Chapter 35 - Back To the Future- Girls Celebrates New Enemy Rises P3
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
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Chapter 35 - Back To the Future- Girls Celebrates New Enemy Rises P3
Chapter 35 - Back To the Future- Girls Celebrates New Enemy Rises P3
Leo: *His Planetary Symbol Began to Glow and He Grunted and Hid it from Rini* Ahh...
Rini: Whats Wrong Leo? *She Reached to help him but he pushed her away* Leo?
Leo: Sorry... I gota go...
Rini: But how? We're trapped up here all alone *She Pressed Her Fingers to his Chest as he backed away from her*
Leo: Sorry Rini... *The Farris Wheel began to Lower, Before it could go around a second time Leo Jumped out*
Rini: Leo!
Leo: I'll be fine... *He waved as she was carried into the air by the Farris wheel* SEE YA LATER! *He ran to The castle where he walked to his room and Placed His Key on his Dresser that just so happened to Have a Huge Mirror Stretching from it, to the Ceiling* What is Wrong with me
He Looked in the Mirror and Lifted up his Long Blond Hair and His Planetary Symbol was there... But at this Moment it wasn't admitting any power or even Glowing! When All of a sudden He Saw A Golden Flash Behind him! He Looked Behind Him and Saw Nothing! He Turned to the Mirror and Directed his attention to his Forehead
Leo: What's going on with me...
Mysterious Female Voice: Leo...
Leo: what was that...
Mysterious Female Voice: My Prince... Come to me...
There Was a Shine of Golden Light in the Corner of his Eyes... He Looked Up to see his door open...
Leo: Well that was weird *He Looked out his doorway to see A Golden Light at the Corner of the long Hallway* What is that? *He Ran down the Hallway and Followed the light until him bumped into The Queen!* Oh Sorry...
Neo Queen: Leo, What has gotten into you lately? is Something Wrong...
Leo: No, I Guess it's just the Memories flooding back...
Neo Queen: Understandable... Now, Don't be up to late!
Leo: right... *He Walked out into the Court Yard, he splashed water on his Face from the Lake* I'm Starting to see things... *A Golden Light Flashed Over His Shoulder and he saw a White Horse with a Long Spiral Horn and white wings in the Reflection of the water* AH! *He Turned to see nothing behind Him* What is Wrong With me...
Mysterious Female Voice: I'm Not Going to be over there... *Leo saw The Horse in the Water Again*
Leo: You talking to me?!?
Mysterious Female Voice: who else? Leo-
Mysterious Female Voice: Enough Questions Leo... I'm Here for you...
Leo: *Thinking* No your Not -.- your kind of in my Reflection
Horse: I Heard that *Leo Turned to see A Golden Light Skip onto the Lake, and it Grew to be a White Pegasus with a Spiral Horn Flying Over The Water; Slowly flapping it's wings* Please Understand Leo...
Leo: understand What?
Horse: I'm Sorry I have to Go...
Leo: Wait What can I Call you!?!
Horse: Just Call me as you see me...
Leo: Pegasus?
Pegasus: *She Nodded* Please Don't Tell anyone of our Meeting...
Leo: Wait What?!? *There was a Flash and Leo was Forced to Close his eyes! Leo Opened them to see a Golden light to strong for his eyes, so he shut them once again. He Tried to Open Them Once More but Once he did He Realized He was In His Bedroom ON HIS BED! HE was Panting like a dog on a hot summers day!* It was a Dream? *He looked at the Time* It's only 9:00... That means I got home only a few minutes ago! *He Sighed* Pegasus... Was it Real? Oh will I ever Be able to contact you again?
A Gold and White Object with a Giant Sphere at the Top Appeared on his Dresser surrounded By Feathers
Pegasus's Voice: Use this If you ever want to talk, it will help us to keep in touch...
Leo: huh?!? What's This... Maybe it wasn't a Dream...
Mean While... It was intermission for the fireworks show because they had to re load
Hazel: I can't Believe Leo Left Rini, Maybe they Had a fight!
DK: Doubt it -.-
Moonara: YEAH! The Way they were making out!
Jenny: I'd sure be Happy
Jenny: Just sayin...
DK: Hey Look! It's Where they are setting off the fireworks lets go check it out! *They ran to the area where they saw the fireworks happening and They saw people Asking for them to put wedding proposals in the sky for their Honey* HEY LOOK! There is the boss of it all!
Jenny: Wow, how did you know that?!?
DK: ^^' I read his Tag *They laughed and Approached the man* Hello Sir!
Allan: Hi! How may I help you!?!
Cat: SO! your the Boss around here? You Look pretty young to have such a rank
Allan: Well My Dad owns the company so, I'm just taking over until he get's back... It's my dream to make this buisness as succsessfull as it is great! I wish to bring joy to all no matter what... At all costs! it was my dads life and I want it to be mine...
Cat: Wow... Your so Nice! To give up all that for others?!?
Moonara: *thinking* What a dork
Mean While...
Dabina: THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE! The Holy One is here! And it Holds The Future Of all Earth! INCLUDING CRYSTAL TOKYO!!!
Crowd: YEAH! WOOO!!!
Dabina: Metallic 3, Come Forth!
Metallic 3: *everyone else disappeared into the shadows as the 3 stepped forward* Yes Lady Dabina...
Dabina: As soon As the Home Bass is Ready, You 3 are assigned to Search For 1 Perfect Person, with hat seems Like a Good Heart, and Open The Portal that leads to the Holy One-
Iron Eye: *Male with Gray shiny Eyes* Okay we get it, The Queen already Explained it to us!
Platinum Pipes: *Female with blonde short hair and golden markings on her throat* Yeah... And We've got the Perfect Person to attack! And it'll cause a huge distraction and you'll be able to put up he Base boss!
Titanium Teeth: *A tall slim Male with Shiny Teeth* yeah.. A Perfect distraction...
Some time Later at The Fair...
Iron Eye: Sorry Guys But I'll take this one... *He Walked out of the shadows*
Allan: READY! Intermission is Over people! FIRE THOSE WORKS!
Iron Eye: *he was in discize* Hello allan...
Allan: What are you Doing Here?!? This is a Restricted Area!
Iron Eye: Oh I'm Sorry, Here Come this Way...
Allan: What?
Iron Eye: Please! it's Important! Brother!
Allan: What?!?
Iron Eye: Please this Way! *He lead him to a deserted area with only 1 light flickering* Now-
Allan: What is the meaning of this? I have to go they won't know what to do with out me!
Iron Eye: *He shined like Iron and Transformed into His True Form* Not so Fast... 1! *A Gray Wall appeared behind The Victim* 2! *Iron Cuffes Cuffed the Victim to the wall* 3! *The Wall began to glow*
Allan: AAHH!!! *Something Began to Appear! It was being pulled out of the victims Chest! Sparks and Sparkles Gathered together to create a SMALL Door only about 1 foot high! it was Hovering out infront of the Person. The Person Pasted Out*
Iron Eye: ah, Now lets See! *He put his Fingers Threw the Key Hole and tried to spread it out so he could see what was in side the Door. He Saw Raging Darkness* AAHH!!! You do have a Dark Side... But to bad it's not Being Guarded By the White One... SORRY! *He Prepared to Break the Door*
The Girls *Excluding Rini who went home do to Leo were hiding behind a small wall
Moonara: see I told You something was gona happen to him!
DK: Of corse, And you just wearn't trying to swing a date with him?
Moonara: *She blushed and laughed Nervsously* No...
Girls: Yeah right!
Hazel: Come On let's Transform!
She Held up her Locket and it opened to Reveal the Shinning Crystal!!! And She Began to Glow along with it! It floated to her center as 2 Ribbons, 1 gold and 1 black, Burst out of her Locket On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moons, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black bow with the Locket on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… She Span around as Golden Ribbons Burst out of her waist Creating a lovely Mini Skirt. She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Her Forehead Had a Glowing Crescent Moon on it. She Shook her Hair and She Stopped Spinning And her Hair Gained Golden Highlights at the bottom of her hair... She Opened her Eye's And A Tiara Appeared on her forhead that had a Yellow CRESCENT MOON on it. Sparkles Fell everywhere! Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautiful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Crescent Moon with the Blue star in the Center... She Made Her Pose...
Jenny: Nova Planet Crisis Power!!!
She Held Out her wand and She started to Glow! Before you Know it she Began to spin and an explosion occured from the wand as she held it out about her head and 8 stars with 8 sides burst out covering her body and once they past she had her Uniform on. With the Colors of Purple, Dark Blue and yellow complementing her. her Brouch was purple with a Yellow N in the Middle of it and her gloves were long and beautiful and her shoes were little tiny Slippers... She Gracefully Made a Pose...
Sailor Crescent: HEY NEGASCUM! I don't Know what your Doing but hurting an innocent Man? That's LOW! I am Sailor Crescent and will right wrongs and Triumph Over Evil and That Means YOU!!! *She Posed*
Sailor Scouts: AND WE WILL HELP HER!
Iron Eye: Ohh look, 5 Girl's in skirts, My Lucky Day!
Sailor Triton: What a Perv!
Sailor Nova: Well this perv's Going Down! Nova... Dorf-
Iron Eye: I DON'T THINK SO! *He Stomped and the Girls fell to the Ground!* IRON ISOLATE!!! *Their Feet were turned to Iron*
Sailor Celestial: AAAHH!!! I can't Move My Feet!
Sailor Nova: Nova... BOW *she holds up her left arm like she is holding a bow then a dark blue bow apairs with a yellow 8 sided star on both sides of the top and bottom of the bow* AND ARROW! *then she pulls back the string with her right hand/arm and a purple and dark blue glowing energey type arrow appears, and Shoots it at the Man* COMBUST!!!
Iron Eye: AAAHH!!! *Dust went everywhere, but as it cleared the Man was still standing There* How Painful -.-
Sailor Black Hole: What Are we Gona Do none Of Our attacks Work on him!
Iron Eye: Stop your Chatter! *He Threw the Door up in the air and prepared to destroy it*
Shadow figure 1: Ursa, Tumbling Earth! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a Whole under Iron Eye. He Fell in*
Shadow Figure 3: Crimson Sun, Trail Blazer! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Sept into the Whole in the Ground with Iron Eye*
Shadow Figure 2: Polaris DRY ICE CAP! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a White Cover of Ice over the Hole, Trapping Iron Eye in there with fire and no exit until the Ice Melts*
Shadow Figure 1: *They Grabbed the door* Come on we don't have much time! *They all 3 examined the Door and Looked thru the Key Whole Once* No
Shadow Figure 2: this Isn't It...
Shadow Figure 3: Nope! We Better Hurry it up here! He's coming out!
Shadow Figure 2: 1 Last Look!
Sailor Crescent: Who are they *They're feet turned to normal* Friend or Foe?!?
Iron Eye: *He Popped out of the Whole all burnt up and Wet panting* That's it! It's time to destroy this Door Once and For all! *an energy Blast was shot from his hands to the Door and it was destoried* Now...I WOULD DESTROY YOU MY SELF BUT... You have enough problems already*He Disappeared*
Shadow Figure 3: OHH NO! We were to Slow...
Shadow Figure 2: Dangit, *She started to cry* AAHHH!!! *She wined* I HATE THIS!
Shadow figure 3: Well Maybe if you would stop taking that "One last look" Then Maybe the Victim Might Be able to LIVE!!!
Shadow Figure 1: Well now it's time to Do our Job! *The Victim fell off the Wall as it disappeared and Turned into a BEAST! The Monster Looked like a Giant Firework*
Shadow Figure 2: I hate this Part of the Job...
Sailor Triton: What?!? What are you Going to Do?!?
Shadow figure 3: Destroy It...
Shadow Figure 1: Ursa, Tumbling Earth! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and a whole was Created under The Monster and It fell in as The Figure Gripped her hands and the earth smashed into the Monster* Let's FInsh it off!
Sailor Crescent: STOP! He is still human, Some where In side!!!
Shadow Figure 1: Fine you deal with it! *They Dashed off* we'll be back to clean up the pieces!
Sailor Crescent: WHAT EVER! I can save it! MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!!! *Seven Lights shot at the Beast but it still wasn't healed* Oh no...
Monster: *He Burst out of the Ground* AAHH!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: GOLDEN BULLET! *HE shot a Stream of Golden Light at the monster delaying it's attack* I thought you might need some help!
Sailor Crescent: TUXEDO! So you do care!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: DON'T DROP YOUR GUARD! And don't drop Hope, Try the Crystal again!
Sailor Crescent: Right!*She Held out her Crescent Moon wand* MOON HEALING! ACTIVATION! *Seven Lights Spiraled out of the Wand and Hit the Monster. The Attempt to Heal the Monster Failed* What?!? Why isn't it working? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!
Sailor Black Hole: Well I do! It's Time to Whoop Some Monster Butt!
Sailor Celestial: Maybe it'll weaken it so the Crystal will work
Sailor Nova: Your Right! Nova...
Sailor Triton: WAIT!go Easy On it Nova! He's Still Human On the Inside
Sailor Nova: RIGHT! Nova...Dwarf Star!!! *She Held up Her Hand up and Creative A Ball that looked like a Mini Planet. She Threw the Planet as it ripped threw the ground* COMBUST!*The Monster Caught The Attack and threw it back at them* AAHH!!! *The Attack caused Rocks and other objects to go flying everywhere! but Luckily they dodged the Objects and the Attack*
Monster: BOOM! BOOM!
Sailor Celestial: Does That Meen He Has to use the bathroom?!?
Sailor Triton: CELESTIAL! This is serious! We Can't Beat it!
Sailor Black Hole: It doesn't matter, All we needed to do was weaken it, so that Crescent Can Heal Him!
Sailor Crescent: Um... I don't Think that's Gona Be Happening...
Sailor Nova: What Why?!?
Monster: BLAH BLAH! BOOM BOOM IN 5, 4 ,3 uh...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: WATCH OUT GIRLS!
Monster: 64, 77, 3... Uh, What comes After 3?
Sailor Triton: Umm, 100!
Monster: OH! Okay thanks! 100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93- Umm 2... 1!!*His Hand That looked Like a Tiny Fire work charged off to Kill the Scouts with a huge Explosion*
Sailor Black Hole: Black Hole... DARK TUNNEL! *She Span around and created a Mini Black Hole in the palms of her hand*.... *She Absorbed the Firework and Redirected it toward the Sky. It exploded safely* So But I plan to stay in one Piece tonight!
Monster: RRRGG!!! You Make me mad! *He Had A Giant Fire Work On his Back with several Fuzzes Attached* YOUR NOT GONA MOVE THIS TIME!!! *The Fuzzes Grew out and Rapped them selfs around one of the Screaming Sailor Scouts* Now Time For the Big one!
Sailor Crescent: Oh no, It can't end this way!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Please SOMEONE HELP US! *All Of a sudden, In the Mids of the Black Sky, a Light Shined in the Distance and The Same Pegasus That Had Approached Leo Appeared* Pegasus? *The Horse Got Closer*
Monster: PONY!!!
Sailor Crescent: It's Beautiful *The scouts Awed As it Approached*
Pegasus: *It Nayed* SAILOR CRESCENT! *Her Horn Shined a Golden Glow and the Light off it had Made The Moon Crystal Admit it's final amount of Power* Give it one more Try!
Sailor Crescent: RIGHT! Moon Healing Activation! *7 Pink Lights Shot out at the Monster and it Turned Back into Allan and The Fuzzes Let Go Off them*
Monster: AAHHH!!! *It turned to normal*
Sailor Triton: What was with the Horse?
Sailor Nova: I DON'T KNOW, But I WANT ONE!
Sailor Crescent: *She Sighed As They all Powered down. She Looked At Her Crystal but it was no Longer Shining! it was almost Black!* What's going on in his world today...
Leo: Pegasus?
Aries: *She walked up along with Gabe* Oh hey guy! Thank god we found you!
Gabe: Yeah, we just came to Tell you about the New Enemy... And Because Mini Moon and The Sailor Quartet Are attending another Mission at this Time... YOU ALL GET TO FIGURE OUT WHAT'S UP AND DOWN ON THIS ONE GUYS!
All: -.- Now you tell us... *They All Laughed*
Mean While...
Dabina*Standing Up on a tall Platform*: Where is the Holy one?!? Where is the Door?!? Where is our Prize?!? And-
Platinum Pipes: And why Don't you Shut up?!? It was Our fault, It was Iron eye's!
Titanium Teeth: YEAH!
Iron Eye: *Crying* Well thanks alot guys I thought you were my Friends!
Both: Nope *They Sighed*
Dabina: Well Iron eye, What do you have to say for your self?!?
Iron Eye: At least We Have Our Base Landed! AND THOSE STUPID HUMANS DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE!
Dabina: Yes that is true, but Where is the Horse?
Iron Eye: Well the Door Was a Dud! So I destroyed The Duddy Door and Released a Demented Demon! And The Best Part is That Those Sailor Brats Had to Deal with it! But it Looks Like that Disposed of it, Considering it's not here.
Both: What do ya meen?!?
Iron Eye: Well After You Destroy someones Door, the Dark Side of The Person is Released! and It Takes Over! and Once it is done doing my Bidding then it returns to me! well that's if it Doesn't dispose of it's self first...
Both: ohhh...
Iron Eye: Well, the Point is, the door was a Dud, We set up our base and we are one step closer to achieving our Goals...
Dabina: True... But that doesn't mean you can start slaking off! GO AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE! and search their door and if the Holy One isn't there then check the next! then the next!
Metallic 3: RIGHT!
Leo: *His Planetary Symbol Began to Glow and He Grunted and Hid it from Rini* Ahh...
Rini: Whats Wrong Leo? *She Reached to help him but he pushed her away* Leo?
Leo: Sorry... I gota go...
Rini: But how? We're trapped up here all alone *She Pressed Her Fingers to his Chest as he backed away from her*
Leo: Sorry Rini... *The Farris Wheel began to Lower, Before it could go around a second time Leo Jumped out*
Rini: Leo!
Leo: I'll be fine... *He waved as she was carried into the air by the Farris wheel* SEE YA LATER! *He ran to The castle where he walked to his room and Placed His Key on his Dresser that just so happened to Have a Huge Mirror Stretching from it, to the Ceiling* What is Wrong with me
He Looked in the Mirror and Lifted up his Long Blond Hair and His Planetary Symbol was there... But at this Moment it wasn't admitting any power or even Glowing! When All of a sudden He Saw A Golden Flash Behind him! He Looked Behind Him and Saw Nothing! He Turned to the Mirror and Directed his attention to his Forehead
Leo: What's going on with me...
Mysterious Female Voice: Leo...
Leo: what was that...
Mysterious Female Voice: My Prince... Come to me...
There Was a Shine of Golden Light in the Corner of his Eyes... He Looked Up to see his door open...
Leo: Well that was weird *He Looked out his doorway to see A Golden Light at the Corner of the long Hallway* What is that? *He Ran down the Hallway and Followed the light until him bumped into The Queen!* Oh Sorry...
Neo Queen: Leo, What has gotten into you lately? is Something Wrong...
Leo: No, I Guess it's just the Memories flooding back...
Neo Queen: Understandable... Now, Don't be up to late!
Leo: right... *He Walked out into the Court Yard, he splashed water on his Face from the Lake* I'm Starting to see things... *A Golden Light Flashed Over His Shoulder and he saw a White Horse with a Long Spiral Horn and white wings in the Reflection of the water* AH! *He Turned to see nothing behind Him* What is Wrong With me...
Mysterious Female Voice: I'm Not Going to be over there... *Leo saw The Horse in the Water Again*
Leo: You talking to me?!?
Mysterious Female Voice: who else? Leo-
Mysterious Female Voice: Enough Questions Leo... I'm Here for you...
Leo: *Thinking* No your Not -.- your kind of in my Reflection
Horse: I Heard that *Leo Turned to see A Golden Light Skip onto the Lake, and it Grew to be a White Pegasus with a Spiral Horn Flying Over The Water; Slowly flapping it's wings* Please Understand Leo...
Leo: understand What?
Horse: I'm Sorry I have to Go...
Leo: Wait What can I Call you!?!
Horse: Just Call me as you see me...
Leo: Pegasus?
Pegasus: *She Nodded* Please Don't Tell anyone of our Meeting...
Leo: Wait What?!? *There was a Flash and Leo was Forced to Close his eyes! Leo Opened them to see a Golden light to strong for his eyes, so he shut them once again. He Tried to Open Them Once More but Once he did He Realized He was In His Bedroom ON HIS BED! HE was Panting like a dog on a hot summers day!* It was a Dream? *He looked at the Time* It's only 9:00... That means I got home only a few minutes ago! *He Sighed* Pegasus... Was it Real? Oh will I ever Be able to contact you again?
A Gold and White Object with a Giant Sphere at the Top Appeared on his Dresser surrounded By Feathers
Pegasus's Voice: Use this If you ever want to talk, it will help us to keep in touch...
Leo: huh?!? What's This... Maybe it wasn't a Dream...
Mean While... It was intermission for the fireworks show because they had to re load
Hazel: I can't Believe Leo Left Rini, Maybe they Had a fight!
DK: Doubt it -.-
Moonara: YEAH! The Way they were making out!
Jenny: I'd sure be Happy
Jenny: Just sayin...
DK: Hey Look! It's Where they are setting off the fireworks lets go check it out! *They ran to the area where they saw the fireworks happening and They saw people Asking for them to put wedding proposals in the sky for their Honey* HEY LOOK! There is the boss of it all!
Jenny: Wow, how did you know that?!?
DK: ^^' I read his Tag *They laughed and Approached the man* Hello Sir!
Allan: Hi! How may I help you!?!
Cat: SO! your the Boss around here? You Look pretty young to have such a rank
Allan: Well My Dad owns the company so, I'm just taking over until he get's back... It's my dream to make this buisness as succsessfull as it is great! I wish to bring joy to all no matter what... At all costs! it was my dads life and I want it to be mine...
Cat: Wow... Your so Nice! To give up all that for others?!?
Moonara: *thinking* What a dork
Mean While...
Dabina: THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE! The Holy One is here! And it Holds The Future Of all Earth! INCLUDING CRYSTAL TOKYO!!!
Crowd: YEAH! WOOO!!!
Dabina: Metallic 3, Come Forth!
Metallic 3: *everyone else disappeared into the shadows as the 3 stepped forward* Yes Lady Dabina...
Dabina: As soon As the Home Bass is Ready, You 3 are assigned to Search For 1 Perfect Person, with hat seems Like a Good Heart, and Open The Portal that leads to the Holy One-
Iron Eye: *Male with Gray shiny Eyes* Okay we get it, The Queen already Explained it to us!
Platinum Pipes: *Female with blonde short hair and golden markings on her throat* Yeah... And We've got the Perfect Person to attack! And it'll cause a huge distraction and you'll be able to put up he Base boss!
Titanium Teeth: *A tall slim Male with Shiny Teeth* yeah.. A Perfect distraction...
Some time Later at The Fair...
Iron Eye: Sorry Guys But I'll take this one... *He Walked out of the shadows*
Allan: READY! Intermission is Over people! FIRE THOSE WORKS!
Iron Eye: *he was in discize* Hello allan...
Allan: What are you Doing Here?!? This is a Restricted Area!
Iron Eye: Oh I'm Sorry, Here Come this Way...
Allan: What?
Iron Eye: Please! it's Important! Brother!
Allan: What?!?
Iron Eye: Please this Way! *He lead him to a deserted area with only 1 light flickering* Now-
Allan: What is the meaning of this? I have to go they won't know what to do with out me!
Iron Eye: *He shined like Iron and Transformed into His True Form* Not so Fast... 1! *A Gray Wall appeared behind The Victim* 2! *Iron Cuffes Cuffed the Victim to the wall* 3! *The Wall began to glow*
Allan: AAHH!!! *Something Began to Appear! It was being pulled out of the victims Chest! Sparks and Sparkles Gathered together to create a SMALL Door only about 1 foot high! it was Hovering out infront of the Person. The Person Pasted Out*
Iron Eye: ah, Now lets See! *He put his Fingers Threw the Key Hole and tried to spread it out so he could see what was in side the Door. He Saw Raging Darkness* AAHH!!! You do have a Dark Side... But to bad it's not Being Guarded By the White One... SORRY! *He Prepared to Break the Door*
The Girls *Excluding Rini who went home do to Leo were hiding behind a small wall
Moonara: see I told You something was gona happen to him!
DK: Of corse, And you just wearn't trying to swing a date with him?
Moonara: *She blushed and laughed Nervsously* No...
Girls: Yeah right!
Hazel: Come On let's Transform!
She Held up her Locket and it opened to Reveal the Shinning Crystal!!! And She Began to Glow along with it! It floated to her center as 2 Ribbons, 1 gold and 1 black, Burst out of her Locket On her Chest, and rapped around the rest of her torso. The Ribbons Flashed as more Crescent Moons went everywhere, and behind the Crescent Moons, was a Beautiful white torso, with a Black bow with the Locket on top of it… As she was Spinning Ribbons Started to come Out near the Bottom of the Torso, at the waist… She Span around as Golden Ribbons Burst out of her waist Creating a lovely Mini Skirt. She held her hands up and Ribbons went up and down her arms, The Ribbons Flashed as Crescent Moons Went everywhere. And She then had White long gloves on…Then She did a flip as ribbons Went down her legs and Burst into Crescent Moons, and once the Moons Past, She was Wearing Black Boots with a Crescent Moon on the top of each boot… Her Forehead had a Yellow glowing Cresent Moon On it… Her Forehead Had a Glowing Crescent Moon on it. She Shook her Hair and She Stopped Spinning And her Hair Gained Golden Highlights at the bottom of her hair... She Opened her Eye's And A Tiara Appeared on her forhead that had a Yellow CRESCENT MOON on it. Sparkles Fell everywhere! Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
She Began to Glow As She Held Up her wand… She Span around holding the wand, as Stars and Moons Trailed Behind it. And The Stars and Moons Stood still As Water Washed over them and Soon Completely Covered DK… The Stars and Moons Began to Glow and All The Water on DK Fell off and She was wearing a Blue and Teal Sailor Out fit with Blue Boots and a Teal Bow… A Blueish Glowing Jewel Appeared on, Her Forehead As Lovely Blue and Teal Jewelry Was added to her face and Ears… The Jewel Stopped Glowing and it Became a Center Jewel to the Newly Appeared Tiara on her Forehead…She Then Turned Around and Made a Pose…
She Held Up the Black and White Wand. The Tip of the Wand Mimiced a Black whole and White Stars Circled Her in the black back round. The Stars Zoomed in on her Body, and As They Were absorbed by her Body, Her Beautiful Black and White Our Fit apeared. She Span Around and Made a Pose.
She Held up Her wand, and She Began To Glow!!! She Span Around as a Ribbon of Light, on her Dark Blue backround Rapped around Her. As the Ribbon Slowly Retrieved Back upward to the wand, Her Uniform Apeared. Her Silver Boots With the Blue moon and Star at the top... Her Silver gloves with the Blue rings on the End... Her Blue Bow With the Silver Broch with the Blue moon and star on it... And Her Silver and Blue Choker and Silver Earings and Silver Bow in her hair... They all matched Perfectly with her tiara that had a Blue Crescent Moon with the Blue star in the Center... She Made Her Pose...
Jenny: Nova Planet Crisis Power!!!
She Held Out her wand and She started to Glow! Before you Know it she Began to spin and an explosion occured from the wand as she held it out about her head and 8 stars with 8 sides burst out covering her body and once they past she had her Uniform on. With the Colors of Purple, Dark Blue and yellow complementing her. her Brouch was purple with a Yellow N in the Middle of it and her gloves were long and beautiful and her shoes were little tiny Slippers... She Gracefully Made a Pose...
Sailor Crescent: HEY NEGASCUM! I don't Know what your Doing but hurting an innocent Man? That's LOW! I am Sailor Crescent and will right wrongs and Triumph Over Evil and That Means YOU!!! *She Posed*
Sailor Scouts: AND WE WILL HELP HER!
Iron Eye: Ohh look, 5 Girl's in skirts, My Lucky Day!
Sailor Triton: What a Perv!
Sailor Nova: Well this perv's Going Down! Nova... Dorf-
Iron Eye: I DON'T THINK SO! *He Stomped and the Girls fell to the Ground!* IRON ISOLATE!!! *Their Feet were turned to Iron*
Sailor Celestial: AAAHH!!! I can't Move My Feet!
Sailor Nova: Nova... BOW *she holds up her left arm like she is holding a bow then a dark blue bow apairs with a yellow 8 sided star on both sides of the top and bottom of the bow* AND ARROW! *then she pulls back the string with her right hand/arm and a purple and dark blue glowing energey type arrow appears, and Shoots it at the Man* COMBUST!!!
Iron Eye: AAAHH!!! *Dust went everywhere, but as it cleared the Man was still standing There* How Painful -.-
Sailor Black Hole: What Are we Gona Do none Of Our attacks Work on him!
Iron Eye: Stop your Chatter! *He Threw the Door up in the air and prepared to destroy it*
Shadow figure 1: Ursa, Tumbling Earth! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a Whole under Iron Eye. He Fell in*
Shadow Figure 3: Crimson Sun, Trail Blazer! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Sept into the Whole in the Ground with Iron Eye*
Shadow Figure 2: Polaris DRY ICE CAP! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a White Cover of Ice over the Hole, Trapping Iron Eye in there with fire and no exit until the Ice Melts*
Shadow Figure 1: *They Grabbed the door* Come on we don't have much time! *They all 3 examined the Door and Looked thru the Key Whole Once* No
Shadow Figure 2: this Isn't It...
Shadow Figure 3: Nope! We Better Hurry it up here! He's coming out!
Shadow Figure 2: 1 Last Look!
Sailor Crescent: Who are they *They're feet turned to normal* Friend or Foe?!?
Iron Eye: *He Popped out of the Whole all burnt up and Wet panting* That's it! It's time to destroy this Door Once and For all! *an energy Blast was shot from his hands to the Door and it was destoried* Now...I WOULD DESTROY YOU MY SELF BUT... You have enough problems already*He Disappeared*
Shadow Figure 3: OHH NO! We were to Slow...
Shadow Figure 2: Dangit, *She started to cry* AAHHH!!! *She wined* I HATE THIS!
Shadow figure 3: Well Maybe if you would stop taking that "One last look" Then Maybe the Victim Might Be able to LIVE!!!
Shadow Figure 1: Well now it's time to Do our Job! *The Victim fell off the Wall as it disappeared and Turned into a BEAST! The Monster Looked like a Giant Firework*
Shadow Figure 2: I hate this Part of the Job...
Sailor Triton: What?!? What are you Going to Do?!?
Shadow figure 3: Destroy It...
Shadow Figure 1: Ursa, Tumbling Earth! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and a whole was Created under The Monster and It fell in as The Figure Gripped her hands and the earth smashed into the Monster* Let's FInsh it off!
Sailor Crescent: STOP! He is still human, Some where In side!!!
Shadow Figure 1: Fine you deal with it! *They Dashed off* we'll be back to clean up the pieces!
Sailor Crescent: WHAT EVER! I can save it! MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!!! *Seven Lights shot at the Beast but it still wasn't healed* Oh no...
Monster: *He Burst out of the Ground* AAHH!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: GOLDEN BULLET! *HE shot a Stream of Golden Light at the monster delaying it's attack* I thought you might need some help!
Sailor Crescent: TUXEDO! So you do care!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: DON'T DROP YOUR GUARD! And don't drop Hope, Try the Crystal again!
Sailor Crescent: Right!*She Held out her Crescent Moon wand* MOON HEALING! ACTIVATION! *Seven Lights Spiraled out of the Wand and Hit the Monster. The Attempt to Heal the Monster Failed* What?!? Why isn't it working? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!
Sailor Black Hole: Well I do! It's Time to Whoop Some Monster Butt!
Sailor Celestial: Maybe it'll weaken it so the Crystal will work
Sailor Nova: Your Right! Nova...
Sailor Triton: WAIT!go Easy On it Nova! He's Still Human On the Inside
Sailor Nova: RIGHT! Nova...Dwarf Star!!! *She Held up Her Hand up and Creative A Ball that looked like a Mini Planet. She Threw the Planet as it ripped threw the ground* COMBUST!*The Monster Caught The Attack and threw it back at them* AAHH!!! *The Attack caused Rocks and other objects to go flying everywhere! but Luckily they dodged the Objects and the Attack*
Monster: BOOM! BOOM!
Sailor Celestial: Does That Meen He Has to use the bathroom?!?
Sailor Triton: CELESTIAL! This is serious! We Can't Beat it!
Sailor Black Hole: It doesn't matter, All we needed to do was weaken it, so that Crescent Can Heal Him!
Sailor Crescent: Um... I don't Think that's Gona Be Happening...
Sailor Nova: What Why?!?
Monster: BLAH BLAH! BOOM BOOM IN 5, 4 ,3 uh...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: WATCH OUT GIRLS!
Monster: 64, 77, 3... Uh, What comes After 3?
Sailor Triton: Umm, 100!
Monster: OH! Okay thanks! 100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93- Umm 2... 1!!*His Hand That looked Like a Tiny Fire work charged off to Kill the Scouts with a huge Explosion*
Sailor Black Hole: Black Hole... DARK TUNNEL! *She Span around and created a Mini Black Hole in the palms of her hand*.... *She Absorbed the Firework and Redirected it toward the Sky. It exploded safely* So But I plan to stay in one Piece tonight!
Monster: RRRGG!!! You Make me mad! *He Had A Giant Fire Work On his Back with several Fuzzes Attached* YOUR NOT GONA MOVE THIS TIME!!! *The Fuzzes Grew out and Rapped them selfs around one of the Screaming Sailor Scouts* Now Time For the Big one!
Sailor Crescent: Oh no, It can't end this way!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Please SOMEONE HELP US! *All Of a sudden, In the Mids of the Black Sky, a Light Shined in the Distance and The Same Pegasus That Had Approached Leo Appeared* Pegasus? *The Horse Got Closer*
Monster: PONY!!!
Sailor Crescent: It's Beautiful *The scouts Awed As it Approached*
Pegasus: *It Nayed* SAILOR CRESCENT! *Her Horn Shined a Golden Glow and the Light off it had Made The Moon Crystal Admit it's final amount of Power* Give it one more Try!
Sailor Crescent: RIGHT! Moon Healing Activation! *7 Pink Lights Shot out at the Monster and it Turned Back into Allan and The Fuzzes Let Go Off them*
Monster: AAHHH!!! *It turned to normal*
Sailor Triton: What was with the Horse?
Sailor Nova: I DON'T KNOW, But I WANT ONE!
Sailor Crescent: *She Sighed As They all Powered down. She Looked At Her Crystal but it was no Longer Shining! it was almost Black!* What's going on in his world today...
Leo: Pegasus?
Aries: *She walked up along with Gabe* Oh hey guy! Thank god we found you!
Gabe: Yeah, we just came to Tell you about the New Enemy... And Because Mini Moon and The Sailor Quartet Are attending another Mission at this Time... YOU ALL GET TO FIGURE OUT WHAT'S UP AND DOWN ON THIS ONE GUYS!
All: -.- Now you tell us... *They All Laughed*
Mean While...
Dabina*Standing Up on a tall Platform*: Where is the Holy one?!? Where is the Door?!? Where is our Prize?!? And-
Platinum Pipes: And why Don't you Shut up?!? It was Our fault, It was Iron eye's!
Titanium Teeth: YEAH!
Iron Eye: *Crying* Well thanks alot guys I thought you were my Friends!
Both: Nope *They Sighed*
Dabina: Well Iron eye, What do you have to say for your self?!?
Iron Eye: At least We Have Our Base Landed! AND THOSE STUPID HUMANS DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE!
Dabina: Yes that is true, but Where is the Horse?
Iron Eye: Well the Door Was a Dud! So I destroyed The Duddy Door and Released a Demented Demon! And The Best Part is That Those Sailor Brats Had to Deal with it! But it Looks Like that Disposed of it, Considering it's not here.
Both: What do ya meen?!?
Iron Eye: Well After You Destroy someones Door, the Dark Side of The Person is Released! and It Takes Over! and Once it is done doing my Bidding then it returns to me! well that's if it Doesn't dispose of it's self first...
Both: ohhh...
Iron Eye: Well, the Point is, the door was a Dud, We set up our base and we are one step closer to achieving our Goals...
Dabina: True... But that doesn't mean you can start slaking off! GO AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE! and search their door and if the Holy One isn't there then check the next! then the next!
Metallic 3: RIGHT!
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sailoraqua13 on November 27, 2007, 8:36:26 AM
sailoraqua13 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 27, 2007, 10:13:55 AM

And to Answer your Other Question... YES you did! But they all have 3 different Personalities!
Crimson Sun- Forced to play the Mother role in the group, She has to keep everything in order, but is still so Sweet and funny and full of life
Polaris- Can Be a Cry Baby but she has a Big Heart and has trouble hurting even the smallest Animal. But She Does have a Bad Side that Comes out when Fighting with Ursa
Ursa- Very Confident, FUNNY! Sarcastic... Can be Shy in Public...
All 3 make a Great team despite Their Fate... Yes there is a Hint and a Dash of Uranus and Neptune! But still a Bucket of... Sugar, 3 BIG HEARTS, and 3 Sweet Girls!
sailoraqua13 on November 27, 2007, 10:57:16 AM
sailoraqua13 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 27, 2007, 11:12:57 AM
sailoraqua13 on November 27, 2007, 10:34:20 PM
sailoraqua13 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 27, 2007, 11:18:56 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on November 25, 2007, 7:17:59 AM
AlleyCat17 on November 23, 2007, 11:08:59 AM
AlleyCat17 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 23, 2007, 11:12:56 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on November 22, 2007, 11:40:02 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 23, 2007, 9:58:02 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 23, 2007, 8:08:34 AM
sailoraqua13 on November 22, 2007, 11:12:07 AM
sailoraqua13 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 23, 2007, 9:57:38 AM
sailoraqua13 on November 23, 2007, 10:20:55 AM
sailoraqua13 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 23, 2007, 10:38:08 AM
sailoraqua13 on November 23, 2007, 10:52:46 AM
sailoraqua13 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 23, 2007, 10:55:03 AM
sailoraqua13 on November 23, 2007, 10:57:10 AM
sailoraqua13 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 23, 2007, 8:07:01 AM
Symphoniaprincess101 on November 23, 2007, 12:24:05 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 23, 2007, 9:57:05 AM
AlleyCat17 on November 23, 2007, 9:07:25 AM
AlleyCat17 on
IS this like the last chappie or are u going to continue the story line cause I need somethin new to read and your stories r really cool to read! Oh, and the way my character and the other 2 with me were acting: Did I read a hint of how sailors Uranus and Neptune acted about the whole "Pure heart crystal" thing?