...
Sailor Crescent: *As she grabbed the Wand her Tiara Disappeared and A Yellow Crescent Moon Appeared on her Forehead. She Span around, and as she did, her Uniform Changed into her beautiful Princess Dress..... And She thought to her self* ME... Hazel... a Princess... *She sighed and thought again* Now this is way past weird...
Sailor Says:
Hazel: today on Our Show, Leo got hurt but the truth is, it happeneds to all of us... But just Remember to Think about what your Doing before you do it, and it might happen less often...
Aries: Yeah, don't be an accedent waiting to Happen
Hazel: Yeah! Sailor Crescent Says...*She giggled*
Hazel:Today on our show, the stakes couldn't be higher as Tuxedo Mini Mask goes 1 on 1 with Nikku...To fight for his Past when, The Negaverse double crosses us! Can We possibly stay right there and I'll show you! *She poses*
Leo: Star light Tower... at 7:00...
The Next day...
Hazel: O no... Must resist erg to Buy Chocolate... MUST... GO GO GO!!! ARIES IS GONA KILL ME!!! *She Left the store and Saw Leo, and ran up to him* Leo!
Leo: *he was holding his stomach* OH hey hazel... I would love to talk-
Hazel: Me too!!! *Leo fell over and she caught him by the chest/stomach area* Don't Worry I got ya... You haven't been at school lately and you left so fast yesterday! and I was wondering what was up-
Leo: Listen Hazel, I'm sorry I just don't have time! *He turned around away from hazel and Continued his walk to The Star light Tower*
Hazel: Okay bye!... *He walked off* Well that wasn't like him at all... I wonder what got into him *She looked at her hand and it was drinched in blood* Ohh no... He's Hurt and Baad... I Better follow him...
She Followed him thru a dark alley, down thru trees and at the Star Light Tower...
Leo: *He turned around sharply to see hazel* Why Are you following me?!?
Hazel: Following, Who me??
Leo: I know you were following me Hazel... Now Tell Me why!!!
Hazel: Fine okay... You Don't have to blow a casscet... I was following you because... I noticed you we're hurt...
Leo: Oh that well it's No Big Deal, just a cut from a Knife...
Hazel: A knife -.-... Leo you need to go to a doctor...
Leo: I was Cooking, A guy can cook cann't he?
Hazel: *thinking* Yeah probly better then I Do ^^'
Leo: Listen Hazel I'm sorry... Don't worry about me and go on with your own - *A red Light surrounded Leo and Hazel* Oh no... Hazel Run!!!
Hazel: I wish I could!!!
Leo: Hold on!!! *the Red light formed a ball and it lifted them into the Star light building...*
Hazel: AAAHH!!!
Hazel: *Thinking* Ohh no!!! They brought us here because of me! *They Landed on the 25 Floor but Hazel Was Knocked out...For some reason*
Mean While...
Aries: Where is that Girl?!?
Jenny: I don't Know...
DK: I tried her on my Communicator but it's nothing but Static...
Cat: Well, I didn't wana mention it, but I was Feeling some nega fibes at The Star Light Tower...
Gabe: Well Then I bet thats were she is... Come On girls...
Back at the Tower...
Nikku: Hello Tuxedo Mini Mask... I'm Glad you showed up...
Leo: Cut the chit chat...
Nikku: Fine Fine... Here are the rules...
Leo: Rules?
Nikku: Yes... We're fighting... If you win you get the truth about your past...
Leo: And If I lose?
Nikku: We'll work something out...
Leo: Okay fine... *Hazel Started to wake* But you have to promise no harm will come to the girl!
Nikku: Deal... *He thru a dagger at the girl*
Hazel: AAHHH!!! *she dodged the Dagger* Whats going on here Leo?!?
Leo: *Leo gasped* WHAT?!? You just said-
Nikku: No harm will come to her durring the fight... And well... We haven't Started yet...
Leo: Why you... *Leo Pulled out a feather*
Nikku: Oo... What are you gona do with that?
Leo: This... *The Feather stiffened and he thru it at nikku, The Feather Cut Nikku's Face*
Nikku: MY FACE!!! My beautiful face!!! your going to pay for that!!! *He Gripped his own hand and all of a sudden the building was being over come by crystals*
Leo: Oh no not this again...
Nikku: Meet you on the top floor, thats where our battle will begin... I Hope you and your little friend can run... *He disappeared*
Leo: *Crystals Were bursting thru the ground and Ceiling* Come on Hazel!!! *He dragged her to the elevator*
Hazel: Aren't You supposed to use the stairs at times like this?!?
Leo: Do you see any stairs?!?
Hazel: Hmmm...
Leo: Then come on lets go!!! *He pressed the buttonon the elevator to take him to the top floor and the elevator Closed*... That was a close one *He fell to the ground...*
Hazel: Yeah... Hey Leo, how do you know Nikku??? and why do you want to fight him?
Leo: I don't really know him, he just knows me... And He Knows My Past and Thats what I want to find out...
Hazel: Ohh... Well... Leo... Umm stop me if I'm getting to personal... But what happened to your parents...
Leo: They Say Car Crash but... Thats not possible, because I Don't even Think I have any parents... Or they would be here...
Hazel: Leo! *She gasped* You don't really think that... I'm sure it was a car crash or else why would they just Leave you here... No Parent could do that! I'm Positive they were in a Car Crash...
Leo: Oh yeah... Then how did I survive? with nothing but a Few Scratches and Memory Lost?
Hazel: *She gasped* Leo... You Can't Remeber your Parents?!?
Leo: No... No body... All I keep having are these dreams... Most of them are normal for someone who has lost everything... But, There's this one dream...
Hazel: Really? Tell me...
Leo: Well I'm In a Beautiful Crystal Castel with Several People... I feel Like I know Them But... I know in reality, I don't. Everythings Perfect, I'm Playing in a feild with those people, And All of a sudden... A Cloud of darkness swarms over head... The People Disappear One By one Screaming things Like "help me" and "Your The Key to Our Save Return"..."Leo" They cry in the dark Moonlit Plain. "Save us" They say and As the Last of them disappear theres a Huge Explosion and I Wake up...
Hazel: Wow... I bet the Castel Had A Queen, With Long Blonde Hair and Beautiful Wings...
Leo: Yes... And a King, with a Mask...
Hazel: Yeah... Sounds Nice...
Leo: Before they all disappear...
Hazel: Ohh Sorry...
Leo: It's okay... It's Good to get this out... You know... Your the Very 1st person I've told...*He Stood up and looked at the Elevator Window*
Hazel: Really... Wow... Sorry, It must be pretty hard not knowing who you are...
Leo: I get Close...*He Looked at the Window*
Hazel: *Thinking* I reconize that Pose... No Leo... Goofy Leo? Tuxedo Mini Mask? Yeah right...
Mean while...
Sailor Black Hole: *She Saw the Building Covered in Crystal* What is with the nega verse and Crystals... *the Sky Was dark and all lights in the town were Down... there was a huge black out*
Aries: Triton... Check and see if there is a way in!
Sailor Triton: How?
Aries: The Triton Tracer, It traces over anything you want and it will tell you many things about it...
Sailor Triton: Cool!!! But should Sailor Crescent Have it???
Aries: Why?!? She would never use it!
Sailor Celestial: Got that Right!
Sailor Triton: *She laughed* Okay,Where is it???
Aries: Oh right... Press the Earring on your Right Ear...
Sailor Triton: *She did As told and a Transparent Mask Type thing was generated, and she could see everything, inside and out* COOL!!! *She looked at Sailor Celestial* Looks like some one has a burrito for lunch today!!!
Aries: Stop Goofing and use it to see if theres a way in...
Sailor Triton: Right! *She Looked at the Tower* Umm Looks pretty Solid... No getting in the easy way...
Sailor Nova: Then How About the Hard way?!? Nova... Dworf Star!!! *She Held up Her Hand up and Creative A Ball that looked like a Mini Planet. She Threw the Planet as it ripped threw the ground and thru the crystals* COMBUST!!! *The Star Exploded making a small path for the scouts*
Sailor Celestial: O.O... Wow...
Sailor Nova: I Know, I'm Perfect!
Sailor Black Hole: Okay, miss sun shine.... Lets go!!!
Hazel: Whats Happening? Leo...
Leo: We've Stopped...
Nikku: *above at the top of the elevator entrance* Well, Time to Pay... *He threw fire back in forth, pawm to pawm... He threw the fire down the Elevator Hole* That Old Man Won't care, Especialy with all of the energy i'll Be getting Now that Tuxedo Is Gone...
Hazel: LEO!!! FIRE!!!
Leo: AAAHHH!!!
Hazel: ohh... *Thinking* Sailor Crescent could Get us Out of this... But then Leo would know who I really am... *the fire got closer* There's Only one choice... No fun Getting toasted...
Leo: AAHHH!!!
Hazel: Your Going down Nikku!!!
Leo: huh?!?
Hazel: *She Blushed* CRESCENT PRISM POWER!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow!
Leo: *He Gasped*
All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso.
Leo: IT's Her!!!
The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it…
Leo: Hazel's Sailor Crescent!!!
As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Nikku: *The Was a small Explosion* ooopss... I'll Just Tell the Old Man it was an accedent...*He walked away*
Sailor Crescent: Hold it! Takes more then a messly Fire ball to get rid of Sailor Crescent, You Slime Mister... You should know that after all this time... I am Sailor Crescent Enemy of the Nega Verse, And that meens you! *She posed*
Nikku: *He Turned around* How Ironic, It isn't you I want! It's your friend Tuxedo Mini Mask
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo Mini Mask? Give me a break! He isn't Even Here!
Leo: Yes I am!!!
Sailor Crescent: You are -.-...?
Leo: *He nodded and held out his Crystal*
Sailor Crescent: *Thinking* He is Tuxedo Mini Mask, I don't Believe it...
Leo: Sun Crystal POWER!!!
He pull's Out his Sun Crystal. The Crystal Glows a Bright Gold. The Crystal Sprouts White Wings and Flutters All Around Him Followed by a Trail of Golden Star Dust. The Crystal Circles all Around his Chest as The Dust Forms Glowing Golden Armor on his Torso. The Armor Flashes a Bright Golden color And when the flash Fades his Armor is now a Golden Tuxedo!!! His Sun Symbol on his forhead glows, and His Hair goes from blonde to Gold!!! as He grabs the Fluttering Crystal and places it over his eyes and he turns around and it's his mask! He then Posed...
Sailor Crescent: *Staring at Him, thinking* Goofy old Leo My Dream Hunk O.O?!? This is going to take some ajusting to...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: You Should Get out of her Crescent... This Fight doesn't Concern you Anymore
Sailor Crescent: NO!!! Are you kidding me?!? No way!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: But I have to beat Hime Alone...
Sailor Crescent: I know... To Discover your Past...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Yeah...
Nikku: So Are you Ready? Do you want to learn About your Past or not?
Tuxedo Mini Moon: You Know I do!!! but You'll have to Garenty a fair Fight...
Nikku: Of coarse I wouldn't have it any other way... *He started Fitching his fingers... And All of a sudden, right behind Tuxedo, There was a Floating Crystal/glass Shard*... GOOD BYE!!! *He threw his hand back and the Shard was thrusted thru Tuxedo Mini Mask*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: AAHHH!!!
Sailor Crescent: NO!!! Tuxedo!!! NOO!!! *He fell to the Ground* Tuxedo!!! *She ran to and caught him*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: You gota Promise me to beat the Negaverse for me...
Sailor Crescent: You Know it!!! *He Pasted out in her arms as she laid him on the ground* Tuxedo No... *The Girls Walked in*
Sailor Triton: Thats Tuxedo Mini Mask!!!
Sailor Black Hole: Yeah, but it looks like we're to Late!!!
Sailor Nova: ohh no...
Sailor Crescent: Leo... No... Please Don't GO *She began to cry* Dear Leo... You Can't Go you Can't...*Sailor Crescent's Locket Began to Glow, Sailor Crescent Sat up, off Leo's Chest, and The Top part of her Locket disappeared as the Silver Crystal Came Out, glowing a bright light... It hovered right Above Tuxedo and Crescent*
Aries: *She gasped* The Silver Crystal...
Gabe: What Happeneds Now...
Aries: Maybe the Princess will be Revealed...
Sailor Crescent: *The Crescent wand fell gracfully to the Level of the Crystal, and the Crystal Landed on the tip of it*.............*Sailor Crescent's Eyes Got Glacy as she went into a trance and Stood up to grab the Wand...*
Sailor Celestial: It's Her!
Sailor Triton: Sailor Crescent is the Princess!!!
Aries: Sailor Crescent...
Sailor Black Hole: Who would of thunk it?!?
Gabe: We've Finally Found her aries...
Aries: It's About time...
Sailor Crescent: *As she grabbed the Wand her Tiara Disappeared and A Yellow Crescent Moon Appeared on her Forehead. She Span around, and as she did, her Uniform Changed into her beautiful Princess Dress..... And She thought to her self* ME... Hazel... a Princess... *She sighed and thought again* Now this is way past weird...
Sailor Says:
Hazel: today on Our Show, Leo got hurt but the truth is, it happeneds to all of us... But just Remember to Think about what your Doing before you do it, and it might happen less often...
Aries: Yeah, don't be an accedent waiting to Happen
Hazel: Yeah! Sailor Crescent Says...*She giggled*
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FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 19, 2007, 1:02:29 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 19, 2007, 1:07:47 PM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 19, 2007, 1:09:22 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 19, 2007, 1:14:45 PM

Hey no more info out of me, NUH UH!!! lol go back to reading! lol
Oh and BTW I drew Sailor Crescent again =D lol you can't really see her low lights or her 2 crescent moons on the tiara lol but still good =D lol
and I also drew A scene from this story, you'll see which one once it's posted =D lol
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 19, 2007, 1:23:05 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 19, 2007, 1:24:18 PM
AlleyCat17 on October 16, 2007, 8:16:29 AM
AlleyCat17 on

have a temper when she is pisst off which is once in a while.and i so new that she was the princess.anyways i can't wait for when you add a new chapter.
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 16, 2007, 8:21:16 AM
Moon_Princess on October 16, 2007, 7:31:33 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 16, 2007, 7:39:36 AM

And Don't worry you Guys, Hazel isn't gona steal all the attention! lol i'v got Something for each and everyone of you before the season Ends! so don't think that it's just about Hazel, Although Hazel is a very big part, she's not the only star lol...
And right at the end of the season, I will reveal the Lost episodes =D...
what emotion am i supposed to feel right now..?
U CANT DIE!!!!!!!!!!
SO MUCH DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
DIE NIKKU!!!!!!!!!!