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Chapter 1 - The Begining

Patrolling his land Sesshomaru came across a phoenix demon and he wanted her to leave. what he didn't know was that by setting his eyes on her it was going to change his life forever.

Chapter 1 - The Begining

Chapter 1 - The Begining

Gliding through the air, Sesshomaru patrols his land but it wasn’t a fun job but when you’re a Lord of the Western Lands you wouldn’t want any one taking parts of your land. The moon is full tonight and it had a silvery glow that coated every thing with a dim shine. He would kill anything that would want to claim a part of his land and wouldn’t hesitate. He had inherited his land when his father died a dreary death from the clash with Takemaru. Sesshomaru despised the fact that his father had died for a mortal woman and Inuyasha none the less. He wanted to defeat his father so he would covet the Tetsusaiga and the Sounga to become the Supreme Conquest and only with power will he get it.

Snapping back to the present he had noticed there was a scent of a demon and it was on his land. Finding which direction the scent came from he followed it which would bring him to the demon. As the scent grew stronger the more anxious he became since he wanted to slay something. As he sashayed over the tall trees he became aware that he was heading toward a pond with a little water fall. Approaching the pond he slowed down and went down wind so the demon would not know he was there. Landing 20 meters away he slowly and quietly approached the pond. He couldn’t hear anything but the water that were tumbling off the ledge and plummeted itself into the water below. Only a few meters away from where the trees and bush met the open area, Sesshomaru glanced around and only saw a neat pile of discarded clothes.

Suddenly something ripped though the top layers of water like a fish. As the water shot up into the air, Sesshomaru noticed it wasn’t an ogre because it looked like a human but he knew that can not be since it was giving off a demon scent. As the water around the demon fused back with the pond he noticed the demon had long jet black hair and it had…breasts.

“ So the demon is a female, it will be easy to get her off my lands” Sesshomaru thought “Once she gets her cloths on I will attack.”

There was something definitely wrong with this demon. He couldn’t stop staring at her. He knew it wasn’t because she was a female, he saw many and many desired him but he didn’t care who hated him or loved him. He snapped back when she had finished removing the stray hair that was fanned out on her face. She looked as if she was glowing. The moon’s light had made a coat of silver over her body. She began walking to walk toward the little water fall. As she walked closer to the fall the shallower the water would become. Soon all that has left unseen were her feet. He was mesmerized by the way she walked because she looked like a goddess.

Turning his head to face the middle of the pond he thought to him self, “What am I thinking, I Sesshomaru do not require these feelings nor that demon. My only desire is to become Supreme Conquest” he thought to him self.

Lost in thought Sesshomaru felt her demonic power becomes stronger. He turned his head and to his surprise the demon had sprouted a pair of red wings. They were coming out of her back near her shoulder bladed and then they spread to both sides of her body. He hadn’t seen or heard of a demon with a pair of red wings before and he had seen many. She stood before the fall with her wings folded and they rested on her back. As she walked under the fall Sesshomaru could hear her giggling and to him her giggle was like an angel singing. She spread her wings so the water would gently groom her feathers.

“She would be a great pet to have. She would make a fine servant at my mansion and unlike the rest she will be the one that will be appreciated the most.” he thought

He watched as she flew up into the air and landed on the shore where her clothes lay waiting for her. She flapped her wings a couple of times to get them dry. Then her wings mysteriously disappeared as if they were never there. While putting her cloths on he had noticed that the clothes she wore where not the kind Sesshomaru is use to seeing.

“She must be from the continent, but what is her purpose of coming here? What are her attentions of coming here?”

He knew that the only way to get answers from her is to confront her. He began to walk to the shore when he noticed she had a feather clutched in her left hand. She brought her left hand up to her lips, closed her eyes and muttered something. Even thought Sesshomaru was a few feet away he could not make out what she was saying. Sesshomaru stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her hand glowing.

“What is this fool trying doing? Has she known I was here” Sesshomaru questioned

Sesshomaru tried to get as close as he could to see what she was doing without being seen. He stopped about 3 meters directly in front of her and tried to hear what she was chanting but it was too late she had already finished. She opened her eyes brought her left hand straight in front of her and opened it. She opened her eyes, brought her left hand straight in front of her and opened it. What he saw surprised him, instead of being a red feather it was a red canary. It hovered over her hand for only a few seconds and then it took off over the trees to the west. She was watching the little bird fly into the distance until she was unable to see it as it blended with the night sky.

“Now is my chance to get some answers” Sesshomaru said. But his actions were too slow for the instant he felt the burst of demonic power she was ready to fly and before he had the chance to come out to the shore she had already flown over the tree top. That left him watching as she flown away but he wasn’t going to let her go so easily, he wanted his questions answered so he was going to follow her. He looked around the pond and saw a couple red feathers had drifted to shore. Walking over to the edge of the pond he picked one of them up so he could examine it more closely.

“How is it possible to create a bird with a feather? He questioned. Then again it really shouldn’t surprise him he had seen many odd things demons can do. One particular demon popped into his head, Naraku. Had him mind made up, he will proceed with the search for the demon with the red wings. He held on to the feather, pondered about it and the slipped it underneath his belt. He leaped onto the tree and tried to find her scent again. It only took a few seconds to find it and it was coming from the south, so he set off flying in that direction.


Sakaray perching on a tree branch looked at the lonely moon, she wonder how her family has been since it has already been a full moon cycle since she had left to kill a traitor who had flea to these lands. She was the best assassin in her clan. Her father, Lord of the Phoenix Clan is strong and stands up for his people. Her clan comes from the southern part of the continent where the Phoenix Clan rules above the rest. Although in other clans male are Lords, the Phoenix Clan had females as lords and with her mother’s early death, and her father is in charge of the clan.

When she become of age she will be the new lord but she has to travel to the northern part of the continent, find the tallest mountain with a volcano because inside it holds an egg. It’s not just any egg, the egg holds a phoenix. The phoenix will be alive as long as the lord is alive, so naturally when Sakaray’s mother died so did the phoenix. The phoenix will then magically burn up with the lord and return to the mountain awaiting the next lord to come and retrieve it.

Ever since she was a young demon she knows that she would have to do the Lord Mission just like her mother did. Every day since her mother had gone she has been training hard and doing as much missions as possible to gain experience for the day that she becomes Lord.

From the corner of her eye she could see something flying towards her. Turning her attention to the flying object she placed her hands together in front of her and pulled them away swiftly and with a flash of red her sword appeared. Preparing herself to fight she noticed it wasn’t an enemy. It was a little black dot that had wings and as it came closer she knew exactly what it was. She held her sword with her right hand and gently blew on it. The sword had magically disappeared into the air as it appeared and she sat back down on the branch. She leaned against the trunk with her right knee bent and she stuck her right hand out with her palm showing by laying her arm over her knee. Just as she was doing that a red canary landed on her open palm. Closing her hand around the bird she brought it up to meet her ear. To no surprise it had been a message from her older brother Geniko who spoke in a calm voice that said:

“Sakaray have you completed your mission? Father is getting worried, please send us a flighter once you have receive this and Sakaray, please be safe.”

She brought her right hand back down and opened it. There had been a red feather were the red canary had been. Picking up the feather with her fingers she gently blow on it and it busted into flames. Within seconds the feather was reduced to ashes.

“Rule #3: One must never leave messages lying around. Don’t worry father, you have tote me well. Although you should not worry so much for you will sicken your self.” She said while looking at the lonely silver moon. She made her wings appear and they covered her body as much as possible to protect her from the night wind. Having already sent a flighter an hour ago, she was sure they will get it tomorrow since they can fly faster then normal birds. She told them that she had completed her mission and will be heading home soon. She told her father to not worry because she did not get hurt and will send another flighter before heading home.

“Tomorrow will be another day and another day closer to the Lord Mission.” She sighed closing her eyes and she drifted fast asleep not knowing she has being watched.


“I do not understand, what did she do to me? How did she make me fell like this? No one made me even feel like this. It is like I need to see her but why? Why would I need to see her, of all things? Sesshomaru thought as he glided over the trees of the forest. He sighed and said “When I find her all will come clear, I hope.”

While going in the same direction she left in he knew he was getting closer since the demons scent was getting stronger. He knew he was getting closer and in front there would be a clearing and a tree of Ages right in the middle. He was pretty sure she stopped and is resting in the tree. Coming closer he could hear something speaking. He could tell that it was a woman’s voice but she was speaking in a different tongue then he usually hear. With his calculations he know she was at least 30 meters away so he sped up and then when he was close enough he dropped to the ground and starred walking so she wouldn’t be able to see him coming.

When he approached the rim where the trees and bush ended he looked at the tree in the middle. He looked branch to branch and found what he was looking for. On one of the higher branches of the tree he saw her. She was sleeping with her wings wrapped around her as a blanket or a shield to keep her warm. For a second he wanted to be the one that kept hr warm.

“That feeling again. What is it about her that would make me think about these nonsense?” he though


It was about an hour before sun rise and Sakaray woke up to the sound of some birds chirping. There was only a light breeze this morning and she knew it would be a sunny day since there was no clouds in the sky last night, though she couldn’t put a finger on why she couldn’t sleep well last night. She had always loved sleeping outside with the stars and the fresh air.

There were trees like the one she had slept on at home and she loved the way they look like in the fall, when all the petals of the blossoms fall from the tree as if it was snowing petals. At fall she would usually sleep on the ground and wake up having the petals all over her. They smell so lovely too, so she didn’t mind that they got stuck in her hair.

Once again she had the feeling that something isn’t right . She looked around in case there was something out there that made her fell unsafe. All she could see were trees and grass, then something caught her eyes, it was white.

“What could that be?” she though. Using her power she could since a strong demon near her and it was a male. “So I was being watched!” she thought and decided to escape since she wasn’t going to wait around and get attacked by it.

Leaping off the tree, she made her wings disappear since she had a plan up her sleeves. “ If he was after me he will follow and if he follows I’ll be able to find out who he is.” She began to run and West and into the forest. She ran a few seconds into the forest and then she turned around to see if there was something following her. First there was nothing coming after her so she slowed down to a jog. “Why waste my energy when he will not follow me.” She said

All of a sudden something white burst out from the trees. Shocked that her predictions was wrong she ran full speed in the same direction. She has been here a couple of times in the past and knew there was a cliff that had an over view of the forest bellow. If she reached the cliff and fly the follower has to stop or fall to his death. If he is smart and stops she will ask her questions by using a spell that paralyzes the victim for as long as she wants.

Half way there she turned around to see if the demon is still on her. When she saw a flash of white on a tree she knew he was still following. While she turned to see where she was going. She tripped on a stump and flew into the air. Many things flashed in her head before she landed. Confusion, fear, worried then pain. Pain was the last thing she remember before she blanked out.


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kylethehedgehog on March 18, 2008, 5:04:13 PM

kylethehedgehog on
kylethehedgehogIt's very good for a first fanfic

Unknown_Dragon111 on June 1, 2006, 2:52:21 PM

Unknown_Dragon111 on
Unknown_Dragon111This is my first fanfic i ever did so please comment.