Chapter 22 - Tuxedo Mini Mask SAVES THE DAY!!! Or not...
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 22 - Tuxedo Mini Mask SAVES THE DAY!!! Or not...
Chapter 22 - Tuxedo Mini Mask SAVES THE DAY!!! Or not...
Hazel: Today on our Show... The Scouts Enter the Miss and Mister Perfect Padgent Because Aries and Gabe have terrible Nega Vibes comeing from it... Turns Out they're Right! And The Monster Is this close to Squish us all when, Tuxedo Mini Mask SHows up.. Problem is... Is he Friend or Foe?!? Stay Right There and I'll Show you!!! *poses*
One Day While just getting out of school DK, Aries and Hazel Were walking down the side walk when Andrew Ran up to them...
Andrew: HAZEL HAZEL!!! DK!!!
Hazel: huh? *He ranup to them and held them back from continueing there walk*
DK: WHat do you want Andrew?
Hazel: You better not be asking me out again -.-...
Andrew: THAT WAS IN THE SECOND GRADE!!! I'm Over you
DK: Just get to the Point we have things to do!
Andrew: Take A look!!! *He held up a poster, With The Words "Miss and Mister Perfect Padgent, The Match Made in heaven" on it and Saying the Dates for the Padgent*
Hazel: So?
Andrew: Well I was Wondering if Either of you Wanted to do it... Considering your both so Beautiful...
Hazel: -.- I knew you were asking me out again *A smirk appeared on her face*
Andrew: NO!!! I ment you could enter with your Boyfriends...
Hazel: I don't have one THANK YOU VERY MUCH *She turned around and Pouted*
Andrew: *He turned her back around* Well what about that Leo Guy? I thought you 2 were dating...? And Not Only that but you 2 look perfect Together!
Hazel: ... Leo Is my Friend and he is out of town now so-
DK: OH!!! I would Love to do it!!!
Hazel: -.- With who?
DK: Nick...
DK: I can't help it... he's gone, and he hasn't been at School soo...
Hazel: -.-
Andrew: So wait... YOUR BOTH SINGLE!?!?! Well then who wants to Be My Partner?
Aries: *Whispereing to Hazel* Hazel I Think you shouled do it... IT may even help you act more like a princess...
DK: Comon, Let's go check it out...
Andrew: So is that a yes?
Hazel: No...
Aries: Not Yet...
Andrew: Did you say something? or was it your Cat?
Hazel: yes... It was me *She Laughed nervously*
Andrew: Oh Good I Thought I Was Going Crazy, Comon lets go check it out...
They Went down to the Padgent and Saw everyone setting up...
DK: Ohh wow... I'm Gona Enter! Andrew you've got your Self a Deal!!!
Andrew: cool We'll Split the Prize Money and you can Keep the Extra Prize!!!
Hazel: PRIZE MONEY!!! To Late DK He's My Partner!!!
Emily: No... He's Mine -.- ANDREW!!! *She walked up behind them* Andrew you said you were going for some Icecream!
Andrew: I-
Emily: I don't Get it, You wanted this!
Andrew: Yeah but your just so Bossy!!!
Emily: -.- Bossy... You Just wait... COME ON ANDREW!!! *She pulled him away by the Ear* =D Bye girls!!!
Hazel: Oh great now neither of us have a Partner...
Jenny: Yeah but I do... *She Walked up with Cat and Gabe*
Hazel: Jenny?
Aries: Jenny I Never Knew you had a Boy Friend!!!
Gabe: She doesn't... She Scared them all away *He started to laugh*
Jenny: *She hit him over the head* -.- I don't I'm just waiting for the Right Boy...So Cat is going to be my Substatution!
Cat: -.- Thanks... But it'll all be worth it once we win the Prize Money =D
Moonara: *She walked up* Yeah And I'll Be going with the New Assistent at the Temple!!!
Cat: HE Actually said yes?
Moonara: YEAH!!! Well after I threatened his Job...^^' But besides that, It's true Love!!!
Hazel: Well thats great, now DK and I don't have a Partner -.-...
Tod: *just walking up* Excuse me, Did I hear you Just Say that this Young Lady doesn't have a partner?
Hazel: Yes...
Tod: Well she's in luck, my Partner is sick with the Flue... And I was in search of one... DK Would you be my partner?
DK: OH YES!!! *she hugged him and whispered in his ear* Is this the best descize you could find?!?
Tod: Yeah on short Notice...
A woman with blue hair and Purple Eyes sat Down at a Desk
Karin: Excuse me... Would you beautiful People Like to Sign up for the Padgent...
Girls: YOU BET!!!
Karin: Great!!! *The girls walked over to her* Okay... As Tradition the girls are the ones to sign the couple up so... Go ahead *She ahanded them the list and all the Girls sighened it*
Jenny: Hey cat... *She whispered* What do you want your Name to be?
Cat: JOEY!!!
Jenny: Okay!!! *She sighned them up*
Aries: Gabe... *Whispereing* I have a bad feeling abut that Woman...
Gabe:*Whispereing* ME too...
Hazel: I would Join but... I don't have a guy...
Karin: Ohh to bad... But still buy tickets!
Hazel: -.- Right...
The next day was saturday, and the day of the Padgent... ALL the girls stood up practicing. When it was time for the padgent Hazel was all ready in the audiunce...
Hazel: This Sucks...
Mean while Back Stage...
Aries: Hey you guys, We just came to Wish you good luck!
Gabe: Yeah!!!
Cat: Well thats Great, but theres a little bit of a problem...
Aries: What?
Cat: Well Let's just say, my Disciuze Isn't really working out...
Aries: Oh... No Problem... Here use this! Hazel Gave it to me thinking you wouldn't be able to pull off this... THE ARIES PEN!!! *She handed her the Pen*
Cat: Wait, I thought we were'nt supposed to use this except for Sailor Buiseness?
Aries: Well...
Gabe: This Kind of is...
Aries: We have some Nega Vibes coming from this Contest... So be on your Toes and Break a Leg!!!
The Cats left to go be with Hazel
Hazel: Hey Alley Cats, Whats up?
Aries: Nothing, but their about to start!
Karin *Now the hostest up on stage: Hello and welcome to the Miss and Mister Perfect Padgent...Before we start I would like all of you to give it up for our judges!!! *The Crowd rowd as the Spot light shined on the 3 judges sitting below the Stage* Now it's time for Our Compeditors!!! *The Couples walked on. As karin walked back stage when a Green monster took over her body* AAAH!!!
Judges #1: GREAT!!! You've showed us That your all poised and that you all want world peace, Now it's time for the Kissing Competion... Who Loks the hottest kissing the other?
Cat: Judge say what?
Jenny: Ohh great...
Karin/Possested: *She Walked on stage* Look at them aren't they beautiful!?!?! Now It's time for... *She Transformed into a blue monster wearing a Yellow dress* ALL OF YOU TO SURRENDER YOUR ENERGY TO THE NEGA VERSE!!!
Cat: Saved by the Nega scum...
Jenny: yes...
DK: NIKKU! I thought you said you weren't pulling any tricks?
Tod: I'm not!!! this must be someone else's Doing... HEY YOU!!! get off the stage...
Karin/Possested: huh?
Tod: I am Nikku Of the Nega Verse!!!
Karin/possested: Sorry, I'm on Orders... *She Threw up her arms and everyone on stage pasted out from lack of energy, and Hazel Hid Under Her Seats and the Judges Hid Under their Table*
Aries: Hazel, it's time for Sailor Crescent...*The rest of the people ran*
Hazel: I'm On it... *She went behind a seat* CRESCENT PRISIM POWER!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Karin/Possested: Hey Judges!!! *She Flipped up the Table they were under* I Want Your Energy!!! NOW!!!
Sailor Crescent: *She Hopped up on stage* I don't think so...I am Sailor Crescent!Champion of justice! I will right wrongs and Triumpth over Evil!!! and that Means YOU!!!
Monster: Excuse me... I don't think You are registered in this Contest.
Sailor Crescent: Oh I Am... See look poise! *She ran over to the surtain and pulled on it tipping it over onto the Monster* I hope that the world will be free of monsters like you in the future...
Monster: *The Monster ate the Curtain and then Spit it back up as Acid on to Sailor Crescent When....*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: SUN BOLTS!!! *A Golden Streem of sun light cancleing out the Monster's attack, Knocking him away from Crescent. He went to go help Crescent up*
Sailor Crescent: TUXEDO!!! You Came!!! *She Hugged him*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Not so Fast... I didn't come for you, I came for that Crystal!!!
Sailor Crescent: Ohh No... They Turned you Againist us!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I was never on your side... All I live for is that Crystal... NOW HAND IT OVER!!!
Sailor Crescent: I'll hand it over all Right... This would be my Talent *She took out her wand, as the Crystal Glew Serveral Colors* Cosmic Moon.... Healing!!! ACTIVATION!!! *The wand shot out 7 colors and they hit Leo and the Monster*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: AAAHH!!!
Monster: AAHHH!!! *Karin was turned back to normal and the monster was moon dusted and the energy slowly went back to everyone else...*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *He fell to the ground as* Ah...
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo!!! *She fell to him* LEO! it's me...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Hazel... I'm sorry...
Sailor Crescent: IT's Okay... You're Back *they stood up, he stumbled a little but she helped him*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Thank you...*He Kissed Her*
Sailor Crescent: What was that for-
Judge #2: *Coming out of Hiding* Well we've decided... *everyone began to wake up* Our Miss And Mister Perfect are... Tuxedo and Crescent!!!
Sailor Crescent: What?!? But we-
Judge #3: You Have won this Star Locket!!! *A Star Locket Floated Down from the Sky*
Sailor Crescent: Nice affects...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Holding the Locket along with Hazel* I wonder Whats in it... *He opened it up and it played a beautiful song* It's... Wow...
Elder Nexes: *Talking to Nikku using his mind* My control over Leo is weakening, bring him back here now...
Tod/Nikku: *thinking* Fine...
Tod/Nikku: I hate to ruin your Happy ending *He transformed into Nikku* But I have my orders... *he appeared behind Tuxedo*
Sailor Crescent: TUXEDO!!! Watch out...
Nikku: TO LATE!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: GOOD BYE HAZEL!!!
Sailor Crescent: LEO!!! *They held on to the chain of the Locket, when Nikku Teleported with Leo Trapped with him and the Chain Broke leaving Sailor Crescent with the little Locket* No... Not again...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Just remember, I'll Always be on your side...
Sailor Crescent: Right... *She held the Locket in her arms*
After Hazel Powered down, and the Padgent was over, the girls went to the temple... and as the girls Chitered and chatered Hazel just stood there with the slide door open, washing the stars and her Locket...
Aries: Oh come on Hazel... Your usually not this quite...
Hazel: I know...
Cat: Oh leave her alone Aries! The guy kisses her, Makes them the offical Perfect Couple of the world and leaves her that pretty locket and nothing else... She has a right to be emotional...
Jenny: hey look on the bright side, You got a new Boyfriend =D...
Hazel: He's not-
DK: He totaly is...
Hazel: YOU CAN'T TALK!!! your boyfriend is the one who took him away, which by the way is messed up... BREAK UP WITH HIM ALREADY!!!
Moonara: I Still Can't Believe you won Hazel... You didn't even enter AND you didn't collect that Prize money!!
Hazel: It doesn't matter... This Locket is all I need... *She sighed and looked up into the stars*
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our show the scouts entered a Padgent, and People in your neighborhood do so ever Day! And you may think that just because your not as pretty as us you can't do that...
Moonara: Well the truth is, anyone can do it!
Cat: After all, Everyone's Pretty on the Inside
DK: YEAH!!! and thats what counts!!!
Jenny: Yeah, and I'm Pretty on both sides!
Hazel: Yeah... right... *She Laughed* Sailor Crescent Says!!! *She giggled*
One Day While just getting out of school DK, Aries and Hazel Were walking down the side walk when Andrew Ran up to them...
Andrew: HAZEL HAZEL!!! DK!!!
Hazel: huh? *He ranup to them and held them back from continueing there walk*
DK: WHat do you want Andrew?
Hazel: You better not be asking me out again -.-...
Andrew: THAT WAS IN THE SECOND GRADE!!! I'm Over you
DK: Just get to the Point we have things to do!
Andrew: Take A look!!! *He held up a poster, With The Words "Miss and Mister Perfect Padgent, The Match Made in heaven" on it and Saying the Dates for the Padgent*
Hazel: So?
Andrew: Well I was Wondering if Either of you Wanted to do it... Considering your both so Beautiful...
Hazel: -.- I knew you were asking me out again *A smirk appeared on her face*
Andrew: NO!!! I ment you could enter with your Boyfriends...
Hazel: I don't have one THANK YOU VERY MUCH *She turned around and Pouted*
Andrew: *He turned her back around* Well what about that Leo Guy? I thought you 2 were dating...? And Not Only that but you 2 look perfect Together!
Hazel: ... Leo Is my Friend and he is out of town now so-
DK: OH!!! I would Love to do it!!!
Hazel: -.- With who?
DK: Nick...
DK: I can't help it... he's gone, and he hasn't been at School soo...
Hazel: -.-
Andrew: So wait... YOUR BOTH SINGLE!?!?! Well then who wants to Be My Partner?
Aries: *Whispereing to Hazel* Hazel I Think you shouled do it... IT may even help you act more like a princess...
DK: Comon, Let's go check it out...
Andrew: So is that a yes?
Hazel: No...
Aries: Not Yet...
Andrew: Did you say something? or was it your Cat?
Hazel: yes... It was me *She Laughed nervously*
Andrew: Oh Good I Thought I Was Going Crazy, Comon lets go check it out...
They Went down to the Padgent and Saw everyone setting up...
DK: Ohh wow... I'm Gona Enter! Andrew you've got your Self a Deal!!!
Andrew: cool We'll Split the Prize Money and you can Keep the Extra Prize!!!
Hazel: PRIZE MONEY!!! To Late DK He's My Partner!!!
Emily: No... He's Mine -.- ANDREW!!! *She walked up behind them* Andrew you said you were going for some Icecream!
Andrew: I-
Emily: I don't Get it, You wanted this!
Andrew: Yeah but your just so Bossy!!!
Emily: -.- Bossy... You Just wait... COME ON ANDREW!!! *She pulled him away by the Ear* =D Bye girls!!!
Hazel: Oh great now neither of us have a Partner...
Jenny: Yeah but I do... *She Walked up with Cat and Gabe*
Hazel: Jenny?
Aries: Jenny I Never Knew you had a Boy Friend!!!
Gabe: She doesn't... She Scared them all away *He started to laugh*
Jenny: *She hit him over the head* -.- I don't I'm just waiting for the Right Boy...So Cat is going to be my Substatution!
Cat: -.- Thanks... But it'll all be worth it once we win the Prize Money =D
Moonara: *She walked up* Yeah And I'll Be going with the New Assistent at the Temple!!!
Cat: HE Actually said yes?
Moonara: YEAH!!! Well after I threatened his Job...^^' But besides that, It's true Love!!!
Hazel: Well thats great, now DK and I don't have a Partner -.-...
Tod: *just walking up* Excuse me, Did I hear you Just Say that this Young Lady doesn't have a partner?
Hazel: Yes...
Tod: Well she's in luck, my Partner is sick with the Flue... And I was in search of one... DK Would you be my partner?
DK: OH YES!!! *she hugged him and whispered in his ear* Is this the best descize you could find?!?
Tod: Yeah on short Notice...
A woman with blue hair and Purple Eyes sat Down at a Desk
Karin: Excuse me... Would you beautiful People Like to Sign up for the Padgent...
Girls: YOU BET!!!
Karin: Great!!! *The girls walked over to her* Okay... As Tradition the girls are the ones to sign the couple up so... Go ahead *She ahanded them the list and all the Girls sighened it*
Jenny: Hey cat... *She whispered* What do you want your Name to be?
Cat: JOEY!!!
Jenny: Okay!!! *She sighned them up*
Aries: Gabe... *Whispereing* I have a bad feeling abut that Woman...
Gabe:*Whispereing* ME too...
Hazel: I would Join but... I don't have a guy...
Karin: Ohh to bad... But still buy tickets!
Hazel: -.- Right...
The next day was saturday, and the day of the Padgent... ALL the girls stood up practicing. When it was time for the padgent Hazel was all ready in the audiunce...
Hazel: This Sucks...
Mean while Back Stage...
Aries: Hey you guys, We just came to Wish you good luck!
Gabe: Yeah!!!
Cat: Well thats Great, but theres a little bit of a problem...
Aries: What?
Cat: Well Let's just say, my Disciuze Isn't really working out...
Aries: Oh... No Problem... Here use this! Hazel Gave it to me thinking you wouldn't be able to pull off this... THE ARIES PEN!!! *She handed her the Pen*
Cat: Wait, I thought we were'nt supposed to use this except for Sailor Buiseness?
Aries: Well...
Gabe: This Kind of is...
Aries: We have some Nega Vibes coming from this Contest... So be on your Toes and Break a Leg!!!
The Cats left to go be with Hazel
Hazel: Hey Alley Cats, Whats up?
Aries: Nothing, but their about to start!
Karin *Now the hostest up on stage: Hello and welcome to the Miss and Mister Perfect Padgent...Before we start I would like all of you to give it up for our judges!!! *The Crowd rowd as the Spot light shined on the 3 judges sitting below the Stage* Now it's time for Our Compeditors!!! *The Couples walked on. As karin walked back stage when a Green monster took over her body* AAAH!!!
Judges #1: GREAT!!! You've showed us That your all poised and that you all want world peace, Now it's time for the Kissing Competion... Who Loks the hottest kissing the other?
Cat: Judge say what?
Jenny: Ohh great...
Karin/Possested: *She Walked on stage* Look at them aren't they beautiful!?!?! Now It's time for... *She Transformed into a blue monster wearing a Yellow dress* ALL OF YOU TO SURRENDER YOUR ENERGY TO THE NEGA VERSE!!!
Cat: Saved by the Nega scum...
Jenny: yes...
DK: NIKKU! I thought you said you weren't pulling any tricks?
Tod: I'm not!!! this must be someone else's Doing... HEY YOU!!! get off the stage...
Karin/Possested: huh?
Tod: I am Nikku Of the Nega Verse!!!
Karin/possested: Sorry, I'm on Orders... *She Threw up her arms and everyone on stage pasted out from lack of energy, and Hazel Hid Under Her Seats and the Judges Hid Under their Table*
Aries: Hazel, it's time for Sailor Crescent...*The rest of the people ran*
Hazel: I'm On it... *She went behind a seat* CRESCENT PRISIM POWER!!!
She held up her hand and She started to glow! All Of Sudden she started Floating, And Spinning as her Long Beautiful Hair Swirled around with her…Crescent Moons went everywhere…Once the Crescent Moons Pasted, There were 2 Beautiful Colored Ribbons. One was Black and the other was Gold… These ribbons Burst out of her Golden Jewel On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moon, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black ribbon with the Golden jewel on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… The Ribbons flashed as once again Crescent Moons went everywhere, and a lovely Yellow skirt appeared….She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Sparkles went everywhere as her Forehead gained a Tiara with a Black Jewel on it, as well as 2 Small Crescent Moons, one on each side of the jewel… Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Karin/Possested: Hey Judges!!! *She Flipped up the Table they were under* I Want Your Energy!!! NOW!!!
Sailor Crescent: *She Hopped up on stage* I don't think so...I am Sailor Crescent!Champion of justice! I will right wrongs and Triumpth over Evil!!! and that Means YOU!!!
Monster: Excuse me... I don't think You are registered in this Contest.
Sailor Crescent: Oh I Am... See look poise! *She ran over to the surtain and pulled on it tipping it over onto the Monster* I hope that the world will be free of monsters like you in the future...
Monster: *The Monster ate the Curtain and then Spit it back up as Acid on to Sailor Crescent When....*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: SUN BOLTS!!! *A Golden Streem of sun light cancleing out the Monster's attack, Knocking him away from Crescent. He went to go help Crescent up*
Sailor Crescent: TUXEDO!!! You Came!!! *She Hugged him*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Not so Fast... I didn't come for you, I came for that Crystal!!!
Sailor Crescent: Ohh No... They Turned you Againist us!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I was never on your side... All I live for is that Crystal... NOW HAND IT OVER!!!
Sailor Crescent: I'll hand it over all Right... This would be my Talent *She took out her wand, as the Crystal Glew Serveral Colors* Cosmic Moon.... Healing!!! ACTIVATION!!! *The wand shot out 7 colors and they hit Leo and the Monster*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: AAAHH!!!
Monster: AAHHH!!! *Karin was turned back to normal and the monster was moon dusted and the energy slowly went back to everyone else...*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *He fell to the ground as* Ah...
Sailor Crescent: Tuxedo!!! *She fell to him* LEO! it's me...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Hazel... I'm sorry...
Sailor Crescent: IT's Okay... You're Back *they stood up, he stumbled a little but she helped him*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Thank you...*He Kissed Her*
Sailor Crescent: What was that for-
Judge #2: *Coming out of Hiding* Well we've decided... *everyone began to wake up* Our Miss And Mister Perfect are... Tuxedo and Crescent!!!
Sailor Crescent: What?!? But we-
Judge #3: You Have won this Star Locket!!! *A Star Locket Floated Down from the Sky*
Sailor Crescent: Nice affects...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *Holding the Locket along with Hazel* I wonder Whats in it... *He opened it up and it played a beautiful song* It's... Wow...
Elder Nexes: *Talking to Nikku using his mind* My control over Leo is weakening, bring him back here now...
Tod/Nikku: *thinking* Fine...
Tod/Nikku: I hate to ruin your Happy ending *He transformed into Nikku* But I have my orders... *he appeared behind Tuxedo*
Sailor Crescent: TUXEDO!!! Watch out...
Nikku: TO LATE!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: GOOD BYE HAZEL!!!
Sailor Crescent: LEO!!! *They held on to the chain of the Locket, when Nikku Teleported with Leo Trapped with him and the Chain Broke leaving Sailor Crescent with the little Locket* No... Not again...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Just remember, I'll Always be on your side...
Sailor Crescent: Right... *She held the Locket in her arms*
After Hazel Powered down, and the Padgent was over, the girls went to the temple... and as the girls Chitered and chatered Hazel just stood there with the slide door open, washing the stars and her Locket...
Aries: Oh come on Hazel... Your usually not this quite...
Hazel: I know...
Cat: Oh leave her alone Aries! The guy kisses her, Makes them the offical Perfect Couple of the world and leaves her that pretty locket and nothing else... She has a right to be emotional...
Jenny: hey look on the bright side, You got a new Boyfriend =D...
Hazel: He's not-
DK: He totaly is...
Hazel: YOU CAN'T TALK!!! your boyfriend is the one who took him away, which by the way is messed up... BREAK UP WITH HIM ALREADY!!!
Moonara: I Still Can't Believe you won Hazel... You didn't even enter AND you didn't collect that Prize money!!
Hazel: It doesn't matter... This Locket is all I need... *She sighed and looked up into the stars*
Sailor Says:
Hazel: Today on our show the scouts entered a Padgent, and People in your neighborhood do so ever Day! And you may think that just because your not as pretty as us you can't do that...
Moonara: Well the truth is, anyone can do it!
Cat: After all, Everyone's Pretty on the Inside
DK: YEAH!!! and thats what counts!!!
Jenny: Yeah, and I'm Pretty on both sides!
Hazel: Yeah... right... *She Laughed* Sailor Crescent Says!!! *She giggled*
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Moon_Princess on October 23, 2007, 12:25:21 PM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on October 20, 2007, 11:29:28 AM

but y did that monster take u AGAIN...?T_T dont leave...TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT_TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
im so sad
y did u leave me again
DK BREAK UP WITH THAT THING CALLED NIKKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey i am able 2 talk 2 u 2night
but not 2morrow
Lol, *shifts eyes* I'm in disguussseeeee. >:D
Great job! ^^ I'm off to read the next chappie!