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Chapter 2 - Ravnica

BEHOLD! A brand new series! Takes place after "The Weresheep Anniversary Dance." Inside the strange ship "Dragoon", the Sonic Heroes, me, and a couple others set off to space. This is the Ravnica saga, taking place on the planet known as Ravnica. More rom

Chapter 2 - Ravnica

Chapter 2 - Ravnica
As we last left the Heroes, they were alright, and on the search for the Ancient Stones. Anth was causing general havoc on an extreme scale, as he was literally sliding around everywhere. Uhura informed me that the nearest Ancient Stone was several days away.

Weresheep: "And just what did you mean by 'several days'?"

Uhura: "We should be arriving there in a few short minutes, sir."

Weresheep: "Good. Inform everyone on this ship that we are preparing to enter the planet's atmosphere."

Uhura: "Aye sir."

A few "short" minutes the bus-like place they were all in before (read the "Weresheep Anniversary Dance" seating chart to see what I'm talking about). This part is for planet entry, obviously. As soon as everyone sat down, automatically activated seatbelts came from the backs of everyone's seat and they were safely buckled in. Same goes for me.

Weresheep: "Uhura, I want to know what I'm looking at here."

Uhura: "Checking data bases, sir."

Anth was looking through his Magic: The Gathering cards and noticed a strange similarity between the cards and the planet.

Anth: *Double take* *Another double take* *Does this several more times* "I think I know what planet that is!"

Weresheep: "If you think, then you don't know."

Anth: "It's...."

Uhura: *At the same time as Anth* "It's Ravnica, sir."

Anth: *At the same time as Uhura* "It's Ravnica, Sheep!"

Shadow: "Lucky guess."

The planet was Ravnica. To all of you non-Magic fans, Ravnica is not exactly a "natural planet". It's entire surface is covered in an enormous city! Buildings, sky scrapers, and other such monuments cover the entire sphere. The planet is also home to a host of Guilds. Ten to be exact. There are five "colors" that represent the different elements of Magic: The Gathering, which is a very cool trading card game and book series. Each Guild is a combo of each of the colors. Here's the hoe-down.

Black- dark magic. Also necromancer, with the zombies and all.

Blue- water magic. Also, see sky and wind magic.

Green- nature magic. Forests, beasts, that sort of thing. And elves. Lots of elves.

Red- fire and lightning magic. Goblins generally are here. Also famous for it's mountain-dwellers.

White- light magic. My favorite color of magic. Healing, angels, and rightous soldiers take great pride here.

And now, the Guilds of the Ravnica block. Blocks mean "series", just so you know. And FYI, I'll make this chappie a little longer, so as the list will only be a part and won't actually damage the story itself (hopefully).

Azorius Senate (blue and white)- The Guild in charge of the government of Ravnica. They do all of the law making and judging, peace keeping, bla bla bla. Gov stuff sucks, as we all know. Their leader is Grand Arbiter Augustin IV, a grand old sage in it for justice.

House Dimir (blue and black)- This is a very mysterious Guild, as few know about them. These are some dark and mysterious guys. Even I don't know much about them. One thing is for certain; their leader, the vampire Szadek, is intent on the keeping his secrets away from the outsiders, and is intent on keeping it that way.

Cult of Rakdos (black and red; what did you expect from a cult?)-'re asking me what these guys are for? Well, aside from their unmatched restaurants and night clubs, these guys are just for fun. If you consider cutting a guy's head off "fun". These killers weren't stomped out of existance for what reason, you say? Sometimes, guys like these can be a good thing. Their assassins can be hired to "remove" someone you don't like, or to entertain a certain client. They're messy, but enthusiastic. The only thing stopping them from conquering the Guild-stand is their high mortality rate. Their leader, obviously, is Rakdos himself. A very powerful demon, who luckily spends most of his time in his underground palace, Rix Maadi. Naraku's got nothing on this guy. The big black-and-red beast is a lot smarter and stronger then he looks. He's invented spells. @_@

Simic Combine (green and blue)- The scientists of the Guilds. They are charged with preserving....whatevers left of the natural life on Ravnica. In order to do that, they had to become brainiacs to preserve it, and maybe even change it! Momir Vig, an elvish, visionary Simic scientist came up with the idea "the only way to keep up the life on this planet is to simply 'design' it for the city." He invented "cytoplasm", a gooey substance that enchances life. With this new and cool invention, the Simic quickly made Momir Vig their leader.

Boros Legion (red and white)- These guys are the very symbol of the word "belief" and will gladely give up their lives for their beliefs. These include mostly of justice and peace-keeping, moreover the Azorius Senate. Agrus Kos, a Wojek Veteran guy, is the main character of the book series of Ravnica, and he's a human who is Their leader is Razia, a Boros Archangel. She is well respected by the Legion, and they will be more then happy to follow her every command, as she is like the epitome of military duty and ideals of law.

The Golgari Swarm (green and black)- Can't get more disgusting then the Golgari. You claim you can grow a better life form, they'll kick your @$$ and plant a better one....and whether you like it or not, they'll plant your dead corpse! Plant zombies, get it? Basically, that's what they do. They operate in the Undercity, a dark and dank place where all of the bad guys hang out. When a guildmember of theirs dies, they plant them, and they become a new living thing. In other words, the Golgari don't bury their dead--they plant them. They also turn rot into creation. Disgusting, like I said. Their leaders are currently the Sisters of Stone Death, a trio of Gorgon sisters. However, the Guild Leader is ALWAYS contested, so it may change soon.

Selesnya Conclave (green and white)- The true nature lovers. The oldest Guild in Ravnica. Their values and beliefs are that everyone is equal, and that they should help one another. I know what you're thinking; this is Cosmo's mind manifest. I kinda do too. Their Guild Leader is a council of dryads called the Chorus of the Conclave. If there is a wildlife nurturing center, then the ones behind such an operation is the Conclave. Animal lovers, I tell ya.

Orzhov Syndicate (black and white)- If I had the chance to use an extremely power laser cannon called "Ragnarok" that could and only will wipe out the Orzhov, by all means I would use it. These guys are all about two things; money and power. The so-called "Guild of Deals" is comprised of Ravnica's wealthiest sons-of-a-doges, and the poorest little bastards serving as slaves. It's all about the money; you got none, you suck. You got a lot, you can do ANYTHING! But about 99.99999999% of the Orzhov are snooty bastards. That one little part-percent? That guy is dead and blasted straight to nothing. They are lead by previous undead patriarchs, known as the Ghost Council. Avoid these guys, please. If you get the chance to kick one of their snobby asses, do it.

The Izzet League (red and blue)- The strangest of the Guilds, the Izzet. They are the ones who put the plumbing and heating systems throughout Ravnica, and they are the ones who built a lot of the buildings, too. Strangely though, if you trusted them with an experiment, prepare to curse because they may be on the experiment for oh, ten minutes, but then they'd find something ELSE to study, then they just drop the previous study like a hot potato. And it goes on like that. Not the wizardly way, I know. Blame their Guild Leader, Niv-Mizzet, a massive copper-reddish dragon. Like all dragons, Niv-Mizzet likes to pass the time with puzzles and learning, etc. But, for a more exact way to personalize him, he's like the dragonized version of Dr. Eggman! He's even got the ego to boot! And like the Eggman, he's by far the smartest thing in Ravnica, though unlike the doctor, he's not evil.

Gruul Clans (green and red)- I'm not really going to bother with them. They have no official leader, and their ideals are based on the complete destruction of society. F*** them. Luckily, they are dying out. Pretty quickly, too. They raid, beg, and other unpleasantness.

And that's that. Anyway, everything was going great; until a stray meteor hit the ship! It wasn't damaged, but,'s still not a good thing.

Weresheep: "What the Hell was that?"

The zombie's cards scattered.

Anth: "Crap! Guys, get as many cards as you can!"

His arms detattached and picked up the cards. Scratch reached with his long metal wings and picked some up, while Grounder's drill hands switched into vacuums and scooped up the rest.

Grounder: "We got 'em all!"

Uhura: "We're going down!"

Weresheep: "No kidding!?"

Data: "Engines 1, 3, and 5 are not responding, sir. It is possible that they were rendered inoperable by the impact."

Weresheep: "Great. NOW you tell me!"

Rouge: "This thing had better hold on. I'm not dying because of a SHEEP'S carelessness!!!"

Von Dyke: "I do say, this is most unprecedented!"

Chaos: *Hastened hand gestures*

Tikal: "What was that? No, I'll be fine. This is just a spritual form."

Knux: "If the Master Emerald is shattered at this place, I'll never find them!"

Weresheep: "Nonsense! This thing'll keep the Emerald safe."

Blaze: "Aren't you fazed by this, Sonic?"

Sonic: "Woohoo!! Can someone make this thing go faster!?"

Murry: "GLARGH GLUR GLAH!!! (I can't hold in my lunch, mommy!)"

Amy: "I'm right here, Murry!"

Jet: "If we die, Wave, there's something I want you to know."

Wave: "What?"

Jet: "I'm the one who hired that one guy to take naked photos of you last Tuesday!"

Wave: "You WHAT!!!? sexy of you...."

Vanilla: "Please be ok, Cream!"

Chuck Norris: *Hand on Vanilla's shoulder and thumb up*

Tails: "Hold on, Cosmo!"

Cosmo: "I will. Don't let go, Tails!" *holds hand*

Data: "Sir, the ship's systems are malfunctioning. My sensors indicate that the impact upon the planet's surface will cause furthur complications, as well as many deaths."

Weresheep: "Then we have no choice. Data, Uhura, levy all power to the landing gear. We're going to keep this thing in one piece."

Data: "But sir, that may cause your section of the ship to seperate. You will all survive most likely, but you will all seperate from eachother."

Weresheep: "No biggie. I secretly injected homing devices into all of their bloodstreams a while back."

Sonic: "WHAT!?"

Data: "Aye sir."

Uhura: "Diverting all power to the landing gear....situation is stable....we're closing in on the city, sir."

Weresheep: "Come on...keep it together...."

Anth: "This usually happens to me a lot. Except I'm the one who falls apart."

Data: "No good, sir. The ship is going to fall apart."

Weresheep: "Everyone, HOLD ON!!!!"

The ship split into pods. Cool emergency function, eh? I thought of it myself. The pods went across the city, some landed near eachother, some farther then others. At least two landed near to eachother. All of this was happening, while a young, let's say 18-year-old fox women is awoken suddenly in her apartment on Ravnica.

Fox women: *Pant* *pant* *pant* "What the hell? Why do I feel so strange? I shouldn't worry. Rakdos will be angry if I don't look lively enough to dance for him. But....I can't shake this feeling off...."

She reached for the locket she had around her neck. She NEVER took it off. No one could make her give it up....not an Azorius police officer, not Agrus Kos, not even Rakdos himself could force her to remove it. She opened it up. Inside was a torn picture of a fox girl (which was her), and there was a baby kit in someone else's arms, but the person's face was torn off. There was another in the photo, but her face and other features were torn off as well. In the other part of the locket, it read, "Me, My Uncle, My Aunt, and................."

Fox women: "Miles...."


In the next episode...

Anth: "Wow! This place is huge!"

Rakdos: "I'm going to hold a tournament in which YOU will be the prize, my young fox!"

Carl: "What the Hell's goin' on?"

Grounder: "Got that one, too."

Scratch: "There's a vedalken....a Boros legionnaire...OH!!! LOOK!!! THERE'S A SKY HUSSAR!!!"

End of Preview


Comments (1)

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RAI_man on June 18, 2006, 12:18:20 PM

RAI_man on
RAI_manWhere is RAI? if you rember he didn't have a seat in the other story if i rember right.