Chapter 40 - The Chibi Disaster P2
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 40 - The Chibi Disaster P2
Chapter 40 - The Chibi Disaster P2
Hazel: LEO IT'S OVER! You can't Love Both of us! Guy's Let's Show him OUR WrATH!!! Stay Right there and see For your Self!
Hazel ran and ran till she reached the one place where her and Leo's Love Still Existed... The Park, Where that little brat chibi chibi Appeared.
Hazel: AAAHHH!!! *She Collapsed on the wooden bench as a tear for each of her eye lashes rolled down her face* I hate my life! I hate Leo! And I hate Rini! How Could he Do this! It's all your fault... *She took out her Broach And thru it out into the Lake* AAHHH!!!
Alex: What's wrong princess?
Hazel: Nothing...
Alex: Really, Well I saw you here earlier and you were having a great time. And Now you look worse than that Broach you thru into that lake...
Hazel: Well, It was a symbol of someone that I want out of my life for good.
Alex: Would that be the boy that came here with you earlier?
Hazel: Maybe...
Mean while...
In side the Black Pyramid
Platinum Pipes: Ha I just Found someone!
Iron Eye: Who!?!?
Titanium Teeth: Yeah Who!?!
Iron Eye: Who??? TELL US!
Titanium Teeth: Tell us now!!!
Platinum Pipes: This Man in the park. He stands there all day and Smiles. He's gotta have a bad side!
Titanium Teeth: Cool I'll Take care of him
Platinum Pipes: No Way! he's Mine! *she disapeared*
Titanium Teeth: -.-
Back At the castle
Leo: ARRRG!!! I can't deal with this now! Me and Hazel Are over. Chibi Chibi is my kid... and she is also Rini's... So that means the me and hazel aren't gona work out! SO WHY SHOULD WE TRY! I wonder what happened... I thougth Hazel was the one... But then Rini... ARRRGGG!!! I Can't Deal with this!
DK: *She burst thru the doors of Leo's Room along with the rest of the gang* Leo! What was that all about! you and Hazel and then Rini... LEO WHAT'S GOING ON!
Moonara: YEAH!
DK: You guys had a love that I admired.... It was something that could survive ANYTHING! I wanted that love!
Cat: Yeah!
Jenny: Listen Leo, We know that Rini and you had something... But that's in the past
Leo: STOP! I can't handle you all preaching at me! I LOVE Rini!
Cat: But what about Hazel?
Leo: I love her To...
Moonara: Then forget about Rini!
Leo: I can't! I've known Rini My whole life. The Only thing separating our love was my memory., And now that it is back I will forever love her.
Jenny: So your Just going to give up on you and Hazel? How Selfish!
Leo: That's It! All Of you Out! *He Shoved all of them out*
DK: Hey, You can't shove a Lady!
Cat: *Her hair got caught in the door as Leo attempted to shut them out* My Hair!
Leo: Enough Girls! *He finaly shut the door. He sighed* What am I going to Do...*He gasped.* Hazel...*an overwhelming Feeling of despair covered his body. He began to sweat over dramatically* She's in trouble... *He Closed his eyes* ARRRGGG
Hazel's body was being pulled off the ground. He could Hear her Screaming. it was complete darkness. Hazel reached her hand out to Leo Has he Opened his eyes back up
Leo: Oh no... *He opened the door* Excuse me! *he dashed right thru the group of girls*
Girls: OW!
Leo Ran as fast as he could to the park. Mean While.
Back At the Park...
Hazel: So You think Me and Leo should try to work it out?
Alex: Anything's worth trying out. And you said that Princess Rini doesn't know anything about this. How can you blame her if you don't know what she will do when she actually knows whats going on??
Hazel: Oh thanks Alex! *she hugged him*
Alex: No Problem Princess... Oh here, I think I might have something for you. Wait Here *He walked to his garden When All of a sudden, Platinum Pipes appeared Behind him* Why hello Young Lady.
Platinum Pipes: Hello Alex... Welcome to your worst nightmare!
Alex: Huh?
Platinum Pipes: Come on Horsey! *she shined like Platinum and Transformed into Her True Form* 1! *A Platinum Wall appeared behind The Victim lifting them up* 2! *Platinum Cuffes, Cuffed the Victim to the wall* 3! *The Wall began to glow*
Tonia: AAHHH!!!
Platinum Pipes: AAHH!!! *Something Began to Appear! It was being pulled out of the victims Chest! Sparks and Sparkles Gathered together to create a SMALL Door only about 1 foot high! it was Hovering out in front of the Person's chest. Alex Pasted Out*
Platinum Pipes: ah, Now lets See! *She put her Fingers Threw the Key Hole and tried to spread it out so she could see what was in side the Door. She Saw Raging Darkness* YIKES! You do have a Dark Side... But to bad it's not Being Guarded By the Holy One... Oh well... *She Prepared to Break the Door*
Hazel: What's that? *she looked over to the garden and saw Alex being attacked* Oh no alex! *She ran toward the bushed and waited for her moment to pop out*
Platinum Pipes: See ya Sucker!
Hazel: I Don't Think so! *She Burst out of the Pushes*
Platinum Pipes: And Who Might you be?
Hazel: The Champion of Justice and your going down! *She Searched her Body For her Locket* Oh where did it go!!!
Platinum Pipes: Huh?
Hazel: I could Have Sworn I had it! *She Gasped* Oh no... *She thought back to when she first arrived at the park*
Hazel: AAAHHH!!! *She Collapsed on the wooden bench as a tear for each of her eye lashes rolled down her face* I hate my life! I hate Leo! And I hate Rini! How Could he Do this! It's all your fault... *She took out her Broach And thru it out into the Lake* AAHHH!!!
Hazel: Oh No!
Platinum Pipes: Are you done yet? I have business to attend to -.-...
Hazel: Uh oh...
Platinum Pipes: You can say that Again... *She inhaled and prepared to attack*
Hazel: AAAAHHH!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *he stood high in a tree* I don't think so... GOLDEN BULLET! *A stream of golden Light struck Platinum Pipes* No One hurts the one I love! *he Hopped down from the tree*
Hazel: *thinking* He came... *Tuxedo Mini Mask pulled her Away from the fight*
Platinum Pipes: OW! No One interrupts me! LALALALALALA!!! *she Began to sing and everyone fell to the ground covering their ears.* IO call this My #1 hit!!! *a Platinum Violin appeared in her Hands. She turned and prepared to throw it at the door*
Shadow figure 1: We don't think so..... Ursa, Tumbling Earth! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a Whole under Platinum Pipes. She Fell in*
Shadow Figure 3: Crimson Sun, Trail Blazer! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Sept into the Whole in the Ground with Platinum Pipes*
Shadow Figure 2: Polaris DRY ICE CAP! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a White Cover of Ice over the Hole, Trapping Platinum Pipes in there with fire and no exit until the Ice Melts*
Shadow Figure 1: Quickly!!! *they Grabbed the door**They all 3 examined the Door and Looked thru the Key Whole Once* No
Shadow Figure 2: Aww...
Shadow Figure 3: this Isn't It... -.- big surprise
Shadow Figure 2: wana double check???*They All nodded and Examinded it again*
Shadow Figure 1: That's Not it... *Platinum Pipes Burst out of the Pit he was in*
Shadow figure 2: ooo, She looks mad *she giggled*
Platinum Pipes: How dare you... TAKE THIS! *She lifted her Violin*
Shadow figure 3: Now That's a Number 1 hit I don't wana buy...
Platinum Pipes: AARRRGG!!! *she thru it at the door and the door burst to pieces* Get em Guard-ener! *She snapped and Alex was released from the Platinum wall.
Shadow figure 1: DARNIT! *Alex began to transform. His Head resembled a Giant Flower and his body looked like a giant gardening tool.*
Shadow Figure 3: Guard-ener? How cheezy!
Guard-ener: Hey kids! How wants to go green!?!
Shadow figure 3: sure, but I'm sensing a change in seasons...Crimson Sun, Trail Blazer! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Monster and Caught him on fire*
Gurad-ener: AAAAHHHH!!! *He ran around screaming and crying*
Shadow figure 1: O.O How Pathetic...
Shadow Figure 2: How about you chill! Polaris DRY ICE CAP! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a White Cover over the beast*
Shadow Figure 3: Easiest Monster ever -.-... Ursa, Do the Honors...
Shadow Figure 2: I hate this part of the job! *She started to cry*
Shadow figure 1: But it must be done...
Platinum Pipes: I can't believe him! Such a weakling... He deserves to die! I'm Outy! *she disappeared*
Shadow Figure 1: Ursa, Tumbling Earth! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a Whole under the monster. He Fell in. The Monster Shattered into 1,000,000,000 pieces* Our Job is done here... *The Girls dashed off*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I think it's safe now... *He pulled Hazel Out of the tree they hid in*
Hazel: Get Off Of me!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: At least I saved you... What happened out there! You didn't even Transform! And Now An Innocent is gone forever!
Hazel: *she Gasped* ALEX! *She ran to the whole he was fell in* No... Don't worry Alex... I'll do as you said *A tear fell down her cheek and into the whole. She stood up next to Tuxedo and turned to the castle with him when all of a sudden a small flower began to grow in the whole* Leo I have to say something... *The Flower continued to grow bigger and bigger until it was emerging out of the whole. The Monster was back but 10 times bigger* Leo I-
Tuxedo Mini Mask: O MY GOD! Hazel Look! *He pointed to the giant Monster*
Hazel: Oh No! *The Monster Stretched it's arms out and smack hazel and Tuxedo Across the park* AAAHHH!!! *The Monster Threw Leo into the lake* TUXEDO!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *He splashed into the water. He was unconscious*
Hazel: AAAAHHH!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *the screams of Hazel then awoke him. His Mask Fell off his face. His eye's opened widely as he struggeled to grab his mask and put it back on. He then Noticed something shinning at the bottom of the lake. He swam towards it*
Hazel: *thinking* It can't end like this...
Sailor Nova: Nova... BOW *she holds up her left arm like she is holding a bow then a dark blue bow apairs with a yellow 8 sided star on both sides of the top and bottom of the bow* AND ARROW! *then she pulls back the string with her right hand/arm and a purple and dark blue glowing engey type arrow appears, and Shoots it at the sky to hit the monster* COMBUST!!! *It explodes pushing the monster away from hazel*
Hazel: You guys!
Sailor Triton: We've got your Back Hazel!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *He reached the bottom of the lake and saw hazel's Locket and grabbed it*
Sailor Black hole: Right! we won't let you done! Now quickly Transform!
Hazel: Well... umm...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *He emerged from the water* Hazel! *She turned toward him* Catch!!! *He tossed the golden locket to her*
Hazel: *She Ran to catch it* My locket!*she caught it* that';s it.... Your Goin down dude! Moon Shining, COSMIC POWER!!!
She Held up the Locket,and the Top Flipped off to reveal the Moon crystal, Shining... The Crystal Shimmered of few times and began to glow! And SO DID HAZEL! She Floated As The Locket Floated to her Center WHEN the Crystal Shined BRIGHTER and She Sprouted Angelic Wings on her Back! The Wings Rapped around her Torso And Feathers Burst everywhere! And As they pasted we noticed that she has a white torso and a Black Bow with the Crystal In it! SHE STARTED TO TURN! All of a Sudden, white and Gold Hearts raced around her waist and they Skimmed The Surface of her Waist! They Then FLASHED a Gold Light and her Yellow Mini Skirt Appeared! She Held up her Hands and Black And Yellow Ribbons Rapped around them and the Ribbons Flashed and Her White Gloves with the Yellow Lineing Appeared. Her Legs Also Had Ribbons on them! And when they Flashed There Were Long Black Boots on her Legs with a Golden Crescent Moon on the Top... She stopped spinning and turned when Her Forehead had her Crescent Moon on it. It Flashed and She Opened her Eye's And A Tiara Appeared on her forehead that had a Yellow CRESCENT MOON on it. Sparkles Fell everywhere! Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons and Stars on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Sailor Crescent: It's time to take care of this weed! *She Pulled out the Septar* ...*She began to Twirl the Septar in her Fingers* Cosmic... Moon *She then Span Around her self and all of a sudden She and The Septar stopped* Shinning *She Did a Flip and knelled down* Heart... *she Swung the White and Gold Wand around* PULSATION! *She Stopped swinging it and a Giant Golden heart was Lunched By the Wand! The Heart Hit the Monster and the Monster Was Healed*
Tuxedo Mini Mask Swam to shore
Sailor Celestial: look everyone, it's a wet puppy!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Haha very funny... *Leo powered down as did everyone else*
Leo: Hazel... You wanted to tell me something?
Hazel: Umm Yeah... *she leaned in to kiss him*
Leo: *Leo Closed his eyes and kissed Hazel. But the second he touched her lips something happened. He sharply opened his eyes as his muscles tightened...The teen was shaking! Leo Slowly backed away from Hazel.* Ahhh... *The Vision replayed in his mind once more. Hazel's body was being pulled off the ground. He could Hear her Screaming. it was complete darkness. Hazel reached her hand out to Leo.* URRGGG *just then Rini walked up*
Rini: Oh there you are leo, I've been looking everywhere for you!
Leo: Rini...
Hazel: LEO! I can't believe you...
Leo: Hazel... I love you... And Rini I Love you to... But I need time to think... Rini We're over... And I mean it!
Hazel: *Her hand approached Leo's Cheek* Leo...
Leo: STAY AWAY FROM ME! *His hand gripped his stomach as he sighed in pain. He walked off*
Hazel:Leo... (A song to set the mood) (Or this one)
I know theres something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.
Youve built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.
Hazel: NO LEO! *Tears poored down her cheek as she latched on to his shirt* Please...
Listen to your heart
When hes calling for you.
Listen to your heart
Theres nothing else you can do.
I dont know where youre going
And I dont know why,
But listen to your heart
Before you tell him goodbye.
Leo: *He pushed her away. She collapsed to the ground and reached out her hand to his. He gasped remembered his vision. He Turned away*.....*Leo Grunted in pain*
Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
Theyre swept away and nothing is what is seems,
The feeling of belonging to your dreams.
Hazel: NO LEO NOOO!!! COME BACK!!! LEO NO!!! *She subbed some more* NOOO!!! *The girls rushed to comfort her*
And there are voices
That want to be heard.
So much to mention
But you cant find the words.
Hazel: Leo... Noo...
Hazel ran and ran till she reached the one place where her and Leo's Love Still Existed... The Park, Where that little brat chibi chibi Appeared.
Hazel: AAAHHH!!! *She Collapsed on the wooden bench as a tear for each of her eye lashes rolled down her face* I hate my life! I hate Leo! And I hate Rini! How Could he Do this! It's all your fault... *She took out her Broach And thru it out into the Lake* AAHHH!!!
Alex: What's wrong princess?
Hazel: Nothing...
Alex: Really, Well I saw you here earlier and you were having a great time. And Now you look worse than that Broach you thru into that lake...
Hazel: Well, It was a symbol of someone that I want out of my life for good.
Alex: Would that be the boy that came here with you earlier?
Hazel: Maybe...
Mean while...
In side the Black Pyramid
Platinum Pipes: Ha I just Found someone!
Iron Eye: Who!?!?
Titanium Teeth: Yeah Who!?!
Iron Eye: Who??? TELL US!
Titanium Teeth: Tell us now!!!
Platinum Pipes: This Man in the park. He stands there all day and Smiles. He's gotta have a bad side!
Titanium Teeth: Cool I'll Take care of him
Platinum Pipes: No Way! he's Mine! *she disapeared*
Titanium Teeth: -.-
Back At the castle
Leo: ARRRG!!! I can't deal with this now! Me and Hazel Are over. Chibi Chibi is my kid... and she is also Rini's... So that means the me and hazel aren't gona work out! SO WHY SHOULD WE TRY! I wonder what happened... I thougth Hazel was the one... But then Rini... ARRRGGG!!! I Can't Deal with this!
DK: *She burst thru the doors of Leo's Room along with the rest of the gang* Leo! What was that all about! you and Hazel and then Rini... LEO WHAT'S GOING ON!
Moonara: YEAH!
DK: You guys had a love that I admired.... It was something that could survive ANYTHING! I wanted that love!
Cat: Yeah!
Jenny: Listen Leo, We know that Rini and you had something... But that's in the past
Leo: STOP! I can't handle you all preaching at me! I LOVE Rini!
Cat: But what about Hazel?
Leo: I love her To...
Moonara: Then forget about Rini!
Leo: I can't! I've known Rini My whole life. The Only thing separating our love was my memory., And now that it is back I will forever love her.
Jenny: So your Just going to give up on you and Hazel? How Selfish!
Leo: That's It! All Of you Out! *He Shoved all of them out*
DK: Hey, You can't shove a Lady!
Cat: *Her hair got caught in the door as Leo attempted to shut them out* My Hair!
Leo: Enough Girls! *He finaly shut the door. He sighed* What am I going to Do...*He gasped.* Hazel...*an overwhelming Feeling of despair covered his body. He began to sweat over dramatically* She's in trouble... *He Closed his eyes* ARRRGGG
Hazel's body was being pulled off the ground. He could Hear her Screaming. it was complete darkness. Hazel reached her hand out to Leo Has he Opened his eyes back up
Leo: Oh no... *He opened the door* Excuse me! *he dashed right thru the group of girls*
Girls: OW!
Leo Ran as fast as he could to the park. Mean While.
Back At the Park...
Hazel: So You think Me and Leo should try to work it out?
Alex: Anything's worth trying out. And you said that Princess Rini doesn't know anything about this. How can you blame her if you don't know what she will do when she actually knows whats going on??
Hazel: Oh thanks Alex! *she hugged him*
Alex: No Problem Princess... Oh here, I think I might have something for you. Wait Here *He walked to his garden When All of a sudden, Platinum Pipes appeared Behind him* Why hello Young Lady.
Platinum Pipes: Hello Alex... Welcome to your worst nightmare!
Alex: Huh?
Platinum Pipes: Come on Horsey! *she shined like Platinum and Transformed into Her True Form* 1! *A Platinum Wall appeared behind The Victim lifting them up* 2! *Platinum Cuffes, Cuffed the Victim to the wall* 3! *The Wall began to glow*
Tonia: AAHHH!!!
Platinum Pipes: AAHH!!! *Something Began to Appear! It was being pulled out of the victims Chest! Sparks and Sparkles Gathered together to create a SMALL Door only about 1 foot high! it was Hovering out in front of the Person's chest. Alex Pasted Out*
Platinum Pipes: ah, Now lets See! *She put her Fingers Threw the Key Hole and tried to spread it out so she could see what was in side the Door. She Saw Raging Darkness* YIKES! You do have a Dark Side... But to bad it's not Being Guarded By the Holy One... Oh well... *She Prepared to Break the Door*
Hazel: What's that? *she looked over to the garden and saw Alex being attacked* Oh no alex! *She ran toward the bushed and waited for her moment to pop out*
Platinum Pipes: See ya Sucker!
Hazel: I Don't Think so! *She Burst out of the Pushes*
Platinum Pipes: And Who Might you be?
Hazel: The Champion of Justice and your going down! *She Searched her Body For her Locket* Oh where did it go!!!
Platinum Pipes: Huh?
Hazel: I could Have Sworn I had it! *She Gasped* Oh no... *She thought back to when she first arrived at the park*
Hazel: AAAHHH!!! *She Collapsed on the wooden bench as a tear for each of her eye lashes rolled down her face* I hate my life! I hate Leo! And I hate Rini! How Could he Do this! It's all your fault... *She took out her Broach And thru it out into the Lake* AAHHH!!!
Hazel: Oh No!
Platinum Pipes: Are you done yet? I have business to attend to -.-...
Hazel: Uh oh...
Platinum Pipes: You can say that Again... *She inhaled and prepared to attack*
Hazel: AAAAHHH!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *he stood high in a tree* I don't think so... GOLDEN BULLET! *A stream of golden Light struck Platinum Pipes* No One hurts the one I love! *he Hopped down from the tree*
Hazel: *thinking* He came... *Tuxedo Mini Mask pulled her Away from the fight*
Platinum Pipes: OW! No One interrupts me! LALALALALALA!!! *she Began to sing and everyone fell to the ground covering their ears.* IO call this My #1 hit!!! *a Platinum Violin appeared in her Hands. She turned and prepared to throw it at the door*
Shadow figure 1: We don't think so..... Ursa, Tumbling Earth! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a Whole under Platinum Pipes. She Fell in*
Shadow Figure 3: Crimson Sun, Trail Blazer! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Sept into the Whole in the Ground with Platinum Pipes*
Shadow Figure 2: Polaris DRY ICE CAP! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a White Cover of Ice over the Hole, Trapping Platinum Pipes in there with fire and no exit until the Ice Melts*
Shadow Figure 1: Quickly!!! *they Grabbed the door**They all 3 examined the Door and Looked thru the Key Whole Once* No
Shadow Figure 2: Aww...
Shadow Figure 3: this Isn't It... -.- big surprise
Shadow Figure 2: wana double check???*They All nodded and Examinded it again*
Shadow Figure 1: That's Not it... *Platinum Pipes Burst out of the Pit he was in*
Shadow figure 2: ooo, She looks mad *she giggled*
Platinum Pipes: How dare you... TAKE THIS! *She lifted her Violin*
Shadow figure 3: Now That's a Number 1 hit I don't wana buy...
Platinum Pipes: AARRRGG!!! *she thru it at the door and the door burst to pieces* Get em Guard-ener! *She snapped and Alex was released from the Platinum wall.
Shadow figure 1: DARNIT! *Alex began to transform. His Head resembled a Giant Flower and his body looked like a giant gardening tool.*
Shadow Figure 3: Guard-ener? How cheezy!
Guard-ener: Hey kids! How wants to go green!?!
Shadow figure 3: sure, but I'm sensing a change in seasons...Crimson Sun, Trail Blazer! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Monster and Caught him on fire*
Gurad-ener: AAAAHHHH!!! *He ran around screaming and crying*
Shadow figure 1: O.O How Pathetic...
Shadow Figure 2: How about you chill! Polaris DRY ICE CAP! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a White Cover over the beast*
Shadow Figure 3: Easiest Monster ever -.-... Ursa, Do the Honors...
Shadow Figure 2: I hate this part of the job! *She started to cry*
Shadow figure 1: But it must be done...
Platinum Pipes: I can't believe him! Such a weakling... He deserves to die! I'm Outy! *she disappeared*
Shadow Figure 1: Ursa, Tumbling Earth! *A Strict beam of Light Raced the Surface of the Earth and Created a Whole under the monster. He Fell in. The Monster Shattered into 1,000,000,000 pieces* Our Job is done here... *The Girls dashed off*
Tuxedo Mini Mask: I think it's safe now... *He pulled Hazel Out of the tree they hid in*
Hazel: Get Off Of me!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: At least I saved you... What happened out there! You didn't even Transform! And Now An Innocent is gone forever!
Hazel: *she Gasped* ALEX! *She ran to the whole he was fell in* No... Don't worry Alex... I'll do as you said *A tear fell down her cheek and into the whole. She stood up next to Tuxedo and turned to the castle with him when all of a sudden a small flower began to grow in the whole* Leo I have to say something... *The Flower continued to grow bigger and bigger until it was emerging out of the whole. The Monster was back but 10 times bigger* Leo I-
Tuxedo Mini Mask: O MY GOD! Hazel Look! *He pointed to the giant Monster*
Hazel: Oh No! *The Monster Stretched it's arms out and smack hazel and Tuxedo Across the park* AAAHHH!!! *The Monster Threw Leo into the lake* TUXEDO!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *He splashed into the water. He was unconscious*
Hazel: AAAAHHH!!!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *the screams of Hazel then awoke him. His Mask Fell off his face. His eye's opened widely as he struggeled to grab his mask and put it back on. He then Noticed something shinning at the bottom of the lake. He swam towards it*
Hazel: *thinking* It can't end like this...
Sailor Nova: Nova... BOW *she holds up her left arm like she is holding a bow then a dark blue bow apairs with a yellow 8 sided star on both sides of the top and bottom of the bow* AND ARROW! *then she pulls back the string with her right hand/arm and a purple and dark blue glowing engey type arrow appears, and Shoots it at the sky to hit the monster* COMBUST!!! *It explodes pushing the monster away from hazel*
Hazel: You guys!
Sailor Triton: We've got your Back Hazel!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *He reached the bottom of the lake and saw hazel's Locket and grabbed it*
Sailor Black hole: Right! we won't let you done! Now quickly Transform!
Hazel: Well... umm...
Tuxedo Mini Mask: *He emerged from the water* Hazel! *She turned toward him* Catch!!! *He tossed the golden locket to her*
Hazel: *She Ran to catch it* My locket!*she caught it* that';s it.... Your Goin down dude! Moon Shining, COSMIC POWER!!!
She Held up the Locket,and the Top Flipped off to reveal the Moon crystal, Shining... The Crystal Shimmered of few times and began to glow! And SO DID HAZEL! She Floated As The Locket Floated to her Center WHEN the Crystal Shined BRIGHTER and She Sprouted Angelic Wings on her Back! The Wings Rapped around her Torso And Feathers Burst everywhere! And As they pasted we noticed that she has a white torso and a Black Bow with the Crystal In it! SHE STARTED TO TURN! All of a Sudden, white and Gold Hearts raced around her waist and they Skimmed The Surface of her Waist! They Then FLASHED a Gold Light and her Yellow Mini Skirt Appeared! She Held up her Hands and Black And Yellow Ribbons Rapped around them and the Ribbons Flashed and Her White Gloves with the Yellow Lineing Appeared. Her Legs Also Had Ribbons on them! And when they Flashed There Were Long Black Boots on her Legs with a Golden Crescent Moon on the Top... She stopped spinning and turned when Her Forehead had her Crescent Moon on it. It Flashed and She Opened her Eye's And A Tiara Appeared on her forehead that had a Yellow CRESCENT MOON on it. Sparkles Fell everywhere! Her neck gained a Black Choker with a Crescent Moon on the Front of it… And Lastly her Ears Gained Ear Rings with long Crescent Moons and Stars on them… She then Turned around and Posed…
Sailor Crescent: It's time to take care of this weed! *She Pulled out the Septar* ...*She began to Twirl the Septar in her Fingers* Cosmic... Moon *She then Span Around her self and all of a sudden She and The Septar stopped* Shinning *She Did a Flip and knelled down* Heart... *she Swung the White and Gold Wand around* PULSATION! *She Stopped swinging it and a Giant Golden heart was Lunched By the Wand! The Heart Hit the Monster and the Monster Was Healed*
Tuxedo Mini Mask Swam to shore
Sailor Celestial: look everyone, it's a wet puppy!
Tuxedo Mini Mask: Haha very funny... *Leo powered down as did everyone else*
Leo: Hazel... You wanted to tell me something?
Hazel: Umm Yeah... *she leaned in to kiss him*
Leo: *Leo Closed his eyes and kissed Hazel. But the second he touched her lips something happened. He sharply opened his eyes as his muscles tightened...The teen was shaking! Leo Slowly backed away from Hazel.* Ahhh... *The Vision replayed in his mind once more. Hazel's body was being pulled off the ground. He could Hear her Screaming. it was complete darkness. Hazel reached her hand out to Leo.* URRGGG *just then Rini walked up*
Rini: Oh there you are leo, I've been looking everywhere for you!
Leo: Rini...
Hazel: LEO! I can't believe you...
Leo: Hazel... I love you... And Rini I Love you to... But I need time to think... Rini We're over... And I mean it!
Hazel: *Her hand approached Leo's Cheek* Leo...
Leo: STAY AWAY FROM ME! *His hand gripped his stomach as he sighed in pain. He walked off*
Hazel:Leo... (A song to set the mood) (Or this one)
I know theres something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.
Youve built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.
Hazel: NO LEO! *Tears poored down her cheek as she latched on to his shirt* Please...
Listen to your heart
When hes calling for you.
Listen to your heart
Theres nothing else you can do.
I dont know where youre going
And I dont know why,
But listen to your heart
Before you tell him goodbye.
Leo: *He pushed her away. She collapsed to the ground and reached out her hand to his. He gasped remembered his vision. He Turned away*.....*Leo Grunted in pain*
Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
Theyre swept away and nothing is what is seems,
The feeling of belonging to your dreams.
Hazel: NO LEO NOOO!!! COME BACK!!! LEO NO!!! *She subbed some more* NOOO!!! *The girls rushed to comfort her*
And there are voices
That want to be heard.
So much to mention
But you cant find the words.
Hazel: Leo... Noo...
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Symphoniaprincess101 on April 19, 2008, 12:18:38 PM

AlleyCat17 on April 5, 2008, 11:28:01 AM
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Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on April 5, 2008, 11:41:53 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on April 5, 2008, 11:29:10 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on April 5, 2008, 9:42:22 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on April 5, 2008, 9:56:15 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on April 5, 2008, 10:44:02 AM
sailoraqua13 on April 5, 2008, 9:44:42 AM
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Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on April 5, 2008, 9:47:28 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on April 5, 2008, 9:48:00 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on April 5, 2008, 9:57:04 AM
FallOutGirlAARHinder on April 5, 2008, 9:58:53 AM
sailoraqua13 on April 5, 2008, 10:01:00 AM
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