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Chapter 4 - Anything is Possible

Takes place after Chain of Memories. Sora and his friends appear in a new castle with a new villain from The Organization.

Chapter 4 - Anything is Possible

Chapter 4 - Anything is Possible
Kingdom Hearts:Chronicles
By: U5 Creator
Chapter 4[/b]
Anything is Possible
Current World[/b]: Middleton[/i]
Kim had finally caught up with the rest of her friends. Theylanded a few hundred yards from Drakken’s lair. A bunch of Roboz and a new typeof Heartless were standing guard around the giant fortress.
“Jiminy, what kind of Heartless are those?” Sora asked.Jiminy flipped through his notes. “They’re another one of Drakken’s robothybrid Heartless. These ones are called Wheelers.” The new Heartless lookedlike the Hailfire droids from Star Wars except a lot smaller and they had thesame helmets as the Roboz’s.
“C’mon, we have to get inside and save my dad.” Kim said.Everyone nodded in agreement and jumped out from their hiding spots. TheWheelers immediately turned around. Inside their cybernetic helmets, they weretargeting their enemies and calculating power levels and possible threat ratio.All that weird robotic crap.
Sora rushed into the line of Wheelers and smashed throughthem. The Heartless rolled back but got upright and activated their lasercannons. Each had two semi-large cannons on their head now. “Sora! Look out!”Kim yelled. She shot a grappling hook on the side of the lair and swung over toSora. Kim picked him up just as the Wheelers fired.
“Thanks, Kim.” Sora said. Kim smiled and nodded and went offto fight through the Wheelers. The communicator beeped and Kim pulled it out.“Kinda busy, Wade.” Kim said while being shot at. “Kim, look in your backpack.I put something in their that might help.” Wade replied.
Kim put her hand back and fished out a bunch of small discs.“CD’s?” Kim asked. “No, their disabled discs. Just throw them at theHeartless.” Wade instructed. Kim threw them and the discs attached to theWheelers. The discs lit up and started emitting electrical sparks.
The Wheelers spun around a few times then fell apart.“Cool!” Ron yelled. “C’mon!” Sora yelled as he ran for the door. The othersfollowed. Inside, Dr. Drakken was fiddling with a computer chip. One of thedoors opened and a beat-up Shego came slowly walking in.
“Ah, Shego. Did you get rid of Kim Possible?” Drakken asked.Just then, another door burst open and our 5 heroes came running in. “Thatanswer your question?” Shego asked. “Ok, I know Kim Possible and the sidekick…”Drakken mumbled. “Ron Stoppable!” Ron yelled, “Why can’t he ever remember myname?”
“Who’re the other 3, Shego?” Drakken asked. “He’s theKeyblade Master, Dr. D” Shego replied. “Ha! I was wondering if you’d ever gethere!” Drakken yelled. “I can have the satisfaction of getting rid of YOU andKim Possible!” Sora lifted and eyebrow in confusion.
“Behold my latest creation!” Drakken said, pulling a sheetoff of a very large machine. “Fear my newest Heartless-robotic creation,Gearshift!” Drakken yelled. What he unveiled looked like a giant Roboz, exceptit had giant wheels for shoulder armor, a cannon arm and twin cannons on itsback.
“What’s my dad have to do with this?” Kim asked. “Um, Shego,why did we take Dr. Possible again?” Drakken asked. “To lureKim Possible here, duh!” Shego replied. “Oh, yeah.”Drakken said, “Anyway, Gearshift, attack!” Gearshift’s eyes lit up, showing itwas activating itself.
It stepped out from its spot in the dark corner and right infront of the heroes. “Uh, oh.” Donald said. “Don’t worry, Donald.” Sora said,“We’ve beaten Heartless much[/i] biggerthan this!” Donald and Goofy looked a little less afraid now.
“Sora, me and Ron will try to deactivate Gearshift from thehead, try and see if you can weaken him a little.” Kim said. Sora nodded andsignaled for Donald and Goofy to help. They rushed to Gearshift and startedsmacking away at its legs. Kim and Ron shot grappling hooks around Gearshift’shead and swung up. They though Gearshift was paying attention to Sora, Donaldand goofy but they were wrong.
Sora looked up and saw Kim and Ron running acrossGearshift’s shoulder but he also saw one of the twin cannons was charging upand aimed at them. “Kim!” Sora yelled. Kim and Ron both stopped and noticed thecannon about to fire. In a giant white light, Gearshift fired. “AERO!” Sorayelled. A force-field appeared around the two and shielded them from the blast.
Aero wore off after the blast had finished. “Thanks, Sora!”Kim yelled. Sora smiled and continued slashing up Gearshift. Kim and Ron got tothe side of Gearshift’s head. “Ron, we need Rufus.” Kim said. Ron pulled Rufusout of his pocket. “You’re on, Rufus.” Ron said. Rufus nodded and starteddrilling a hole in the side of Gearshift’s head.
On the floor, Sora, Donald and Goofy were wearing downGearshift. Drakken had noticed. “Wheelers, attack!” he yelled. An army ofWheelers drove over to Sora’s area and started firing lasers. Sora used theKeyblade to deflect the shots. The blasts ricocheted and destroyed theWheelers.
“Shego, get in there!” Drakken yelled out of frustration.Shego started charging toward Sora. “Donald, Goofy, can you take care ofGearshift?” Sora asked. “No problem!” Goofy replied. Sora nodded and chargedtowards Shego. Her hands lit up and slashed at Sora as he slashed the Keyblade.The two slashed at each other over and over, blocking each slash. Sora thoughquick, ducked at one of Shego’s slashes and swiped the Keyblade at her feet,causing her to fall over into some crates.
Kim and Ron ventured into the head of Gearshift only to findKim’s dad. “Dad! Here you are!” Kim exclaimed as she and Ron untied him. “Kim,we gotta shut down the robot!” Ron yelled. Kim nodded and went over to thefront of the head. Oddly enough their was a small “deactivate” button.“Drakken’s not to bright but this is just stupid.” Kim pushed the button andGearshift shut off.
Kim, Ron and Dr. Possible jumped down from Gearshift and metup with the rest of the gang. “Where’d Drakken and Shego go?” Kim asked. Thegroup looked over and saw Drakken and Shego getting away in their hovercraft.“Farewell, Kim Possible!” Drakken said as they flew off. “Lair Detonatation in 10 second[/i].” A robotic voice said. The heroesran out of the lair just as it exploded.
Later, the 5 heroes returned to the lair, which was now inashes. Sora saw that the giant computer screen was still in one piece. As theywalked up to it, a keyhole appeared on the screen. “What’s that?” Ron asked.“It’s the keyhole to this world.” Sora said, “When I lock this, the Heartlesswon’t be able to come back to this world.”
“And Drakken won’t be able to make anymore hybridHeartless.” Kim stated. Sora nodded. He put his Keyblade up in the direction ofthe keyhole. A small beam of light shot from the end of the Keyblade and intothe keyhole. They all heard a locking noise as the beam disappeared. Suddenly,a door appeared.
“Well, I guess this is good-bye.” Sora said. “Thanks forhelping us with the Heartless.” Kim said as she gave Sora a quick kiss on thecheek. Sora touched his face. “No problem!” Sora replied. The heroes said theirfinal good-byes and Sora, Donald and Goofy walked through the door and back tothe casltle.
*NEXT CHAPTER[/b]:Chapter 5 – The Disscussion*


Comments (2)

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Coolstra on January 1, 2006, 8:47:03 AM

Coolstra on
CoolstraPlease write more quickly! I want to know what happens next! *faves*

BlueWingsFairy on July 27, 2005, 5:08:40 AM

BlueWingsFairy on
BlueWingsFairySWEET! I love it. Awww. Kimmie kissed Sora. How cute. n.n I seriously can't wait for next chappie my man!