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Chapter 1 - 1: Genesis

A story of a renegae timelord. Born Alucard Vincent, who later changes his name to Alucard Faustus, because of his uncanny intelligence. The story of his adventures accross time and space!

Chapter 1 - 1: Genesis

Chapter 1 - 1: Genesis

Morning arrived, as the first light of the burnt orange sky touched upon the houses of the Gallifreyan gentry. As it slowly crept through the windows and lightly onto the face of one, Alucard Vincent. He opened his eyes as the light spread upon his pale skin. He rolled over in discomfort, he did not need to get up now, and time was most certainly on his side! Disgruntled and torpid he fell back to sleep, he did not need to get up because today, he had just decided, would be a lazy day for this virtuoso, or at least, so he would have liked to believe; as a sudden knock at the door woke him from his slumber with a start.

Annoyed, he rolled over,

“What is it?” He grumbled inaudibly.

“You have been ordered to appear in front of the presidency” Came the reply

“Gahh! What now?”

He did not receive a reply this time; instead he heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps slowly fading away.

Reluctantly he swung his feet out of bed and onto the shaggy carpeted floor beneath. He swept his long red hair out of his eyes and slowly adjusted his vision to the light. He was a mysterious person with a very devious attitude, probably why he belonged to the Prydonian Chapter. He looked round the room upon the typical Prydonian colours of scarlet and orange, which stung his eyes as they did every morning.

He stood, stretched, and relaxed, before walking toward his wardrobe. He carefully and precisely dressed himself in his usual fashion. Black shirt and trousers and his black waistcoat with deep red trim, topped off with his famed light blue cravat, which he claimed once belonged to Nicolas Flamel, an apparently immortal French alchemist from the history of Planet Earth. Of course nobody ever believed him, but it had become natural to say he was friends with Flamel.

As he donned his polished boots he glanced over at his desk, recognising the unfinished Trilogic game from the previous night. He walked over to his desk, picked up the smooth pieces and completed the puzzle. He placed it upon his shelf with care, next to various other nick-nacks he had picked up over the years, including his many pieces of unused psychic paper and the plans of his own 800 XT model TARDIS, custom designed and built by his own hands. A further glance at his desk revealed many books piled upon it. He searched through such titles as “Rassilon: Advanced Edition” and “Blinovitch's Theorems” before finally selecting a book from the aforementioned Planet Earth, entitled “Macbeth”, he was quite partial to Shakespearian tragedy. He had always said, apart from Gallifrey, that Planet Earth was his most favorite place. He picked up yesterdays news article, the words '30 TTs Officially Announced Obsolete' headed the article.

“Finally” He muttered whilst making his way to the door with his book under his arm, pausing only put on his coat.

Long, black, with a deep red trim…


* * *

Closing the Prydonian Chapter House behind him, Alucard stepped out onto the amber tinted street, watching the silver leaves falling from the trees. He let out a heavy sigh and started to make his way down the street. As he walked he stared up at the colossal ivory towers that dwarfed everything aside from each other, wincing at the sight of them. He never did like Gallifreyan architecture, or its décor for that matter. Old English 19th century was more his style, he even had wood paneling and drapes in his room. Putting it simply, he was an odd duck, possibly the only Gallifreyan to abhor their architecture; of course, he only told people who were close to him that fact. Whilst he was respected by his inferiors, the academics, and even his superiors, he never managed to fit in. He breathed out another heavy sigh and continued walking.

`Maybe I should get some breakfast,' He pondered to himself.

Scanning the street for the nearest restaurant, he made his way to the news stand. He purchased the latest news article entitled '39 TTs to Replace Type 30s'. He glanced at it for a moment, concentrating mainly on the picture showing the interior of the new model. Disgusted at the décor, he muttered,

“My 800 model is far superior to this antiquated piece of junk!”

Of course, many would disagree because the interior of his TARDIS, like his room, was 19th century styling. Only he and a select group of others admired it. Sighing, he folded the news article and slid it into his coat pocket as he made his way to the `Artron Pallet', the local restaurant.

He was just about to enter when he paused momentarily, he could have sworn he heard a voice.

“Grandfather!” came the voice for the second time.

He looked over his shoulder. A beautiful girl in her late Gallifreyan teens was racing toward him. Instantly he whirled around to face her.

“Grandfather!” Repeated the voice.

“K...Katherine?” He stammered.

Katherine Vincent, his beloved granddaughter, was running toward him, tears streaming down her face, her long brown hair flowing behind her.

Before he knew what had happened, Katherine had swung her arms around him and held him tightly, her head pressed firmly against his chest, tears still streaking down her cheeks.

“Grandfather,” she repeated affectionately.

He embraced her, placed his hand on her head and slowly began to stroke her hair.

“Katherine, whatever's the matter?”

“I was so worried about you!” She stammered over her many tears, “Why didn't you come and see me after you got back?”

“Oh…” he said softly

“I heard you were badly hurt! I couldn't stop panicking!” she uttered, still holding him tightly; “Everyone was saying you had to regenerate!”

“Ah…well, yes that was true” He paused for a moment “Wait a second, how did you recognise me? I have a new body!”

She let him go. Wiping back the tears, she smiled weakly.

“You may have a new body but your clothes certainly aren't new! Is your wardrobe full of the same stuff?”

He chuckled, “Touché. As sharp as ever I see, Katherine. I am happy to see you are well,” He said, resting his hand on her shoulder.

“Likewise, Grandfather! I know you can regenerate but I still feared the worst,” She stopped for a moment, “But the mission was a success, right?”

“Why, most certainly! One thing though…”

“What? What is it? Are you ok?” She said distressed.

He ran his fingers through his long hair.

“Do you think I look good with red hair?” He winked at her.

“Oh Grandfather!” She slapped his arm, “You had me worried again!”

“Yes,” He chuckled “I seem to be doing that a lot lately,”

“It's going to be a while before I get used to your new body,”

“My sentiments exactly,”

She paused, “Where are you going?”

“Are you speaking geographically or philosophically?”


“Then I'm going to get some breakfast. Would you care to join me?”

Her face lit up, “I'd love to!” She said cheerfully.

“Well, I see that's cheered you up. Only this time, you'll have to pay; there'll be a little problem with me trying to pay on credit,” He motioned toward the restaurant, “Old Malick won't recognise me!” He laughed to himself

He opened the door for Katherine.

“Ladies first,”

“Well, you're certainly more polite than your previous body!” She giggled as she entered.

“And just what is that supposed to mean?” He questioned as he followed her in.


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