Chapter 9 - Episode 9 - Picture Perfect
Submitted February 23, 2005 Updated March 30, 2005 Status Incomplete | The Titans meet up with a lightning-powered teen named Shockwave and together they fight the returning evil of Slade. *PLEASE READ AND REVEIW!!!*
Cartoons » Teen Titans |
Chapter 9 - Episode 9 - Picture Perfect
Chapter 9 - Episode 9 - Picture Perfect
TEEN TITANS: Picture Perfect[/b]
The frontdoors of Titans Tower opened as a half-awake Shockwavewalked outside, still in his night clothes. He stood there for a good 30seconds before a newspaper came colliding into the side of his head. Shockwavejumped and looked for who threw it. The Paperboy was riding away to his otherstops. “Curse you, Paperboy!” Shockwave yelled at him. He grabbed the paper andwent inside. Shockwave and the Paperboy had been having a war ever since he’dgotten to Titans Tower.
Shockwavewalked into the living room, past Terra who was cooking eggs in her whitebathrobe. “Paperboy hit ya in the head with thenewspaper again?” Terra asked. “Uh-huh.” Shockwave groaned, “Ok, tomorrow, it’son!” He walked out of the room just as Robin was coming in. “He say he’s gonna get the Paperboy tomorrow, again?” Robin asked. Terranodded. Robin laughed. “He needs to realize, he’ll never get the Paperboy.”
“Ok BeastBoy, gimme the duck tape” Shockwave asked. Beast Boyhanded Shockwave a roll of duck tape. The two started taping a bunch of thingstogether. But the fact was, they didn’t have the lighton so it was completely dark. Raven happened to be passing by and opened thedoor. “What’re you two doing?” she asked. “We’re working on a device to get backat the Paperboy with!” Beat Boy answered. “Wouldn’t it help if you had thelight on?” Raven asked. She flicked on the light for them. All three Titansstared at the catastrophe that Shockwave and Beast Boy had made. It looked likea bunch of stuff from under Beast Boy’s bed, duck taped up into a ball.
“I’m not gonna ask.” Raven said and left. “Sweet!We can hit the Paperboy with this tomorrow!” Shockwave exclaimed. They hi-fivedeach other and ran out of the room. Later on, Shockwave went outside to get themail. The Paperboy sped by, this time chucking a box. With reflex skillsShockwave has, he didn’t notice the box until it his him in the head. He rubbedhis head and picked up the box. “I’ll get you Paperboy!” he yelled at thePaperboy.
Shockwavewalked back inside and into the living room. Cyborgwas polishing himself and Starfire was watching her“fungus” show. “Whatcha got there?” Cyborg asked. “A box the Paperboy chucked at my head.”Shockwave explained. “But I thought the Boy who throws Paper merely throws thenewspaper at you.” Stafire said. “Well, apparentlyhe’s chucking boxes now.” Shockwave answered.
Cyborghad already begun to open the box. It was pretty small. Maybebig enough to fit a small gaming system. Inside the box was about ten photos from the “Trap Dinner” a few weeks ago.“Looks like someone took pictures of all of us.” Cyborgstated. “Obviously.” Shockwave said sarcastically. Theother Titans had walked in and looked at the photos. “Who took these?” Robinasked. “Doesn’t say Raven answered, looking at the box.The Titans decided not to question it and put all the photos in a little scrapbook.
Thedoorbell rang. Cyborg rushed down to answer it. Heopened the door and found no other than Bumblebee. “HeySparky.” Bumblebee said. “Bee? What’re youdoing here?” Cyborg asked. “I was in town and Idecided to drop by.” Bumblebee explained. Cyborgblushed and invited her in.
Everyonesaid hi to Bumblebee and introduced her to Shockwave. Bumblebee seemed to hangaround Cyborg a lot, making Cyborgturn red every five minutes. “Hey Sparky, Whadda you say me and you dosomething tonight?” Bumblebee asked Cyborg. “Umm…uhh…sure!” Cyborg stammered. Bumblebee giggled and got up. She passedapproached Shockwave. “Thanks for coming.” Shockwave said. “No problem, I’vebeen meaning to come anyways.” Bumblebee said. “Really?”Shockwave asked. “Yeah, ever since we kicked Brother Blood’s butt, Cyborg just seems…different to me.” Bumblebee explained.Shockwave laughed and nodded.
Later thatnight, Cyborg and Bumblebee left while the rest ofthe Titans stayed and watched TV. “I don’t know why you like him Raven.” Terrasaid, “You two are, like, completely opposite.” Raven and Terra looked over atShockwave who was sitting upside down and watching TV. “It’s still a mystery tome.” Raven replied. She leaned over to her boyfriend. “Isn’t all the bloodrushing to your head?” Raven asked him. Shockwave looked over. “Probably.” Hesaid. Raven rolled her eyes and went back to reading one of her books.
Cyborgand Bumblebee decided to go see a movie. Bee went to go find a seat while Cyborg got food. His head was wet with sweat. “Calm down,man” Cyborg said to himself. He turned around andbumped right into Jinx. Cyborg almost droppedeverything but caught it before it hit the ground. “Watch it!” Jinx snappedbefore getting up. She looked up and her mood changed. “Oh, Cyborg! Its you!” Jinxcried, clinging to his arm, “What’re you doing here?” Cyborgwas taken back a little and it took a second to respond. “I’m, uh, seeing amovie!” Cyborg replied. “You withanyone?” Jinx asked sweetly. “Actually, yeah so I’d better get going.” Cyborg said. He walked back to the theater to findBumblebee.
Jinxflamed. “He’s here…with SOMEBODY ELSE!?!”[/i]Jinx thought. She decided to follow Cyborg, despitehim being with somebody else. Cyborg found Bumblebeewaiting for him. “I’m back.” Cyborg said. “So I see.”Bumblebee giggled as she relieved Cyborg of some ofthe snacks. Jinx took a seat a few rows back. Far enough they wouldn’t noticeher but close enough so she could see them. She looked closer and saw Bumblebeenext to Cyborg. Jinx’s face went red. “HE’S GOING OUT WITH THAT STUPID TRAITOR!?!”[/i]Jinx screamed in her head.
The moviewas starting and Cyborg and Bumblebee settled in. Jinx,a few rows back, put her feet up on the seat in front of her and angrilywatched the two Titans. The movie had been on for about ten minutes when Cyborg tried to make a move. He decided to put his handover Bee’s. Cyborg did and waited for her reaction.Bumblebee looked over in his direction a little bit and smiled. This relieved Cyobrg a little. “Atleast she doesn’t think I’m a dork.[/i]” Cyborgthought.
Back atthe Tower, it was getting late. Starfire was lying onher bed, flipping though the scrapbook they’d put the pictures they’d receivedin. She spied a picture of her and Robin were dancing.Starfire blushed and kept flipping. Eventually, shefell asleep. The scrapbook slipped out of her hands and made a light thud as ithit the ground. The book opened itself to a group shot of all seven Titans.Suddenly, the photo glowed a dark purple. A shadowed hand reached out of it andbegan to pull itself out.
Back inthe living room, Robin was going over crime files on his laptop, while BeastBoy and Shockwave (who was still sitting upside down) played Gamestation. Raven sat next to her boyfriend, reading yetanother book. Terra was in the kitchen, grabbing a soda and reading a magazineat the same time. A scream broke out. The Titans all jumped up to go find outwhere the scream had come from.
Robintraced it from Starfire’s room. They swung the dooropen and their eyes went wide. Holding down Stafirewere the Titans. Not exactally the Titans. These Titans were all black. “Whoare you?” Robin yelled at the Shadow Titans. They all turned to look at theircounterparts. Sparrow, the Shadow Robin spoke. “We’re you.” He said. “Oh crap!”Shockwave yelled, “I’ve seen in the movies! Some scientist makes clones of usand makes them do bad stuff to make us look bad! Then, the clones will takeover the world!!!” Raven sighed. “You’ve been watching way[/i] too much TV.”
Chart of the Shadow Titans[/b]
Robin –Sparrow
Starfire– Darkfire
Beast Boy– Razor Claw
Terra –Geo
Raven –Blackbird
Shockwave– Bolter
Cyborg– Ratchet
Sparrow letgo of Starfire and left her to Ratchet and Bolter.“Let her go!” Robin yelled. Sparrow walked over. He stared Robin in the face asRobin did the same. The shadow swung and hit Robin square in the face, knockinghim into the other Titans. There was a loud crash. The Titans unscrambledthemselves and looked. The Shadow Titans had blasted a hole in the ground anddropped down to the floor below.
“Um, whatjust happened?” Terra asked. Beast Boy shrugged, as he was just as clueless ashe was. “Apparently Slade made shadowed copies of us.” Raven noted. “Now, whywould he take up his valuable time doing that?” Shockwave asked. The Titanslooked at each other then back to Shockwave. “Yeah, now that I heard that outloud, it does kind of seem like something he’d do.” Shockwave said. The Titanspaused for a second and realized what they were supposed to be doing.
The Titansfollowed the Shadow Titans down into the basement. Beats Boy flipped the lightswitch but the light wouldn’t come on. “They must’ve taken out the power.”Robin said. “Lemme try!” Shockwave said. He put hishands over the switch and started to spark it. A blast of electricity joltedout of the switch and blasted Shockwave up against the wall. Bolter laughedfrom above. He was holding the wire that led to the light switch.
Blackbird,Geo and Darkfire grabbed Raven and Terra and triedpulling them down. Raven blasted Blackbird in the head with a shock. Terraforced the floor up on Darkfire and Geo, slammingthem into the ceiling of the basement.
Sparrowand Razor Claw took on their counterparts. Razor Claw transformed his arms intogiant eagle wings. He hopped up and dashed at Beast Boy. The green Titanstransformed into a mouse just in time to get away. Razor Claw morphed back tohis regular form and looked around for Beast Boy. Sparrow took out his staffand began whacking away at Robin. Robin took a few steps back and jumped onto apile of boxes. He kicked a few onto Sparrow before jumping into the rafters. Shockwavewas trying to fend off Ratchet and Bolter by himself.
“Ok, I’mnot sure if you are clones or not.” Shockwave said, “But I’m gonna kick your butt all the same!” Shockwave shot a blastof lightning and shocked his and Cyborg’s copy. Abolt of lightning escaped from Ratchet’s body and shot onto the wire Shockwavehad been messing with earlier. The lights immediately turned on and shone overall the Titans. The Shadow Titans started yelling in pain. They all jumped intothe nearest wall and disappeared. “Wow!” Beast Boy said, “And I thought onlyRaven could do that!”
Starfirefell from the ceiling, landing in Robins arms. “Starfire! Are you ok?” Robin asked. “I am fine Robinbut we must capture those copies before they escape!” Stafiresaid. Robin nodded to the Titans and headed back upstairs.
The moviewas over and everyone was leaving. Cyborg and Bee haddecided to get ice cream and go for a walk around Jump City.“Thanks for taking me out tonight, Sparky.” Bumblebee laughed. Cyborg was about to say something about her making the “Sparky”joke again but decided not to ruin the moment. Jinx wasn’t too far behind them.She was still flaming over the two Titans. She wanted Cyoborgfor herself. Jinx looked around and got an idea. She shot a small Jinx-Wave ata corner of a building. The corner exploded into pieces and began to fall.
Bumblebeewas a few steps ahead of Cyborg. She didn’t seem tonotice the broken building pieces plummeting towards her but Cyborg did. He jumped and pushed Bee out of the way just asthe rocks hit the ground. Cyborg and Bumblebee landeda few feet from where the rocks fell. “Thank you!” Bumblebee gasped. She huggedCyborg tightly around the neck. Cyborgblushed bright red but Bee didn’t seem to notice.
The ShadowTitans fazed up into the living room, where they were safe from light. Blackbirdwas the first to sense the Titans coming. “Bolter! Takeout the power.” Sparrow demanded. Bolters red eyes glowed as he smiled. Helooked up and took aim at the lights. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Shockwavesaid, “And I am you.” Bolter looked behind and saw Shockwave with his hand tothe back of his head.
The ShadowTitans looked around and noticed they were already surrounded. They all backedinto each other. “I think it’s time you guys went back where you came from!” Terrayelled as she forced the two wall sides into where the Shadow Titans werestanding. They all jumped up just to get hit by a Starfireand Raven blast. The shadows fell to the ground and got hit by a charging greenrhino. Robin threw and explosion disc and hit the Shadow Titans.
Theyshadowed copies were sitting weakly on their knees. “Theirweak! Shockwave now!” Robin yelled. Shockwaveshot an electrical shock into the light, turning them on. The lights filled theroom. The Shadow Titans screamed in pain but were toweak to run away. Their bodies started deteriorating. Raven used her powers andbrought the scrapbook into the living room and the shadows got sucked back intotheir photo.
The realTitans looked around the living room. It was a mess. Outside, Cyborg and Bee were walking up the driveway to the frontdoor. “I had a great time tonight.” Bumblebee said. “Me too!”Cyborg said, a little over excitingly. Bee giggled. “Ihave to get back to Titans East but before I go…” Bumblebee said. She hovered alittle and kissed Cyborg on the mouth. Cyborg’s face went really red this time. Bee let go andgiggled again. “You got my number. C’ya!” Bumblebeesaid as she flew off. Cyborg waved good bye and wentinto the Tower.
Cyborgentered the living room and saw the mess. “What happened here?” he asked. Nobodyspoke so Shockwave decided to make something up. “Nothing!Just…uh, doing some renovations!” he said as he blasted out another part of thewall. “At midnight?” Cyborgasked. “Um…yes.” Shockwave replied, blasting out another part of the wall. “Oook, you have fun with that.” Cyborgsaid, “I’m going to bed. Night y’all.” The Titanssighed and decided to go to bed as well.
The nextmorning, Shockwave, Beast Boy and Cyborg were upbright and early, waiting for the Paperboy. They spotted him coming around thecorner. “Ok, when he comes around the corner, we have Cyborglaunch a pund of Beast Boy dirty laundry at him!” Shockwaveexplained. Cyborg and Beast Boy nodded and got ready.The heard the bike. “FIRE!” Shockwave yelled. Cyborg fired the wad of dirty clothes and hit Jinx (who waswalking towards Titans tower with flowers) in the face. She quickly wiped offthe smelly clothes and looked at who had fired at her. The Paperboy was aboutten feet behind her, making faces at them. Cyborg,Beast Boy and Shockwave stood in the bush, wondering what to do next.
Jinxstarted stomping towards the three Titans “All in favor for running away likesissy little girls, speak now.” Shockwave said. “I’mwith that.” Cyborg replied. “Metoo.” Beast Boy added. The three Titans ran down the street with Jinxblasting them in the butts.
The frontdoors of Titans Tower opened as a half-awake Shockwavewalked outside, still in his night clothes. He stood there for a good 30seconds before a newspaper came colliding into the side of his head. Shockwavejumped and looked for who threw it. The Paperboy was riding away to his otherstops. “Curse you, Paperboy!” Shockwave yelled at him. He grabbed the paper andwent inside. Shockwave and the Paperboy had been having a war ever since he’dgotten to Titans Tower.
Shockwavewalked into the living room, past Terra who was cooking eggs in her whitebathrobe. “Paperboy hit ya in the head with thenewspaper again?” Terra asked. “Uh-huh.” Shockwave groaned, “Ok, tomorrow, it’son!” He walked out of the room just as Robin was coming in. “He say he’s gonna get the Paperboy tomorrow, again?” Robin asked. Terranodded. Robin laughed. “He needs to realize, he’ll never get the Paperboy.”
“Ok BeastBoy, gimme the duck tape” Shockwave asked. Beast Boyhanded Shockwave a roll of duck tape. The two started taping a bunch of thingstogether. But the fact was, they didn’t have the lighton so it was completely dark. Raven happened to be passing by and opened thedoor. “What’re you two doing?” she asked. “We’re working on a device to get backat the Paperboy with!” Beat Boy answered. “Wouldn’t it help if you had thelight on?” Raven asked. She flicked on the light for them. All three Titansstared at the catastrophe that Shockwave and Beast Boy had made. It looked likea bunch of stuff from under Beast Boy’s bed, duck taped up into a ball.
“I’m not gonna ask.” Raven said and left. “Sweet!We can hit the Paperboy with this tomorrow!” Shockwave exclaimed. They hi-fivedeach other and ran out of the room. Later on, Shockwave went outside to get themail. The Paperboy sped by, this time chucking a box. With reflex skillsShockwave has, he didn’t notice the box until it his him in the head. He rubbedhis head and picked up the box. “I’ll get you Paperboy!” he yelled at thePaperboy.
Shockwavewalked back inside and into the living room. Cyborgwas polishing himself and Starfire was watching her“fungus” show. “Whatcha got there?” Cyborg asked. “A box the Paperboy chucked at my head.”Shockwave explained. “But I thought the Boy who throws Paper merely throws thenewspaper at you.” Stafire said. “Well, apparentlyhe’s chucking boxes now.” Shockwave answered.
Cyborghad already begun to open the box. It was pretty small. Maybebig enough to fit a small gaming system. Inside the box was about ten photos from the “Trap Dinner” a few weeks ago.“Looks like someone took pictures of all of us.” Cyborgstated. “Obviously.” Shockwave said sarcastically. Theother Titans had walked in and looked at the photos. “Who took these?” Robinasked. “Doesn’t say Raven answered, looking at the box.The Titans decided not to question it and put all the photos in a little scrapbook.
Thedoorbell rang. Cyborg rushed down to answer it. Heopened the door and found no other than Bumblebee. “HeySparky.” Bumblebee said. “Bee? What’re youdoing here?” Cyborg asked. “I was in town and Idecided to drop by.” Bumblebee explained. Cyborgblushed and invited her in.
Everyonesaid hi to Bumblebee and introduced her to Shockwave. Bumblebee seemed to hangaround Cyborg a lot, making Cyborgturn red every five minutes. “Hey Sparky, Whadda you say me and you dosomething tonight?” Bumblebee asked Cyborg. “Umm…uhh…sure!” Cyborg stammered. Bumblebee giggled and got up. She passedapproached Shockwave. “Thanks for coming.” Shockwave said. “No problem, I’vebeen meaning to come anyways.” Bumblebee said. “Really?”Shockwave asked. “Yeah, ever since we kicked Brother Blood’s butt, Cyborg just seems…different to me.” Bumblebee explained.Shockwave laughed and nodded.
Later thatnight, Cyborg and Bumblebee left while the rest ofthe Titans stayed and watched TV. “I don’t know why you like him Raven.” Terrasaid, “You two are, like, completely opposite.” Raven and Terra looked over atShockwave who was sitting upside down and watching TV. “It’s still a mystery tome.” Raven replied. She leaned over to her boyfriend. “Isn’t all the bloodrushing to your head?” Raven asked him. Shockwave looked over. “Probably.” Hesaid. Raven rolled her eyes and went back to reading one of her books.
Cyborgand Bumblebee decided to go see a movie. Bee went to go find a seat while Cyborg got food. His head was wet with sweat. “Calm down,man” Cyborg said to himself. He turned around andbumped right into Jinx. Cyborg almost droppedeverything but caught it before it hit the ground. “Watch it!” Jinx snappedbefore getting up. She looked up and her mood changed. “Oh, Cyborg! Its you!” Jinxcried, clinging to his arm, “What’re you doing here?” Cyborgwas taken back a little and it took a second to respond. “I’m, uh, seeing amovie!” Cyborg replied. “You withanyone?” Jinx asked sweetly. “Actually, yeah so I’d better get going.” Cyborg said. He walked back to the theater to findBumblebee.
Jinxflamed. “He’s here…with SOMEBODY ELSE!?!”[/i]Jinx thought. She decided to follow Cyborg, despitehim being with somebody else. Cyborg found Bumblebeewaiting for him. “I’m back.” Cyborg said. “So I see.”Bumblebee giggled as she relieved Cyborg of some ofthe snacks. Jinx took a seat a few rows back. Far enough they wouldn’t noticeher but close enough so she could see them. She looked closer and saw Bumblebeenext to Cyborg. Jinx’s face went red. “HE’S GOING OUT WITH THAT STUPID TRAITOR!?!”[/i]Jinx screamed in her head.
The moviewas starting and Cyborg and Bumblebee settled in. Jinx,a few rows back, put her feet up on the seat in front of her and angrilywatched the two Titans. The movie had been on for about ten minutes when Cyborg tried to make a move. He decided to put his handover Bee’s. Cyborg did and waited for her reaction.Bumblebee looked over in his direction a little bit and smiled. This relieved Cyobrg a little. “Atleast she doesn’t think I’m a dork.[/i]” Cyborgthought.
Back atthe Tower, it was getting late. Starfire was lying onher bed, flipping though the scrapbook they’d put the pictures they’d receivedin. She spied a picture of her and Robin were dancing.Starfire blushed and kept flipping. Eventually, shefell asleep. The scrapbook slipped out of her hands and made a light thud as ithit the ground. The book opened itself to a group shot of all seven Titans.Suddenly, the photo glowed a dark purple. A shadowed hand reached out of it andbegan to pull itself out.
Back inthe living room, Robin was going over crime files on his laptop, while BeastBoy and Shockwave (who was still sitting upside down) played Gamestation. Raven sat next to her boyfriend, reading yetanother book. Terra was in the kitchen, grabbing a soda and reading a magazineat the same time. A scream broke out. The Titans all jumped up to go find outwhere the scream had come from.
Robintraced it from Starfire’s room. They swung the dooropen and their eyes went wide. Holding down Stafirewere the Titans. Not exactally the Titans. These Titans were all black. “Whoare you?” Robin yelled at the Shadow Titans. They all turned to look at theircounterparts. Sparrow, the Shadow Robin spoke. “We’re you.” He said. “Oh crap!”Shockwave yelled, “I’ve seen in the movies! Some scientist makes clones of usand makes them do bad stuff to make us look bad! Then, the clones will takeover the world!!!” Raven sighed. “You’ve been watching way[/i] too much TV.”
Chart of the Shadow Titans[/b]
Robin –Sparrow
Starfire– Darkfire
Beast Boy– Razor Claw
Terra –Geo
Raven –Blackbird
Shockwave– Bolter
Cyborg– Ratchet
Sparrow letgo of Starfire and left her to Ratchet and Bolter.“Let her go!” Robin yelled. Sparrow walked over. He stared Robin in the face asRobin did the same. The shadow swung and hit Robin square in the face, knockinghim into the other Titans. There was a loud crash. The Titans unscrambledthemselves and looked. The Shadow Titans had blasted a hole in the ground anddropped down to the floor below.
“Um, whatjust happened?” Terra asked. Beast Boy shrugged, as he was just as clueless ashe was. “Apparently Slade made shadowed copies of us.” Raven noted. “Now, whywould he take up his valuable time doing that?” Shockwave asked. The Titanslooked at each other then back to Shockwave. “Yeah, now that I heard that outloud, it does kind of seem like something he’d do.” Shockwave said. The Titanspaused for a second and realized what they were supposed to be doing.
The Titansfollowed the Shadow Titans down into the basement. Beats Boy flipped the lightswitch but the light wouldn’t come on. “They must’ve taken out the power.”Robin said. “Lemme try!” Shockwave said. He put hishands over the switch and started to spark it. A blast of electricity joltedout of the switch and blasted Shockwave up against the wall. Bolter laughedfrom above. He was holding the wire that led to the light switch.
Blackbird,Geo and Darkfire grabbed Raven and Terra and triedpulling them down. Raven blasted Blackbird in the head with a shock. Terraforced the floor up on Darkfire and Geo, slammingthem into the ceiling of the basement.
Sparrowand Razor Claw took on their counterparts. Razor Claw transformed his arms intogiant eagle wings. He hopped up and dashed at Beast Boy. The green Titanstransformed into a mouse just in time to get away. Razor Claw morphed back tohis regular form and looked around for Beast Boy. Sparrow took out his staffand began whacking away at Robin. Robin took a few steps back and jumped onto apile of boxes. He kicked a few onto Sparrow before jumping into the rafters. Shockwavewas trying to fend off Ratchet and Bolter by himself.
“Ok, I’mnot sure if you are clones or not.” Shockwave said, “But I’m gonna kick your butt all the same!” Shockwave shot a blastof lightning and shocked his and Cyborg’s copy. Abolt of lightning escaped from Ratchet’s body and shot onto the wire Shockwavehad been messing with earlier. The lights immediately turned on and shone overall the Titans. The Shadow Titans started yelling in pain. They all jumped intothe nearest wall and disappeared. “Wow!” Beast Boy said, “And I thought onlyRaven could do that!”
Starfirefell from the ceiling, landing in Robins arms. “Starfire! Are you ok?” Robin asked. “I am fine Robinbut we must capture those copies before they escape!” Stafiresaid. Robin nodded to the Titans and headed back upstairs.
The moviewas over and everyone was leaving. Cyborg and Bee haddecided to get ice cream and go for a walk around Jump City.“Thanks for taking me out tonight, Sparky.” Bumblebee laughed. Cyborg was about to say something about her making the “Sparky”joke again but decided not to ruin the moment. Jinx wasn’t too far behind them.She was still flaming over the two Titans. She wanted Cyoborgfor herself. Jinx looked around and got an idea. She shot a small Jinx-Wave ata corner of a building. The corner exploded into pieces and began to fall.
Bumblebeewas a few steps ahead of Cyborg. She didn’t seem tonotice the broken building pieces plummeting towards her but Cyborg did. He jumped and pushed Bee out of the way just asthe rocks hit the ground. Cyborg and Bumblebee landeda few feet from where the rocks fell. “Thank you!” Bumblebee gasped. She huggedCyborg tightly around the neck. Cyborgblushed bright red but Bee didn’t seem to notice.
The ShadowTitans fazed up into the living room, where they were safe from light. Blackbirdwas the first to sense the Titans coming. “Bolter! Takeout the power.” Sparrow demanded. Bolters red eyes glowed as he smiled. Helooked up and took aim at the lights. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Shockwavesaid, “And I am you.” Bolter looked behind and saw Shockwave with his hand tothe back of his head.
The ShadowTitans looked around and noticed they were already surrounded. They all backedinto each other. “I think it’s time you guys went back where you came from!” Terrayelled as she forced the two wall sides into where the Shadow Titans werestanding. They all jumped up just to get hit by a Starfireand Raven blast. The shadows fell to the ground and got hit by a charging greenrhino. Robin threw and explosion disc and hit the Shadow Titans.
Theyshadowed copies were sitting weakly on their knees. “Theirweak! Shockwave now!” Robin yelled. Shockwaveshot an electrical shock into the light, turning them on. The lights filled theroom. The Shadow Titans screamed in pain but were toweak to run away. Their bodies started deteriorating. Raven used her powers andbrought the scrapbook into the living room and the shadows got sucked back intotheir photo.
The realTitans looked around the living room. It was a mess. Outside, Cyborg and Bee were walking up the driveway to the frontdoor. “I had a great time tonight.” Bumblebee said. “Me too!”Cyborg said, a little over excitingly. Bee giggled. “Ihave to get back to Titans East but before I go…” Bumblebee said. She hovered alittle and kissed Cyborg on the mouth. Cyborg’s face went really red this time. Bee let go andgiggled again. “You got my number. C’ya!” Bumblebeesaid as she flew off. Cyborg waved good bye and wentinto the Tower.
Cyborgentered the living room and saw the mess. “What happened here?” he asked. Nobodyspoke so Shockwave decided to make something up. “Nothing!Just…uh, doing some renovations!” he said as he blasted out another part of thewall. “At midnight?” Cyborgasked. “Um…yes.” Shockwave replied, blasting out another part of the wall. “Oook, you have fun with that.” Cyborgsaid, “I’m going to bed. Night y’all.” The Titanssighed and decided to go to bed as well.
The nextmorning, Shockwave, Beast Boy and Cyborg were upbright and early, waiting for the Paperboy. They spotted him coming around thecorner. “Ok, when he comes around the corner, we have Cyborglaunch a pund of Beast Boy dirty laundry at him!” Shockwaveexplained. Cyborg and Beast Boy nodded and got ready.The heard the bike. “FIRE!” Shockwave yelled. Cyborg fired the wad of dirty clothes and hit Jinx (who waswalking towards Titans tower with flowers) in the face. She quickly wiped offthe smelly clothes and looked at who had fired at her. The Paperboy was aboutten feet behind her, making faces at them. Cyborg,Beast Boy and Shockwave stood in the bush, wondering what to do next.
Jinxstarted stomping towards the three Titans “All in favor for running away likesissy little girls, speak now.” Shockwave said. “I’mwith that.” Cyborg replied. “Metoo.” Beast Boy added. The three Titans ran down the street with Jinxblasting them in the butts.
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123_raven_fan on September 6, 2005, 3:28:56 AM