Chapter 38 - A Chibi Desaster P1
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 38 - A Chibi Desaster P1
Chapter 38 - A Chibi Desaster P1
Hazel: LEO IT'S OVER! You can't Love Both of us! Guy's Let's Show him OUR RATH!!! Stay Right there and see For your Self!
Rini: BUT MOMA! I Never Get to See Leo Any more!
Neo Queen Serenity: Well That's Your Problem... By the Way... What are you and Leo Doing these days that is so important?!? *She Twiddled her Thumbs*
Rini: MOM! HOW COULD YOU ASK THAT?!? That's Between Me and Leo
Neo Queen: Well I'm Just Makin sure you and Him Aren't Going Past Kissing...
Rini: EW MOM!!! LEO?!? He Wouldn't Do that if I offered!
Neo Queen: Well I'm, Just Making Sure! Because Once you Do that With someone, It'll start Playing tricks on you, making you think you love them when you don't!
Rini: EW! MOM!!! I'm Going to See Leo!
She Ran Into Leo's Room
Leo: *He Was looking at a Picture of him and Hazel, and When He saw Rini He Slammed it down* O.O Rini! I was just-
Rini: Leo, I'm So Glad your Here!
Leo: I'm glad your here... *She Kissed Him* Listen Rini, I've Been thinking and I wana Break Up...
Rini: O.O Say wha?!?
Leo: I mean, It's Just Not the Same!
Rini: YOUR DUMPING ME!?! *She Gopt Teary eyed*
Leo: No... It's Just I don't Know you as well!
Rini: Oh *She Wiped her Tears* We Can Work Past it... We'll Make New Memories...
Leo: *thinking* She's not taking this Very well...
Rini: Besides... *she Turned around* You wouldn't wana dump your first...
Leo: O.O First?!?
Rini: First Love... LEO WE DID 'IT'!
Leo: You Mean-?
Rini: Yes Leo! *She Crossed her fingers*
Leo: I'm Not a Virgin and I don't Remember! O.O
Rini: YES! *She Crossed her fingers even harder* Now Let Me Refresh your Memory!
Leo: WHAT?!? Have you Lost it?!? I'm Trying to Break up with you!!!
Rini: *Thinking* Well you Won't want to Once I really Am Your First
Leo: Rini Stay Away From me!
Rini: Okay... *She Walked into the Bath room and Got Some Tape*
Leo: what are you doing?!?
Rini: Sorry Leo... *She Threw Him on the Bed*
Leo: O.O Your Scarying Me!
Rini: *She Tied His Hands and feet to the rails of the Bed* Now Just Lay Still, I'll Do All the work!
Rini: You Should Be Thanking me!!!
Leo: I won't do it *He Pouted* AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!
Rini: -.- Wana bet?!?
Leo: O.O umm
Rini: Sorry Leo Your V-Card IS MINE!!!
Mean While...
Neo Queen: Endymion I want you to go check up on Rini in Leo's Room... I might have freaked her out a Bit!
King Endymion: Of Coarse.. *He Walked to Leo's Door and Knocked on the Door* Hello?
Rini: Leo You Be Quite, We're Doing this!
Leo: AAAHHH!!! KING HELP ME!!! Endymion!
Endymion: Hello? *He Opened the Door and Saw Rini On top of Leo and Leo Tapped up* O.O What's Going on here?
Leo: Your Daughters A RAPIST! HELP ME!!! AAHHH!!!
Rini: ^^' We're Just Playing a Game Daddy-Kins...
Endymion: Rini...? Don't lie to me... Were you about to Rape Leo?
Rini: Yes -.-
Endymion: Leo... *He Ripped the Tape off him and Leo Got Up*
Leo: Thanks -.-... *He Started to Mumble* Being Raped in my Own room -.- *He Went Out Side*
Rini: Well see ya dad... *She Started to Follow Leo*
Endymion: FREEZE! *Rini Paused* Why Were you Raping Leo???
Rini: Well... He Said He Was about to dump me...
Endymion: Why?
Rini: Because he Said He just Doesn't Really Know Me Anymore...
Endymion: well It's hard to remember! You Need to respect him, Not rape him so he'll love you! Now Go and Appologize...
Rini: Okay! And Thanks Daddy *She Picked up the Tape and Ran after Leo*
Endymion: Drop the Tape -.-
Rini: Ohh Yeah... ^^' *She Threw it in Leo's Room*
Mean While... Leo And Hazel Were talking in the Middle of the Court Yards...
Leo: *He Laughed* I missed you Hazel...
Hazel: Back At Ya... So, You and Rini Are Over?
Leo: Yeah! She Took It Really Hard though O.O
Hazel: Oh well IN that Case I can do this... *She Kissed him and Laughed*
Leo: *He Laughed as well*
Rini: *She Ran up to them* Leo *She Was Gasping for breath* I'm Sorry *She Latched onto him*
Leo: O.O it's Okay but we're still over with!
Rini: Leo, What did I do Wrong?!? *She Started to Cry*
Leo: Nothing
Rini: I'M So Sorry For Trying to Rape you...
Hazel: O.O
Leo: It's OKay... You Listen Here, It was My Fault! I'm Sorry! I guess Maybe if I would Remember the First Time I might not have been freaked out...
Rini: Oh About that... There was No First Time... I Lied So You would do it with me so you would love me and not wana Break up! *She Started to cry harder* And We're Not breaking up still, are we?!?
Leo: Oh No, I Wouldn't dream of it! *He Hugged her and kissed her*... *He Tapped her nose* Now you go up to bed and get some rest
Rini: Yes Leo...
Leo: Oh and Leave the Tape out of the equation -.-'
Rini: ^^' Of Coarse... *She Ran off*
Hazel: O.O LEO!!! you just got back together with her!
Leo: O.O... Oopps... Hazel I didn't Mean To! I just Saw those eyes, and her beautiful Hair... I couldn't Help my Self
Hazel: What ever...
Leo: Are We Still On for the Park Tonight?!?
Hazel: *She Walked off* Only Come if I'm Your Only 1...I'll be there waiting by the dock of the Pound
Leo Went up to his room and Locket the door. He pulled out the Object Pegasus had given him
Leo: PEGASUS!!! I Need your Help!
The Object Glowed a Bright Gold and the Sphere's Boundaries faded away to show Pegasus inside it
Pegasus: yes Leo?
Leo: I've Got Girl Issues!
Pegasus: Okay...
Leo: You see... Me and Hazel were together in the Past but when we free'd Rini and the Others Some more of memories came back! I figured out that I was Dating RINI The Whole Time! and When I came Back to the Future Everything got complicated! I love Rini AND Hazel... I'm Being Split into 2!
Pegasus: Well Which One do you Love More?!?
Leo: Not Sure...
Pegasus: I'm Sorry Leo.. But I am Not one To Deal with the Matters of the Heart... *She Disappeared and the outer shell of the sphere regenerated*
Leo thought For Hours... But He Finally Came to His Decision
Leo: That's It!!! Hazel Is the One for me... I've Made my decision! *He Grabbed his Jacket and Ran to the Park* I Hope I'm Not gona be Late...
Mean While...
Hazel: *she looked at her watch and sighed and began to walk away*...
Leo: *he Caught her right before she left* I'm Sorry I was Late...
Hazel: *thinking* Ohh... You Came
Leo: well Come on, Let's Get this thing Started... *He untided a small thin wooden boat at the Dock* Hope you Know how to swim...
Hazel: *She Giggled and Stepped in the Boat*...*Leo Started to row the Boat*...
Alex *Guy at the Dock*: BYE! Enjoy your stay =D
Hazel: *Thinking* It must be hard to be so happy like that all the time
Leo: *He Rowed them out into the middle of the Pound* Here We Are...
Hazel: Oh Leo, I'm so glad you Came...
Leo: Me too...
Hazel: *the Sun began to set*... beautiful...
Leo: not as Beautiful as you...
Hazel: Oh your So Corny!
Leo: People Often Say that about he Truth...
Hazel: *she Giggled*
Leo: *He Leaned in to kiss her and She Leaned in as well. they Kissed once and Pulled away and then Laughed*...
All of A Sudden, Without the couple Noticing A Cluster of red clouds Swirled over Them. A Small Whole Opened and a Little girl Burst out of it and fell into the Boat in between the Couple
Hazel: AAAHHH!!!
Leo: AAAHH!!!
they Both Back Away from the Girl...
Hazel: AAAHHH!!! *Hazel Fell into the Water*
Leo: HAZEL!!! *He Jumped in and Pulled her Out and got into the Boat* Hazel Are you alright?!?
Hazel: Yea, just a little wet... All thanks to that little-
Leo: -.-
Hazel: Cutey =D
Leo: Actually, She Looks just Like Rini... Except in Chibi Form =D
Girl: ChibiChibi!!!
Leo: ChibiChibi?!? Is that your name?!? *The Girl Nodded* well ChibiChibi, Where is your Daddy?!?
Chibichibi: CHIBICHIBI! *She hugged Leo*
Leo: O.O ME?!? I'm Sorry Hazel But We're Gona have to get this Little Girl to the Palace!
Hazel: RIGHT! *She Nodded*
They Took The Young Girl Back to the Palace
Leo: Serenity! *He Burst into her Room* we Have a Problem!
Hazel: YEAH! This Girl Fell out of the sky while we were at the Pound in the Park!
Neo Queen Serenity: ChibiChibi?!? Oh it's Okay Baby come here *The Girl Ran into Her Arms*
Leo: you know her?!?
Neo Queen Serenity: It's a Long Story... *A Smirk Appeared on her Face* And What were you 2 doing alone on a boat in the Middle of the Park's Pound?
The 2 teens Blushed
Leo: That's Not the Point...
Hazel: Serenity Who does she Belong to?!?
Neo Queen Serenity: Leo Should Know That...
Leo: O.O You Meen.. SHE'S MINE?!?
Hazel: O.O Who's the Mother?!? *Rini Burst into the room*
Rini: LEO! *She swung her Arms Around him* Finally your Home, Where have you been?!?
Leo: Umm...
Rini: Oh Who's This Little Girl *She Looked at ChibiChibi*
Neo Queen: Rini, This is ChibiChibi
Rini: *She Took ChibiChibi Into her Arms* Hey where's your Mom?!? *The Girl Latched to Rini* Me?!? Aww...
Neo Queen: She Must have came from the Future... But Honestly we Don't Know Who the Mother and Father is... Although she is rather Fond of Leo, Although that Might just be a crush
Leo: *He Blushed* ^^' Oh no Not another girl watching my Every Move...
ChibiChibi: *She Jumped into Leo's Arms* CHIBICHIBI!!!
Leo: *They Both Smiled*
Neo Queen: But she does Have your Smile...
Hazel: *Stars got into her eyes* I love your Smile Leo
Rini: What did you say Hazel?!?
Hazel: ^^' Nothing
All of a Sudden The Girls Burst in thru the Door
DK: LEO!!! We're Sorry! Rini Got Away,we try'd Our Best but we Got Hungry...
Cat: YEAH!!! That Pizza You Order'd Us Never Came
Jenny: actually... ^^' Yes it did *She Started to Lick her Fingers*
Rini: I got away?!? Leo What are they Talking about?!?
Leo: Nothing Dear ^^'
Hazel: Dear?!?
Leo: No *He Looked at hazel*
Rini: Huh?!?
Leo: *He Looked At Rini* Yes...
Both Insane Girls: *Grinding their Teeth* Leo...
Neo Queen: *She Slowly made her way out of the room bug eye'd as can be* O.O
Leo: I mean, NOTHING "dear"
Hazel: O.O
Hazel: Leo, Tell Her! TELL RINI!
Rini: Tell Me What?!?
Leo: Rini Listen I-
Rini: I KNOW!
Leo: you Do?!?
Rini: YEAH!!!
Leo: *He Wiped sweat off his Forehead* ^^'
Rini: Your Just so Happy to have This Little Girl
Leo: O.O You're saying you Think she's Mine?!?
Rini: YEAH! And Mine Of Coarse!
Leo: *Thinking* Well if she is the Mother of my Child then We Don't Break up EVER... But if we stayed together it would be for ChibiChibi...
Hazel: Leo? Tell Her!
Leo: *His Eyes Turned Glassy* Tell Her What...?
Hazel: LEO!!! *she Ran out of the room crying*
Leo: *He turned away and went to his room*
ChibiChibi: ChibiChibi?!?
Rini: BUT MOMA! I Never Get to See Leo Any more!
Neo Queen Serenity: Well That's Your Problem... By the Way... What are you and Leo Doing these days that is so important?!? *She Twiddled her Thumbs*
Rini: MOM! HOW COULD YOU ASK THAT?!? That's Between Me and Leo
Neo Queen: Well I'm Just Makin sure you and Him Aren't Going Past Kissing...
Rini: EW MOM!!! LEO?!? He Wouldn't Do that if I offered!
Neo Queen: Well I'm, Just Making Sure! Because Once you Do that With someone, It'll start Playing tricks on you, making you think you love them when you don't!
Rini: EW! MOM!!! I'm Going to See Leo!
She Ran Into Leo's Room
Leo: *He Was looking at a Picture of him and Hazel, and When He saw Rini He Slammed it down* O.O Rini! I was just-
Rini: Leo, I'm So Glad your Here!
Leo: I'm glad your here... *She Kissed Him* Listen Rini, I've Been thinking and I wana Break Up...
Rini: O.O Say wha?!?
Leo: I mean, It's Just Not the Same!
Rini: YOUR DUMPING ME!?! *She Gopt Teary eyed*
Leo: No... It's Just I don't Know you as well!
Rini: Oh *She Wiped her Tears* We Can Work Past it... We'll Make New Memories...
Leo: *thinking* She's not taking this Very well...
Rini: Besides... *she Turned around* You wouldn't wana dump your first...
Leo: O.O First?!?
Rini: First Love... LEO WE DID 'IT'!
Leo: You Mean-?
Rini: Yes Leo! *She Crossed her fingers*
Leo: I'm Not a Virgin and I don't Remember! O.O
Rini: YES! *She Crossed her fingers even harder* Now Let Me Refresh your Memory!
Leo: WHAT?!? Have you Lost it?!? I'm Trying to Break up with you!!!
Rini: *Thinking* Well you Won't want to Once I really Am Your First
Leo: Rini Stay Away From me!
Rini: Okay... *She Walked into the Bath room and Got Some Tape*
Leo: what are you doing?!?
Rini: Sorry Leo... *She Threw Him on the Bed*
Leo: O.O Your Scarying Me!
Rini: *She Tied His Hands and feet to the rails of the Bed* Now Just Lay Still, I'll Do All the work!
Rini: You Should Be Thanking me!!!
Leo: I won't do it *He Pouted* AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!
Rini: -.- Wana bet?!?
Leo: O.O umm
Rini: Sorry Leo Your V-Card IS MINE!!!
Mean While...
Neo Queen: Endymion I want you to go check up on Rini in Leo's Room... I might have freaked her out a Bit!
King Endymion: Of Coarse.. *He Walked to Leo's Door and Knocked on the Door* Hello?
Rini: Leo You Be Quite, We're Doing this!
Leo: AAAHHH!!! KING HELP ME!!! Endymion!
Endymion: Hello? *He Opened the Door and Saw Rini On top of Leo and Leo Tapped up* O.O What's Going on here?
Leo: Your Daughters A RAPIST! HELP ME!!! AAHHH!!!
Rini: ^^' We're Just Playing a Game Daddy-Kins...
Endymion: Rini...? Don't lie to me... Were you about to Rape Leo?
Rini: Yes -.-
Endymion: Leo... *He Ripped the Tape off him and Leo Got Up*
Leo: Thanks -.-... *He Started to Mumble* Being Raped in my Own room -.- *He Went Out Side*
Rini: Well see ya dad... *She Started to Follow Leo*
Endymion: FREEZE! *Rini Paused* Why Were you Raping Leo???
Rini: Well... He Said He Was about to dump me...
Endymion: Why?
Rini: Because he Said He just Doesn't Really Know Me Anymore...
Endymion: well It's hard to remember! You Need to respect him, Not rape him so he'll love you! Now Go and Appologize...
Rini: Okay! And Thanks Daddy *She Picked up the Tape and Ran after Leo*
Endymion: Drop the Tape -.-
Rini: Ohh Yeah... ^^' *She Threw it in Leo's Room*
Mean While... Leo And Hazel Were talking in the Middle of the Court Yards...
Leo: *He Laughed* I missed you Hazel...
Hazel: Back At Ya... So, You and Rini Are Over?
Leo: Yeah! She Took It Really Hard though O.O
Hazel: Oh well IN that Case I can do this... *She Kissed him and Laughed*
Leo: *He Laughed as well*
Rini: *She Ran up to them* Leo *She Was Gasping for breath* I'm Sorry *She Latched onto him*
Leo: O.O it's Okay but we're still over with!
Rini: Leo, What did I do Wrong?!? *She Started to Cry*
Leo: Nothing
Rini: I'M So Sorry For Trying to Rape you...
Hazel: O.O
Leo: It's OKay... You Listen Here, It was My Fault! I'm Sorry! I guess Maybe if I would Remember the First Time I might not have been freaked out...
Rini: Oh About that... There was No First Time... I Lied So You would do it with me so you would love me and not wana Break up! *She Started to cry harder* And We're Not breaking up still, are we?!?
Leo: Oh No, I Wouldn't dream of it! *He Hugged her and kissed her*... *He Tapped her nose* Now you go up to bed and get some rest
Rini: Yes Leo...
Leo: Oh and Leave the Tape out of the equation -.-'
Rini: ^^' Of Coarse... *She Ran off*
Hazel: O.O LEO!!! you just got back together with her!
Leo: O.O... Oopps... Hazel I didn't Mean To! I just Saw those eyes, and her beautiful Hair... I couldn't Help my Self
Hazel: What ever...
Leo: Are We Still On for the Park Tonight?!?
Hazel: *She Walked off* Only Come if I'm Your Only 1...I'll be there waiting by the dock of the Pound
Leo Went up to his room and Locket the door. He pulled out the Object Pegasus had given him
Leo: PEGASUS!!! I Need your Help!
The Object Glowed a Bright Gold and the Sphere's Boundaries faded away to show Pegasus inside it
Pegasus: yes Leo?
Leo: I've Got Girl Issues!
Pegasus: Okay...
Leo: You see... Me and Hazel were together in the Past but when we free'd Rini and the Others Some more of memories came back! I figured out that I was Dating RINI The Whole Time! and When I came Back to the Future Everything got complicated! I love Rini AND Hazel... I'm Being Split into 2!
Pegasus: Well Which One do you Love More?!?
Leo: Not Sure...
Pegasus: I'm Sorry Leo.. But I am Not one To Deal with the Matters of the Heart... *She Disappeared and the outer shell of the sphere regenerated*
Leo thought For Hours... But He Finally Came to His Decision
Leo: That's It!!! Hazel Is the One for me... I've Made my decision! *He Grabbed his Jacket and Ran to the Park* I Hope I'm Not gona be Late...
Mean While...
Hazel: *she looked at her watch and sighed and began to walk away*...
Leo: *he Caught her right before she left* I'm Sorry I was Late...
Hazel: *thinking* Ohh... You Came
Leo: well Come on, Let's Get this thing Started... *He untided a small thin wooden boat at the Dock* Hope you Know how to swim...
Hazel: *She Giggled and Stepped in the Boat*...*Leo Started to row the Boat*...
Alex *Guy at the Dock*: BYE! Enjoy your stay =D
Hazel: *Thinking* It must be hard to be so happy like that all the time
Leo: *He Rowed them out into the middle of the Pound* Here We Are...
Hazel: Oh Leo, I'm so glad you Came...
Leo: Me too...
Hazel: *the Sun began to set*... beautiful...
Leo: not as Beautiful as you...
Hazel: Oh your So Corny!
Leo: People Often Say that about he Truth...
Hazel: *she Giggled*
Leo: *He Leaned in to kiss her and She Leaned in as well. they Kissed once and Pulled away and then Laughed*...
All of A Sudden, Without the couple Noticing A Cluster of red clouds Swirled over Them. A Small Whole Opened and a Little girl Burst out of it and fell into the Boat in between the Couple
Hazel: AAAHHH!!!
Leo: AAAHH!!!
they Both Back Away from the Girl...
Hazel: AAAHHH!!! *Hazel Fell into the Water*
Leo: HAZEL!!! *He Jumped in and Pulled her Out and got into the Boat* Hazel Are you alright?!?
Hazel: Yea, just a little wet... All thanks to that little-
Leo: -.-
Hazel: Cutey =D
Leo: Actually, She Looks just Like Rini... Except in Chibi Form =D
Girl: ChibiChibi!!!
Leo: ChibiChibi?!? Is that your name?!? *The Girl Nodded* well ChibiChibi, Where is your Daddy?!?
Chibichibi: CHIBICHIBI! *She hugged Leo*
Leo: O.O ME?!? I'm Sorry Hazel But We're Gona have to get this Little Girl to the Palace!
Hazel: RIGHT! *She Nodded*
They Took The Young Girl Back to the Palace
Leo: Serenity! *He Burst into her Room* we Have a Problem!
Hazel: YEAH! This Girl Fell out of the sky while we were at the Pound in the Park!
Neo Queen Serenity: ChibiChibi?!? Oh it's Okay Baby come here *The Girl Ran into Her Arms*
Leo: you know her?!?
Neo Queen Serenity: It's a Long Story... *A Smirk Appeared on her Face* And What were you 2 doing alone on a boat in the Middle of the Park's Pound?
The 2 teens Blushed
Leo: That's Not the Point...
Hazel: Serenity Who does she Belong to?!?
Neo Queen Serenity: Leo Should Know That...
Leo: O.O You Meen.. SHE'S MINE?!?
Hazel: O.O Who's the Mother?!? *Rini Burst into the room*
Rini: LEO! *She swung her Arms Around him* Finally your Home, Where have you been?!?
Leo: Umm...
Rini: Oh Who's This Little Girl *She Looked at ChibiChibi*
Neo Queen: Rini, This is ChibiChibi
Rini: *She Took ChibiChibi Into her Arms* Hey where's your Mom?!? *The Girl Latched to Rini* Me?!? Aww...
Neo Queen: She Must have came from the Future... But Honestly we Don't Know Who the Mother and Father is... Although she is rather Fond of Leo, Although that Might just be a crush
Leo: *He Blushed* ^^' Oh no Not another girl watching my Every Move...
ChibiChibi: *She Jumped into Leo's Arms* CHIBICHIBI!!!
Leo: *They Both Smiled*
Neo Queen: But she does Have your Smile...
Hazel: *Stars got into her eyes* I love your Smile Leo
Rini: What did you say Hazel?!?
Hazel: ^^' Nothing
All of a Sudden The Girls Burst in thru the Door
DK: LEO!!! We're Sorry! Rini Got Away,we try'd Our Best but we Got Hungry...
Cat: YEAH!!! That Pizza You Order'd Us Never Came
Jenny: actually... ^^' Yes it did *She Started to Lick her Fingers*
Rini: I got away?!? Leo What are they Talking about?!?
Leo: Nothing Dear ^^'
Hazel: Dear?!?
Leo: No *He Looked at hazel*
Rini: Huh?!?
Leo: *He Looked At Rini* Yes...
Both Insane Girls: *Grinding their Teeth* Leo...
Neo Queen: *She Slowly made her way out of the room bug eye'd as can be* O.O
Leo: I mean, NOTHING "dear"
Hazel: O.O
Hazel: Leo, Tell Her! TELL RINI!
Rini: Tell Me What?!?
Leo: Rini Listen I-
Rini: I KNOW!
Leo: you Do?!?
Rini: YEAH!!!
Leo: *He Wiped sweat off his Forehead* ^^'
Rini: Your Just so Happy to have This Little Girl
Leo: O.O You're saying you Think she's Mine?!?
Rini: YEAH! And Mine Of Coarse!
Leo: *Thinking* Well if she is the Mother of my Child then We Don't Break up EVER... But if we stayed together it would be for ChibiChibi...
Hazel: Leo? Tell Her!
Leo: *His Eyes Turned Glassy* Tell Her What...?
Hazel: LEO!!! *she Ran out of the room crying*
Leo: *He turned away and went to his room*
ChibiChibi: ChibiChibi?!?
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FallOutGirlAARHinder on February 24, 2008, 11:58:20 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on January 26, 2008, 6:24:28 AM

You: *freaked out* Why can she got to Mad to happy just like that?!
Me: I have a question, dude! Uh you know the comment on the picture of DK and Nick? You said she wouldn't have a slim body for long. Well since he's dead who's going to be the dad with DK mom?
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on February 1, 2008, 8:10:16 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on February 4, 2008, 8:56:54 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on January 26, 2008, 6:27:05 AM

You: *freaked out* Why can she got to Mad to happy just like that?!
Me: I have a question, dude! Uh you know the comment on the picture of DK and Nick? You said she wouldn't have a slim body for long. Well since he's dead who's going to be the dad with DK mom?
Moon_Princess on December 9, 2007, 11:33:07 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on December 10, 2007, 5:46:58 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on December 2, 2007, 3:39:48 AM

Hazel- *evil look* Rini run...
Rini- Its not what it seems Hazel...*sweat drop* Cant we compramise...?hehehehe
Hazel- *rips her head off* Nope...LEO! CHIBICHIBI!!!!!!!!
I wovers d chappy^^ I'm sorry i didnt comment earlier...
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on December 3, 2007, 8:29:23 AM
sailoraqua13 on December 1, 2007, 10:36:20 AM
sailoraqua13 on

Me: Um, u fell asleep she msut've gotten ahold of the Polar Pen (Polar Pen: Let's her transform into anything she wants to and is also a teleporting device! :3)
ChibiChibi: ChibiChibi! *Holds up pen*
Aqua: THAT'S IT U LITTLE BRAT YOUR SO DEAD! *starts chasing her for the pen*
Me: I have a lot of work to do... *Starts following them*
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on December 3, 2007, 8:27:15 AM
sailoraqua13 on December 3, 2007, 8:30:16 AM
sailoraqua13 on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on December 3, 2007, 8:31:24 AM
AlleyCat17 on December 2, 2007, 2:53:10 AM
AlleyCat17 on
night night!!! bu bi!!!!!!!
ill write that chappy 2morrow