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Chapter 7 - An empty promise and a new hope!

Chapter 7 - An empty promise and a new hope!

Chapter 7 - An empty promise and a new hope!
~Meanwhile, back in the digital world~

“GYAHHH!!” Shoutmon roared in pain, tightly clutching his earphones as Taiki’s voice rang loudly through! ‘Taiki, we have got to find a better way to communicate…’ He thought, turning the dial of the black rims on his earphones down as he’d done many times before, often muting overly chatty delegates. Shoutmon’s face paled adopting an almost stony expression. “Leomon, I’m going to need that bag NOW!” Shoutmon said, his voice slipping into urgency! “I’m sorry, I don’t have time to explain! What Wisemon is doing is super time sensitive!” Leomon’s face twisted into a confused, slightly worried frown, but he nodded turning back to the children. “Sorry kids! The king has to go! Everyone say bye now!” Shoutmon waved nervously hoping they wouldn’t group around him like last time as a chorus of “BYE!” and “BYE KING!” Filled the air. Tying the burlap sack in a brown, leather string, Leomon quickly tossed it over to the silently panicking Shoutmon, still very curious about the whole situation yet wanting to conserve the king’s privacy. In one fluid motion, Shoutmon leapt high into the air, snagged the sack and tied it firmly onto his belt. With a quick “Thanks!” He rocketed off leaving the confused anthropomorphic Lion and a group of digital monster rookies to stare after him. ‘Hang on Akari, I’m coming! I won’t let you die, NOT TODAY!’ He snarled flashing his pearly white dagger-like teeth as his determination fueled every step! 

As he ran, he noticed the foliage of a nearby forest, Lilamon and Stingmon’s forest to be precise, just to the left of him. His cocky smile widened “THE FOREST!! YES! Last time I cut around it thinking I had more time, but if I cut through it, it may save time! Time… I don’t have a moment to lose!” Without a second thought, he plunged directly into the thicket of the forest, rapidly, and quite noisily, tearing through without hesitation accidentally upsetting a small hive of Kuwagamon! Without warning, they began to flood from the massive opening completely surrounding Shoutmon! He screeched to a halt, “DAMNIT!” a fierce growl ripped from his throat! He quickly raised a hand summoning forth his mic “CRAP! I DO NOT NEED THIS RIGHT NOW! KUWAGAMON, GET OUT OF THE WAY!” He roared, his icy eyes narrowing dangerously. “I SERIOUSLY DON’T HAVE TIME TO PLAY WITH YOU RIGHT NOW!” The Kuwagamon screeched in unison and all rocketed towards the king! Shoutmon stepped back glancing in all directions looking for any possible escape route. Even he knew he couldn’t take on this many at once! ‘What is going on? Usually, the Kuwagamon are solitary creatures… they never build hives… Something’s wrong…’ A dangerously furious roar spilled from his desperate soul before he just dove forwards into the fray, completely giving up on the escape plan! HIs once cocky smile now marred with anger. “IF MY FRIEND DIES YOU’LL REGRET EVER CHALLENGING ME! ROWDY ROCKER!!” He screamed into his mic leaping high into the air and bashing the nearest Kuwagamon squarely on the head with all his might! “SCREEEEE!!” It instant fell only to be replaced by another one. 

“ROCK DAMA-OOF!!!” Three of them rammed into him into the ground so hard it formed a large crater, from behind and began piling on top of him. Shoutmon’s eyes widened in horror as Taiki’s voice again rang through Shoutmon’s earphones in a desperate cry! “SHOUTMON, WHERE ARE YOU!?! WE NEED YOU HERE NOW! CAN YOU HEAR ME??” Shoutmon squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth from underneath the large pile of bug-type Digimon. “Akari… I’m so… so sorry…” two crystalline tears began to bead at the corners of Shoutmon’s eyes. “I’m so sorry… I failed you…” Shoutmon balled his rubber fingers into a shaky fist, then slammed it into the ground creating another small crater! It was as if Taiki could sense Shoutmon’s dire situation because the next thing he heard sent a jolt of hope rocketing through him! “SHOUTMON, DIGIVOLVE!” Shoutmon gasped! His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as he was instantly enveloped within a bright golden light! HIs cocky smile quickly returned he then shouted, “OK! SHOUTMON, DIGIVOLVE TO…. OMNISHOUTMON!” The energy from the digivolution erupted in a massive explosion sending the pile of Kuwagamon flying in all directions. Omnishoutmon jumped into the air and pounded his chest. “ANYONE ELSE WANT SOME?!?” With a symphony of furious hisses, two of the remaining Kuwagamon charged him at once again only to be caught and bashed into one another. 

He then rocketed towards the remaining few with a final “TWIN CANNON!” Strike sending them skyrocketing in a smokey trail! He then landed with a harsh thud as the digivolution wore off! He panted clutching his knees for a minute before dashing off towards the castle laughing at the sheer exhilaration and adrenaline that now flowed through him! He hadn’t felt like that in years! His smile quickly faded as he neared the exit of the forest shortcut, the brilliantly white stone of his castle shimmered in the sunlight as a bright beacon of hope for any distressed Digimon! “Haha! YES!” He shouted happily! He was too busy staring at the castle in the distance to notice himself closing in upon a giant mud puddle! An unfortunately placed rock sent Shoutmon tumbling directly into the puddle with a sickening splat sending thick clumpy mud flying in all directions! “DAMMIT, JUST WHAT I NEED!” Shoutmon roared into the sky as he then pushed himself up, thick sticky mud clinging to his metallic hide like flies to a carcass. “Ugh…” a frustrated groan rolled from his throat as he crawled to the edge of the somewhat massive puddle letting loose a stream of furious curses as he shook himself off, similar to how a dog would. The bushes shook violently as if something just dove into them a few feet away from him. It gave a startled squeak as two bright, curious and somewhat terrified red eyes watched him carefully, veiled in the shadows. A thick trail of mud led from the puddle to the bushes as if something with a low belly quickly, and somewhat clumsily, judging by the footwork, scuttled into them. Shoutmon froze instinctively as his head quickly snapped towards the noise. He stared at the bush curiously flaring his nostrils trying to get a scent. ‘Focus, you have a job to do!’ He thought, growling at himself. He shook his head blocking out the curiosity that plagued him knowing he had no time to figure out who it was and sped off towards the castle! His mind now dead set upon reaching the portal. It wasn’t long before he barreled through the castle gate colliding head-on with a two Digimon lugging a massive delivery of diginoir. “HEY!” They cried as several cans of his favorite, digital, ring-shaped cereal clattered noisily onto the dirt! “SORRY!” Shoutmon shouted back before diving through the portal! He relaxed letting out a heaving sigh as the portal instantly close up behind him! The familiar warm feeling of his body fading away into a white energy began hurdling through the small funnel and instantly ejected him into the loader. 

The loader flashed in the familiar, blinding, bright white light that suddenly flooded the hospital room. Shoutmon landed with a harsh thud letting his claws hit the floor of the white void. Without giving himself a moment to breathe, he rushed towards the massive screen. “HEY TAIKI, RELOAD ME, I’M HERE NOW!” Taiki jumped up from the fainting sofa upon hearing the familiar raspy voice. “SHOUTMON! WHAT TOOK YOU?! Ugh, never mind, RELOAD SHOUTMON!” A blinding white light again filled the hospital room only dissipating when the form of his red dragon friend took its place still slightly covered in mud. A serious expression etched its way onto his face as looked over at Wisemon and Akari. “How is she?” He asked, concern washing over him. With a shaky sigh, Wisemon shook his head sadly, his fingers beginning to blister over from the relentless typing yet the monk Digimon refused to stop! BEEP! Taiki’s head jerked up upon hearing the heart rate monitor drop in pace. “W-WISEMON, I DON’T MEAN TO RUSH YOU B-BUT…” “WH-WHAT?!? I THOUGHT WE HAD MORE TIME!” Wisemon wheeled around glancing at the nearly flatlining heart rate monitor. Shoutmon then rushed to Akari’s side! “WHAT DO THE BEEPS MEAN?? WHAT’S GOING ON??” He asked quickly, icy panic quickly climbing up his spine! “IT MEANS SHE’S GONNA DIE!! WISEMON!!” Taiki screamed, violently snatching the back of Wisemon’s robe, roughly shaking the monk Digimon! “I KNOW, I KNOW! SHOUTMON! WE NEED THAT DNA NOW!!” BEEP! “R-right… Uh…” Shoutmon reached down to untie the burlap sack only to come up with nothing. His eyes widened in horror! ‘C-crap! Noo! Did I lose it in the mud?? No no no!!’ He thought searching his belt frantically for the missing sack. “SHOUTMON, NOW!!” Taiki then turned towards Shoutmon, his face scrunched in panic as he thrust out his hands hoping for the DNA! All Shoutmon could do is stare at the boy, utter terror was etched deeply into every inch of his face. Every fiber of his being froze in place, his eyes beginning to bead with tears. “I-I-I … lost it…” He mumbled quietly, tears beginning to run down the side of his face. All he could do was watch Taiki’s face slowly twist into one of pure agony. Taiki fell to his knees clutching his stomach tightly and gritting his teeth. Tears slid through is tightly shut eyes “BEEEEP!” 

“HA! GOT THE CODE! IT ISN'T A LOADER CODE, BUT IT'LL WORK! NOW ALL WE NEED IS THE DNA DATA AND WE’RE GOOD…” Wisemon shouted, full of excitement before turning to the tragic scene behind him. He first glanced at Taiki on the ground then at the devastated looking Shoutmon. “Please, my king, we don’t have time for games!” Shoutmon turned his back towards the two refusing to look at them, tears now flooding down his cheeks. “I DROPPED IT! I DON’T HAVE THE DNA… I’M SO SORRY… I FAILED HER… I FAILED TAIKI! I FAILED YOU, WISEMON!” Shoutmon growled at himself, his fists shaking and sweaty at his sides. Wisemon then quickly placed one of his long hands upon Shoutmon’s shoulder for a brief moment before instantly yanking it back with a loud gasp! “What is that??” He asked curiously glancing at his own hand now covered in both mud and something small, green and shiny! Shoutmon forced himself to peek at what had made Wisemon gasp and his mouth dropped open! “WISEMON, IS THAT??” Wisemon’s eyes widened excitedly as he then threw his empty fist into the air. “Yes… YES, MY KING, IT IS!! No time to question where it came from! I’m imputing the data now!” Shoutmon then knelt down to the sobbing boy on the floor and said. “Taiki, everything is going to be ok now! Akari will be saved!” Shoutmon then stood and flicked his own tears away watching with renewed vigor! Taiki then wheezed out a barely audible chuckle as tears continued to flood down his cheeks. “Shoutmon, I don’t know how much more of this emotional rollercoaster I can take, haha!” He wiped his eyes turning towards Wisemon as he punched a few more buttons letting a small tray pop out of the center of the keyboard. 

He then began tossing the scales in one by one letting their data get absorbed. “BEEEEEEEEEP!” The corners of Taiki’s lips curled downwards as he bit his lip, the flatlines were getting more and more frequent. He nervously glanced towards the door hoping the nurses were all busy or else they might try to stop them! Wisemon then said, “Don’t worry about the human detail, Taiki, I’ve made absolutely sure this room and all of its noisy happenings were completely sealed off and a hologram was instantly installed as soon as the machine was sent through the loader!”Taiki breathed a small sigh of relief then jumped as Wisemon abruptly stood, his yellow eyes slowly dropping, yet again into a saddened expression. “BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!” Taiki stood up looking nervously over at Wisemon. “We have five seconds but we don’t have a core! WE NEED A CORE NOW!!” Taiki gritted his teeth as adrenaline fueled by fear now raced through him. “We don’t have any more DNA do we?” He cried in a panicked tone, now grasping Wisemon’s forearms!” A low growl rolled from Shoutmon’s throat quietly, squeezing his eyes shut. “FOUR SECONDS!” CRICK! “THREE SECONDS!” SNAP! “TWO SECONDS!!” CRICK… TOK SNAP! Both Taiki and Wisemon quickly spun around and instantly froze in shock at what they saw! Shoutmon’s brilliantly large V now broken in half and spilling blood! In his mouth, he clutched his mic firmly between his teeth. “HERE!” He shouted quickly thrusting the bits of his broken horns towards Wisemon! Wisemon fumbled the horns but quickly nodded as the last second rapidly ticked by. Beads of nervous sweat dripped down Wisemon’s hidden face as he furiously pounded the keys! Milliseconds flew by, then nanoseconds when suddenly! “BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-“ When the timer finally hit 0.00 it was as if everything around them froze. “NOOO!!” Wisemon wailed, viciously smashing the console, blood now trickling down his worn knuckles. “I’m sorry… I-I’m so sorry…”


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