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Chapter 14 - Send in the....uhh.....Eggs?

BEHOLD! A brand new series! Takes place after "The Weresheep Anniversary Dance." Inside the strange ship "Dragoon", the Sonic Heroes, me, and a couple others set off to space. This is the Ravnica saga, taking place on the planet known as Ravnica. More rom

Chapter 14 - Send in the....uhh.....Eggs?

Chapter 14 - Send in the....uhh.....Eggs?
Last time on Weresheep X, when the Heroes in the Dragoon settled down to watch the last match of the Coliseum. Everyone was more then ready to leave the crowded Ravnica. Shadow got burnt like toast by Blaze, and Anth had to carry him back over his shoulder. And I also got this feeling that Dr. Eggman had something cooked up at the Coliseum, so me, Mr. Spock and Mr. Data went there just to be sure. And indeed; Eggman had something planned.

Weresheep: "It's a Sonic robot!"

In the prison where Selena was held at....

Selena: *Looking out the barred window* "Hey! That's not the Arena Champion!"

Cosmo: "It's not?"

Tails: "What!!? Hold on, let me take this sound dampener Weresheep gave me!!" *takes out dampeners, which are in his ears* "Oops. Sorry I yelled. What happened?"

Selena: "Tails, what is that? It's not the Arena Champion."

Tails: "Let me see." *looks out the window* "Ah! That's probably one of Eggman's robots!"

Selena: "'Eggman'?"

Tails: "Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you about him...."

Selena: "You can tell me later."

Cosmo: "Oh no. He might be in real trouble."

Tails: [Why would Eggman want to replace the Champion with one of his robots?]

Voice inside Tails' head: "If you can even call it one of Eggman's robots."

Tails: [Ahhhh! W-who are you?]

Voice inside Tails' head: "It's me, Santa! Ho ho ho! Just making a routine check on your mind, Tails. That way I know if someone's really as nice as they appear."

Tails: [Uhh...I guess it makes sense.]

Santa in Tails' head: "Ho ho ho! All done! See you next year, Tails!"

Tails: [Goodbye!]

Cosmo: "Tails, is something wrong?"

Tails: "N-no. I'm fine. I'm just thinking..."

Back to the middle of the arena.

Rakdos: "Hm? What is this? That worm is not the Champion. Arrrrrgh! What is going on here!?!?"

As if to answer the demon lord's question, a huge moniter came down from above the Coliseum.

Jet: "W-w-wha!?"

Data: "It would appear that I am correct."

Wave: "Oh shut up."

The moniter floated a few feet away from Rakdos' head, while smaller moniters floated stationary above the arena. They turned on, revealing that all too familiar evil scientist.

Eggman: "Oh ho ho ho! I'm sorry, you don't like your new champion?"

Rakdos: "How dare you replace my great champion with that silly toy of yours? Who are you, anyway?"

Eggman: "Mu ha ha ha! Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius in the world!"

Rakdos: "Buh ha ha ha! Eggman! Such a foolish human name! Is this what it's like outside this world? I suppose others have such names as yours?"

Eggman: "Grrr! Why you little-! I am the one holding all of the cards here. I would watch my tongue if I were you."

Rakdos: "Pah! You? A pathetic egg human? I think not."

Eggman: "Oh really? Look above you, you silly sought, and then we'll see who's pathetic."

Everyone looked up and saw the Egg Cruiser in the sky. But it didn't remain that way for long. A few moments later, the spaceship was engulfed in an orb of energy. When the ship was visible, it was no longer the Egg Cruiser. It had changed from a simple vessel into a massive battlestation! One that resembled Eggman's face.

Eggman: "Behold my great masterpiece! Egg Utopia!"

People in the crowd started to chatter and say stuff like "Oh no!", and "Aghhhh!", etc.

Weresheep: "So that's what he had in mind....We underestimated Croix's power. He's never changed one of Eggman's inventions like that before."

Vector: "Oh great. Just great. MORE trouble."

Weresheep: "Mr. Data, Mr. Spock, set phazors to 'kill', but watch your aim."

Spock & Data: "Aye, sir."

Egg pawns and mechaniloids appeared out of balls of light all around the coliseum. They attacked!

Eggman: "Do you think you can beat me, Rakdos?"

Rakdos: "I'll make you suffer for this!"

Eggman: "Ha ha ha! You won't get the chance to! Because my robots will do away with you and your meager army. Muh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" *moniters turn off*

Rakdos: "Arrrghhh!! Take your posts, all of you!"

In the prison cell....

Selena: "Ah! What are those things?"

Tails: "Egg pawns. Eggman's robot army has attacked, and some of his ally's--a human robot called a Reploid known as Sigma-- has sent some of his mechaniloids as well."

Cosmo: "Tails, we must get back in the armor. It may be our only chance."

Tails: "Right."

As soon as Tails got on Cosmo's shoulders, Grag burst into the room.

Grag: "Hurry, bud! We need to get the hell outta here! And take her with us! Rakdos' orders!"

Tails: "Uh, erm, ahem. Hmph!"

He grabbed Selena's arm and (gently, though forcefully) tugged her out the exit with Grag.

Grag: "Okay, buddy. It's time to light the place up!"

Tails: [Uh oh...]

Selena: *Leaning in close to Tails* "That armor, if I'm not mistaken, is the source of the man's power. It greatly increases the wearer's strength."

Cosmo: [No wonder I can hold Tails for so long!]

Tails: "And Weresheep DID say that he stole the armor from the original owner..."

Grag: "Come on, bud. We needs ta get outta here! If that gal is harmed before the tournament ends, we would be in for it!"

Tails: "Uh, hmm." *nod*

Well, simply put, Tails was doing ok for a fox on a slightly clumsy plant girl's shoulders whilst wearing a magic suit of armor. But most of the victories came out of dumb luck. Cosmo is still clumsy, after all. Such as when and Egg pawn swung at him, Cosmo (coincidentaly) made a wrong step and Tails swayed out of the way and knocked another Egg Pawn that was ready to fire, thus destroying the attacking robot.

Grag: "Just like the Goblin parades back home, eh buddy?"

Tails: *In disguised voice* "Uh, ahurrm!"

Meanwhile, Spock, Data and I were kicking @$$.

Data grabbed a robot and lifted it into the air above his head. The robot hilariously swiveled it's arms around, but Data didn't let go. He ripped it in half.

Wave: "Ack! I didn't know he could do that!"

Weresheep: "Then maybe you should shut up for at least 2 minutes and learn!"

Data: "He is correct. I am capable of lifting several times my own weight, as well as many other things."

Wave: "Well whooptie freakin' do."

At the Dragoon...

Anth: "Hey, would ya look at this show. I didn't know that they had one where a group of heroes battled Eggman's robots!"

Shadow: "That's because Eggman's made his move, dumbass!"

Storm: "Then we need ta get over there!"

Knux: "Pronto!"

In Sonic and Blaze's room...

Sonic laid in his bed, still unconsious from the intoxication. Blaze sat next to him on the bed. She stared at Sonic, worried about when he'd wake up.

Blaze: "Sonic..."

Sonic: "......"

After stirring a little, he opened his eyes.

Sonic: "Uhhh...what....what happened? AH! Why do I have a massive headache?"

He got out of bed and had his hand on his head.

Sonic: "Ugghhh...."

Blaze: "Sonic! You shouldn't be up!"

Blaze ran to Sonic and caught him just as he started to collapsed.

Sonic: "Woooooh...I'm...I'm alright....just a little dizzy."

Blaze: "Just lay down for a minute, I'll be right back." *lays him down on the bed*

Sonic: "I don't like being weak like this..."

The door to their room suddenly opened.

Cream: "Blaze! Mr. Sonic! Something's happened! Eggman attacked everyone at the Coliseum!"

Sonic: "Ughgh, what!? Gahhhh..."

Blaze: "You just stay right here, Sonic. Cream, go somewhere safe."

Cream: "But why-"

Blaze: "Please, just do it. Watch this room and make sure Sonic doesn't leave, ok?"

Cream: "Ok. Please be careful."

Blaze: "I will be....Cream."

Cream: "Yes?"

Blaze: "Don't look, ok?"

Cream: "Um, ok." *turns around*

Blaze leaned down on the bed and kissed Sonic.

Blaze: *Pulling back* "I'll be back."

And with that, she zipped out of there.

Back at the Coliseum...

Weresheep: "This isn't good...."

Wave: "Stop worrying already! We're winning!"

Weresheep: "We won't 'win' unless we know what Eggman is up to."

Spock: "Unless we can find out, he'll get away with it." *fires another phazor blast*

Weresheep: "Wait....I think I know! Mr. Spock, Mr. Data, hold the ground here."

Data: "Aye, sir. Where are you going?"

Weresheep: "No time!" *runs off*

Spock: "Be careful, sir."

Weresheep: *While running*

Back to Tails' group....

Tails: [This doesn't seem right...]

Cosmo was surprised at the fact that she wasn't getting tired at all (due to the armor) and at the fact that they were "getting lucky" whenever a robot took a shot at them. Which was due to the flower girl's clumsyness.

Grag: "I don't like this,'s too easy....."

Selena: "Well you're supposed to be smart."

Then there came a sound....distant at first, then it grew and grew until it was very loud (to Tails and Selena, that is).

Selena: "Agghhh! That's way too loud for me!"

Grag: "What's that!"

Weresheep: "Crap!" *just now getting there*

Lots of mechanical red arms came out of nowhere and grabbed Selena.

Tails: [Selena!] "Cosmo, hold on to me!"

He and Grag tried to hold on to Selena, and then I joined in. After a bit of tug-of-war, more arms appeared and pulled us through, but...

Weresheep: *Pulling out comms device* "Mr. Spock! Inform everyone that me, along with Tails, Cosmo, Selena and the.....other guy have been taken aboard Egg Utopia and that Eggman's plan was to capture Selena and use her for bait! End of transmission!"


Weresheep: "Ooooo, I hope I live."


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