Chapter 3 - They are seperated!
Submitted June 16, 2006 Updated August 10, 2006 Status Incomplete | BEHOLD! A brand new series! Takes place after "The Weresheep Anniversary Dance." Inside the strange ship "Dragoon", the Sonic Heroes, me, and a couple others set off to space. This is the Ravnica saga, taking place on the planet known as Ravnica. More rom
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Chapter 3 - They are seperated!
Chapter 3 - They are seperated!
Last time on Weresheep X, I had given a full-blown explaination about the Guilds of Ravnica. All that said and done, a stray meteor hit The Dragoon, badly shook the ship and sent it plummeting towards Ravnica. Just before impact into an Orzhov installation (what were the chances? I'm so happy! F*** you, Orzhov!), everyone was seperated into groups of two--save for that some of the pods landed near, so that doesn't exactly mean "groups of two".
Anth, Von Dyke, Scratch and Grounder landed near an Azorious Guard house.
Tails and Cosmo, also Sharp-Tail, landed near a Rakdos of the more, "pleasant" ones.
Vector and Charmy, well, they landed in one of the sewer systems.
Shadow and Rouge landed in the Simic main laboratory and Guild "base", Novijen.
Vanilla, Chuck Norris, Cream and Espio splashed in a lake that was near Novijen.
Sonic and Blaze also landed at Novijen.
Amy and Murry crashed into a river that flowed through a part of one of Selesnya's preserves.
Jet and Wave, lucky for them, had made impact directly into the Orzhov installation that got blasted. All of it's riches, theirs. Tikal and Chaos also landed there, but they didn't steal my knowledge.
Storm and Knux were sent into the middle of a Gruul Clan Camp.
Uhura, Data, Carl Whenslow and I are one of the deserted streets.
Weresheep: "Status, Mr. Data."
Data: "My sensors indicate that everyone is alright. However, they all seemed to be seperated in groups. It could be a while before everyone is united.
Uhura: "No hostiles at the moment, sir."
Carl: "This place is ruined. Just the place for repairs."
Weresheep: "I wonder if RAI_man and the others managed to make it?..."
At RAI_man and his group...
RAI_man: "Great. This isn't working, guys."
Bignut: "None of these damn things are even working right!"
Chris: "And to think this would work....Wait, I've got an idea!"
Flaming_Stick_Guy: "You'd better not be kidding, or else I'll set myself on fire all over your @$$."
Chris: "Just follow me."
Back to me....
Weresheep: "No matter. Where's everyon-"
BANG!!!!! In came a Gruul Clan ogre.
Carl: "What the Hell's goin' on?"
Weresheep: "Mr. Data, you and Uhura fight this thing. Me and Carl will start the repairs on the ship."
Uhura: "WHAT!?"
Data: "Understood, sir."
Uhura: "Why do we have to fight it?"
Lando: "We'll last a lot longer against that thing then we will against that Imperial Star Destroyer!"
Weresheep: "When did you get here? What Star Destroyer?"
That doesn't really Rix Maadi, Rakdos' little "playhouse of Hell"...
The place was cooking as usual. Rakdos the Defiler, the Guildmaster of the Cult of Rakdos, sat on the throne as another impudent human was being tortured to death.
Rakdos: "That's right, little human. Praise Piconjo, will you? Ohh, I'll praise something, alright. Praise the screaming if you deserve it!!"
Piconjo lover: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
TV: "Charles in Charge! Ba na na! Charles in Charge! Da na na!"
Piconjo lover: "NOOOOOOO!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"
Commercial; don't be a Piconjo lover, or the Demon will make you watch reruns of "Charles in Charge".
The fox from episode two was just watching from her own personal vantage point at Rakdos' side. She was dressed like some hooker you might find at the dollar-in-strip bars like the ones near the county market (and that's pretty slutty without revealing everything). She was also forced to wear an iron collar that was attached to a long chain, the chain in Rakdos' mighty and large hand. Hey, what would you expect her to wear when you're under the control of a powerful demon? What's her job and why hasn't Rakdos simply killed her yet? Because she dances for the big oaf, that's why! Rakdos took in, or rather "abducted" the poor fox when I don't know how long ago. Rakdos also claims that she is the most beautiful (or sexy in this case) creature on Ravnica, and what better place to be then to be Rakdos' personal dancer? I don't know. He said it!
And now, it seems the demon's true purpose for the fox was to be revealed.
Rakdos: "Ha ha ha! Writh in pain, miserable whelp! Ahhh, isn't this a good pre-birthday gift for you, little fox?"
Fox Women (Wow. TOMORROW she'll be 18): *Sigh* " is."
Rakdos: "You know, I've had you around so long, the people who notice you outside my halls are getting quite an eye for you, my dear."
Fox Women: "I get that a lot."
Rakdos: "So here's MY little present for you....THIS!"
Fox Women: "What is that?"
Rakdos held a glowing orb of fire that revealed a large Cult structure.
Rakdos: "Surprised? It's my masterpiece! The Rakdos Grand Coliseum!"
Fox Women: "Are you giving me a coliseum? Surely you're being sarcastic. What's your plan, master?"
Rakdos: "I'm going to hold a tournament in which YOU will be the prize, my young fox!"
Fox Women: "You mean you're going to force me to whore myself off to the winner?"
Rakdos: "In a sense, yes. The winner will be your new master. I feel very generous and benevolent today. So especially benevolent, that anyone can enter. Not just my Cult pawns, but ANYONE! And I mean it! Your new master can be a goody-goody Boros soldier, or a.....tacky....Orzhov worm."
Fox Women: "Exactly when will this little contest be, oh great Guildmaster?"
She usually gave him lip. And usually, the monster would flick her (in size comparison, flicking would still sting. A lot) for sassing him. But this time, he just sat back in his throne and rubbed his chin a little.
Rakdos: "You do have a point for once, little missy. When WILL I hold this tournament? It's early morning, isn't it? 7 'o clock, right? Well then, tomorrow, at 10 'o clock sharp, the tournament of death will start. How's that? Good? Great? Explosively joyful!? I'll miss your little tails wagging in my palace. Now dance for me, Selena!"
Selena: " last time...." *starts to dance*
Demon Jester: "Oh! Oh! Over here!" *holds out a dollar bill*
Rakdos: "What are you looking at? Go spread the word about the tournament!"
Demon Jester: "Y-y-yes, Lord Rakdos!" *scampers away*
Meanwhile, Vector and Charmy were running from a group of hunters who mistook Vector for a "freak of a Grayscaled Gharial". They just ran from them.
Vector: "For the last time, I'm NOT a whatever you call it!"
Charmy: "Yeah! And I'm just, uhhhh.....what he said!"
Vector: "They aren't buying it. I wonder if Espio is having better luck then we are..."
Apparently, they kinda were. Vanilla was with her daughter, and Espio as well. They were all "washed up" so to speak. Man....a lot of places in the city of Guilds are deserted. What's the deal? Anyway, they were in the lake, floating. They finally reached the shore.
Cream: "Mother!"
Vanilla: "Cream! I'm so glad you're ok."
They were floating in on SOMETHING, anyway. Espio dried himself off after reaching the shore.
Espio: "In case of emergency, Chuck Norris may be used as a floatation device."
Chuck Norris was still as a solid brick. He floated in the water, barely breaking the surface tension of the water. He stared up into the sky, his eyes weren't blinking. But he was still alive.
Ooooooookay.......Now on to Team Necro and Von Dyke....
Anth: "WOW! This place is huge!"
Von Dyke: "I say, Master Anth. A major part of this crowd of people strikingly resemble those cards of yours."
Grounder: "Got that one, too."
Scratch: "There's a vedalken....a Boros legionnaire...OH!!! LOOK!!! THERE'S A SKY HUSSAR!!!"
Anth: "Got it, got it, got it..."
Von Dyke: "Shall we proceed through this mess of people now? Master Tails and Miss Cosmo landed somewhere near here."
Anth: "This is an intersection between a Boros Garrison and one of Rakdos' restaurants. It's one of the pleasant ones, as the Boros regularly patrol near there. I bet that we could find them there."
Von Dyke: "Splendid! I think that you are a fine scholar in this world of Ravnica, Master Anth."
They pushed their way into the crowd in the direction of the restaurant. And yes: Tails, Cosmo, and Sharp-Tail were at the restaurant. They also picked up some loose change that was left behind the crash site. Who would have thunk it? The three were seated at one of the tables. Not waiting for food, but just waiting for a plan.
Tails: "Where are we?"
Cosmo: "This place looks dangerous. Are you sure we will be safe here?"
Sharp-Tail: "Just stick close to me. I'll keep you both safe."
Then the Kitsune-bito's ears picked something up.
Tails: "What is it?"
Sharp-Tail: "Shhh! Listen!"
Tails obeyed. He listened for what it was that Sharp-Tail wanted him to hear. This was no problem with those big radars attached to his head.
Tails: "All I can hear is gossip."
Sharp-Tail: "No....Listen to those two over there...."
He did. Listening closer, he heard...
Figure one: "So, did you get the news about that tournament Lord Rakdos is holding?"
Figure two: "Yeah. I did. Did you hear about what the prize was?"
Figure one: "Absolutely! The winner of this blood-bath gets to keep his personal dancer! Who was she again?"
Figure two: "You dumb-bell! She is a fox! I've seen her once or twice."
Figure one: "Oh yeah! Now I remember! She's a real beaut, that one. Strange thing is, she has two tails! What was her name? Selena? Oh yeah! Selena!"
Figure two: "And would ya look at her hair? B-E-A-utiful! Especially those three hairs on the tip of her head."
Figure one: "Yep! It's said she has a locket that has a picture of her family in it. For some reason though, only a baby fox shows. The rest was torn off. I first thought it was her little brother, but I was told just yesterday by Rakdos' jester that it's her cousin. And wouldn't ya know it? His name is 'Miles'!"
Figure two: "'Miles'? What a funny name!" *looks at Tails, but the fox turned around quick enough that the figure didn't get suspicious* "Speak of the devil! Grag, look at that kid over there!"
Grag: "By the Chord of the Conclave! Snog, that boy looks just like Selena! Except that he's a boy, he's a lot shorter, and he's ten years younger!"
Snog: "And looky here! At 10 'o clock tomorrow, the fight starts. Whoever survives the tournament gets her! The losers die. Either killed in the arena, or by Rakdos himself."
Back to Tails, he was in a state between shock and excitement. One of his family members was still alive! And on the same planet!
Cosmo: "Tails? What's wrong?"
Sharp-Tail: "I suppose you heard all of that?"
Tails: *Sniff* "I don't believe it. My cousin is still alive! But.....she's going to be given away like a slave? Who would do that to her?"
Sharp_Tail sat up in a stern manner. In his eyes burned the passion of the honor and nobility of the Kitsune-bito.
Sharp-Tail: "By the honor of my family and my great ancestor, the legendary Eight-and-a-half Tails, I will fight in that tournament. Sold as a slave, will she? Away from her long-lost cousin, will she? Not this time. Not ever. I'm going to save her life from a living hell no matter what."
Cosmo: "You would do that? But it's dangerous. If what that guy said was true, the people in the tournament are going to kill eachother for her! Why....why must there be violence for one person? Who would do such a thing?"
Anth: "A demon, that's who!"
The zombie appeared right next to Tails. One minute he wasn't there, then BAM!!!! There he was. Tails was so caught off guard, he stumbled back so far he and Cosmo fell to the floor.
Anth: "Rakdos the Defiler is a brute. A real demon of a demon. He tortures people; just for fun! And his Guild, The Cult of Rakdos, is the same."
Sharp-Tail: "What took you guys?"
Tails: "And how do you kno-" *turns head* *blushes*
He was right on top of Cosmo. And I must say, their faces were awfully close. :)
Cosmo: "Uhhhhh...."
Tails: "Uhhh... Heh heh, sorry Cosmo...." *gets up*
Cosmo: "It's ok." *takes his hand and he helps her up*
Anth: "Well..."
Team Necro: "We're real Magic: The Gathering Wizards!!!"
Sharp-Tail: "Keep it down!"
Surprisingly, no one was staring. Not the most interesting fellows, Team Necro.
Von Dyke: *In a low voice* "It's that silly card game they practice. And it appears that the card game is based on real-live worlds."
Sharp-Tail: "And my race as well."
Anth: "Well we got here about the time Kitsune-bito here started to say something along the lines of saving your cousin's kester at the big arena tomorrow."
Tails: "Then I guess we have a plan now. Anth, why not you, Scratch and Grounder search the rest of Ravnica for everyone else. The rest of us can find Weresheep."
Anth: "Sounds like a plan, little man."
Scratch: "Sure!"
Grounder: "Can Von Dyke come with?"
Von Dyke: "I'm afraid not. I'd rather aid in the search for Sir Weresheep. Only then can we obtain a solid plan in our scouring for the Ancient Stone....wherever it is."
Grounder: "Ok....."
Anth: "Then let's get going. People can't find themselves, ya know!"
Team Necro left.
Well, that's done and done. Meanwhile, Knux and Storm had some problems of their own....
Storm: "Uh oh! Where did these guys come from?"
Knux: "So it's a fight they want, eh? Well then it's a fight they'll get!"
They were surrounded by a mob of Gruul Clan bastards.
Knux: "I'll take the ugly one."
Storm: "That means all of them!"
Knux: "Now you're catching on."
It was a fight they wanted, and it was a fight they got. Knux and Storm came out the victors. Yeah.....I don't like to waste my time on such fight scenes.
Jet: "That's the biggest haul ever!"
Wave: "That thing can really lift."
Chaos was carrying Wave's load. He didn't seem to strain at all.
Tikal: "Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't like the idea of stealing."
Jet: "Of course it's ok! Didn't you read these past couple of episodes? Weresheep hates the Orbov or whatever they're called because of their ill-gotten riches. So a little 'theft' is no big deal."
Wave: "And besides: Treasure is treasure! :)"
Tikal: "I still don't like it..."
Jet: "Whatever. Just come on."
Storm: "Boss! There you are!"
Knux: "Hey you two!"
Chaos: *Hand sign meaning "PIECE OUT, YA'LL!!!"*
Tikal: "Something's not right here...."
Knux: "What is it?"
Tikal: "It's the end of the episode!"
Everyone: -_-;
No longer doing the "End of episode preview" thing. It's a lost cause. I'll still do the, "Last time on Weresheep X" thing, though.
Anth, Von Dyke, Scratch and Grounder landed near an Azorious Guard house.
Tails and Cosmo, also Sharp-Tail, landed near a Rakdos of the more, "pleasant" ones.
Vector and Charmy, well, they landed in one of the sewer systems.
Shadow and Rouge landed in the Simic main laboratory and Guild "base", Novijen.
Vanilla, Chuck Norris, Cream and Espio splashed in a lake that was near Novijen.
Sonic and Blaze also landed at Novijen.
Amy and Murry crashed into a river that flowed through a part of one of Selesnya's preserves.
Jet and Wave, lucky for them, had made impact directly into the Orzhov installation that got blasted. All of it's riches, theirs. Tikal and Chaos also landed there, but they didn't steal my knowledge.
Storm and Knux were sent into the middle of a Gruul Clan Camp.
Uhura, Data, Carl Whenslow and I are one of the deserted streets.
Weresheep: "Status, Mr. Data."
Data: "My sensors indicate that everyone is alright. However, they all seemed to be seperated in groups. It could be a while before everyone is united.
Uhura: "No hostiles at the moment, sir."
Carl: "This place is ruined. Just the place for repairs."
Weresheep: "I wonder if RAI_man and the others managed to make it?..."
At RAI_man and his group...
RAI_man: "Great. This isn't working, guys."
Bignut: "None of these damn things are even working right!"
Chris: "And to think this would work....Wait, I've got an idea!"
Flaming_Stick_Guy: "You'd better not be kidding, or else I'll set myself on fire all over your @$$."
Chris: "Just follow me."
Back to me....
Weresheep: "No matter. Where's everyon-"
BANG!!!!! In came a Gruul Clan ogre.
Carl: "What the Hell's goin' on?"
Weresheep: "Mr. Data, you and Uhura fight this thing. Me and Carl will start the repairs on the ship."
Uhura: "WHAT!?"
Data: "Understood, sir."
Uhura: "Why do we have to fight it?"
Lando: "We'll last a lot longer against that thing then we will against that Imperial Star Destroyer!"
Weresheep: "When did you get here? What Star Destroyer?"
That doesn't really Rix Maadi, Rakdos' little "playhouse of Hell"...
The place was cooking as usual. Rakdos the Defiler, the Guildmaster of the Cult of Rakdos, sat on the throne as another impudent human was being tortured to death.
Rakdos: "That's right, little human. Praise Piconjo, will you? Ohh, I'll praise something, alright. Praise the screaming if you deserve it!!"
Piconjo lover: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
TV: "Charles in Charge! Ba na na! Charles in Charge! Da na na!"
Piconjo lover: "NOOOOOOO!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"
Commercial; don't be a Piconjo lover, or the Demon will make you watch reruns of "Charles in Charge".
The fox from episode two was just watching from her own personal vantage point at Rakdos' side. She was dressed like some hooker you might find at the dollar-in-strip bars like the ones near the county market (and that's pretty slutty without revealing everything). She was also forced to wear an iron collar that was attached to a long chain, the chain in Rakdos' mighty and large hand. Hey, what would you expect her to wear when you're under the control of a powerful demon? What's her job and why hasn't Rakdos simply killed her yet? Because she dances for the big oaf, that's why! Rakdos took in, or rather "abducted" the poor fox when I don't know how long ago. Rakdos also claims that she is the most beautiful (or sexy in this case) creature on Ravnica, and what better place to be then to be Rakdos' personal dancer? I don't know. He said it!
And now, it seems the demon's true purpose for the fox was to be revealed.
Rakdos: "Ha ha ha! Writh in pain, miserable whelp! Ahhh, isn't this a good pre-birthday gift for you, little fox?"
Fox Women (Wow. TOMORROW she'll be 18): *Sigh* " is."
Rakdos: "You know, I've had you around so long, the people who notice you outside my halls are getting quite an eye for you, my dear."
Fox Women: "I get that a lot."
Rakdos: "So here's MY little present for you....THIS!"
Fox Women: "What is that?"
Rakdos held a glowing orb of fire that revealed a large Cult structure.
Rakdos: "Surprised? It's my masterpiece! The Rakdos Grand Coliseum!"
Fox Women: "Are you giving me a coliseum? Surely you're being sarcastic. What's your plan, master?"
Rakdos: "I'm going to hold a tournament in which YOU will be the prize, my young fox!"
Fox Women: "You mean you're going to force me to whore myself off to the winner?"
Rakdos: "In a sense, yes. The winner will be your new master. I feel very generous and benevolent today. So especially benevolent, that anyone can enter. Not just my Cult pawns, but ANYONE! And I mean it! Your new master can be a goody-goody Boros soldier, or a.....tacky....Orzhov worm."
Fox Women: "Exactly when will this little contest be, oh great Guildmaster?"
She usually gave him lip. And usually, the monster would flick her (in size comparison, flicking would still sting. A lot) for sassing him. But this time, he just sat back in his throne and rubbed his chin a little.
Rakdos: "You do have a point for once, little missy. When WILL I hold this tournament? It's early morning, isn't it? 7 'o clock, right? Well then, tomorrow, at 10 'o clock sharp, the tournament of death will start. How's that? Good? Great? Explosively joyful!? I'll miss your little tails wagging in my palace. Now dance for me, Selena!"
Selena: " last time...." *starts to dance*
Demon Jester: "Oh! Oh! Over here!" *holds out a dollar bill*
Rakdos: "What are you looking at? Go spread the word about the tournament!"
Demon Jester: "Y-y-yes, Lord Rakdos!" *scampers away*
Meanwhile, Vector and Charmy were running from a group of hunters who mistook Vector for a "freak of a Grayscaled Gharial". They just ran from them.
Vector: "For the last time, I'm NOT a whatever you call it!"
Charmy: "Yeah! And I'm just, uhhhh.....what he said!"
Vector: "They aren't buying it. I wonder if Espio is having better luck then we are..."
Apparently, they kinda were. Vanilla was with her daughter, and Espio as well. They were all "washed up" so to speak. Man....a lot of places in the city of Guilds are deserted. What's the deal? Anyway, they were in the lake, floating. They finally reached the shore.
Cream: "Mother!"
Vanilla: "Cream! I'm so glad you're ok."
They were floating in on SOMETHING, anyway. Espio dried himself off after reaching the shore.
Espio: "In case of emergency, Chuck Norris may be used as a floatation device."
Chuck Norris was still as a solid brick. He floated in the water, barely breaking the surface tension of the water. He stared up into the sky, his eyes weren't blinking. But he was still alive.
Ooooooookay.......Now on to Team Necro and Von Dyke....
Anth: "WOW! This place is huge!"
Von Dyke: "I say, Master Anth. A major part of this crowd of people strikingly resemble those cards of yours."
Grounder: "Got that one, too."
Scratch: "There's a vedalken....a Boros legionnaire...OH!!! LOOK!!! THERE'S A SKY HUSSAR!!!"
Anth: "Got it, got it, got it..."
Von Dyke: "Shall we proceed through this mess of people now? Master Tails and Miss Cosmo landed somewhere near here."
Anth: "This is an intersection between a Boros Garrison and one of Rakdos' restaurants. It's one of the pleasant ones, as the Boros regularly patrol near there. I bet that we could find them there."
Von Dyke: "Splendid! I think that you are a fine scholar in this world of Ravnica, Master Anth."
They pushed their way into the crowd in the direction of the restaurant. And yes: Tails, Cosmo, and Sharp-Tail were at the restaurant. They also picked up some loose change that was left behind the crash site. Who would have thunk it? The three were seated at one of the tables. Not waiting for food, but just waiting for a plan.
Tails: "Where are we?"
Cosmo: "This place looks dangerous. Are you sure we will be safe here?"
Sharp-Tail: "Just stick close to me. I'll keep you both safe."
Then the Kitsune-bito's ears picked something up.
Tails: "What is it?"
Sharp-Tail: "Shhh! Listen!"
Tails obeyed. He listened for what it was that Sharp-Tail wanted him to hear. This was no problem with those big radars attached to his head.
Tails: "All I can hear is gossip."
Sharp-Tail: "No....Listen to those two over there...."
He did. Listening closer, he heard...
Figure one: "So, did you get the news about that tournament Lord Rakdos is holding?"
Figure two: "Yeah. I did. Did you hear about what the prize was?"
Figure one: "Absolutely! The winner of this blood-bath gets to keep his personal dancer! Who was she again?"
Figure two: "You dumb-bell! She is a fox! I've seen her once or twice."
Figure one: "Oh yeah! Now I remember! She's a real beaut, that one. Strange thing is, she has two tails! What was her name? Selena? Oh yeah! Selena!"
Figure two: "And would ya look at her hair? B-E-A-utiful! Especially those three hairs on the tip of her head."
Figure one: "Yep! It's said she has a locket that has a picture of her family in it. For some reason though, only a baby fox shows. The rest was torn off. I first thought it was her little brother, but I was told just yesterday by Rakdos' jester that it's her cousin. And wouldn't ya know it? His name is 'Miles'!"
Figure two: "'Miles'? What a funny name!" *looks at Tails, but the fox turned around quick enough that the figure didn't get suspicious* "Speak of the devil! Grag, look at that kid over there!"
Grag: "By the Chord of the Conclave! Snog, that boy looks just like Selena! Except that he's a boy, he's a lot shorter, and he's ten years younger!"
Snog: "And looky here! At 10 'o clock tomorrow, the fight starts. Whoever survives the tournament gets her! The losers die. Either killed in the arena, or by Rakdos himself."
Back to Tails, he was in a state between shock and excitement. One of his family members was still alive! And on the same planet!
Cosmo: "Tails? What's wrong?"
Sharp-Tail: "I suppose you heard all of that?"
Tails: *Sniff* "I don't believe it. My cousin is still alive! But.....she's going to be given away like a slave? Who would do that to her?"
Sharp_Tail sat up in a stern manner. In his eyes burned the passion of the honor and nobility of the Kitsune-bito.
Sharp-Tail: "By the honor of my family and my great ancestor, the legendary Eight-and-a-half Tails, I will fight in that tournament. Sold as a slave, will she? Away from her long-lost cousin, will she? Not this time. Not ever. I'm going to save her life from a living hell no matter what."
Cosmo: "You would do that? But it's dangerous. If what that guy said was true, the people in the tournament are going to kill eachother for her! Why....why must there be violence for one person? Who would do such a thing?"
Anth: "A demon, that's who!"
The zombie appeared right next to Tails. One minute he wasn't there, then BAM!!!! There he was. Tails was so caught off guard, he stumbled back so far he and Cosmo fell to the floor.
Anth: "Rakdos the Defiler is a brute. A real demon of a demon. He tortures people; just for fun! And his Guild, The Cult of Rakdos, is the same."
Sharp-Tail: "What took you guys?"
Tails: "And how do you kno-" *turns head* *blushes*
He was right on top of Cosmo. And I must say, their faces were awfully close. :)
Cosmo: "Uhhhhh...."
Tails: "Uhhh... Heh heh, sorry Cosmo...." *gets up*
Cosmo: "It's ok." *takes his hand and he helps her up*
Anth: "Well..."
Team Necro: "We're real Magic: The Gathering Wizards!!!"
Sharp-Tail: "Keep it down!"
Surprisingly, no one was staring. Not the most interesting fellows, Team Necro.
Von Dyke: *In a low voice* "It's that silly card game they practice. And it appears that the card game is based on real-live worlds."
Sharp-Tail: "And my race as well."
Anth: "Well we got here about the time Kitsune-bito here started to say something along the lines of saving your cousin's kester at the big arena tomorrow."
Tails: "Then I guess we have a plan now. Anth, why not you, Scratch and Grounder search the rest of Ravnica for everyone else. The rest of us can find Weresheep."
Anth: "Sounds like a plan, little man."
Scratch: "Sure!"
Grounder: "Can Von Dyke come with?"
Von Dyke: "I'm afraid not. I'd rather aid in the search for Sir Weresheep. Only then can we obtain a solid plan in our scouring for the Ancient Stone....wherever it is."
Grounder: "Ok....."
Anth: "Then let's get going. People can't find themselves, ya know!"
Team Necro left.
Well, that's done and done. Meanwhile, Knux and Storm had some problems of their own....
Storm: "Uh oh! Where did these guys come from?"
Knux: "So it's a fight they want, eh? Well then it's a fight they'll get!"
They were surrounded by a mob of Gruul Clan bastards.
Knux: "I'll take the ugly one."
Storm: "That means all of them!"
Knux: "Now you're catching on."
It was a fight they wanted, and it was a fight they got. Knux and Storm came out the victors. Yeah.....I don't like to waste my time on such fight scenes.
Jet: "That's the biggest haul ever!"
Wave: "That thing can really lift."
Chaos was carrying Wave's load. He didn't seem to strain at all.
Tikal: "Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't like the idea of stealing."
Jet: "Of course it's ok! Didn't you read these past couple of episodes? Weresheep hates the Orbov or whatever they're called because of their ill-gotten riches. So a little 'theft' is no big deal."
Wave: "And besides: Treasure is treasure! :)"
Tikal: "I still don't like it..."
Jet: "Whatever. Just come on."
Storm: "Boss! There you are!"
Knux: "Hey you two!"
Chaos: *Hand sign meaning "PIECE OUT, YA'LL!!!"*
Tikal: "Something's not right here...."
Knux: "What is it?"
Tikal: "It's the end of the episode!"
Everyone: -_-;
No longer doing the "End of episode preview" thing. It's a lost cause. I'll still do the, "Last time on Weresheep X" thing, though.
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Flaming_Stick_Guy on July 6, 2006, 2:21:41 AM