Chapter 32 - Movie- Celestial's Fear relized
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
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Chapter 32 - Movie- Celestial's Fear relized
Chapter 32 - Movie- Celestial's Fear relized
Hazel: HI EVERYBODY!!! As most of you Know I'm Hazel, An Ordinary girl who just so happens to Own the Worlds most Powerful Locket *She Held up the Locket that had the Silver Crystal in it* This can transform me into... SAILOR CRESCENT!!! Although some people Call me Sailor C, Afater the Comic book Character... Well enough about me! How about I indroduce you to my friends... Also Known as... THE SAILOR SCOUTS!!! *She Directed us toward the Scouts who were on a stage Posing* First I would like you to meet, DK!!!
DK: Hey!
Hazel: she is a fabulous swimmer and a bit of a brainiac...But we know her as... SAILOR TRITON!!! NExt I would Like you To meet Moonara, She's a wicked cool Psychic who just so happens to be...SAILOR BLACK HOLE!!! Next You should Meet someone who we all know and love. CAT! She Is a great friend and could Never hurt a Fly, well unless it was a negacreep sent to drain her friends energy! But we know her as, the over protective... SAILOR CELESTIAL!!! And Next I Would like you to meet-
Jenny: ME!!!
Hazel: JENNY! Owning her Cat Gabe, while I own Aries, she is known mostly as Sailor N!, But we Know her as, SAILOR NOVA!!! And-
Leo: Hey Guys... Whats going on?
Hazel: OH, And this is Leo -.-... But when he Transforms, He Turns into...*Her Eyes turned into Giant Pulsating Hearts!* THE HUNKY TUXEDO MINI MASK!!! *She Began to drool*
Leo: Yeah I know, I'm perfect But can't we just get on with the Movie?!?
Hazel: Hold your Horses... Together we make an unstoppable Team! Have no fear when you see us, We'll take care of everything, Even world peace!!!
Everyone: YEAH!!!
Aries: LEO'S RIGHT!!! COMON GIRLS!!! *They Began to rush into the Audience*
Moonara: Hold on! I'm Getting some Pop Corn!!! *She Pulled out a blazing hot bag of popcorn*
Jenny: Just Make sure you lick it after it's empty...
Cat: What ever! *She started devouring the Popcorn*
Moonara: Good thing I brought more than One Bag!
Gabe: HEY, LEO! *Leo Rapped his arm around Hazel's Shoulder* You and Hazel can't sit together It's inappropriate!
Aries: Oh shut your gob Gabe and Watch the Movie!
Hazel: *She laughed* Let's Hope this Movie is worth all this Fuss... Stay Right there and I'll Show you! Enjoy!
It was a cold Winter's Night when all of a sudden, We notice a giant Meteor Rolling Through Space. It had A Tall Man With several Markings up and down his arms and Legs that looked like waves of black sand. His Eyes were Dark and Cold. the Only thing that MIGHT have been considerably good about his dark features was his Snow white teeth... This Man had very Broad Shoulders, and Buffed out arm,s and Legs that were bigger than his head. His was bigger then the Small piece of Rock he was traveling on, and his sword was even bigger. His Plump Fingers Gripped the Sword as he groined.
Lord Lance: *Gripping the sword tighter* I Lord Lance, Vowed to kill all of the People on my Moon... And that Does include you... You thought you could run... But you can't run from the Past... Princess Catherine... or should I say... CAT... *The Rock under him flew toward earth and prepared to break it's atmosphere*
Soon after at Hazels house...
Cat: *Hearing an ear piercing Beeping noise coming from Hazel's Alarm* AAAHHH!!! I'm Gona be late! *She jumpped out of the bed and got dressed*
Hazel: Me too! *She did the same*
Cat: This is what I get for sleeping over at your house -.-
Hazel: What ever, It was your choice! *She tried to get her boot on, when she saw the time* OHH NO!!!
Cat: AAAHH!!! We can't miss this! *She got her coat on*
Hazel: COME ON LET'S GO!!! The other Girls are going to get better seats than us!!!
Cat: I still can't believe you got us all tickets to go see SAILOR C ON THE FROZEN STAGE!!! Who would think that they put Sailor C On the Stage, OR ON ICE FOR THAT MATTER!!!
Hazel: Yeah, Nova got a favor called in and I just stood there...
Cat: Well I don't care How you got them, we're gona be late!!! Come on!
They Dashed down to the Skating rink and Grabbed their Seats And Noticed all the Other Sailors FRONT ROW CENTER!
Hazel: On Come on Guys thats Toucher!!!
DK: don't think we forgot about you guys! *She pointed to 2 seats beside them*
Cat: YES! come on lets go!
they Walked down to the Girls and Saw Leo Out on the ice!
Hazel: Leo? HEY LEO!!! *She called to him. He turned to her and Waved. He skated to her*
Leo: Hey whats up?!? I didn't know you all were coming!
Hazel: Yeah, HEY, What about you?!? Why are you all the way out there, on ice!
Leo: Ohh, I'm in it!
Girls: O.O Say wha?
Leo: Yeah!
Hazel: As what?!?
Leo: you'll see!
Director: LEO!!! HURRY! IN COSTUME! we're 5 till places!
Leo: Oh crap! Gota go! See ya after ward!
Hazel: SEE YA!
The Show went on as planned. It was 20 minutes until the show was about to end, when they noticed that they havent seen Leo Yet...
Cat: COME ON! Where is Leo?!?
Jenny: I don't Care, All I care about is Tuxedo Triton *Her Eyes became Spakling Hearts*
Moonara: ME TOO!!! *Her eyes did the Same*
Sailor C: Tuxedo... Why won't you tell me you love me?!?
Tuxedo Titan: Sailor C, Becuz we can't be... Are relationship is strictly professional...
Sailor C: But what about that Kiss...
Tuxedo Titan: It was in the heat of the moment! I'm sorry-
Sailor C: Okay then... but can you at least show me Whats behind that mask...
Tuxedo Titan: Fine... *He took off his mask. The Girls in the Crowd screamed. And the Scout's Mouths just dropped... IT WAS LEO*
Sailor C: Troy? *She took off her pask*
Tuxedo Titan: ALICE!!!
Sailor C: Looks like it's not all professional after all...
Tuxedo Titan: There's Nothing Professional About love *He kissed her. the Crowd gasped and Hazels Mouth Just Dropped.*
Hazel: Is that real? O.O
Tuxedo Titan: *They Continued to kiss*
Sailor C: Oh Leo You are a good Kisser- *The audience got really confused. She Said His actual Name! Leo Reacted*
Hazel: *She gasped* O.O
Tuxedo Titan: Umm... I'm Troy
Sailor C: Ohh right... I Just confused you with my... MY X! *She Improvised*
Tuxedo Titan: Good Cover *He whispered*
Sailor C: Thanks. *She whispered also*
Tuxedo Titan: WELL THEN, I guess if you can't get over him then-
Sailor C: OH, I'm Way over him!
Tuxedo Titan: You sure?!?
Sailor C: OH YEAH!
Tuxedo Titan: Okay then... Now where we're we.... *He kissed her and the Audience Awed them*
Hazel: *Mimicking them* Now Where were we, BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!
DK: someone's Jealous...
Hazel: Who me?!? Yeah right...
Jenny: It's okay! we've all experienced it!
Cat: Well except me...
Moonara: yeah right -.-
Tuxedo Titan: *He skated out into the middle of the rink with his Partner and they Bowed and so did the rest of the cast*
Hazel: Thank god the shows over...
Tuxedo Titan: Oh well... Okay then *He Kissed Sailor C and Hazel's Mouth just Fell off she was so shocked*
DK: Calm Down! it's just a kiss! it doesn't mean anything! and you to, aren't technically Going out *She twiddled her thumbs*
Hazel: You Right O.O
they went to the meet and greet and greeted the Cast. As Leo Walked out of the building he saw Hazel and the girls standing there tapping there foots*
Leo: Hey Guys! did you like the Show?
Hazel: IT WAS AWESOME! Well until you took the mask off and Kissed that wana be me Sailor BRAT!
Leo: Listen I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys...
Cat: you better be buddy... OR ELSE -.- *She took out a pair of scissors and pointed to his "Man hood"*
Leo: O.O Cat.. You Scare me sometimes!
Cat: You better be Scared-
Leo: HEY! How About I take you all out for Ice Cream! I just got my check and it should cover it!
Girls: YAY!!!
He treated the girls to Ice Cream and They were walking to the Temple when they saw a Meteor Falling toward them.
Hazel: Well look at that...
Aries: GIRLS!!! *She ran to them from a distance, with Gabe behind her* The Meteor! It's heading straight toward us!
DK: *She pulled out a small computer* Well it's to small to cause much Damage. It's only as big as a small pine tree...
Gabe: *Gasping for air* It' not the meteor... It's whats on it!
Aries: We saw it from the Temple and used one of those Telescopes Hazel's always getting in the kids meals...
DK: YOUR RIGHT!!! there's A man on it... *She looked closer at her Computer* BIGGER THAN THE ROCK IT'S SELF!
Gabe: that's Not just any man... That's Lord Lance of the Planet Lucas 9
Cat: *thinking* I know that name
Aries: So in other words...
Both Cats: TRANSFORM!!!
Girls and Leo: Right!!!
She Held up her Locket and it opened to Reveal the Shinning Crystal!!! And She Began to Glow along with it! It floated to her center as 2 Ribbons, 1 gold and 1 black, Burst out of her Locket On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moons, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black bow with the Locket on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… She Span around as Golden Ribbons Burst out of her waist Creating a lovely Mini Skirt. She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Her Forehead Had a Glowing Crescent Moon on it. She Shook her Hair and She Stopped Spinning And her Hair Gained Golden Highlights at the bottom of her hair... She Opened her Eye's And A Tiara Appeared on her forhead that had a Yellow CRESCENT MOON on it. Sparkles Fell everywhere! Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautiful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Crescent Moon with the Blue star in the Center... She Made Her Pose...
Jenny: Nova Planet Crisis Power!!!
She Held Out her wand and She started to Glow! Before you Know it she Began to spin and an explosion occured from the wand as she held it out about her head and 8 stars with 8 sides burst out covering her body and once they past she had her Uniform on. With the Colors of Purple, Dark Blue and yellow complementing her. her Brouch was purple with a Yellow N in the Middle of it and her gloves were long and beautiful and her shoes were little tiny Slippers... She Gracefully Made a Pose...
Leo: Sun Crystal POWER!!!
He pull's Out his Sun Crystal. The Crystal Glows a Bright Gold. The Crystal Sprouts White Wings and Flutters All Around Him Followed by a Trail of Golden Star Dust. The Crystal Circles all Around his Chest as The Dust Forms Glowing Golden Armor on his Torso. The Armor Flashes a Bright Golden color And when the flash Fades his Armor is now a Golden Tuxedo!!! His Sun Symbol on his forhead glows, and His Hair goes from blonde to Gold!!! as He grabs the Fluttering Crystal and places it over his eyes and he turns around and it's his mask! He then Posed...
Crowd: AAHH!!! *The Meteor Got Closer, and Soon enough POUNDED INTO THE GROUND! the Streets Cleared right before the crash, but everyone was still looking at the Rock and the Strange thing on it*
Lance: Hello, Cat AND HELLO EARTH!!!
Sailor Celestial: *She Gasped* Oh no... It's you...
Lance: you Bet it's me... Thought you Could Hide hear on this blue Planet?!?
Sailor Celestial: NO! Infact, I REALLY HAVEN'T EVEN ARRIVED YET! but check back in about 1000 years =D
Lance: Nice try, but I'm afraid you AND this Planet are going to be turned to Stone!!! *He stabbed his Sword in the Ground and everything touching it turned to Stone. He Pulled it Out and Swung it around and with out even touching the sword The crowd of People Turned to Stone including Aries and Gabe*
Sailor Celestial: STOP IT!
Sailor Nova: GABE!
Sailor Crescent: Oh no Aries!
Sailor Celestial: they have all been turned to stone...
Sailor Crescent: What is he talking about?!? WHY DID HE TURN THEM TO STONE?!?
Sailor Triton: YEAH!!!
Sailor Black Hole:Tell us so we can Put him in his Place!
Sailor Celestial: It's All my Fault he's here... He came for me
Sailor Crescent: Cut the Drama!
Sailor Nova: I don't care what you say, I'm turning him into Moon Dust right now! Nova... BOW *she holds up her left arm like she is holding a bow then a dark blue bow appears with a yellow 8 sided star on both sides of the top and bottom of the bow* AND ARROW! *then she pulls back the string with her right hand/arm and a purple and dark blue glowing energy type arrow appears, and Shoots it at the Tall man*
Sailor Celestial: NO!
Lance: *He blocked it with his sword. The Sword absorbed the attack*
Sailor Nova: COMBUST!!! *Nothing happened.... All of a sudden She started to Power down.* What?!? Whats happening *She turned into jenny against her will*
Sailor Triton: NOVA! what did you do to her? Your Gona Pay!
Sailor Celestial: NO!
Sailor Triton: Triton... Oceans Acids... *She Held out her hands and a Golden ball of liquid was formed, she turned and threw it at the Man. But his word absorbed it and Triton Was forcefully powered down* NO!!!
Sailor Black Hole: NO! Don't Worry, I'll grab that sword and get your Powers Back! Black Hole... *Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her eyes As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped, but fell to the ground on her face as the sword glew a bright purple* WHA? *She was powered down forcefully* NO NOT ME 2!
Sailor Celestial: EVERYONE STOP!!! you can't beat him! that sword will absorb your energy until your Stone! Luckily we are Sailor Scouts so we have more energy then most people! but it only prevents Our demise! SO STOP ATTACKING HIM!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: So what should we do?!?
Sailor Celestial: run
Sailor Crescent: Where?!?
Sailor Celestial: *She whispered in there ears* Now go!
Sailor Crescent: but thats so far! *the powered down Sailors Began to turn to stone* NO!!! SCOUTS!!!
Sailor Celestial: Far is where you'll Need to go!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: But what about you?!?
Sailor Celestial: I'll be fine... I'll Stall him and meet you there when I'm Done!
Sailor Crescent: Right!
Sailor Celestial: Now go! And Power down once you are far enough! and Only Power up if Nessasary!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Right! Now come on let's go! *They ran off*
Lance: Are you finished chatting? we BOTH know they can't hide for long...
Sailor Celestial: What ever, Let's Get it on!
Lance: Ooo... You're A Whole lot more spunkier then when I Turned your Moon Into Stone...
Sailor Celestial: Well that was then and this is now... . Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Monster and hit him* HA! Got ya! We both know that sword can't touch Moon Power!
Lance: *he felt the wound, in which the light hit him* That maybe True, But I don't need my Sword to defeat you! *He stomped his foot and she fell to the Ground* Now...Lucas 9... *he Put his fingers to his forehead* Death Light...SMASH!!! *he Put his hand out infront of his chest and shot a Beam of Red Moonlight at Celestial and hit her* Now I'm off to turn the rest of your Planet to stone...
Sailor Celestial: *She stood up* It's gona take a little more than that to take me down!!!
Lance: Okay, than what would it take?!? Here, let's give it another Shot...Lucas 9... *he Put his fingers to his forehead* Death Light...SMASH!!! *he Put his hand out infront of his chest and shot a Beam of Red Moonlight at Celestial*
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Monster*
The 2 beams of light Smashed against each other and there was a small explosion Leaving Sailor Celestial Knocked out and him Barely Awake
Lance: It's time for me to turn this planet to stone... So sad, If you only chose me instead of that boy Damian... Maybe you would be alive...*He walked away. Sailor Celestial looked dead as a rock, But she was breathing, regaining her strength*
Mean while... About a thousand miles away from the city. Leo and Hazel Were walking thru snow 3 feet high and there was no one in sight... Nothing but a tall mountain in the distance
Hazel: I wonder what that guys angle was...
Leo: Me to! he seemed to know Cat and cat seemed to fear him in a way!
Hazel: Yeah... *She all of a sudden fell thru the ground... IT TURNED OUT THEY WERE WALKING ON SOLID ICE!!! and it broke under Hazels Feet! She splashed and Splashed untill Leo Noticed her* AAAHHH!!! LEO HELP ME!!!
Leo: Hazel! *He grabbed her arms and tried to pull her up*
Hazel: My Legs are getting numb... *She stopped treading water and started to sink*
Leo: Oh no... HAZEL!!! *He Pulled her up and out of the Hole in the ice* Looks like we forgot that there was a Lake around here...*He noticed Hazel wasn't moving. She was on the ground and wasn't even breathing* oh no... *he punded againist her chest to try to get some of the water out of her Lungs* COME ON BREATH!!! *He Did mouth to mouth and she started spitting up a ton of water all of the place* thank god...*Hazel pulled him down to her and she started kissing him* HAZEL!!! THIS IS NOT THE TIME!!!
Hazel: Mmm... Sorry Leo I just thought I'd give you a kiss for saving my life. OH and that Fake Sailor C was right, you are a good kisser!
Leo: thanks- I mean NO! Hazel *He sighed* Never mind... Just take off your cloths
Hazel: ohh Leo... I haven't seen this side to you
Leo: O.O What kind of guy do you think I am
Hazel: Don't be embarrassed! it's fine-
Leo: I mean take them off or your gona freeze to death! And Here put on my shirt ,Coat and Scarf... your gona need them unless you wana catch a cold... *He Took off his Coat, and scarf then his shirt and handed them to her* There *He crossed his arms, from the cold*
Hazel: *She coughed*
Leo: What?
Hazel: Turn around... -.-
Leo: It's not like I haven't seen it, I mean you transform Right in front of me!
Hazel: Yeah but thats different! I'm all glowy then! and now i'm not, and Plus I'm wet! SO TURN AROUND UNLESS YOU WANA TAKE A COLD SHOWER!
Leo: I'm Fine! *He turned around*
Hazel: *She took off her cloths and put on his clothes. they Pretty much covered her up* ALL DONE!!! Ooh Leo! I never noticed your Abs before *She Poked them* they're Hot!
Leo: -.- No they're not, they are very cold, Now can we please get Moving!
they Continued to Walk... Mean while
Lance: Thanks to Cat's Death I Have enough energy to turn this whole Planet into Stone... But as long as she's Alive she'll be able to use all her energy to destroy me and my sword, but now that that's over... *HE Stabbed the Ground an Everything touching the ground slowly started to turn to stone and So did everything that touched it! People Car's Buildings! but Luckily it was slow... So it would take sometime before it could reach anywhere outside of the city*
Mean while...
Sailor Celestial: *Waking up* What happened... *She looked around and saw that everything around her was stone* LANCE!!! Thats it... He's turned my home to Stone once, He ain't doin it again!!! MOON LIGHT TAKE ME TO MY FRIENDS AT FUGI MOUNTAIN!!! Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light... TRAVEL *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and Became a Beam of Silver Moonlight and traveled to the Mountain where her Friend soon were*
Mean While...
Leo: *In the cave of the mountain, Making a fire* THERE! Now you sit right here! it should keep you from-
Hazel: *She did as told* ACHOO!!!
Leo: Catching a cold -.-
Hazel: Leo, About that kiss...
Leo: What kiss?
Hazel: All of them! the One today at the Ice skating rink with that Actress -.-
Leo: Oh, She's just a friend.... Nothing more Nothing Less, Mine and hers relationship is Strictly professional And Plus... We're not really going out...
Hazel: but what about that kiss...
Leo: what kiss?
Hazel: The one From when I freed you from the negaverse's Spell the first time!
Leo: *He blushed* Oh yeah about that, well I was just thanking you!!!
Hazel: And what about when I freed you the Last time?!? Our Locket, Our love, Our Relationship brought you back to me...
Leo: *He Blushed even harder* umm well... I uh...BOY IT SURE IS COLD IN HERE!!!
Hazel: don't Change the Subject!
Leo: *Thinking* Well she is right... WHAT DO I DO! I don't know if I love her or not! but she is right... she did set me free
Leo: I better get up here... Really close to you... and huddle for warmth...*He sat down with her*
Hazel: O.O What are you doing...
Leo: Nothing... *He Kissed her* Just seeing if I really love you...
Hazel: Well how is kissing me supposed to help?
Leo: well... I always thought that if I loved someone then I would feel that special spark when I kissed them...
Hazel: oh...
Leo: AND PLUS, I'm not kissing you...
Hazel: Oh... then... Maybe I'm Not Liking it...
Leo: then Maybe I'm not either... *He kissed her and stroked her long hair. their Foreheads were touching*
Hazel: So... Do you love me? or are you gona kiss and run like the last time?!?
Leo: Maybe I do... And Maybe I don't... I'll Have to check again...
He Kissed Her Until she tipped over into the snow. Eventually He was on top of her... He kissed her one last time when...
Sailor Celestial: Hey, I think that one might have had some tung in it!
Leo: O.O it's not what it seems...
Sailor Celestial: So what are yu love birds doin?
Leo: Umm uh...
Hazel: Umm...
Leo: Huddling for warmth...
Sailor Celestial: well It's more then warm, THATS HOT!!!
Leo: -.- *He backed away from Hazel*
Hazel: How Long have you been there -.-
Sailor Crescent: well I appeared on *She began to mimic them* "I'm not kissing you..."..."Well then Maybe I'm not likeing it Maybe you 2 should get a room...
Hazel: We had a room until you appeared in it -.-
Sailor Crescent: well-
Leo: It's not Like we were doing anything, like I said we were just Huddling for Warmth!
Sailor Celestial: Well it looked like you were going a little further then that!
Leo: -.-... *He sighed* fine, I'm sorry hazel...
Hazel: For what O.O
Leo: for kissing you... OH WAIT! theres not a problem with that is there
Sailor Celestial: I'm sorry, I was just saying! LEO YOU WERE ON TOP OF HER!!!
Leo: She was cold -.-
Sailor Celestial: I wish boys would pounce on me when I was cold...
Hazel: Cat listen, it's not like that!
Sailor Celestial: He was on you and, LOOK! you have NO PANTS ON!!!
Sailor Celestial: It's Frozen Solid this time of year!!!
Leo: ENOUGH ARGUING! we have a rampaging monster out there that wants Celestial Dead and us turned to Stone!
Hazel: Leo's Right... What are we going to do!?!?!
Sailor Celestial: I'm not sure what we can do!
Leo: Well tell us about him...
Sailor Celestial: well in my past, I was the Princess of a great moon orbiting Lucas 9... When Lance, A lord from there attacked, He turned both our worlds to stone because I wouldn't marry him... I fell in love with a Prince... Lance turned everything to stone... but me... I used my last bit of Moon Energy to turn HIM to stone until I was able to escape! And Lance has been searching for me ever since... BUT NOW, he's found me! but I wasn't supposed to be Here Now! I was supposed to be in Crystal Tokyo and he was supposed to have died of old age...
Leo: But how did you come this far and be so young?
Sailor Celestial: the People of my moon have the Ability to travel by Light, And my Planet is only 1,000 light years away and I don't age with light travel...
Hazel: So what can we do?
Lance: *He appeared in a red Light* Nothing...
Sailor Celestial: *She Gasped*
Lance: You can do nothing...You thought you could hide again... Shame on you... I Saw your Light up in the Gray Sky and thats when I relized you were alive, so I followed the Light... And here you are!
Sailor Celestial: FINE! KILL ME! but spare my Friends!
Lance: no... No can't do that... you see Moon Power is the only thing that can destroy me or my sword! and with you gone, there won't be any of that will there?!? *He shot a red light at her and her energy was drained and she was knocked out* There! now time to finish it!
Leo: Ohh no... Now what? We can't defeat him
Hazel: *A smirk appeared on her face* With out Moon Power...
Leo: Ohh no... What are you thinking?!? HAZEL YOU CAN'T USE THE CRYSTAL!!! *A song to listen to*
Hazel: if it'll save the world.... I have too.. CRESCENT... MOON CRYSTAL...CRISIS...POWER!!!
She Held up her Locket and it opened to Reveal the Shinning Crystal!!! And She Began to Glow along with it! It floated to her center as 2 Ribbons, 1 gold and 1 black, Burst out of her Locket On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moons, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black bow with the Locket on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… She Span around as Golden Ribbons Burst out of her waist Creating a lovely Mini Skirt. She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Her Forehead Had a Glowing Crescent Moon on it. She Shook her Hair and She Stopped Spinning And her Hair Gained Golden Highlights at the bottom of her hair... She Opened her Eye's And A Tiara Appeared on her forhead that had a Yellow CRESCENT MOON on it. Sparkles Fell everywhere! Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
There comes a time
when you face the toughest of fights
searching for a sign
lost in the darkest of nights
Sailor Crescent: Your Going down dude! I'm Sailor Crescent! and on behalf of OUR MOON I will punish you!
Lance: Another Moon Brat?!? Oh well, I'll dispose of you!
Sailor Crescent: I don't Think so! Leo Back me up!!!
the wind blows so cold
(you're) standing alone
before the battle's begun
but deep in your soul
Leo: RIGHT!!! Sun Crystal POWER!!!
He pull's Out his Sun Crystal. The Crystal Glows a Bright Gold. The Crystal Sprouts White Wings and Flutters All Around Him Followed by a Trail of Golden Star Dust. The Crystal Circles all Around his Chest as The Dust Forms Glowing Golden Armor on his Torso. The Armor Flashes a Bright Golden color And when the flash Fades his Armor is now a Golden Tuxedo!!! His Sun Symbol on his forhead glows, and His Hair goes from blonde to Gold!!! as He grabs the Fluttering Crystal and places it over his eyes and he turns around and it's his mask! He then Posed...
the future unfolds
as bright as the rays of the sun
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I am Tuxedo Mini Mask, I will help her Punish you!
Lance: Little Rodents... *He took out his sword*
You've got to believe
in the power of love
you've got to believe
in the power of love
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Crescent Now!
Sailor Crescent: Right... *She took out her Crescent Wand* You're going Down!
Lance: You wish! *He Raised his sword*
Sailor Crescent: COSMIC MOON POWER!!! *As the wand shot out a huge amount of power she turned into Princess Hazel and Leo, Prince Leo* I can do this!
Blazing emotions
there's a light, that flows from your heart
it's a chain reaction
and nothing will keep us apart
Lance: What?!?
Leo: *He held the Wand with her* We can do this!
Stand by my side
there's nothing to hide
together, we'll fight to the end
Lance: AAAHH!!! *A wave of energy knocked him back and threw his sword aside* NO!!! *He reached for it and it broke, releasing the Sailor Scouts Powers* NO!!!
The Powers Floated to Their Owners and they weren't stone, They were turned into Sailor Scout as the powers were absorbed into their Bodies...
Sailor Black Hole: What Happened?
take hold of my hand
and you'll understand
what it truly means to be friends
Sailor Triton: We're back to Normal!
Sailor Nova: YAY! Hey Whats that?!? *They Saw light shooting out of a Mountain*
Sailor Triton: I think I know *They Nodded* TRITON STAR POWER!!! *She knealed toward the Light*
You've got to believe
in the power of love
Sailor Black Hole: Black Hole Star Power!!! *She knealed toward the Light*
Sailor Nova: Nova Star Power!!! *She knealed toward the Light*
All three of their Tiara's Shined Mean while...
Sailor Celestial: *Waking up* Celestial Star Power!!! *She knealed toward the Light*
you've got to believe
in the power of love
Prince Leo: Sun Crystal Power!!! *He helped her hold the wand*
Princess Hazel: I feel You my friends... Your Power is Needed... And I thank you...*thinking* I just hope it's enough
Princess Hazel: COSMIC MOON POWER!!!
Lance: NOOO!!! *he was turned to Moon dust before their eyes*
Prince Leo: Princess You did it!
Princess Hazel: *She Calapsed and Leo Caught her*
Sailor Celestial: Is she okay...?
Prince Leo: No... No Pulse
Mean while...
it gives meaning to each moment
it's what our hearts are all made of
Sailor Nova: What's happening... I can't feel her life presents!
Sailor Black Hole: Me Either!!!
Sailor Triton: Come on let's go to her! Black hole *She nodded to her*
Sailor Black hole: Black Hole... *Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her eyes As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped, and they flew to the mountain... But they were to late she was dead and Leo was crying over her*
Sailor Triton: OH NO!!!!
Sailor Nova: She was such a good friend...
Prince Leo: No... *Hazel held the Wand, with the Shattered Crystal on it* Hazel You can't go yet, you just can't... *He Fell over top of her, Not Noticing his face fell into the Broken swords moon dust. It shined so bright. The Dust was full of energy and it was all over Leo's Lips* Hazel... *He kissed her as the energy from the Sword left behind rubbed on her, being applied with Leo's Love energy, created enough energy to revive her... He Lifted his Head and She opened her Eyes and the Silver Crystal shined as it was restored*
You've got to believe, in the power of love
Hazel: So Leo... did you feel anything this time?
Prince Leo: *He Laughed* Yeah... I think I did...
They All laughed And Jumped on the 2 the Prince and Princess
Sailor Celestial: We Were so Worried...
In the Power of love
Princess Hazel: Trust me so Was I
They All Laughed as the Sun set and The Credits appeared...
In The Power of love...
Credit Song-
Sailor Crescent/Hazel- FallOutGirlAARHinder
Sailor Triton/DK- Sasukesgirlfriend
Sailor Black Hole/Moonara- PunkWolfGirl
Sailor Celestial/Cat- Moon_Princess
Sailor Nova/Jenny- AlleyCat17
Tuxedo Mini Mask/Leo- Tuxedo_Mini_Mask
Rainbow Crystal Scouts- Tuxedo_Mini_Mask
Author- Tuxedo_Mini_Mask
Co-Author- FallOutGirlAARHinder
Disclaimer: I Don't Own the original Sailor Moon Series
DK: Hey!
Hazel: she is a fabulous swimmer and a bit of a brainiac...But we know her as... SAILOR TRITON!!! NExt I would Like you To meet Moonara, She's a wicked cool Psychic who just so happens to be...SAILOR BLACK HOLE!!! Next You should Meet someone who we all know and love. CAT! She Is a great friend and could Never hurt a Fly, well unless it was a negacreep sent to drain her friends energy! But we know her as, the over protective... SAILOR CELESTIAL!!! And Next I Would like you to meet-
Jenny: ME!!!
Hazel: JENNY! Owning her Cat Gabe, while I own Aries, she is known mostly as Sailor N!, But we Know her as, SAILOR NOVA!!! And-
Leo: Hey Guys... Whats going on?
Hazel: OH, And this is Leo -.-... But when he Transforms, He Turns into...*Her Eyes turned into Giant Pulsating Hearts!* THE HUNKY TUXEDO MINI MASK!!! *She Began to drool*
Leo: Yeah I know, I'm perfect But can't we just get on with the Movie?!?
Hazel: Hold your Horses... Together we make an unstoppable Team! Have no fear when you see us, We'll take care of everything, Even world peace!!!
Everyone: YEAH!!!
Aries: LEO'S RIGHT!!! COMON GIRLS!!! *They Began to rush into the Audience*
Moonara: Hold on! I'm Getting some Pop Corn!!! *She Pulled out a blazing hot bag of popcorn*
Jenny: Just Make sure you lick it after it's empty...
Cat: What ever! *She started devouring the Popcorn*
Moonara: Good thing I brought more than One Bag!
Gabe: HEY, LEO! *Leo Rapped his arm around Hazel's Shoulder* You and Hazel can't sit together It's inappropriate!
Aries: Oh shut your gob Gabe and Watch the Movie!
Hazel: *She laughed* Let's Hope this Movie is worth all this Fuss... Stay Right there and I'll Show you! Enjoy!
It was a cold Winter's Night when all of a sudden, We notice a giant Meteor Rolling Through Space. It had A Tall Man With several Markings up and down his arms and Legs that looked like waves of black sand. His Eyes were Dark and Cold. the Only thing that MIGHT have been considerably good about his dark features was his Snow white teeth... This Man had very Broad Shoulders, and Buffed out arm,s and Legs that were bigger than his head. His was bigger then the Small piece of Rock he was traveling on, and his sword was even bigger. His Plump Fingers Gripped the Sword as he groined.
Lord Lance: *Gripping the sword tighter* I Lord Lance, Vowed to kill all of the People on my Moon... And that Does include you... You thought you could run... But you can't run from the Past... Princess Catherine... or should I say... CAT... *The Rock under him flew toward earth and prepared to break it's atmosphere*
Soon after at Hazels house...
Cat: *Hearing an ear piercing Beeping noise coming from Hazel's Alarm* AAAHHH!!! I'm Gona be late! *She jumpped out of the bed and got dressed*
Hazel: Me too! *She did the same*
Cat: This is what I get for sleeping over at your house -.-
Hazel: What ever, It was your choice! *She tried to get her boot on, when she saw the time* OHH NO!!!
Cat: AAAHH!!! We can't miss this! *She got her coat on*
Hazel: COME ON LET'S GO!!! The other Girls are going to get better seats than us!!!
Cat: I still can't believe you got us all tickets to go see SAILOR C ON THE FROZEN STAGE!!! Who would think that they put Sailor C On the Stage, OR ON ICE FOR THAT MATTER!!!
Hazel: Yeah, Nova got a favor called in and I just stood there...
Cat: Well I don't care How you got them, we're gona be late!!! Come on!
They Dashed down to the Skating rink and Grabbed their Seats And Noticed all the Other Sailors FRONT ROW CENTER!
Hazel: On Come on Guys thats Toucher!!!
DK: don't think we forgot about you guys! *She pointed to 2 seats beside them*
Cat: YES! come on lets go!
they Walked down to the Girls and Saw Leo Out on the ice!
Hazel: Leo? HEY LEO!!! *She called to him. He turned to her and Waved. He skated to her*
Leo: Hey whats up?!? I didn't know you all were coming!
Hazel: Yeah, HEY, What about you?!? Why are you all the way out there, on ice!
Leo: Ohh, I'm in it!
Girls: O.O Say wha?
Leo: Yeah!
Hazel: As what?!?
Leo: you'll see!
Director: LEO!!! HURRY! IN COSTUME! we're 5 till places!
Leo: Oh crap! Gota go! See ya after ward!
Hazel: SEE YA!
The Show went on as planned. It was 20 minutes until the show was about to end, when they noticed that they havent seen Leo Yet...
Cat: COME ON! Where is Leo?!?
Jenny: I don't Care, All I care about is Tuxedo Triton *Her Eyes became Spakling Hearts*
Moonara: ME TOO!!! *Her eyes did the Same*
Sailor C: Tuxedo... Why won't you tell me you love me?!?
Tuxedo Titan: Sailor C, Becuz we can't be... Are relationship is strictly professional...
Sailor C: But what about that Kiss...
Tuxedo Titan: It was in the heat of the moment! I'm sorry-
Sailor C: Okay then... but can you at least show me Whats behind that mask...
Tuxedo Titan: Fine... *He took off his mask. The Girls in the Crowd screamed. And the Scout's Mouths just dropped... IT WAS LEO*
Sailor C: Troy? *She took off her pask*
Tuxedo Titan: ALICE!!!
Sailor C: Looks like it's not all professional after all...
Tuxedo Titan: There's Nothing Professional About love *He kissed her. the Crowd gasped and Hazels Mouth Just Dropped.*
Hazel: Is that real? O.O
Tuxedo Titan: *They Continued to kiss*
Sailor C: Oh Leo You are a good Kisser- *The audience got really confused. She Said His actual Name! Leo Reacted*
Hazel: *She gasped* O.O
Tuxedo Titan: Umm... I'm Troy
Sailor C: Ohh right... I Just confused you with my... MY X! *She Improvised*
Tuxedo Titan: Good Cover *He whispered*
Sailor C: Thanks. *She whispered also*
Tuxedo Titan: WELL THEN, I guess if you can't get over him then-
Sailor C: OH, I'm Way over him!
Tuxedo Titan: You sure?!?
Sailor C: OH YEAH!
Tuxedo Titan: Okay then... Now where we're we.... *He kissed her and the Audience Awed them*
Hazel: *Mimicking them* Now Where were we, BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!
DK: someone's Jealous...
Hazel: Who me?!? Yeah right...
Jenny: It's okay! we've all experienced it!
Cat: Well except me...
Moonara: yeah right -.-
Tuxedo Titan: *He skated out into the middle of the rink with his Partner and they Bowed and so did the rest of the cast*
Hazel: Thank god the shows over...
Tuxedo Titan: Oh well... Okay then *He Kissed Sailor C and Hazel's Mouth just Fell off she was so shocked*
DK: Calm Down! it's just a kiss! it doesn't mean anything! and you to, aren't technically Going out *She twiddled her thumbs*
Hazel: You Right O.O
they went to the meet and greet and greeted the Cast. As Leo Walked out of the building he saw Hazel and the girls standing there tapping there foots*
Leo: Hey Guys! did you like the Show?
Hazel: IT WAS AWESOME! Well until you took the mask off and Kissed that wana be me Sailor BRAT!
Leo: Listen I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys...
Cat: you better be buddy... OR ELSE -.- *She took out a pair of scissors and pointed to his "Man hood"*
Leo: O.O Cat.. You Scare me sometimes!
Cat: You better be Scared-
Leo: HEY! How About I take you all out for Ice Cream! I just got my check and it should cover it!
Girls: YAY!!!
He treated the girls to Ice Cream and They were walking to the Temple when they saw a Meteor Falling toward them.
Hazel: Well look at that...
Aries: GIRLS!!! *She ran to them from a distance, with Gabe behind her* The Meteor! It's heading straight toward us!
DK: *She pulled out a small computer* Well it's to small to cause much Damage. It's only as big as a small pine tree...
Gabe: *Gasping for air* It' not the meteor... It's whats on it!
Aries: We saw it from the Temple and used one of those Telescopes Hazel's always getting in the kids meals...
DK: YOUR RIGHT!!! there's A man on it... *She looked closer at her Computer* BIGGER THAN THE ROCK IT'S SELF!
Gabe: that's Not just any man... That's Lord Lance of the Planet Lucas 9
Cat: *thinking* I know that name
Aries: So in other words...
Both Cats: TRANSFORM!!!
Girls and Leo: Right!!!
She Held up her Locket and it opened to Reveal the Shinning Crystal!!! And She Began to Glow along with it! It floated to her center as 2 Ribbons, 1 gold and 1 black, Burst out of her Locket On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moons, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black bow with the Locket on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… She Span around as Golden Ribbons Burst out of her waist Creating a lovely Mini Skirt. She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Her Forehead Had a Glowing Crescent Moon on it. She Shook her Hair and She Stopped Spinning And her Hair Gained Golden Highlights at the bottom of her hair... She Opened her Eye's And A Tiara Appeared on her forhead that had a Yellow CRESCENT MOON on it. Sparkles Fell everywhere! Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautiful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Crescent Moon with the Blue star in the Center... She Made Her Pose...
Jenny: Nova Planet Crisis Power!!!
She Held Out her wand and She started to Glow! Before you Know it she Began to spin and an explosion occured from the wand as she held it out about her head and 8 stars with 8 sides burst out covering her body and once they past she had her Uniform on. With the Colors of Purple, Dark Blue and yellow complementing her. her Brouch was purple with a Yellow N in the Middle of it and her gloves were long and beautiful and her shoes were little tiny Slippers... She Gracefully Made a Pose...
Leo: Sun Crystal POWER!!!
He pull's Out his Sun Crystal. The Crystal Glows a Bright Gold. The Crystal Sprouts White Wings and Flutters All Around Him Followed by a Trail of Golden Star Dust. The Crystal Circles all Around his Chest as The Dust Forms Glowing Golden Armor on his Torso. The Armor Flashes a Bright Golden color And when the flash Fades his Armor is now a Golden Tuxedo!!! His Sun Symbol on his forhead glows, and His Hair goes from blonde to Gold!!! as He grabs the Fluttering Crystal and places it over his eyes and he turns around and it's his mask! He then Posed...
Crowd: AAHH!!! *The Meteor Got Closer, and Soon enough POUNDED INTO THE GROUND! the Streets Cleared right before the crash, but everyone was still looking at the Rock and the Strange thing on it*
Lance: Hello, Cat AND HELLO EARTH!!!
Sailor Celestial: *She Gasped* Oh no... It's you...
Lance: you Bet it's me... Thought you Could Hide hear on this blue Planet?!?
Sailor Celestial: NO! Infact, I REALLY HAVEN'T EVEN ARRIVED YET! but check back in about 1000 years =D
Lance: Nice try, but I'm afraid you AND this Planet are going to be turned to Stone!!! *He stabbed his Sword in the Ground and everything touching it turned to Stone. He Pulled it Out and Swung it around and with out even touching the sword The crowd of People Turned to Stone including Aries and Gabe*
Sailor Celestial: STOP IT!
Sailor Nova: GABE!
Sailor Crescent: Oh no Aries!
Sailor Celestial: they have all been turned to stone...
Sailor Crescent: What is he talking about?!? WHY DID HE TURN THEM TO STONE?!?
Sailor Triton: YEAH!!!
Sailor Black Hole:Tell us so we can Put him in his Place!
Sailor Celestial: It's All my Fault he's here... He came for me
Sailor Crescent: Cut the Drama!
Sailor Nova: I don't care what you say, I'm turning him into Moon Dust right now! Nova... BOW *she holds up her left arm like she is holding a bow then a dark blue bow appears with a yellow 8 sided star on both sides of the top and bottom of the bow* AND ARROW! *then she pulls back the string with her right hand/arm and a purple and dark blue glowing energy type arrow appears, and Shoots it at the Tall man*
Sailor Celestial: NO!
Lance: *He blocked it with his sword. The Sword absorbed the attack*
Sailor Nova: COMBUST!!! *Nothing happened.... All of a sudden She started to Power down.* What?!? Whats happening *She turned into jenny against her will*
Sailor Triton: NOVA! what did you do to her? Your Gona Pay!
Sailor Celestial: NO!
Sailor Triton: Triton... Oceans Acids... *She Held out her hands and a Golden ball of liquid was formed, she turned and threw it at the Man. But his word absorbed it and Triton Was forcefully powered down* NO!!!
Sailor Black Hole: NO! Don't Worry, I'll grab that sword and get your Powers Back! Black Hole... *Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her eyes As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped, but fell to the ground on her face as the sword glew a bright purple* WHA? *She was powered down forcefully* NO NOT ME 2!
Sailor Celestial: EVERYONE STOP!!! you can't beat him! that sword will absorb your energy until your Stone! Luckily we are Sailor Scouts so we have more energy then most people! but it only prevents Our demise! SO STOP ATTACKING HIM!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: So what should we do?!?
Sailor Celestial: run
Sailor Crescent: Where?!?
Sailor Celestial: *She whispered in there ears* Now go!
Sailor Crescent: but thats so far! *the powered down Sailors Began to turn to stone* NO!!! SCOUTS!!!
Sailor Celestial: Far is where you'll Need to go!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: But what about you?!?
Sailor Celestial: I'll be fine... I'll Stall him and meet you there when I'm Done!
Sailor Crescent: Right!
Sailor Celestial: Now go! And Power down once you are far enough! and Only Power up if Nessasary!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Right! Now come on let's go! *They ran off*
Lance: Are you finished chatting? we BOTH know they can't hide for long...
Sailor Celestial: What ever, Let's Get it on!
Lance: Ooo... You're A Whole lot more spunkier then when I Turned your Moon Into Stone...
Sailor Celestial: Well that was then and this is now... . Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Monster and hit him* HA! Got ya! We both know that sword can't touch Moon Power!
Lance: *he felt the wound, in which the light hit him* That maybe True, But I don't need my Sword to defeat you! *He stomped his foot and she fell to the Ground* Now...Lucas 9... *he Put his fingers to his forehead* Death Light...SMASH!!! *he Put his hand out infront of his chest and shot a Beam of Red Moonlight at Celestial and hit her* Now I'm off to turn the rest of your Planet to stone...
Sailor Celestial: *She stood up* It's gona take a little more than that to take me down!!!
Lance: Okay, than what would it take?!? Here, let's give it another Shot...Lucas 9... *he Put his fingers to his forehead* Death Light...SMASH!!! *he Put his hand out infront of his chest and shot a Beam of Red Moonlight at Celestial*
Sailor Celestial: Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light...SMASH!!! *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and shot a Beam of Silver Moonlight at the Monster*
The 2 beams of light Smashed against each other and there was a small explosion Leaving Sailor Celestial Knocked out and him Barely Awake
Lance: It's time for me to turn this planet to stone... So sad, If you only chose me instead of that boy Damian... Maybe you would be alive...*He walked away. Sailor Celestial looked dead as a rock, But she was breathing, regaining her strength*
Mean while... About a thousand miles away from the city. Leo and Hazel Were walking thru snow 3 feet high and there was no one in sight... Nothing but a tall mountain in the distance
Hazel: I wonder what that guys angle was...
Leo: Me to! he seemed to know Cat and cat seemed to fear him in a way!
Hazel: Yeah... *She all of a sudden fell thru the ground... IT TURNED OUT THEY WERE WALKING ON SOLID ICE!!! and it broke under Hazels Feet! She splashed and Splashed untill Leo Noticed her* AAAHHH!!! LEO HELP ME!!!
Leo: Hazel! *He grabbed her arms and tried to pull her up*
Hazel: My Legs are getting numb... *She stopped treading water and started to sink*
Leo: Oh no... HAZEL!!! *He Pulled her up and out of the Hole in the ice* Looks like we forgot that there was a Lake around here...*He noticed Hazel wasn't moving. She was on the ground and wasn't even breathing* oh no... *he punded againist her chest to try to get some of the water out of her Lungs* COME ON BREATH!!! *He Did mouth to mouth and she started spitting up a ton of water all of the place* thank god...*Hazel pulled him down to her and she started kissing him* HAZEL!!! THIS IS NOT THE TIME!!!
Hazel: Mmm... Sorry Leo I just thought I'd give you a kiss for saving my life. OH and that Fake Sailor C was right, you are a good kisser!
Leo: thanks- I mean NO! Hazel *He sighed* Never mind... Just take off your cloths
Hazel: ohh Leo... I haven't seen this side to you
Leo: O.O What kind of guy do you think I am
Hazel: Don't be embarrassed! it's fine-
Leo: I mean take them off or your gona freeze to death! And Here put on my shirt ,Coat and Scarf... your gona need them unless you wana catch a cold... *He Took off his Coat, and scarf then his shirt and handed them to her* There *He crossed his arms, from the cold*
Hazel: *She coughed*
Leo: What?
Hazel: Turn around... -.-
Leo: It's not like I haven't seen it, I mean you transform Right in front of me!
Hazel: Yeah but thats different! I'm all glowy then! and now i'm not, and Plus I'm wet! SO TURN AROUND UNLESS YOU WANA TAKE A COLD SHOWER!
Leo: I'm Fine! *He turned around*
Hazel: *She took off her cloths and put on his clothes. they Pretty much covered her up* ALL DONE!!! Ooh Leo! I never noticed your Abs before *She Poked them* they're Hot!
Leo: -.- No they're not, they are very cold, Now can we please get Moving!
they Continued to Walk... Mean while
Lance: Thanks to Cat's Death I Have enough energy to turn this whole Planet into Stone... But as long as she's Alive she'll be able to use all her energy to destroy me and my sword, but now that that's over... *HE Stabbed the Ground an Everything touching the ground slowly started to turn to stone and So did everything that touched it! People Car's Buildings! but Luckily it was slow... So it would take sometime before it could reach anywhere outside of the city*
Mean while...
Sailor Celestial: *Waking up* What happened... *She looked around and saw that everything around her was stone* LANCE!!! Thats it... He's turned my home to Stone once, He ain't doin it again!!! MOON LIGHT TAKE ME TO MY FRIENDS AT FUGI MOUNTAIN!!! Celestial... *She Put her fingers to her forehead* Purity Light... TRAVEL *She Put her hand out infront of her chest and Became a Beam of Silver Moonlight and traveled to the Mountain where her Friend soon were*
Mean While...
Leo: *In the cave of the mountain, Making a fire* THERE! Now you sit right here! it should keep you from-
Hazel: *She did as told* ACHOO!!!
Leo: Catching a cold -.-
Hazel: Leo, About that kiss...
Leo: What kiss?
Hazel: All of them! the One today at the Ice skating rink with that Actress -.-
Leo: Oh, She's just a friend.... Nothing more Nothing Less, Mine and hers relationship is Strictly professional And Plus... We're not really going out...
Hazel: but what about that kiss...
Leo: what kiss?
Hazel: The one From when I freed you from the negaverse's Spell the first time!
Leo: *He blushed* Oh yeah about that, well I was just thanking you!!!
Hazel: And what about when I freed you the Last time?!? Our Locket, Our love, Our Relationship brought you back to me...
Leo: *He Blushed even harder* umm well... I uh...BOY IT SURE IS COLD IN HERE!!!
Hazel: don't Change the Subject!
Leo: *Thinking* Well she is right... WHAT DO I DO! I don't know if I love her or not! but she is right... she did set me free
Leo: I better get up here... Really close to you... and huddle for warmth...*He sat down with her*
Hazel: O.O What are you doing...
Leo: Nothing... *He Kissed her* Just seeing if I really love you...
Hazel: Well how is kissing me supposed to help?
Leo: well... I always thought that if I loved someone then I would feel that special spark when I kissed them...
Hazel: oh...
Leo: AND PLUS, I'm not kissing you...
Hazel: Oh... then... Maybe I'm Not Liking it...
Leo: then Maybe I'm not either... *He kissed her and stroked her long hair. their Foreheads were touching*
Hazel: So... Do you love me? or are you gona kiss and run like the last time?!?
Leo: Maybe I do... And Maybe I don't... I'll Have to check again...
He Kissed Her Until she tipped over into the snow. Eventually He was on top of her... He kissed her one last time when...
Sailor Celestial: Hey, I think that one might have had some tung in it!
Leo: O.O it's not what it seems...
Sailor Celestial: So what are yu love birds doin?
Leo: Umm uh...
Hazel: Umm...
Leo: Huddling for warmth...
Sailor Celestial: well It's more then warm, THATS HOT!!!
Leo: -.- *He backed away from Hazel*
Hazel: How Long have you been there -.-
Sailor Crescent: well I appeared on *She began to mimic them* "I'm not kissing you..."..."Well then Maybe I'm not likeing it Maybe you 2 should get a room...
Hazel: We had a room until you appeared in it -.-
Sailor Crescent: well-
Leo: It's not Like we were doing anything, like I said we were just Huddling for Warmth!
Sailor Celestial: Well it looked like you were going a little further then that!
Leo: -.-... *He sighed* fine, I'm sorry hazel...
Hazel: For what O.O
Leo: for kissing you... OH WAIT! theres not a problem with that is there
Sailor Celestial: I'm sorry, I was just saying! LEO YOU WERE ON TOP OF HER!!!
Leo: She was cold -.-
Sailor Celestial: I wish boys would pounce on me when I was cold...
Hazel: Cat listen, it's not like that!
Sailor Celestial: He was on you and, LOOK! you have NO PANTS ON!!!
Sailor Celestial: It's Frozen Solid this time of year!!!
Leo: ENOUGH ARGUING! we have a rampaging monster out there that wants Celestial Dead and us turned to Stone!
Hazel: Leo's Right... What are we going to do!?!?!
Sailor Celestial: I'm not sure what we can do!
Leo: Well tell us about him...
Sailor Celestial: well in my past, I was the Princess of a great moon orbiting Lucas 9... When Lance, A lord from there attacked, He turned both our worlds to stone because I wouldn't marry him... I fell in love with a Prince... Lance turned everything to stone... but me... I used my last bit of Moon Energy to turn HIM to stone until I was able to escape! And Lance has been searching for me ever since... BUT NOW, he's found me! but I wasn't supposed to be Here Now! I was supposed to be in Crystal Tokyo and he was supposed to have died of old age...
Leo: But how did you come this far and be so young?
Sailor Celestial: the People of my moon have the Ability to travel by Light, And my Planet is only 1,000 light years away and I don't age with light travel...
Hazel: So what can we do?
Lance: *He appeared in a red Light* Nothing...
Sailor Celestial: *She Gasped*
Lance: You can do nothing...You thought you could hide again... Shame on you... I Saw your Light up in the Gray Sky and thats when I relized you were alive, so I followed the Light... And here you are!
Sailor Celestial: FINE! KILL ME! but spare my Friends!
Lance: no... No can't do that... you see Moon Power is the only thing that can destroy me or my sword! and with you gone, there won't be any of that will there?!? *He shot a red light at her and her energy was drained and she was knocked out* There! now time to finish it!
Leo: Ohh no... Now what? We can't defeat him
Hazel: *A smirk appeared on her face* With out Moon Power...
Leo: Ohh no... What are you thinking?!? HAZEL YOU CAN'T USE THE CRYSTAL!!! *A song to listen to*
Hazel: if it'll save the world.... I have too.. CRESCENT... MOON CRYSTAL...CRISIS...POWER!!!
She Held up her Locket and it opened to Reveal the Shinning Crystal!!! And She Began to Glow along with it! It floated to her center as 2 Ribbons, 1 gold and 1 black, Burst out of her Locket On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moons, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black bow with the Locket on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… She Span around as Golden Ribbons Burst out of her waist Creating a lovely Mini Skirt. She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Her Forehead Had a Glowing Crescent Moon on it. She Shook her Hair and She Stopped Spinning And her Hair Gained Golden Highlights at the bottom of her hair... She Opened her Eye's And A Tiara Appeared on her forhead that had a Yellow CRESCENT MOON on it. Sparkles Fell everywhere! Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
There comes a time
when you face the toughest of fights
searching for a sign
lost in the darkest of nights
Sailor Crescent: Your Going down dude! I'm Sailor Crescent! and on behalf of OUR MOON I will punish you!
Lance: Another Moon Brat?!? Oh well, I'll dispose of you!
Sailor Crescent: I don't Think so! Leo Back me up!!!
the wind blows so cold
(you're) standing alone
before the battle's begun
but deep in your soul
Leo: RIGHT!!! Sun Crystal POWER!!!
He pull's Out his Sun Crystal. The Crystal Glows a Bright Gold. The Crystal Sprouts White Wings and Flutters All Around Him Followed by a Trail of Golden Star Dust. The Crystal Circles all Around his Chest as The Dust Forms Glowing Golden Armor on his Torso. The Armor Flashes a Bright Golden color And when the flash Fades his Armor is now a Golden Tuxedo!!! His Sun Symbol on his forhead glows, and His Hair goes from blonde to Gold!!! as He grabs the Fluttering Crystal and places it over his eyes and he turns around and it's his mask! He then Posed...
the future unfolds
as bright as the rays of the sun
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I am Tuxedo Mini Mask, I will help her Punish you!
Lance: Little Rodents... *He took out his sword*
You've got to believe
in the power of love
you've got to believe
in the power of love
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Crescent Now!
Sailor Crescent: Right... *She took out her Crescent Wand* You're going Down!
Lance: You wish! *He Raised his sword*
Sailor Crescent: COSMIC MOON POWER!!! *As the wand shot out a huge amount of power she turned into Princess Hazel and Leo, Prince Leo* I can do this!
Blazing emotions
there's a light, that flows from your heart
it's a chain reaction
and nothing will keep us apart
Lance: What?!?
Leo: *He held the Wand with her* We can do this!
Stand by my side
there's nothing to hide
together, we'll fight to the end
Lance: AAAHH!!! *A wave of energy knocked him back and threw his sword aside* NO!!! *He reached for it and it broke, releasing the Sailor Scouts Powers* NO!!!
The Powers Floated to Their Owners and they weren't stone, They were turned into Sailor Scout as the powers were absorbed into their Bodies...
Sailor Black Hole: What Happened?
take hold of my hand
and you'll understand
what it truly means to be friends
Sailor Triton: We're back to Normal!
Sailor Nova: YAY! Hey Whats that?!? *They Saw light shooting out of a Mountain*
Sailor Triton: I think I know *They Nodded* TRITON STAR POWER!!! *She knealed toward the Light*
You've got to believe
in the power of love
Sailor Black Hole: Black Hole Star Power!!! *She knealed toward the Light*
Sailor Nova: Nova Star Power!!! *She knealed toward the Light*
All three of their Tiara's Shined Mean while...
Sailor Celestial: *Waking up* Celestial Star Power!!! *She knealed toward the Light*
you've got to believe
in the power of love
Prince Leo: Sun Crystal Power!!! *He helped her hold the wand*
Princess Hazel: I feel You my friends... Your Power is Needed... And I thank you...*thinking* I just hope it's enough
Princess Hazel: COSMIC MOON POWER!!!
Lance: NOOO!!! *he was turned to Moon dust before their eyes*
Prince Leo: Princess You did it!
Princess Hazel: *She Calapsed and Leo Caught her*
Sailor Celestial: Is she okay...?
Prince Leo: No... No Pulse
Mean while...
it gives meaning to each moment
it's what our hearts are all made of
Sailor Nova: What's happening... I can't feel her life presents!
Sailor Black Hole: Me Either!!!
Sailor Triton: Come on let's go to her! Black hole *She nodded to her*
Sailor Black hole: Black Hole... *Black Hole Closed her eyes and Crossed her Arms... She Began to Spin around... Faster and Faster Untill Still with her eyes closed and Her Tiara glowing Dark Purple* Deep Space!!! *She Opened her eyes As and A ripple of a Dark Glow Exploded from the Tiara and Uncrossed her arms and Jumped, and they flew to the mountain... But they were to late she was dead and Leo was crying over her*
Sailor Triton: OH NO!!!!
Sailor Nova: She was such a good friend...
Prince Leo: No... *Hazel held the Wand, with the Shattered Crystal on it* Hazel You can't go yet, you just can't... *He Fell over top of her, Not Noticing his face fell into the Broken swords moon dust. It shined so bright. The Dust was full of energy and it was all over Leo's Lips* Hazel... *He kissed her as the energy from the Sword left behind rubbed on her, being applied with Leo's Love energy, created enough energy to revive her... He Lifted his Head and She opened her Eyes and the Silver Crystal shined as it was restored*
You've got to believe, in the power of love
Hazel: So Leo... did you feel anything this time?
Prince Leo: *He Laughed* Yeah... I think I did...
They All laughed And Jumped on the 2 the Prince and Princess
Sailor Celestial: We Were so Worried...
In the Power of love
Princess Hazel: Trust me so Was I
They All Laughed as the Sun set and The Credits appeared...
In The Power of love...
Credit Song-
Sailor Crescent/Hazel- FallOutGirlAARHinder
Sailor Triton/DK- Sasukesgirlfriend
Sailor Black Hole/Moonara- PunkWolfGirl
Sailor Celestial/Cat- Moon_Princess
Sailor Nova/Jenny- AlleyCat17
Tuxedo Mini Mask/Leo- Tuxedo_Mini_Mask
Rainbow Crystal Scouts- Tuxedo_Mini_Mask
Author- Tuxedo_Mini_Mask
Co-Author- FallOutGirlAARHinder
Disclaimer: I Don't Own the original Sailor Moon Series
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Moon_Princess on November 11, 2007, 8:01:54 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 13, 2007, 7:54:28 AM
AlleyCat17 on November 11, 2007, 6:16:42 AM
AlleyCat17 on
FallOutGirlAARHinder on November 10, 2007, 10:01:50 AM

that was real real hot! My feet are burning up LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!and the rest of my body!!!!I cant find any other word besides HOT for this!!!!Its indescribable!!!
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 10, 2007, 11:49:07 PM
Symphoniaprincess101 on November 10, 2007, 12:06:17 PM
sailoraqua13 on November 10, 2007, 10:01:12 AM
sailoraqua13 on
I loved it!!! ^-^ Thanks!!