Chapter 2 - The Darkness Of My Soul
Submitted May 11, 2006 Updated November 13, 2006 Status Incomplete | A Story About Love And Loss ending links onto Sasuke Sad Pic I Did
Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Couples/Pairings » Sakura/Sasuke |
Chapter 2 - The Darkness Of My Soul
Chapter 2 - The Darkness Of My Soul
The Darkness of My Soul
After walking for 3 days and 2 night's Sasuke started to wonder if he had made the right choice and the words that Sakura had said to him when he left kept wondering around in his head over and over. But every time it came into his head he shook it out and continued to walk the path that he though was true to his cause and would bring the vengeance that he had been searching for, but little did he know that he was being followed by an unwanted guest who would not only change the way he thought but also the way he felt. By the 5th day
Sasuke was tired and fed up the thought of returning was getting greater and greater with every step he took but suddenly he realised that he had been followed the moment he realised this he cursed to himself for being so lax and not paying attention to his surroundings. He called out show yourself scaring some nearby birds from the deep sleep, his voice echoed but no reply could be heard and for this reason Sasuke dropped his bag and prepared to fight but what happened next shocked and surprised him. For one reason was that it was not just one person but two and the other reason was that it was Sakura and Naruto the first thing that sprung into his mind was why did they follow me but he said nothing. The first word was spoken by Sakura who stepped forward with an upset look upon he face but not like the one from 5 night's ago no this one was more a search for forgiveness as if in some why what happened was her fault. The words that she spoke were I'm so sorry Sasuke Kun but we couldn't let you leave us after she said those few words she looked up starring into his eyes as if looking for a reason as to why all this had happened but not finding anything next to speak was Naruto who still seemed to have an angry look across his face almost as if he didn't want to be there but what he said didn't match his actions and those words were. Sasuke even though we have had our differences in the past let's not let that get in the way of the future come back to the village with us we told Kakashi sensei that you were ill and that we were looking after you but still that excuse will only last for so long after saying that Naruto drops his head and turning it slightly. after all this Sasuke finally responds by turning and opening his bag and taking out a picture of all three of them from when they first went out as friends, he looks deeply into the picture as if looking for what to say but not finding it he slowly turns to Sakura and Naruto and says just one thing thank you. Before Naruto and Sakura understand what's going on Sasuke knocks them both out without harming them to much and making sure they don't fall before he leaves them once more he kisses Sakura on the forehead and leaves his diary for Naruto and finally walking of swearing that this is the right choice and that there is no room in his soul for love or friendship and that until he does what must be done there wont be any room.
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Symphoniaprincess101 on July 24, 2007, 3:47:44 AM

sasusaku4eva11 on July 20, 2006, 8:23:19 AM
animegurl77 on May 27, 2006, 12:00:02 PM
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Lynxie on May 12, 2006, 10:36:31 PM
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